
鄺文珣(Kwong Man Chun)

鄺文珣(Kwong Man Chun,1975年4月3日—),香港女演員,前無線電視藝員,曾演出電影、電視劇、廣告和音樂錄像帶女主角。 鄺文珣為人熟悉的戲劇角色,是處境倫理劇《真情》裡飾演安仔(劉愷威飾)的女朋友Joan。其美貌和演技廣為人知後,演出機會漸多,計有《鹿鼎記》的可愛郡主沐劍屏、《聊齋(貳)》之綠野飛仙的閒靜鳥仙秦吉鳥、《洗冤錄》的溫柔郡主趙心如,還有《洛神》的桑柔等。2002年拍畢《洛神》后,約滿無線電視並毅然離開娛樂圈。 鄺文珣1995年與香港男演員劉愷威交往,兩人在拍攝電視劇《真情》時認識,期間日久生情,及後發展成為戀人。2006年12月24日平安夜與商人應德榮結婚,現育有兩子一女。 2002年7月,在台灣發行其首張專輯《幸福後樂園》。 2022年宣佈復出娛樂圈,簽約藝人王祖藍旗下的手工藝創作。 简体: 邝文珣(Kwong Man Chun,1975年4月3日—),香港女演员,前无线电视艺员,曾演出电影、电视剧、广告和音乐录像带女主角。 邝文珣为人熟悉的戏剧角色,是处境伦理剧《真情》里饰演安仔(刘恺威饰)的女朋友Joan。其美貌和演技广为人知后,演出机会渐多,计有《鹿鼎记》的可爱郡主沐剑屏、《聊斋(贰)》之绿野飞仙的闲静鸟仙秦吉鸟、《洗冤录》的温柔郡主赵心如,还有《洛神》的桑柔等。2002年拍毕《洛神》后,约满无线电视并毅然离开娱乐圈。 邝文珣1995年与香港男演员刘恺威交往,两人在拍摄电视剧《真情》时认识,期间日久生情,及后发展成为恋人。2006年12月24日平安夜与商人应德荣结婚,现育有两子一女。 2002年7月,在台湾发行其首张专辑《幸福后乐园》。 2022年宣布复出娱乐圈,签约艺人王祖蓝旗下的手工艺创作。 Kwong Man Chun邝文珣 (April 3, 1975), Hong Kong actress, a former radio artist, performed the female protagonist of movies, TV series, advertising and music video belt. The familiar drama role of Kwong Man Chun is Joan, the girlfriend of An Tsai (Liu Kaiwei) in the ethical drama "True Love". After its beauty and acting skills are widely known, there are many opportunities to perform. Zhao Xinru, the gentleman of the gentle county, and Sang Rou in "Luo Shen". After filming "Luo Shen" in 2002, it was full of TVB and resolutely left the entertainment industry. Kwong Man Chun had a relationship with Hong Kong actor Liu Kaiwei in 1995. When filming the TV series "True Love", the two met. On December 24, 2006, Kwong Man Chun married Derong Ying Derong, and there were two sons and one daughter. In July 2002, his first album "Happy Paradise" was released in Taiwan. In 2022, it was announced Kwong Man Chun had returned to the entertainment industry and sign the artist Wang Zulan's handicraft creation.

朱頂鶴Zhu Dinghe

朱頂鶴Zhu Dinghe(1899年-1969年8月24日),原名衛鶴頤,二次世界大戰前是粵劇、電影、歌唱明星,擅演諧角丑生,朱頂鶴的首本名曲有《盲公問米》及《客途秋恨》;電影處男作粵語文藝片《殘歌》(1935年);息影作粵語武俠片《神雕女俠》(1965年),一生演出40出電影。晚年退休前仍教授粵劇音樂及曲詞。1969年8月24日上午9時10分病逝於廣華醫院,享齡70歲;遺體在1969年8月26日下午2時在九龍殯儀館出殯。   朱頂鶴 參演過的電影: 心魔 (1937) 誰之過 (1937) 神秘之夜 (1937) 妻多夫賤續集 (1937)飾演四子 老婆皇帝 (1937) 神出鬼沒 (1937) 錢作怪 (1938) 好女十八嫁 (1938) 好女十八嫁續集 (1939) 大鬧水晶宮 (1939) 再析長亭柳 (1948) 飾演朱仙鶴 光棍姻緣 (1953) 飾演老朱 花債狀元還 (1958) 神雕女俠 (1965) 朱顶鹤Zhu Dinghe(1899年-1969年8月24日),原名卫鹤颐,二次世界大战前是粤剧、电影、歌唱明星,擅演谐角丑生,朱顶鹤的首本名曲有《盲公问米》及《客途秋恨》;电影处男作粤语文艺片《残歌》(1935年);息影作粤语武侠片《神雕女侠》(1965年),一生演出40出电影。晚年退休前仍教授粤剧音乐及曲词。1969年8月24日上午9时10分病逝于广华医院,享龄70岁;遗体在1969年8月26日下午2时在九龙殡仪馆出殡。   朱顶鹤 参演过的电影: 心魔 (1937) 谁之过 (1937) 神秘之夜 (1937) 妻多夫贱续集 (1937)饰演四子 老婆皇帝 (1937) 神出鬼没 (1937) 钱作怪 (1938) 好女十八嫁 (1938) 好女十八嫁续集 (1939) 大闹水晶宫 (1939) 再析长亭柳 (1948) 饰演朱仙鹤 光棍姻缘 (1953) 饰演老朱 花债状元还 (1958) 神雕女侠 (1965) Zhu Dinghe朱頂鶴 ( 1899 - August 24 , 1969 ), formerly known as Wei Heyi, was a Cantonese opera, film, and singing star before the Second World War. He was good at playing ugly comedians. Zhu Dinghe's first famous song is "The Blind Man Asks for Rice" He made his film debut in the Cantonese literary film "The Lost Song" ( 1935 ), and his last film was in the Cantonese martial arts film "The Condor Heroine" ( 1965 ). He performed in 40 films in his lifetime. Before retiring in his later years, he still taught Cantonese opera music and lyrics. He died at Kwong Wah Hospital at 9:10 am on August 24, 1969 at the age of 70. His body was buried at the Kowloon Funeral Parlor at 2 pm on August 26 , 1969 .   Movies in which Zhudinghe has participated: The Demon (1937) Whose fault (1937) Mysterious Night (1937) The sequel to "Multiple Wives" (1937) as the fourth son Wife Emperor (1937) The Ghost (1937) Money Makes Mischief (1938) A Good Girl Marries at Eighteen (1938) A Good Girl Married at Eighteen Sequel (1939) Riot at the Crystal Palace (1939) Re-analysis of Changting Liu (1948) as Zhu Xianhe A Single Marriage (1953) as Lao Zhu The No. 1 Scholar Repays the Debt (1958) The Condor Woman (1965)


贺宾 He Bin

贺宾 He Bin(1917.7.20---1981.12.11)原名贺如松,又名贺章凯,湖南邵阳人。自小热爱戏剧,常在学校游艺会上演出节目。后来他到上海,便与戏剧结下了不解之缘。1936年加入中国旅行剧团,演出过《复活》、《祖国》等话剧。曾到香港演出了话剧《凤凰城》、《武则天》。后加入上海剧艺社,开始担任主角,演出了《茶花女》、《日出》等名剧。 1940年,拍摄的第一部影片《刺秦王》,相继他参加了《阎惜娇》、《三笑》、《梁红玉》、《合同记》的拍摄。后陆续拍摄了《隐身女侠》、《啼笑因缘》、《千里送京娘》、《中国罗宾汉》、《红拂传》、《风流寡妇》、《新隐身术》、《女僵尸》等影片。从而走红影坛。于是,他成了艺华公司的小生,与另外的孙敏、严化同为艺华小生三鼎足,也是唯一的硬派小生。1942年初,他应大成影片公司之邀,与王熙春主演了影片《梅花落》(上下集),又拍摄了《洞房花烛夜》、《人约黄昏后》等影片。在“中联”也拍摄了两部影片。 抗战胜利后的1946年,他重返影坛,应北平“中电”三厂之邀,与欧阳莎菲主演了影片《天字第一号》,1947年至1948年,他在“中电”三厂拍摄了《黑夜到天明》、《天桥》、《花落水流红》、《青梅竹马》、《神出鬼没》等影片。1951年,拍摄了《和平鸽》一片。1952年8月,他与夫人王莱一起赴香港。到港后,他在永华、新华、亚洲、电懋、艺华、邵氏等多家影片公司参加拍摄了六十多部影片,多扮演父亲或爷爷之类的角色。 上世纪70年代初期,他因身体有病,逐步退出影坛,70年代后期,他失去了记忆力,神经不太正常,外出总得有人陪伴,否则就迷路。1981年12月11日,他因心脏病引起脑溢血而病逝。一生拍摄了90多部影片,他是一位对中国影剧艺术很有贡献的演员。贺宾与王莱育有三子一女,长子贺英在香港任职律师,两位弟弟贺明、贺强。女儿贺岑结婚后移居伦敦。 参演过的电影: 除霸(1973年) 明日天涯(1973年) 轻烟(1972年) 大决斗(1971年) 玉女嬉春(1971年) 报仇(1970年) 金燕子(1968年) 多情的野猫(1960年) 关山行(1956年) 花落水流红(1948年) 千里送京娘(1940年) He Bin贺宾 (1917.7.20---1981.12.11), formerly known as He Rusong, also known as He Zhangkai, was born in Shaoyang, Hunan. He has been passionate about drama since he was a child and often performed in school performances. Later, when he arrived in Shanghai, he developed an indissoluble bond with drama. In 1936, he joined the China Traveling Theater Company and performed in plays such as "Resurrection" and "Motherland". He once went to Hong Kong to perform in the dramas "Phoenix City" and "Wu Zetian". Later, he joined the Shanghai Drama Society and began to play leading roles, performing in famous plays such as "La Traviata" and "Sunrise". In 1940, he shot the first film "Assassination of the King of Qin", and successively participated in the filming of "Yan Xijiao", "Three Smiles", "Liang Hongyu" and "Contract". Later, he successively filmed films such as "The Invisible Woman", "Laughing Karma", "A Thousand Miles Away", "Robin Hood of China", "The Legend of Red Whisk", "The Merry Widow", "The New Invisibility Technique", "Female Zombie" etc. . Thus becoming popular in the film industry. As a result, he became a niche student of Yihua Company. Together with Sun Min and Yan Hua, he was part of the trio of Yihua niche students, and he was also the only hard-core niche student. In early 1942, at the invitation of Dacheng Film Company, he starred in the film "Plum Blossoms Fall" (Part 1 and 2) with Wang Xichun, and also filmed films such as "The Wedding Night" and "A Date After Dusk". Two films were also filmed at "Zhonglian". In 1946, after the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, he returned to the film industry. At the invitation of "China Electronics" No. 3 Factory in Peiping, he starred in the film "Tianzi No. 1" with Ouyang Shafei. From 1947 to 1948, he starred in "China Electronics". "The Third Factory has filmed films such as "Night Till Dawn", "Flying Bridge", "Flowers Falling and Water Red", "Childhood Sweethearts", "Escape" and so on. In 1951, the film "Peace Dove" was filmed. In August 1952, he went to Hong Kong with his wife Wang Lai. After arriving in Hong Kong, he participated in the filming of more than 60 films in many film companies such as Yonghua, Xinhua, Asia, MP&M, Yihua, Shaw Brothers, etc., mostly playing roles such as father or grandfather. In the early 1970s, he gradually withdrew from the film industry due to physical illness. In the late 1970s, he lost his memory and became mentally unstable. He had to be accompanied when he went out, otherwise he would get lost. On December 11, 1981, he died of cerebral hemorrhage caused by heart disease. Having shot more than 90 films in his life, he is an actor who has made great contributions to the art of Chinese film and drama. He Bin and Wang Lai have three sons and one daughter. The eldest son He Ying is a lawyer in Hong Kong, and his two younger brothers He Ming and He Qiang. After her daughter He Cen got married, she moved to London. Films that have appeared in: Elimination of Hegemony ( 1973 ) Tomorrow's End ( 1973 ) Light Smoke ( 1972 ) The Great Duel ( 1971 ) The Jade Girl Rejoices in Spring ( 1971 ) Revenge ( 1970 ) Golden Swallow ( 1968 ) Passionate Wildcat ( 1960 ) Travel to Guanshan ( 1956 ) Flowers fall and water flows red ( 1948 ) A Thousand Miles Away to See My Lady in Beijing ( 1940 )


歌唱艺人 白光

歌唱艺人 白光:原名史永芬,号称“一代妖姬”,中国早期电影著名女演员、歌星。白光对其艺名的由来解释说:“因为我演过话剧之后要拍电影嘛!电影是什么?不就是一道白光射在银幕上嘛。好吧,我就叫白光吧。” 白光1920年出生于北平,学生时代她曾参加北平沙龙剧团,演出过曹禺的名剧《日出》,她在剧中扮演小东西。 从影以后,改用艺名白光,先后拍摄过二十多部影片,成名作是《桃李争春》;白光在剧中演反派,一鸣惊人。 白光参演的其他作品有《十三号凶宅》,白光在片中兼饰四角,过足了戏瘾。另一部影片《荡妇心》,是根据俄国作家托尔斯泰的小说《复活》改编的。这是第一部在香港西片院线上映的华人影片,连香港总督也前往捧场。 白光歌影兼优,与李香兰同拜一师(日本声乐家三浦环)研习声乐。白光唱歌别具魅力,影响力颇深,成为40年代上海歌坛的七大歌星之一(其他六位是周璇、白虹、龚秋霞、姚莉、李香兰、吴莺音)。白光每片必歌。在影片《桃李争春》、《十三号凶宅》、《悬崖勒马》、《626间谍网》中她都亮出了自己的歌喉。 1948年,白光和龚秋霞联袂主演了一部歌唱片《柳浪闻莺》,白光在该片中一共演唱了七支歌。龚秋霞是女高音,白光是女中音,二人相得益彰。 白光的代表作--电影:《荡妇心》、《一代妖姬》、《玫瑰花开》、《雨夜歌声》等。 歌曲:《怀念》、《秋夜》、《春》、《今夕何夕》、《如果没有你》、《假正经》、《葡萄美酒》、《魂萦旧梦》、《等著你回来》、《恋之火》等。 1999年8月27日,白光在移居马来西亚多年后在吉隆坡因结肠癌逝世,享年78岁,安葬于吉隆坡郊区的富贵山庄。墓地宽敞,占有九个双人墓穴,由中国设计师精心设计,材料也全部从中国进口,整个建筑显得美观而庄严:正中是白光的圆框遗像,靓丽动人的笑容栩栩如生;左首墓碑刻有“一代妖姬白光永芬史氏之墓”,具名是“永远爱你的知心人颜良龙立”;左右用楷体大字雕刻着一幅对联:“相好庄严,智慧殊胜”,下面的横幅是:“如意宝珠”四个大字。 沿着墓旁的石级而上,就可以看到在一块黑色的大理石上雕刻着墓志铭,墓志铭由她的夫君亲自撰写。内容节录如下:“生于一九二一年的歌影双星白光,走过动荡与繁华的岁月,从大时代的北平到今天的吉隆坡。白光为人至直,够风度、够帅、够豪放、够勇敢,是位传奇女子。白光在歌坛辉煌的成就比在影坛的成就更大,虎留皮,人留名,白光一直没有枉费此生,其愿已满。白光一九三七年赴日本留学,就读于东京日本大学音乐系,一九四二年第二次世界大战期间从事电影工作。《桃李争春》一片奠定了她的电影生涯,她天生丽质,貌美妙乐,艳光四射,魅力迫人。她以炉火纯青之演技与独特美妙之歌声风靡了无数的影迷和歌迷。一九五零年,战后的白光返香港分别担任电影制片、编剧、导演和女主角,赢得‘一代妖姬’、‘绝代尤物’之名,被冠为‘中国艺坛之光’……夫颜良龙立” 墓志铭下面铸有一排黑白相间的琴键,琴键上端刻有《如果没有你》的五线谱一行,那是因为白光生前曾经表示,在她演唱过的众多的歌曲中,《如果没有你》是她最喜爱的一首。如果按动石级上的琴键,立即会传出白光的悦耳动听的歌声:“如果没有你,日子怎么过?我的心也碎,我的事也不能做……”这一自动播放歌典的装置是特邀一位外国工程师设计,在当地尚属首创。 墓地四周种植了各种花草,并摆放了石桌和石椅。白光之墓建成后,前往凭吊和参观者络绎不绝—“琴墓”,就此成为吉隆坡的一处名人遗迹和文化景点。

程小龙 Ching Siu Lung

程小龙(Ronny Ching Siu Lung,1954年7月29日-),香港男演员、导演、监制及音效师。前无线电视艺员。 程小龙是导演程刚次子,兄长为武术指导兼导演程小东。他15岁便加入邵氏电影公司学习音效,20岁满师后主要负责电影视觉效果和烟火设计工作,至1980年代后期开始参与幕前演出,曾演过多套香港电影如“古惑仔”电影系列,1997年更加入无线电视,成为旗下艺员。他于1997年在《刑事侦缉档案III》中饰演北京公安队长“乔进”一角,被当时观众误以为是真正内地人。 2001年初,程小龙到北京德外大街建立北京龙音效文化传媒有限公司,开设录音室专门从事电视、电影及其他音效制作生意。他曾参与制作逾千套电影包括《旺角卡门》、《喋血街头》、《笑傲江湖II东方不败》和《花样年华》,并跟 吴宇森、王家卫、徐克和李翰祥等导演合作。2012年,他自言电影动效师行业将近失传,故望退休前能培育新血,遂透过网络平台免费招收学徒。 另外,程小龙于2016年曾获中国邮政挑选,发行以“圆梦中国 —— 百位最具影响力人物”为主题的限量版邮票。 程小龙参与参演过的电视剧: 1997年 香港人在广州饰演余颖钢 刑事侦缉档案III饰演乔 进(档案一:《北京狂情》) 1998年 天地豪情饰演龙 叔 陀枪师姐饰演郑忠义(第1集) 烈火雄心饰演颈 叔 廉政行动1998饰演卓 荣(单元五:《特别通道》) 1999年 宠物情缘饰演康锦成 刑事侦缉档案IV饰演王 祥 反黑先锋饰演基 哥 创世纪饰演张老板(第46、47集) 2000年 挞出爱火花饰演张 忠 陀枪师姐II饰演军火廖(第6 - 10集) 廉政追击饰演扒 哥(单元一:《阿郎故事》) FM701 马老板 2001年 倚天屠龙记饰演常金鹏 陀枪师姐III饰演贵利成(第13 - 25集) 婚前昏后饰演陈祥克(第21集) 勇探实录饰演跛子父亲(第8集) 2002年 烈火雄心II饰演陈德立(第5 - 8、11、12集) 2003年 洗冤录II饰演曹权威(第9集) 2011年 七号差馆饰演阿 铁 参与中国内地演出: 2004年 我的功夫女友饰演杜柏松 程小龙参与电影演出: 1980年 有料到 1988年 没有爸爸的村庄 1990年 省港旗兵4饰演黄正火 1992年 女校风云之邪教入侵 1993年 岁月风云之上海皇帝饰演华 1994年 淫狼心 1996年 古惑仔之人在江湖 饰演小 龙 1997年 回转寿尸 1998年 98古惑仔之龙争虎斗 1999年 生人勿近之问米饰演驾驶教师 2000年 网上怪谈饰演大少助手 2001年 风水赌神饰演方 汉 2002年 丰胸秘Cup饰演雷老板 2004年 新东成西就饰演占东知府 2014年 下一站再爱你饰演陈牧师 Cheng Xiaolong (程小龙Ronny Ching Siu Lung ) was born in July 29, 1954 , Hong Kong actor, director, producer and sound effects engineer. Former TVB artiste. Cheng Xiaolong is the second son of director Cheng Gang. His elder brother is martial arts instructor and director Cheng Xiaodong. He joined Shaw Brothers Film Company to study sound effects at the age of 15. After completing his apprenticeship at the age of 20, he was mainly responsible for film visual effects and pyrotechnics design. In the late 1980s, he began to participate in front-of-screen performances, and has acted in many Hong Kong movies such as "Young and Dangerous" movie series, and joined TVB in 1997 as its artist. In 1997, he played the role of Beijing police captain "Qiao Jin" in "Criminal Investigation Files III", and was mistaken by the audience at the time for being a real mainlander. In early 2001, Cheng Xiaolong went to Beijing Dewai Street to establish Beijing Long Sound Effect Culture Media Co., Ltd. and opened a recording studio to specialize in television, film and other sound effects production businesses. He has participated in the production of more than 1,000 films including "Carmen", "Blood on the Street", "The Swordsman II" and "In the Mood for Love", and has collaborated with directors such as John Woo, Wong Kar-Wai, Tsui Hark and Li Hanxiang. In 2012, he said that the film motion effects artist industry was about to be lost, so he hoped to cultivate new blood before retiring, so he recruited free apprentices through an online platform. In addition, Cheng Xiaolong was selected by China Post in 2016 to issue limited edition stamps with the theme of "Realizing Dreams in China - The 100 Most Influential People". TV series that Cheng Xiaolong has participated in: 1997 Hong Kong native plays Yu Yinggang in Guangzhou Criminal Investigation Files III as Qiao Jin (File 1: "Beijing Love") 1998 Tiandi Haoqing plays Uncle Long Sister Tuoqiang plays Zheng Zhongyi (Episode 1) Lie Huo Ambition as Uncle Neck Integrity Action 1998 as Zhuo Rong (Unit 5: "Special Passage") Year 1999 Pet Love as Kang Jincheng Criminal Investigation Files IV as Wang Xiang Anti-Black Pioneer plays Brother Ji Genesis plays Boss Zhang (Episodes 46 and 47) 2000 Showing the Spark of Love as Zhang Zhong Sister Tuoqiang II as Gunsling Liao (Episodes 6 - 10) Integrity Pursuit as Brother Pa (Unit 1: "Alang's Story") FM701 Boss Ma 2001 Legend of Heaven and Dragon Sword as Chang Jinpeng Sister Tuoqiang III as Guili Cheng (Episodes 13-25) Fainting Before and After Marriage as Chen Xiangke (Episode 21) Brave Detective as a cripple's father (Episode 8) year 2002 Fire Ambition II as Chen Deli (Episodes 5 - 8, 11, 12) Year 2003 Cleansing the Wrong II as Cao Guanquan (Episode 9) year 2011 Mission No. 7 as Atie Participate in performances in Mainland China: year 2004 My Kung Fu Girlfriend plays Du Bosong Cheng Xiaolong participated in film performances: 1980 I expected it 1988 A Village Without Dad 1990 Provincial and Hong Kong Flag Soldier 4 as Huang Zhenghuo 1992 Girls’ School Storm: Cult Invasion In 1993, The Emperor of Shanghai played the role of Hua 1994 Wolf Heart 1996 Young and Dangerous as Xiao Long 1997 Reincarnation of the Corpse 1998 98 Young and Dangerous: Enter the Dragon and Tiger In 1999, Mi played the role of a driving instructor in "Keep Strangers Away" In 2000, Wei Tan played the role of assistant to the young master on the Internet 2001 Feng Shui God of Gamblers as Fang Han 2002 Breast Enlargement Secret Cup plays Boss Lei In 2004, Xindong Chengxi played the role of the prefect of Zhandong. 2014 Love You Again at the Next Stop as Pastor Chen

歌唱艺人 陈敏

陈敏 出生于1967年7月2日,原籍四川,专修声乐,其歌声韵味真醇,音色浑厚温润,扑实而富有感染力。 擅长唱民谣,乡村歌曲和流行歌曲。自幼受古典音乐熏陶,18岁考入四川音乐学院,毕业后到北京,在原创乐队任主唱兼键盘手,涉猎的音乐领域包括摇滚、电子、流行、爵士等,随着在海外丰富的游历生活,逐渐形成随性自由又不乏味。其代表作品有《天边》《妈妈我想你》《鸿雁》等。 陈敏中音是一位原籍为四川省德阳市罗江县,加拿大华人女中音歌唱家,她的网名是“陈敏中音”。陈敏是女中音里的中低调,她的嗓音特质与众不同、极富磁性,这样的天赋实属凤毛麟角、绝无仅有。陈敏中音现状不好。没有见她举行过个人演唱会,也绝少参加大型演艺活动。她的歌在中国大陆网络上流传的时间只有两三年,大约有50多首,所以,只能在网上看... 陈敏中音没火的原因如下。1、类似的女中音很多,她出道晚了点,又没有许多朗朗上口的歌曲,能传唱度高的歌曲也非常少,没有具备自己的特色,平时又特别低调。2、没有人帮她包装,宣传推广,另外歌曲量太少也是个原因。 陈敏最好听歌曲: 《微笑》——一首充满温馨和感性的歌曲,陈敏的演唱深情而动人,让人感受到她对生活的热爱和追求。 《最美的时光》——一首描述着人生中最美好的时光的歌曲,陈敏的演唱充满了情感和感动。 《那一天》、 《小路》等。


李婉华(Anita Lee)

李婉华(Anita Lee,1968年5月21日-),香港无线电视演员,香港演艺学院毕业,与刘玉翠及张锦程等人同为毛俊辉的学生,后来拍摄实况剧,被无线电视的潘嘉德发掘,应邀演出剧集而出道,也演过很多电影。 1989年,李婉华因拍摄处境喜剧《公私三文治》与同剧演员吴镇宇相恋,二人相恋8年后感情无疾而终。及后她于1998年-2001年间与何家劲相恋。2001年年中她与加拿大籍股票经纪人李守正交往,并于2003年6月在加拿大秘密结婚。  她现已移民加拿大温哥华,淡出香港娱乐圈。她是新时代传媒集团旗下艺人,为加拿大中文电台AM1470主持节目。 李婉华现育有两子一女,女儿2003年出生,双胞胎儿子则于2009年10月生,2010年7月她再次复出为加拿大中文电台AM1470主持节目。2018年回巢无线电视。2018年,50岁的李婉华客串演出《再创世纪》饰演钟嘉欣在温哥华的好朋友, 剧中两人有不少对手戏,她的演技未有生疏,演出自然。  参演过的电视剧(无线电视) 1988年 《都市方程式》 《旭日背后》 《香港的月亮》 《衰鬼迫人》 1989年 《末代天师》饰 叶嘉欣 《飞虎群英》饰 刘传芳 《公私三文治》 1990年 《蜀山奇侠》饰 周青云 1991年 《男人勿近》 《未婚爸爸》 《梦里伊人》 《闭门一家千》饰 凌子枫 《卡拉屋企》饰 黄蒂 《老友鬼鬼》饰 卓若男 1992年 《玉面飞狐》饰 曲云嫣 1994年 《金毛狮王》饰 紫衫龙王黛绮丝 《镇金女人周记(第二辑)》饰 Pauline 2018年 《再创世纪》 电视剧(亚洲电视): 1996年:《亲亲,亲人》 饰 吴美丽 1997年:《屋企有个肥大佬》 1998年:《马永贞之争霸上海滩》 1998年:《马永贞之英雄血》 1999年:《非常女警》 2000年:《香港一家人》 2002年:《亲子情未了》 2004年:《8号巴士站站情》 电视剧(台湾) 《致胜鲜师》(超视) 《刺马》(台视,1992 ) 《保镖之翡翠娃娃》(1997) 电视剧(中国大陆) 1999年:《真情告白》 参演电影 1990年《洗黑钱》 1993年 《至尊三十六计之偷天换日》 《皆大欢喜》 《新难兄难弟》 《天台的月光》 《蜜桃成熟时2同居关系》 《贼头贼脑贼世界》 (又名:千王情人) 1994年 《撞板风流》 《新男欢女爱》 《乱世超人》 《鬼迷心窍》 《重金属》 《喂,你找谁》 《再见浪漫》 1996年《金装香蕉俱乐部》 《悍匪》 《1/2次同床》 1999年《自杀前十四天》 2000年《制服诱惑2地下法庭》 Li Wanhua (李婉华Anita Lee born in May 21 , 1968 ), Hong Kong TVB actress, graduated from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts . She was a student of Mao Junhui along with Liu Yucui and Zhang Jincheng. Later, she filmed live dramas and was discovered by Poon Ka-tak of TVB. She was invited . She debuted in TV dramas and has also acted in many movies. In 1989 , Li Wanhua fell in love with fellow actor Ng Chun-yu during the filming of the situational comedy "Private Sandwich". The two fell in love after eight years of love. Later, she fell in love with He Jiajin from 1998 to 2001 . In mid- 2001 , she dated Canadian stockbroker Li Shouzheng and secretly married in Canada in June 2003 .  She has now immigrated to Vancouver, Canada and has faded out of the Hong Kong entertainment industry. She is an artist under New Era Media Group and hosts a program for Canadian Chinese radio station AM1470 . Li Wanhua currently has two sons and one daughter. Her daughter was born in 2003 , and her twin sons were born in October 2009. In July 2010 , she returned to host a program on Canadian Chinese radio station AM1470 . Return to TVB in 2018 . In 2018 , 50- year-old Li Wanhua made a cameo appearance in "Age Again", playing the role of Linda Chung's good friend in Vancouver. The two had many scenes opposite each other in the play. Her acting skills were not unfamiliar and her performance was natural.   TV series Li Wanhua has participated in (TVB) in 1988​ "Urban Formula" "Behind the Rising Sun" "Hong Kong Moon" "The Evil Ghost Forces the Man" in 1989 "The Last Heavenly Master" as Ye Jiaxin "Flying Tigers and Heroes" as Liu Chuanfang "Public and Private Sandwiches" in 1990​ "The Strange Heroes of Shushan" as Zhou Qingyun in 1991 "Keep away from men" "Unmarried Dad" "Dream Beauty" "A Closed Door" as Ling Zifeng "Kara House" as Huang Di "Old Friend Ghost" as Zhuo Ruonan in 1992​ "Jade Faced Flying Fox" as Qu Yunyan in 1994​ "The Golden Retriever Lion King" as Dai Qisi, the purple-shirted dragon king "The Weekly Diary of a Money-Suppressing Woman (Part 2)" as Pauline in 2018​ "A Century Again" Li Wanhua has participated in TV series (Asia Television): 1996 : "Kiss, Relative" as Wu Meili 1997 : "There's a Fat Boss in the House" 1998 : "Ma Yongzhen's Battle for Shanghai Bund" 1998 : "Ma Yongzhen's Heroic Blood" 1999 : "Extraordinary Policewoman" 2000 : "Hong Kong Family" 2002 : "The End of Parent-Child Love" 2004 : " Sentiment at Bus Stop No. 8 " Li Wanhua has participated in TV series (Taiwan) "The Winning Freshman" (Super Vision) "Horse" (TTV, 1992 ) "Bodyguard: Jade Doll" ( 1997 ) Li Wanhua has participated in TV series (Mainland China) 1999 : "True Confession" Participate in movies 1993:"Money Laundering" ​ "The Supreme Thirty-Six Strategies: Stealing the Heaven and Swapping the Sun" "Everyone's Happy" "New Brothers in Trouble" "Moonlight on the Rooftop" "When the Peach Is Ripe 2 Cohabitation Relationship" "The World of Thieves" ( also known as : Lover of Thousand Kings ) 1994:​"Crashing the Board" "New Love Between Men and Women" "Superman in Troubled Times" "The Ghostly Mind" "Heavy Metal" "Hey, who are you looking for?" "Goodbye Romance" in 1996 "Golden Banana Club" "The Rough Bandit" " 1/2 time sharing the same bed" in 1999 "Fourteen Days Before Suicide" in 2000​"Uniform Temptation 2 Underground Court"


郭德信 Guo Dexin

郭德信Guo Dexin(1953年6月-),香港前无线电视演员。早年从亚洲电视开始出道,1989年加入无线电视,最初参与妇女新姿节目。曾为无线电视资深甘草演员角色。饰演角色忠奸皆可,最擅长塑造公司老板、富豪等社会名流角色等。无线剧集《大时代》云集众多好戏之人,但最厉害还是连小角色都有发挥空间,郭德信在剧中饰演:韦家诚;出场集数:1 剧中角色韦家诚影射李家诚,最终在股票市场狂扫货,协助方展博击败丁蟹。 郭德信作为香港最初的职业演员之一,他的辉煌岁月是很多人没有见过的。但是他留给我们的宝贵回忆,就是中年以后出演的金庸剧“臭道士”。 1994版的《射雕》当年虽然在各版本中不算最经典的,但是这个版本的《射雕》奠定了好几位最经典的角色扮演者。郭德信饰演的“中神通”王重阳就是其中之一,在94版《射雕》中,郭德信的仙风道骨为日后的许多版本做出了良好的示范,他饰演的王重阳在“五绝”中一出场就足以秒杀其他的四个“老家伙”。让金庸剧的真爱粉们看到了真正属于王重阳的样子。   在这版《射雕》之后,郭德信成为了金庸剧中“臭道士”专业户。这个臭道士给人的感觉就是被人看不惯又不能怎么样的酸爽,是郭德信演技水平的最高体现。  1995年《神雕侠侣》筹拍,这一次翻拍被全球华人观众寄予厚望。因为早在1983年的《神雕》就已经捧红了巨星刘德华,这一次的翻拍旨在超过83版。既然目标是超过83刘德华版本,那演员的选用就是至关重要的。郭德信因为在《射雕》中把王重阳演活了,自然少不了被邀请来演《神雕》。据悉在郭德信被邀进剧组时,古天乐和李若彤两位主演还没有被确定,如此足可见郭德信作为“重磅人物”的分量。   如今一晃二十年过去,当年仙风道骨的郭德信也已经年老,然而令人奇怪的是年老的郭德信竟然隐居了,在2011年之后,外界再也没有关于他的消息出现,这位“臭道士”是否已进了深山修炼。   参演电视剧(无线电视) 1989年 相见好 1990年 我本善良 饰 李大状 1991年 人在边缘 饰 检控官 1992年 大时代 饰 韦家诚(影射李嘉诚) 射雕英雄传 饰 王重阳 1995年 神雕侠侣 饰 丘处机 1996年 包青天之忘情酒坊 饰 贺景春 1997年 缘来没法挡 之 饰 龙超人 1998年 西游记(贰) 饰 月老 1999年 宠物情缘 饰 李柏森 2000年 男亲女爱 饰 钱生 2001年 倚天屠龙记 饰 鲜于通 2002年 谈判专家 饰 杜哲平 2003年 天子寻龙 饰 李显 2004年 无名天使3D 饰 裁判官 2006年 谜情家族 饰 医生 2007年 同事三分亲 饰 祥舅父(第71集) 2008年 毕打自己人 饰 包中山(2008-2009年) 2009年 学警狙击 饰 张华光 2010年 老公万岁 饰 海府爷 2011年 仁心解码 饰 严智灏 2017年 兰花劫 饰 炎发 参演电视剧(亚洲电视) 1989年 皇家档案 饰 戚Sir 电视剧(香港电台) 1977年:《小时候 - 靓爸爸》 饰 波波安安的父亲 1979年:《执法者 - 纸盒藏尸》 饰 法医 1981年:《岛的故事 - 意外》 1984年:《香江岁月》第七集 1984年:《阳光下的孩子 - 录音日记》 饰 经理 1988年:《人间有情 - 别矣冬日》 1990年:《柏林周记 - 柏林离家出走了?》 1990年:《双城记 - 信天游》 1994年:《唱谈普通话 - 办公室男孩》 1997年:《法门 - 阿华打官司》 电影 1984年:《我为你狂》 1989年:《追女重案组》 1989年:《相见好》 1992年:《猎豹行动》 1992年:《女校风云之邪教入侵》 1993年:《千面天王》 1993年:《天长地久》 1994年:《沙甸鱼杀人事件》 Guo Dexin郭德信 ( June 1953- ), a former Hong Kong TVB actor. He started his career with Asia Television in his early years. He joined TVB in 1989 and initially participated in the Women's New Look program. He was a senior TVB actor. The characters he plays can be either loyal or traitorous, and he is best at portraying the roles of company bosses, rich men and other social celebrities. The TVB drama series "Big Era" has gathered many good actors, but the best thing is that even small roles have room to play. Guo Dexin plays: Wei Jiacheng in the drama; number of episodes: 1 In the play, the character Wei Jiacheng alludes to Li Jiacheng, and eventually goes crazy on the stock market to help Fang Zhanbo defeat Ding Xie. As one of the first professional actors in Hong Kong, Guo Dexin's glorious years are something that many people have never seen. But the precious memory he left us is the Jin Yong drama "The Stinky Taoist" he starred in after middle age. Although the 1994 version of "The Condor" was not the most classic among all versions, this version of "The Condor" established several of the most classic role players. The "Supernatural Power" Wang Chongyang played by Guo Dexin is one of them. In the 1994 version of "The Condor", Guo Dexin's immortal style set a good example for many future versions. The Wang Chongyang that he played in "Five Wonders" One appearance in Zhong is enough to kill the other four "old guys" instantly. Let true fans of Jin Yong's dramas see what Wang Chongyang really looks like.   After this version of "The Condor", Guo Dexin became a professional accountant of the "stinking Taoist priest" in Jin Yong's drama. This smelly Taoist priest gives people the sour feeling of being looked down upon but unable to do anything about, which is the highest expression of Guo Dexin's acting skills.  In 1995 , "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" was prepared for filming, and this remake has high hopes from Chinese audiences around the world. Because "The Condor" had already made superstar Andy Lau famous as early as 1983 , this remake aims to surpass the 1983 version. Since the goal is to surpass the 83 Andy Lau version, the selection of actors is crucial. Because Guo Dexin brought Wang Chongyang to life in "The Condor", he was naturally invited to play "The Condor". It is reported that when Guo Dexin was invited to join the crew, the two starring roles of Louis Koo and Li Ruotong had not yet been confirmed, which fully shows Guo Dexin's importance as a "heavyweight".   Now twenty years have passed, and Guo Dexin, who was an immortal at that time, has also become old. However, what is strange is that the old Guo Dexin has lived in seclusion. After 2011 , there is no news about him from the outside world. This Has this "stinky Taoist" gone into the mountains to practice? Guo Dexin Participated in TV series (TVB): 1989 Nice to meet you 1990 I'm kind-hearted as Li Dazhuang 1991 Man on the edge as prosecutor 1992​ Big Times as Wei Jiacheng (alluding to Li Ka-shing) 1995 The Legend of the Condor Heroes as Wang Chongyang 1996 The Legend of the Condor Heroes as Qiu Chuji 1997​Bao Qingtian's Forgettable Wine Shop decorated with He Jingchun 1998​Unstoppable destiny: Superman dressed as a dragon 1999 Journey to the West (2) as Yuelao 2000​Pet Love as Robertson Li 2001​Boy and girl love to play Qian Sheng 2002 The Story of Yitian Slaying the Dragon Decorated by Xian Yutong 2003 Negotiation expert as Du Zheping 2004 Emperor Xunlong as Li Xian 2006 Nameless Angel 3D as Magistrate 2007 Mystery family as doctor 2008 Colleague plays Uncle Xiang ( Episode 71 ) 2009 Bi Da owns Bao Zhongshan ( 2008-2009 ) 2010 School Police Sniper as Zhang Huaguang 2011 Long live my husband as Master Hai 2017​Decoding Kindness as Yan Zhihao Orchid Tribulation Decorates Inflamed Hair 1989 Participated in TV series (Asia Television) Royal Archives as Sir Qi TV series (Radio Television Hong Kong) 1977 : "When I was a kid - Handsome Dad" as Bobo An'an's father 1979 : "The Enforcer - Corpse in a Cardboard" as a forensic scientist 1981 : "Island Story - Accident" 1984 : Episode 7 of "The Years of Hong Kong" 1984 : "Children in the Sun - Audio Diary" as manager 1988 : "There is Love in the World - Farewell Winter" 1990 : "Berlin Weekly - Berlin Runaways ? " 1990 : "A Tale of Two Cities - Xintianyou" 1994 : "Singing and Talking in Mandarin - Office Boy" 1997 : "Fa Men - Ahua Lawsuit" Movie 1984 : "I'm Crazy About You" 1989 : "The Crime Squad" 1989 : "Good Meeting" 1992 : "Operation Cheetah" 1992 : "Girls' School Storm: Cult Invasion" 1993 : "The Thousand-Faced King" 1993 : "Forever" 1994 : "Sardine Murders"


宫雪花 Gong Xuehua

宫雪花 Gong Xuehua(1948年5月19日-),原名江国钰,香港影视女星,其年龄、容貌、身世及绯闻对象长期成为公众的热议话题。艺名宫雪花,生于上海,祖籍福建永定。文化大革命期间,曾被公安机关抓获,被判劳教两年。此后,宫雪花嫁给一名驻沪领事馆的翻译,婚后随丈夫移民至法国。但因不适应法国生活,而且夫妻之间聚少离多,在为丈夫产下一名儿子后,婚姻便宣告结束。离婚后宫雪花定居香港。 宫雪花曾多次参加世界性选美活动,36岁时曾参选法国华裔小姐选美并夺得冠军。而最具轰动性的一次发生于1995年,其以虚龄47岁的高龄参加不设年龄上限的亚洲小姐竞选,加上她与年龄极不相符的美貌,引起香港媒体广泛关注,使该届赛事收视率飙升。宫雪花在该届赛事中闯入最后五强,虽未能进入前三强,却让其声名大噪。 2003年,宫雪花作为中华人民共和国代表参加美国世界太太选美大赛,获得“最佳民族服装奖”。 宫雪花成名以后,曾接拍亚洲电视多部剧集,其后又曾接拍情色电影尝试进军电影圈。在未能引起轰动后,宫雪花转战台湾和大陆电视圈,参演《家有仙妻2》、《康熙王朝》等剧。其后,宫雪花淡出萤光屏,但仍多次以性感姿态出席大型公众活动,并不时以绯闻和新闻主角身份见报。如2008年1月,宫雪花在澳门旅游期间,遭遇撞船意外;半年后,宫雪花声称因此遭遇严重创伤,并状告船务公司负责人何超琼;2011年初,宫雪花因涉嫌故意走光,被逐出仁美清叙。 宫雪花参演过的作品: 电视剧(亚洲电视) 1995年 包青天之弑夫记 饰演杜惜药/王青虹 1996年 一人有一个理想饰演大嫂 1996年 千王之王重出江湖饰演商萍 1997年 97变色龙 饰演花姐 1998年 穆桂英大破天门阵 饰演萧太后 1999年 纵横四海 饰演Cat母 2000年 香港一家人 2005年 喜有此理 饰演花姐。 电视剧(台湾、中国大陆) 1996年 长相忆 1997年 真假王爷 1998年 土地公传奇之狐仙情缘 饰演狐姥姥 1998年 家有仙妻2饰演花花 1998年 明天有你 饰演胡美姬 2001年 康熙王朝 饰演慧妃博尔济吉特氏 2001年 致命遗产 饰演司徒云卿 2002年 少林七崁 饰演慈禧太后 参演过的电影: 1996年 蛇蝎夜合花 1996年 1/2次同床 1996年 运财五福星饰演上官飞花 1997年 我有我疯狂饰演金露露 1997年 完全失控 1999年 玉蒲团之淫行天下 1999年 玉蒲团之极乐宝鉴 1999年 唐朝禁宫秘史 饰演武则天 2011年 桃姐 饰演老人院工作人员。 Gong Xuehua (宫雪花May 19, 1948 -), formerly known as Jiang Guoyu, is a Hong Kong film and television actress. Her age, appearance, life experience and scandal subjects have long been a hot topic among the public. Gong Xuehua was born in Shanghai and her ancestral home is Yongding, Fujian. During the Cultural Revolution, she was captured by the public security organs and sentenced to two years of forced labor. After that, Gong Xuehua married a translator at the Consulate in Shanghai, and immigrated to France with her husband after the marriage. However, because she could not adapt to life in France, and the couple spent less time together and more separation, the marriage ended after she gave birth to a son. After divorced, Gong Xuehua settled in Hong Kong. Gong Xuehua has participated in world beauty pageants many times. At the age of 36, she participated in the Miss Chinese in France pageant and won the championship. The most sensational event occurred in 1995. She participated in the Miss Asia contest with no upper age limit at the age of 47. In addition, her beauty was extremely inconsistent with her age, which attracted widespread attention from the Hong Kong media and made the contest Ratings for the event soared. Gong Xuehua made it to the final five in this tournament. Although she failed to enter the top three, she became famous. In 2003, Gong Xuehua participated in the Mrs. World Beauty Pageant in the United States as a representative of the People's Republic of China and won the "Best National Costume Award". After Gong Xuehua became famous, she took on many ATV drama series, and later she took on erotic films in an attempt to enter the film industry. After failing to create a sensation, Gong Xuehua moved to Taiwan and mainland TV circles, participating in dramas such as "The Fairy Wife 2" and "Kangxi Dynasty". After that, Gong Xuehua faded from the screen, but she still attended large-scale public events with sexy postures many times, and appeared in newspapers from time to time as the protagonist of scandals and news. For example, in January 2008, Gong Xuehua was involved in a ship collision while traveling in Macau; half a year later, Gong Xuehua claimed to have suffered severe trauma and sued He Chaoqiong, the head of the shipping company; in early 2011, Gong Xuehua was arrested on suspicion of deliberately cheating and was Expelled from attending "Renmei Qingxu". Participating works of Gong Xuehua: TV series (Asia Television) 1995 Bao Qingtian: The Murder of a Husband as Du Xiyao/Wang Qinghong 1996 Played the role of sister-in-law in "Everyone Has an Ideal" 1996 King of Kings returns as Shang Ping 1997 97 Chameleon as Sister Hua In 1998, Mu Guiying played the role of Queen Mother Xiao in Breaking the Heavenly Gate Array 1999 Across the World as Mother Cat 2000 Hong Kong family In 2005, she played the role of Hua Jie TV series (Taiwan, Mainland China) 1996 Long memories 1997 The True and False Prince 1998 The Legend of Tu Tu Gong: The Love of the Fox Fairy as Grandma Fox 1998 Played Huahua in The Fairy Wife 2 1998 Tomorrow Will Be With You as Hu Meiji 2001 Kangxi Dynasty as Huifei Borzigit 2001 Fatal Legacy as Situ Yunqing 2002 Shaolin Qigan as Empress Dowager Cixi Films that have appeared in: 1996 Viper Night Lily 1/2 time in bed together in 1996 1996 Five Lucky Stars as Shangguan Feihua 1997 I Have My Madness as Jin Lulu Completely out of control in 1997 1999 The Jade Futon’s Obscenity to the World 1999 Jade Futon: The Book of Bliss 1999 The Secret History of the Forbidden City of the Tang Dynasty as Wu Zetian In 2011, Sister Tao played the staff of a nursing home.


胡美仪(Amy Wu)

胡美仪(Amy Wu,1956年6月12日-)香港著名歌影视及舞台艺术工作者,也是著名粤曲歌手。1977年,她获得香港无线电视的《声宝片场》总决赛冠军而进身电视行业,曾在香港无线电视、亚洲电视、有线电视、香港电台担任演员及节目主持人。演出电视剧集无数。 1992年凭《一笼风月》成为首位获得香港戏剧协会颁发《香港舞台剧奖最佳女主角奖》的电视演员。曾在83版《神雕侠侣》中饰演耶律齐的妹妹耶律燕、黄日华版《碧血剑》中饰演陈圆圆、梁朝伟版《倚天屠龙记》中饰演紫衫龙王等等。她于1994年离开TVB,加入蒙妮坦集团,成为其高级行政管理人员。另外1987年至2006年,她已经灌录的唱片种类超过三十种,例如《传统粤曲》、《粤调小曲》、《粤调唐诗》、《基督教福音粤曲》等等。 1992年,获得香港戏剧协会颁发“最佳女主角”奖项。期间,她曾参予演出《背叛性行为》、《再世情》及民初粤剧《新啼笑絪缘》等舞台剧。2001年,她为影音使团主演电影《极度智能》。2003年,又在亚视重头百集长剧《万家灯火》中出演康乃馨一角而再受观众瞩目。在电影《低一点的天空》中与阿娇大唱粤剧帝女花的桥段,美艳的她演驸马,首次以小生扮相平喉演唱,效果十分不俗。2006年4月,与张伟文、吕珊、张武孝(大AL)、卢海鹏、苏珊参与《粤调金曲星声阵》演唱会,献唱经典粤曲,如《平贵别窑》、《唐伯虎点秋香》、《幽媾》等。 2013年,丈夫毛俊辉鼓励下胡美仪报读香港基督教辅导学院心理辅导学学士课程,并于2018年毕业,及后表示将报读为期两年的硕士课程。   参与电视剧演出: 1977年 玛丽关77 霸王谷 陆小凤之决战前后 (妃子) 1978年 大亨 一代桥王 1979年 抉择 楚留香 楼兰国王妃 名剑风流 (名妓丫环) 1980年 风云 1981年 流氓皇帝饰演董夫人 1982年 神女有心 (雏妓) 1983年 播音人饰演Jenny 神雕侠侣 耶律燕 1984年 再版人饰演林志玲 楚留香之蝙蝠传奇饰演薛茵 1985年 吕四娘饰演年羹尧的二老婆 1986年 爱情全盒 1987年 大运河饰演白牡丹 1988年 名门饰演何月美 1989年 万家传说饰演胡晶 1990年 我本善良   1991年 男盗女差饰演郭有珍 1993年 老衬喜相逢 电视剧(亚洲电视) 2003年 万家灯火饰演康乃馨 电视剧与广播剧(香港电台) 1987年 廉政先锋之引渡令   1988年 亲亲孩子天    1994年 狮子山下之再进沈园 2006年 后羿射日      2007年 一百万人的故事   2008年 医恋有情人     2009年 流金颂之三笑姻缘   参演电影 1982年:《摩登天师》 1984年:《失婚老豆》 1986年:《代客泊车》 1986年:《连环炮》 1986年:《你情我愿》 1987年:《朝花夕拾》 1987年:《横财三千万》 1990年:《小心间谍》 1991年:《穿牛仔裤的钟馗》 1992年:《精灵变》 1992年:《审死官》 1998年:《每天爱你八小时》 2001年:《极度智能》 2003年:《低一点的天空》 Wu Meiyi (胡美仪Amy Wu, born June 12, 1956) is a famous Hong Kong singer, film, television and stage artist, and also a famous Cantonese opera singer. In 1977, she won the championship of Hong Kong TVB's "Shengbao Studio" finals and entered the television industry. She has served as an actress and program host in Hong Kong TVB, Asia Television, Cable TV, and Radio Television Hong Kong. Appeared in numerous TV series. In 1992, she became the first TV actress to win the "Hong Kong Drama Award for Best Actress" from the Hong Kong Drama Society for her role in "A Cage of Love". She once played the role of Yelu Qi's sister Ye Luyan in the 1983 version of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", Huang Rihua as Chen Yuanyuan in the version of "Blue Blood Sword", Tony Leung Chiu-wai as the purple-shirted Dragon King in the version of "The Legend of Heaven and Sword of the Dragon", etc. She left TVB in 1994 and joined Monitan Group as its senior executive. In addition, from 1987 to 2006, she has recorded more than 30 types of records, such as "Traditional Cantonese Opera", "Cantonese Opera", "Cantonese Opera", "Cantonese Gospel Opera", etc. In 1992, she won the "Best Actress" award from the Hong Kong Drama Society. During this period, she participated in stage plays such as "Betrayal", "Reincarnation" and the early Republic of China Cantonese opera "New Crying and Laughing Marriage". In 2001, she starred in the movie "Extreme Intelligence" for the Audiovisual Mission. In 2003, she starred in the role of Carnation in ATV's 100-episode drama "Lights of a Thousand Houses" and attracted the attention of the audience again. In the movie "A Lower Sky", she sang with Gillian in the Cantonese opera "Emperor Hua" scene. She was so beautiful and beautiful as the consort. It was the first time she sang with a straight throat in a niche costume, and the effect was very impressive. In April 2006, she participated in the "Cantonese Golden Melody Stars" concert with Zhang Weiwen, Lu Shan, Zhang Wuxiao (big AL), Lu Haipeng, and Susan, singing classic Cantonese operas such as "Pinggui Farewell Kiln" and "Tang Bohu Point" "Autumn Fragrance", "Secret Confession", etc. In 2013, with the encouragement of her husband Mo Junhui, Wu Meiyi enrolled in the bachelor's degree program in psychological counseling of the Hong Kong Christian Counseling College. She graduated in 2018 and later expressed her intention to enroll in the two-year master's program. Hu Meiyi participated in TV series performances: 1977 Mary Kwan 77 Overlord Valley Lu Xiaofeng's decisive battle before and after (Concubine) 1978 Tycoon A generation of bridge kings 1979 choice Chu Liuxiang Princess of Loulan Famous Sword and Romance (Famous Prostitute and Maid) 1980 Storm 1981 The Rogue Emperor as Mrs. Dong 1982 The Goddess Has a Heart (Child Prostitute) 1983 Announcer as Jenny The Legend of the Condor Heroes Yeluyan 1984 reprint as Lin Chiling Chu Liuxiang's Bat Legend as Xue Yin 1985 Lu Siniang played Nian Gengyao's second wife 1986 Love Complete Box 1987 Grand Canal as White Peony 1988 Mingmen as He Yuemei 1989 Legend of the Wan Family as Hu Jing 1990 I am kind-hearted ​ 1991 Male Thief and Female Chaos as Guo Youzhen Happy reunion in 1993 TV series (Asia Television) 2003 Wanjia Denghuo as Carnation TV Dramas and Radio Dramas (Radio Television Hong Kong) 1987 Extradition Order for Integrity Pioneer 1988 Kiss the Child Day 1994 After the Lion Rock, enter the Shen Garden again 2006 Hou Yi shoots the sun 2007 The Story of One Million People 2008 Medical Love Lovers 2009 Ode to Flowing Gold: Marriage with Three Smiles Participate in movies 1982: "The Modern Master" 1984: "The Divorced Dad" 1986: "Valet Parking" 1986: "Serial Cannon" 1986: "You Love Me" 1987: "Picking Up Flowers in the Morning and Evening" 1987: "Windfall of 30 Million" 1990: "Beware of Spies" 1991: "Zhong Kui in Jeans" 1992: "Elf Change" 1992: "The Death Judge" 1998: "Love You Eight Hours Every Day" 2001: "Extreme Intelligence" 2003: "A Lower Sky".

陆剑明(Jamie Luk)

陆剑明(Jamie Luk)原籍 江苏,出生于香港,是从香港电影张彻时代便已开始从影的老艺人,拥有集编、导、演于一身的能力。陆剑明是张彻第五代弟子里较有作为的一个。他1956年出生,七十年代加入“长弓”,在张彻电影可以不顾形象的拍一些丑态百出的角色。邵氏结束后,跟姜大卫、陈勋奇等人合作,自己做制片做导演。   他和姜大卫几兄弟倒是好友,至今仍有合作。他从电影的最底层做起,有着非常丰富的导演和临场经验,在现场对大牌演员把控能力和应变能力强,目前独立执导的电影就有30多部,参与编剧和演出的剧目更多,最近几年更多的参与大片和巨片的策划和制作。1986年,凭借影片《错点鸳鸯》获得第5届香港电影金像奖最佳编剧奖 。 著名导演尔东升就是从他的戏里出来走上导演岗位的,他们多年合作,近年来,只要有尔东升的戏,几乎都能看到陆剑明导演在其身后默默的身影,其影片的风格和手段也多与尔东升导演类似。据熟悉他们的圈内人说,他们从小就混在一起,先是陆剑明导,尔东升演,后是尔东升导,陆剑明给他做执行,很难说两人谁在影响谁。2018年2月26日,执导的电视剧《新笑傲江湖》播出。 参与电影: 搏击赌庄(2003) 新扎师姐(2003) 忘不了(2003) 反收数特遣队(2002) 四级杀人狂(1995) 新不了情(1994) 爱在黑社会的日子(1993) 廉政第一击(1993) 正牌韦小宝奉旨沟女(1993) 盲女七十二小时(1992) 亚飞与亚基(1992) 整蛊神算(1992) 周末偷情(1992) 星期五之舞男(1992) 契妈唔易做(1991) 再见王老五(1989) 铁血骑警(1987) 初一十五(1985) 何必有我(1985) 君子好逑(1984)   制作作品 1984年-2003年 《搏击赌庄》《新扎师姐》《忘不了》 《四级杀人狂》《新不了情》 《爱在黑社会的日子》《廉政第一击》 《正牌韦小宝奉旨沟女》 《盲女七十二小时》 《亚飞与亚基》《整蛊神算》 《周末偷情》《星期五之舞男》 《契妈唔易做》《再见王老五》 《初一十五》《何必有我》《君子好逑》 导演作品编辑 《折弹专家——宝贝炸弹》导演 《两厢情愿1993》导演 《竹升妹之以牙还牙》导演 《车神》导演 《爱的精灵》导演 《僵尸医生》导演 《四千金》导演 《我爱唐人街》导演 《阴阳路十五之客似魂来》导演 《新水浒笑传》导演 《你情我愿》导演 《新东成西就》导演 《裤甲天下》导演 《月黑风高》导演 《中华小当家》导演 编剧作品 《两厢情愿1993》编剧 《竹升妹之以牙还牙》编剧 《爱的精灵》编剧 《四千金》 编剧 《我爱唐人街》编剧 《裤甲天下》编剧 动作导演编辑 《两厢情愿1993》动作导演 Lu Jianming is originally from Jiangsu and was born in Hong Kong. He is an old actor who has been working in films since the Chang Cheh era of Hong Kong movies. He has the ability to compile, direct and act. Lu Jianming is one of the more accomplished disciples of Zhang Che's fifth generation. He was born in 1956 and joined "Longbow" in the 1970s. In Chang Cheh's movies, he was able to shoot some ugly characters regardless of his image. After Shaw Brothers ended, he collaborated with David Chiang, Chen Xunqi and others, and became his own producer and director. ​ He and the brothers David Jiang are good friends and still collaborate to this day. He started from the bottom of the film industry and has very rich directing and on-the-spot experience. He has strong control and adaptability to big-name actors on the scene. Currently, he has independently directed more than 30 films and participated in screenwriting and performing in more plays. , in recent years, he has been more involved in the planning and production of blockbusters . In 1986, he won the Best Screenplay Award at the 5th Hong Kong Film Awards for his film "The Wrong Mandarin Duck". The famous director Er Dongsheng came out of his plays to become a director. They have cooperated for many years. In recent years, whenever there is a play by Er Dongsheng, you can almost see the silent figure of director Lu Jianming behind him. The style of his films are The methods are also similar to those of director Er Dongsheng. According to insiders who are familiar with them, they have been together since childhood. First, Lu Jianming directed, Er Dong Sheng acted, and then Er Dong acted as director, and Lu Jianming acted for him. It is difficult to say who influenced the other. On February 26, 2018, the TV series "New Swordsman" directed by him was broadcast.


罗美薇(May Luo Meiwei)

罗美薇(May Luo Meiwei)是1965年9月1日出生于香港的女演员,罗美薇从小是和婆婆一起过活长大的,进入娱乐圈后与梅艳芳共同上契何冠昌夫妇,结成契姐妹,此后两人关系如同亲生姐妹般,这段亲情一直到梅艳芳逝世。 罗美薇在1980年代由黄百鸣所发掘,于电影《开心乐园》担纲演出而加入娱乐圈,与罗明珠、袁洁莹、李丽珍、陈嘉玲、柏安妮组成《开心少女组》,其后与张曼玉、刘嘉玲和钟楚红并称香港最有前途的女性演员。 1985年在拍摄电影《痴心的我》而结识张学友,随后二人即开始恋爱。当时亦有传媒表示张学友和罗美薇转入“地下情”,因为他们曾在1988年宣布分手,但在1991年又宣布复合,传闻是因为当时张学友演艺事业处于低谷,而在1991年张学友事业稳定后两人迅速的再一次公开恋情。二人感情转趋稳定后,1996年2月15日,两人在英国伦敦注册结婚,随后在香港登报告知亲友歌迷。罗美薇婚后淡出娱乐圈。选择转向幕后,辅佐张学友,现育有两个女儿,大女张瑶华于2000年出生,次女张瑶萱于2005年出生。罗美薇近几年只在张国荣、梅艳芳、邓光荣等人的葬礼上曾经公开露面。 在1999年,世界小行星协会给予张学友为一颗小行星命名的机会,张学友将此颗行星命名为罗美薇的英文“MAY”。 据说,罗美薇是一个有着严重洁癖的人。她对卫生非常敏感,对佣人的要求很高,张学友曾为她换了22个菲佣。罗美薇还喜欢投资。然而却亏损多过赢钱,甚至还欠下大笔债务。虽然如此,这并没有影响夫妻两人的感情。让人赞许的是张学友展现了男人大度,坚持不懈地努力工作,显示了对爱情和婚姻的坚韧。尽管面临许多困难,他给予对方支持和包容以面对挑战。 罗美薇参演过的电影: 开心乐园 1985 饰演May; 开心鬼放暑假 1985饰演简静美; 情逢敌手 1985 饰演 Stella; 双龙吐珠 1986 ; 痴心的我〔我已成年〕 1986饰演阿美; 八喜临门 1986; 最爱 1986; 你OK我OK 1987; 画中仙 1988饰演小玉; 三人世界 1988; 人海孤鸿 1989饰演阿美; 少女心 1989; 说谎的女人 1989 ; 神勇飞虎霸王花 1989; 午夜天使 1990 饰演小白兔; 再战江湖 1990 ; 西环的故事 1990饰演惠心; 至尊计状元才 1990饰演曾珍真; 开心鬼救开心鬼 1990客串; 豪门夜宴 1991 饰演茶楼点心妹; 惊天12小时 1991饰演阿玲; 与龙共舞 1991饰演 漂漂; 带子洪郎 ; 草莽英雌 1992 ; 逃学威龙2 1992饰演女交警; 蝎子战士〔蝎子王〕 1992饰演小茹; 现代应召女郎 1992饰演阮玲玉; 情人知己 1993饰演阿美; 女儿当自强 1993饰演May; 参演过的电视剧: 1987年 香港电台 小说家族: 我的灿烂-钟玲玲饰演盈盈; 1989年 香港电台 人间有情: 失乐园 饰演于光华妹妹; May Luo Meiwei 罗美薇is an actress born in Hong Kong on September 1, 1965. May Lo Mei Mei grew up living with her grand-mother. After entering the entertainment industry, she and Anita Mui became contracted daugther of He Guanchang and his wife and became sisters. Their relationship was like that of biological sisters, and this family relationship lasted until Anita Mui's death. Luo Meiwei was discovered by Huang Pak Ming in the 1980s. She starred in the movie "Happy Paradise" and joined the entertainment industry. She formed the "Happy Girls Group" with Luo Mingzhu, Yuan Jieying, Li Lizhen, Chen Jialing, and Bai Anni. Later, she also became known as Maggie Cheung, Carina Lau, and Chung Chu-hong. Hong Kong's most promising female actress. In 1985, she met Jacky Cheung while filming the movie "Infatuated Me", and the two began to fall in love. At that time, some media also said that Jacky Cheung and Luo Meiwei entered an "underground relationship" because they announced their breakup in 1988, but then announced their reunion in 1991. Rumors were that Jacky Cheung's acting career was at a low point at that time, and after Jacky Cheung's career stabilized in 1991 The two quickly made their relationship public again. After their relationship stabilized, they registered their marriage in London, England on February 15, 1996, and then announced their marriage in Hong Kong to inform their relatives, friends, and fans. Luo Meiwei retired from the entertainment industry after her marriage. She chose to work behind the scenes to assist Jacky Cheung, and now has two daughters. The eldest daughter, Zhang Yaohua, was born in 2000, and the second daughter, Zhang Yaoxuan, was born in 2005. In recent years, Luo Meiwei has only made public appearances at the funerals of Leslie Cheung, Anita Mui, Deng Guangrong and others. In 1999, the World Asteroid Association gave Jacky Cheung the opportunity to name an asteroid. Jacky Cheung named the planet "MAY" in English from Luo Meiwei. It is said that Luo Meiwei is a person with severe mysophobia. She is very sensitive to hygiene and has high requirements for maids. Jacky Cheung once replaced 22 Filipino maids for her. Luo Meiwei also likes investing. However, she lost more money than she won, and even owed a large amount of debt. Even so, this did not affect the relationship between the couple. What is commendable is that Jacky Cheung shows a man's generosity, his unremitting hard work, and his tenacity in love and marriage. Despite facing many difficulties, he gave each other support and tolerance to face the challenges. films Luo Meiwei performed: Mismatched Couples (1985) ... Stella Happy Ghost II (1985) ... May Kang/May Yan [intro] The Isle of Fantasy (1985) ... May My Family (1986) ... May Ng Devoted to You (1986) ... May Passion (1986) ... Garbo Pom Pom Strikes Back! (1986) ... May Lo The Goofy Gang (1987) ... Piggy You OK, I'm OK! (1987) ... Chow Yun Lan Picture of a Nymph (1988) ... Village girl Heart to Hearts (1988) ... Girl at jetty cafe The Inspector Wears Skirts II (1989) ... Joey City Kids 1989 (1989) ... May Hearts No Flowers (1989) I Am Sorry (1989) ... Shen Ling Return Engagement (1990) ... Little Lung No Risk, No Gain (1990) ... Jane Tsang Happy Ghost IV (1990) ... Student Midnight Angel (1990) Story of Kennedy Town (1990) ... Hui Shin The Last Blood (1991) ... May / Ling Son on the Run (1991) ... May Chang The Banquet (1991) ... Dim sum girl Dances with Dragon (1991) ... Charmy Once a Black Sheep (1992) ... Insp. Apple Yu Girls Without Tomorrow (1992) ... Yuen Ling Yuk The Unleaded Love (1992) Operation Scorpio (1992) ... Jade Two of a Kind (1993) ... Rita Lady Supercop (1993) ... May


罗明珠Sheree Lo Ming Chu

罗明珠(Sheree Lo Ming Chu,1968年9月11日-2016年5月27日),原名罗皓茵(Bonnie Lo),以及别名罗爱过, 罗明珠于油麻地广华医院出生,毕业于庇理罗士女子中学。跟罗美薇、李丽珍、陈加玲、袁洁莹、柏安妮及黎姿等女星同一时期出道,为前开心少女组成员之一。于1984年接拍新艺城电影《开心鬼》出道,年仅15岁半,当时她还在庇理罗士女子中学就读;后来离开新艺城,加入华星唱片唱广东歌和接拍无线剧集。 1988年至1993年期间,她远赴加拿大读大学,从1990年代开始便较少活跃娱乐圈,只是偶尔出席舞会。后来从事金融业。在此期间股票市场的大起大落令罗明珠一度陷经济困境,被人贴大字报追债。罗明珠后来以两年时间修毕工商管理硕士课程。 1998年年尾,当年只有31岁的罗明珠宣布翌年2月将下嫁海鲜酒家集团太子爷王培宏。两人在1998年12月到泰国曼谷旅行期间,王培宏被指涉嫌与朋友一同使用假信用签帐卡购买价值39万泰铢(约港币8万4千元)燕窝,继而遭泰国警方拘捕,1999年1月,王培宏被扣留20天后,终获泰国警方撤销控罪,与Sheree两人双双返港,同年2月,两人如期举行婚礼,及后Sheree亦开始淡出香港娱乐圈。可惜两人最终于2000年离婚,婚姻只维持了一年多便告终。 后来罗明珠有意复出接拍网络剧和录制新唱片,罗明珠后期胖了不少,她曾表示是身体内分泌失调,经半年针灸调理再加上做运动,已回复不少状态,更有指她已接拍一套网剧作为复出之作,所以要减肥。故亦有人猜测她因此弄到身体变差而病发。所以积极减肥。惜疑因过度减肥引致突发性心脏病病发,于2016年5月27日凌晨两点不断呕吐并晕倒,送院急救后不治身亡,时年仅47岁。 罗明珠参演过的电影: 1984 开心鬼饰演林菁菁; 1985 开心乐园 演林白痴珠 ; 1985 为你钟情 演林医院护士 ; 1986 飞跃羚羊 演林李明珠 ; 1987 心跳一百 演林美珠 ; 1988 长短脚之恋 演林梁小珊; 1998 赌侠1999 演林阿 King 情妇; 2000 魔影 ; 2000 阴阳爱; 2000 正将 ; Luo Mingzhu (罗明珠Sheree Lo Ming Chu, September 11, 1968 - May 27, 2016), formerly known as Bonnie Lo, and also known as Lo Ai Guo, Lo Ming Chu was born in Kwong Wah Hospital, Yau Ma Tei, and graduated from Beliro Shi Girls' High School. She debuted at the same time as actresses such as Luo Meiwei, Li Lizhen, Chen Jialing, Yuan Jieying, Bai Anni and Gigi Lai, and is a former member of Happy Girls. She made her debut in the 1984 New Art City movie "Happy Ghost" at the age of only 15 and a half years old. At that time, she was still studying at Beliros Girls' High School; later she left New Art City and joined China Star Records to sing Cantonese songs and film wireless dramas. set. From 1988 to 1993, she went to Canada to study at university. Since the 1990s, she has been less active in the entertainment industry and only occasionally attended dance parties. Later he worked in the financial industry. During this period, the stock market's ups and downs caused Luo Mingzhu to fall into financial difficulties for a time, and she was put up with big-character posters to collect debts. Luo Mingzhu later completed the MBA program in two years. At the end of 1998, Luo Mingzhu, who was only 31 years old at the time, announced that she would marry Wang Peihong, the son of the seafood restaurant group, in February of the following year. During the two people's trip to Bangkok, Thailand, in December 1998, Wang Peihong was allegedly suspected of using a fake credit card with his friends to buy bird's nests worth 390,000 baht (approximately HK$84,000), and was subsequently arrested by the Thai police in 1999. In January, after Wang Peihong was detained for 20 days, the charges were finally dropped by the Thai police, and he and Sheree returned to Hong Kong. In February of the same year, the two held their wedding as scheduled, and Sheree also began to fade out of the Hong Kong entertainment industry. Unfortunately, the two finally divorced in 2000, and their marriage only lasted for more than a year. Later, Luo Mingzhu intended to come back to film online dramas and record new albums. Luo Mingzhu gained a lot of weight in the later period. She once said that it was an endocrine disorder in her body. After half a year of acupuncture conditioning and exercise, she has recovered a lot. Some even pointed out that she have been filming a web series as her comeback, so she have to lose weight. Therefore, some people speculate that her health deteriorated and she became ill. So actively lose weight. May be suffered a sudden heart attack due to excessive weight loss. She kept vomiting and fainted at 2 a.m. on May 27, 2016. She was sent to the hospital and died after emergency treatment. Luo Mingzhu was only 47 years old then. Movies that Luo Mingzhu has participated in: 1984 Happy Ghost as Lin Jingjing; 1985 Happy Paradise as Lin Yinzhu; 1985 Falling in Love with You as a nurse at Linlin Hospital; 1986 Leap of Antelope starring Lin Li Mingzhu; 1987 One Hundred Heartbeats as Lin Meizhu; 1988 The Love of Long and Short Legs starring Lin Liang Xiaoshan; 1998 The Gambler 1999 Played Lin A, King's mistress; 2000 Shadow; 2000 Yin Yang Love; 2000 General;


李明珠Lee Ming Chu

李明珠 (Lee Ming Chu,1937年-),籍贯:湖北省,原名:李燕芳(李影芳),香港国语及粤语片女星,‘文艺明星’喜欢运动,机车、骑马、羽毛球、网球及游泳 。银幕处女作《苦女江海燕》(1959年6月,饰演李慧玲),演出多出电影。 1959年应泰国“西南影业公司”聘请,在1959年7月1日(星期三)搭乘印度航空公司航班赴泰国,与泰国影帝苏拉实及影后庵玛拉合作演出泰语片《姐妹情深》。 1959年12月12日(星期六)晚上7时,李明珠被发现在香港岛跑马地晋源街10号四楼住所服用过量安眠药昏迷不醒,被女佣黄莲发现送养和医院急救;再转送玛丽医院洗胃。因此不能随国语片《云裳艳后》(1959年12月)到泰国登台。 李明珠在1960年6月自新加坡返回香港。   李明珠参演过的电影:   浪子回头 (1958) 苦女江海燕(大结局) (1958) 女侠黄莺夜破三尸案 (1959) 千面女郎 (1959) 云裳艳后 (1959) 淘气千金 (1959) 摩登新娘 (1960) 庙街皇后 (1990) Lee Ming Chu (李明珠, born in 1937), native place: Hubei Province, original name: Li Yanfang (Li Yingfang), Hong Kong Mandarin and Cantonese film actress, "literary star", likes sports, motorcycles, horse riding, badminton, tennis and swimming. She made her screen debut in "The Bitter Girl Jiang Haiyan" (June 1959, playing Li Huiling), and has appeared in many movies. In 1959, at the invitation of Thailand's "Southwest Film Company", she took an Air India flight to Thailand on July 1, 1959 (Wednesday), and co-starred with Thai actor Surasit and actress Amara in the Thai film "Sister Love". At 7 pm on December 12, 1959 (Saturday), Lee Ming Chu was found unconscious after taking an overdose of sleeping pills at her residence on the fourth floor of No. 10 Kam Yuen Street, Happy Valley, Hong Kong Island. She was found by her maid Huang Lian and was sent to a nursing home and hospital for emergency treatment; she was then transferred Queen Mary Hospital gastric lavage. Therefore, she could not go to Thailand to perform in the Mandarin film "Marie Marie" (December 1959). Lee Ming Chu returned to Hong Kong from Singapore in June 1960. Movies that Lee Ming Chu has participated in: ​ (8 films) Kong Hoi-yin, Girl with a Miserable Fate (Part 2) (1958) The Prodigal's Return (1958) Mischievous Girl (1959) How Oriole the Heroine Solved the Case of the Three Dead Bodies (1959) Girl with a Thousand Guises (1959) ... Hsiao Min Cinderella and Her Little Angels (1959) ... Ms Zhang Ling The Harassed Husband (1960) Queen of Temple Street (1990)


何宝生(Timmy Ho Bo Sang)

何宝生(Timmy Ho Bo Sang,1967年11月15日-)前无线电视男艺员。家境富裕,父亲白手兴家,从一个小型工厂起家,做到资产超过亿万。何宝生在加拿大念室内设计,1990年毕业返港后投考无线艺训班从而入行。在训练班未毕业时已经被《娱乐新闻眼》监制看中,任命当上该节目主持。 “无线”对他的潜质极为看好,与他签下了长达五年的包薪合约。起初,他担任《劲歌金曲》、《娱乐新闻眼》、《周末任你点》等节目的主持人,继而又拍摄了《白发魔女传》、《金牙大状Ⅱ》、《水饺皇后》、《廉政追击令》、《笑傲江湖》、《济公》、《鉴证实录》、《刑事侦缉档案Ⅲ》、《冤家宜结不宜解》等数十套连续剧。期间亦有参与电影演出。何宝生是歌、影、视三栖艺人。曾在1992年2月 推出首张唱片《男女之间》,紧接同年8月 再推个人专辑《仲夏情怀》,反应不俗。 宝生1997年拍摄完《济公》之后与TVB解除包薪约,所以之后他在 TVB 的剧集大都由之前的男主或男二变为配角甚至客串,如《鉴证实录》里戏份虽少但是让人过目不忘的高级化验师董岸风和《刑事侦缉档案Ⅲ》里身世凄苦但是爱护兄长的程守望。 2005年,何宝生在大屿山宝林禅寺出家为僧,法号道生。出家后,何宝生一直没有任何消息曝光。然而在2008年,却因为有盗贼到隐居的寺庙偷金链,正好被何宝生碰到,这才透露了他的行踪。何宝生离开宝林寺后从此云游四海。  Ho Po-sang (何寶生Timmy Ho Bo Sang, born November 15, 1967) is a former TVB male artist. His family is wealthy, and his father built his family from scratch. He started from a small factory and has assets exceeding hundreds of millions. Ho Po-sang studied interior design in Canada. After graduating in 1990 and returning to Hong Kong, he enrolled in a wireless art training class and entered the industry. Before graduating from the training class, he was noticed by the producer of "Entertainment News Eye" and appointed as the host of the program. "Wireless" is extremely optimistic about his potential and signed a five-year salary contract with him. At first, he served as the host of programs such as "Golden Songs", "Entertainment News Eyes", and "Weekend Anywhere", and then filmed "The Legend of the White-Haired Witch", "Golden Teeth II", and "The Dumpling Queen" , "Integrity Pursuit", "Swordsman", "Ji Gong", "Forensic Records", "Criminal Investigation Files III", "It's Better to Make Enemies than to Dissolve" and other dozens of series. During this period, he also participated in film performances. Ho Po-sang is a three-dimensional artist in singing, film and television. In February 1992, he released his first album "Between Men and Women", followed by his solo album "Midsummer Feelings" in August of the same year, which received a good response. After Ho Po-sang finished filming "Ji Gong" in 1997, he terminated his salary contract with TVB. Therefore, most of his subsequent TVB dramas changed from the male lead or second actor to a supporting role or even a guest appearance. Dong Anfeng, a senior chemist who is unforgettable, and Cheng Shouwang, who has a miserable life experience but loves his brother in "Criminal Investigation Files III". In 2005, Ho Po-sang became a monk at Po Lam Monastery on Lantau Island, with the Buddhist name Tao Sheng. After becoming a monk, Ho Po-sang has not had any news exposed. However, in 2008, because a thief came to the secluded temple to steal a gold chain, Ho Po-sang happened to encounter him, and his whereabouts were revealed. After Ho Po-sang left Baolin Temple, he traveled around the world. 发送反馈 侧边栏 历史记录 已保存 提供建议 演出作品 电视剧(无线电视) 1990年 燃烧岁月 饰演李侍卫长 1990年 零点出击 饰演小女孩爸爸 1990年 午夜太阳 饰演夜总会客人 1992年 我爱牙擦苏 饰演凌云佳 1993年 九彩霸王花 饰演王嘉明 1993年 镇金女人周记-与狼共事 饰演阿杰 1993年 开心华之里 饰演张家明 1994年 包青天之碾玉观音 饰演崔宁(未播) 1994年 清宫气数录 饰演何 虫 1995年 白发魔女传 饰演卓一航 1995年 命转乾坤 饰演郑浩然 1995年 水饺皇后 饰演余子峰 1995年 金牙大状(贰) 饰演王日出 1995年 寻龙剑侠赖布衣 饰演傅天华 1996年 笑傲江湖 饰演林平之 1997年 济公 饰演李释元 1997年 当女人爱上男人 饰演罗永坤 1997年 刑事侦缉档案III 饰演程守望 1997年 廉政追缉令 饰演罗家杰 1997年 鉴证实录 饰演董岸风 1998年 外父唔怕做 饰演Sue 1998年 乾隆大帝 饰演弘昼 1998年 缘来没法挡 饰演郭祖祥 1998年 冤家宜结不宜解 饰演唐泽明 电视剧(亚洲电视) 1999年 海瑞斗严嵩 饰演严世藩 2000年 武状元苏灿 饰演常风 2000年 你想的爱客串 向先生 2001年 骚东坡 饰演佛印 电视剧(中国大陆) 1999年 苏州二公差 电影: 1993年 临时演员 1997年 豪情盖天 1998年 杀手之王 饰演David 2000年 夺命屋 饰演任少杰 短剧: 2002年 《廉洁选举百分百》 饰演阿财


欧锦棠 Au Kam Tong

欧锦棠(Stephen Au Kam Tong,1963年4月26日—),香港男演员及节目主持,1990年出道于亚洲电视。他演艺创作兴趣多方面,包括摄影、写作、武术研究等。妻子为前亚洲电视艺员万斯敏,两人1997年结婚,没有子女。另外他任职国际空手道“正道塾”的武术顾问。 欧锦棠1990年,他毕业于第1届亚洲电视训练学院,戏剧导师有张铮及何伟龙,其后于亚视工作多年,因担任资讯娱乐节目《今日睇真D》主持而广为观众认识,2000年离开亚视,其后到中国大陆及新加坡拍剧,也曾主持有线电视怪谈节目。1996年,他亦曾于新城电台(Metro Broadcast)主持《香蕉俱乐部》(Banana Club)节目及深夜节目《惊叫一点钟》九个月,2001年加入无线电视。 2003年7月执导纪录片《李小龙之道》(Bruce Lee On The Road),于路讯通播出。2010年,他与妻子万斯敏创立舞台剧剧团剧道场,致力培训戏剧人才及创作剧目;2012年后仍与无线有合约,但一直未参与剧集拍摄,有指他2013年后放假990日,约2016年才正式完约,回复自由身。留在无线的15年间曾拍摄了一些代表作,包括《同事三分亲》(武纪勇)、《毕打自己人》(闫汝大)及《谁家灶头无烟火》(钟国栋)。 2017年9月,欧锦棠演出音乐剧《马丁路德》时发生意外,跳现代舞时左手突然甩骱。他被送往急症室时被医生要求留院一晚驳骨,但经包扎后自行签纸出院,继续演出尾场;及后到骨科医生求诊,只需打石膏而不用动手术。2019年,他曾反对拆卸李小龙故居罗曼酒店,同年他打动淡出幕前多年的文颂娴,以及邀请日本动作演员仓田保昭和K1皇者魔裟斗来港,拍摄其编剧和监制的ViuTV剧集《打天下》,更在戏中互相较量空手道。 2019年12月,欧锦棠凭港台电视31剧集《火速救兵IV─ 火伴》里王智军(爆人王)一角,夺得《第二届香港电视大奖》最佳男主角奖(迷你剧、特别剧、单元剧、网络剧)。 Ou Jintang (欧锦棠Stephen Au Kam Tong, April 26, 1963 -) is a Hong Kong actor and program host. He made his debut on Asian Television in 1990. He has many interests in performing arts and creation, including photography, writing, martial arts research, etc. His wife is former Asia Television artist Wan Simin. The two married in 1997 and have no children. In addition, he serves as a martial arts consultant for the International Karate "Shodo Juku". Ou Jintang graduated from the 1st Asian Television Training Academy in 1990. His drama instructors were Zhang Zheng and He Weilong. He later worked at ATV for many years and became widely known to the audience as the host of the infotainment program "Today's D". In 2000 After leaving ATV, he went to mainland China and Singapore to film dramas, and also hosted a TVB ghost talk show. In 1996, he also hosted the "Banana Club" program and the late-night program "Scream at One O'Clock" on Metro Broadcast for nine months before joining TVB in 2001. In July 2003, he directed the documentary "Bruce Lee On The Road", which was broadcast on Roadshow. In 2010, he and his wife Wan Simin founded the stage drama company Drama Theater, dedicated to training drama talents and creating plays. After 2012, he still had a contract with TVB, but he has not participated in the filming of dramas. It is said that he took 990 days off after 2013. , the contract was officially completed around 2016 and he became free. During the 15 years he stayed at TVB, he filmed some masterpieces, including "Colleagues Are In Love" (Wu Ji-yong), "Beat Your Own Person" (Yan Ruda) and "Whose Stove Has No Fireworks" (Chung Kwok-tung). In September 2017, Ou Jintang had an accident while performing the musical "Martin Luther". He suddenly threw his left hand while dancing modern dance. When he was sent to the emergency room, the doctor asked him to stay overnight to repair his bones, but he was bandaged and signed out on his own to continue performing at the end of the show. He later consulted an orthopedic surgeon, who only required a cast and no surgery. In 2019, he opposed the demolition of the Roman Hotel, the former residence of Bruce Lee. In the same year, he moved Wen Songxian, who had been out of the spotlight for many years, and invited Japanese action actors Yasuaki Kurata and K1 Emperor Mo Goto to come to Hong Kong to film the ViuTV series "Fighting the World" written and produced by him. ", and even competed with each other in karate in the play. In December 2019, Au Kam-tang won the Best Actor Award (Miniseries, Special) at the 2nd Hong Kong Television Awards for his role as Wang Zhijun (The Explosive King) in the 31st Hong Kong TV series "Rescue IV - Companion". Dramas, unit dramas, online dramas). 欧锦棠参演过的电视剧(亚洲电视) 1990年:曲终人未散 1990年:夏天的童话(又名:Q表姐) 1990年:鸿运迫人来 1990年:鬼做你老婆 1991年:触电情缘 1991年:胜者为王 饰 余德伟 1991年:豪门 1991年:香港奇案 1991年:争雄岁月 1991年:剑神不败 饰 万重山 1992年:八婆会馆 1992年:点解阿Sir系只鬼 饰 卫家国 1992年:摩登七十二家房客 1992年:烈火雄风 1992年:仙鹤神针 饰 严世藩 1992年:龙在江湖 饰 王十二 1992年:新香港奇案之电梯情杀案 1993年:中国教父 1993年:胜者为王III王者之战 饰 小江 1995年:精武门 饰 暹罗人 1996年:谁是凶手 1997年:我来自潮州 饰 李乃强 (第二男主角) 1998年:流氓·律师 饰 黎志鹏 1998年:我来自广州 饰 陈炳 (第二男主角) 1999年:纵横四海 饰 崔小龙 1999年:英雄之广东十虎 饰 黄澄可 (第一男主角) 2000年:影城大亨 饰 雷龙 参演电视剧(无线电视) 2002年:法网伊人 饰 叶向辉 (第三男主角) 2002年:骑呢大状 饰 武龙 2002年:烈火雄心II 饰 蔡南丰(纪瑶之舅父) 2003年:洗冤录II 饰 邹子龙 2003年:十万吨情缘 饰 刘华 2003年:牛郎织女 饰 比干 2004年:翡翠恋曲 饰 梁柏杰 2004年:无名天使3D 饰 李天华 2004年:心理心里有个谜 饰 龙锦威(于2006年播映) 2005年:佛山赞师父 饰 隆科贝克(客串) 2006年:人生马戏团 饰 林俊(林三虎)/ 甘霖 2007-2008年:同事三分亲 饰 武纪勇 2008年:搜神传 饰 干将 2008-2010年:毕打自己人 饰 闫汝大(第二男主角) 2011年:谁家灶头无烟火 饰 钟国栋(第三男主角) 2012年:冲呀!瘦薪兵团 饰 高伟霆(第三男主角) 2012年:惊艳一枪 饰 元十三限 电视剧(ViuTV) 2020年:打天下 饰 马刚正(第一男主角,监制,编审,动作指导) 2022年:季前赛 饰 Raymond 2024年:玛嘉烈与大卫系列 丝丝 饰 Raymond 未播映:打天下2 饰 马刚正(第一男主角,监制,编审,动作指导) 电视剧(香港电台) 2000年:非常平等任务 2000年:法门2000(第一集:祸从口出)饰 赵忠强 2000年:识食新人类 2004年:铁窗边缘 2005年:楼上楼下 2005年:外判剧集:十封信 2010年:功夫传奇 2015年:狮子山下2015(第一集:一场饭局) 饰 黄家宝 2018年:火速救兵IV 饰 王智军 (单元第一男主角) 参演过的电影: 1996 大内密探零零发 1997 香港大夜总会 Michael 1998 无常 自导 1999 原始武器 李明生 2000 行规 韦Sir 2009 窃听风云 阿华 2010 火龙 纪少群 2011 报应 姚启初 2013 飞虎出征 谈判专家 2014 魔警 “鬼王党”成员 堂倌 2015 吉星高照2015 主持人 2016 树大招风 胡警官三人行 温敬棠 2017 救僵清道夫 张天龙(男配角) 2018 非同凡响 孔老师(男配角) 2019 大侦探福尔摩斯:逃狱大追捕 马奇 2019 沉默的证人 唐世杰 2020 死因无可疑 蒋雷 2021 喜欢你是你 蓝爸 2022 边缘行者 阿骆 (其中多部电影角色由任贤齐饰演,欧锦棠粤语版配音)


周绍栋Zhou Shaodong

周绍栋Zhou Shaodong1955年11月3日出生于台湾省,台湾影视男演员。他曾在台北文化学院念戏剧系,他在电影[聚散两依依]里露了下脸,演一们故去的亡夫,周绍栋的大银幕岁月里有不少名作,[欢颜]、[聚散两依依]、[彩霞满天],可惜戏中女星比他更红,他却只能做衬托。 1980年,与林青霞合作联袂出演《碧血黄花》,并凭借此片获得亚太电影节影帝殊荣。周绍栋参演过的作品有:《烽火儿女情》、《赏金猎人》、《美人无泪》等多部影片。相较于时装剧,周绍栋拍古装却经常有机会担纲男一号,他演侠,是侠气和文气结合,书卷儒味不减,如“公子”侠士,广为人知的还是[金剑雕翎]中的萧翎一角。这角色的天真和单纯不是他的路数,三十岁演毛头小伙,也少了洋溢朝气,好在他那时眉眼俊逸,演技了得,剧本侧重在感情上做文章,萧翎与岳小钗的情深意重,萧翎对百里冰的负疚感激,这些都是周绍栋擅于把握的。   在拍完华视「怀玉公主」后,他放下台湾一切,前往美国从事买卖影片生意,为照顾母亲,辗转移到上海, 但隔行如隔山,做生意惨赔,期间赔掉台币1600万元,这些年,他处理掉美国房子,还掉台币800万元,他坦言:「还有一半债务。」 8年没演戏的周绍栋,因为制作人俞惟中一句话:「你生意做不过人家的!」他复出台视8点备档戏「一代神相赖布衣」饰演大反派「秦桧」,重返萤光幕,周绍栋感慨万千:「还是要回归专业,我就是会演戏!」2014年参演电视剧《缘来幸福》 。2017年参演电视剧,并在当年3月播出。周绍栋在《云巅之上》饰演剧中宫娱乐董事季董,宫娱乐当家花旦季晴的父亲。 周绍栋曾与刘瑞琪有一段情缘,谈婚论嫁,人人艳羡,却躲不过劳燕分飞,时光消弭了太多珍贵。美,本就是一桩经不起销磨的事。周绍栋于1995年5月25日结婚,太太刘芳茹,比他小8岁,儿子周悦生。1998年3月出生于美国。 Zhou Shaodong周绍栋, born in Taiwan Province on November 3, 1955, is a Taiwanese film and television actor. He once studied drama at the Taipei Cultural Institute. He made an appearance in the movie "Ju and San Liang Yi Yi", playing the role of the deceased husband. Zhou Shaodong has many masterpieces in his big screen years, including "Happy Face", "Ju San Liang Yi Yi" Liang Yiyi] and [Colorful Clouds Fill the Sky], it's a pity that the actress in the film is more popular than him, but he can only serve as a foil. In 1980, he co-starred with Brigitte Lin in "Blood and Yellow Flowers", and won the Best Actor Award at the Asia Pacific Film Festival for this film. The works that Zhou Shaodong has participated in include: "The Love of Children", "Bounty Hunter", "Beauty Without Tears" and many other films. Compared with fashion dramas, Zhou Shaodong often has the opportunity to play the male lead in costume dramas. When he plays a knight-errant, he combines chivalry and literary temperament, and his scholarly style is not diminished. For example, the "gongzi" knight is widely known as [Golden Sword and Eagle Feathers] The corner of Xiao Ling. The innocence and simplicity of this character are not his style. Playing a young boy at the age of thirty is not full of vigor. Fortunately, he had handsome features and excellent acting skills at that time. The script focuses on emotions. Xiao Ling and Xiao Ling Yue Xiaochai's deep affection and Xiao Ling's guilt and gratitude towards Baili Bing are all things Zhou Shaodong is good at grasping. ​ After filming China Television's "Princess Huaiyu", he left everything in Taiwan and went to the United States to engage in the film buying and selling business. In order to take care of his mother, he moved to Shanghai. However the business suffered heavy losses. During this period, he lost NT$16 million. , over the years, he has disposed of his house in the United States and paid back NT$8 million. He said frankly: "Half of the debt is still there." Zhou Shaodong, who has not acted for 8 years, is due to producer Yu Weizhong's words: "You can't succeed in business!" He returns to Taiwan TV in the 8 o'clock drama "The God of the Generation Relies on the Commoner" as the villain "Qin Hui" and returns to the TV series At the end of the show, Zhou Shaodong was full of emotions: "I still have to return to my profession, I just know how to act!" In 2014, he participated in the TV series "Fate to Happiness". In 2017, he participated in a TV series that was broadcast in March of that year. In "Above the Clouds" Zhou Shaodong plays Ji Dong, the director of Gong Entertainment, and the father of Ji Qing, the head of Gong Entertainment. Zhou Shaodong once had a relationship with Liu Ruiqi. They talked about getting married and everyone envied them, but they couldn't escape the separation. Time eliminated too much preciousness. Beauty is something that cannot stand the test of time. Zhou Shaodong married on May 25, 1995, to his wife Liu Fangru, who is 8 years younger than him, and their son Zhou Yuesheng. Born in the United States in March 1998.参演电视剧 2013 陆贞传奇 饰演高忠 2013 少年四大名捕 饰演襄王 2012 爱情自有天意 饰演程如山 2011 钟馗传说 饰演玉帝 2010 活佛济公2-画中仙 饰演杨父 2009 《嘉庆君游台湾》之《贞节牌坊》 饰演郑树东 2007 《神机妙算刘伯温》之《南无里国》 2000 白发魔女/一代侠女 饰演魏忠贤 1999 刀歌之短刀行 饰演石宝山 1998 雍正、小蝶、年羹尧 饰演胤礽 1997 一品夫人芝麻官 饰演陈星聚 1987 万水千山 1986 金剑雕翎 萧翎 1986 迷情 饰演霍平 1985 牵情 饰演林子扬 1984 鹿鼎记 饰演康熙帝 1983 大执法 1996 花落花开 饰演任以安 1995 情爱红尘 饰演钱大宇 1993 情定少林寺/武林奇缘 饰演唐太宗 1992 两个月亮 1991 含羞草 饰演赵子豪 1989 天使之爱 饰演韦雅俊 1987 小姐与流氓 1978 烽火儿女情 参演电影 2012 搞定岳父大人 饰演韩教授 2012 消失的子弹 饰演监狱长 2011 倾城之泪 1993 画魂 饰演薛无 1987 烽火佳人 1983 中国法术 1982 两星一线大进击 1982 笨鸟满天飞 1981 云知道你是谁 1981 聚散两依依 饰演钟文樵 1980 碧血黄花 饰演林觉民 1979 欢颜 饰演王恕

戴佩妮(Penny Tai)

戴佩妮(Penny Tai,1978年4月22日—),马来西亚创作女歌手、音乐制作人、乐团“佛跳墙”主唱、作家、MV导演。舞蹈工作出身。2000年发行同名专辑《Penny》在台湾出道,至2006年大多以一年一张的速度发行专辑。2006年发行第七张专辑《iPenny》后,约有3年的时间她选择在网络平台发表数位单曲,以及转往摄影及拍摄MV的方面发展。出道至今已有11张个人全创作专辑、3张以佛跳墙乐团名义发行的全创作专辑。 戴佩妮不仅多次提名台湾金曲奖,也是金曲奖获得奖项类别最多的女歌手。她曾于2006年以歌曲《爱疯了》获得第17届金曲奖最佳作曲人奖,2014年以专辑《纯属意外》荣获第25届金曲奖最佳国语女歌手奖,是马来西亚首位女歌手获得此奖项;也于同届金曲奖以帮刘思涵制作的《拥抱你》专辑荣获最佳专辑制作人奖。2015年其所领军的佛跳墙乐团凭专辑《给你看》荣获第26届金曲奖最佳编曲及最佳乐团奖。 除演艺事业外,戴佩妮热心公益慈善,于2011年当选马来西亚十大杰出青年。 戴佩妮出生于马来西亚柔佛州昔加末,为当地华侨第三代,但自小就迁居新山古来,父亲是南方大学学院校长。戴佩妮从小学四年级开始学习华族舞蹈与现代舞。1992年参与陈清水舞蹈工作坊《窗外有蓝天》全国巡回演出。14岁即开始编舞创作,19岁取得舞蹈老师资格,开始业余舞蹈教学工作。1997年参与《花踪》全国文学颁奖典礼舞蹈演出。1998年参与《六味》舞蹈演出。1999年参与香港《南群舞子-看似昨日的天》舞蹈演出。 戴佩妮毕业于马来西亚柔佛宽柔二小、新山宽柔中学(高三文商二、宽柔中学1996年舞蹈团主席)及新山南方大学学院中文系。 2014年11月11日上午,戴佩妮在个人官方脸书及微博上公布喜帖。媒体透露,她与卢信江已在台北完成注册,正式升格为人妻;12月27日,于台北松山烟厂举办婚宴,以Party形式邀请亲朋好友到场参与。 1995年,17岁的戴佩妮开始接触歌曲创作,并积极参与国内外创作比赛。曾获得海螺韵全国校园创作比赛之优秀奖、全柔歌曲创作比赛全场总冠军及最佳演绎、新加坡全国词曲创作比赛冠军。 在因缘际会之下被台湾名唱片制作人陈子鸿发掘,于1999年赴台湾发展。在制作人陈子鸿及黄怡的合作下,戴佩妮开始录制首张音乐专辑。 2000年发表第一首创作单曲《不想》,并由EMI(科艺百代)发行首张专辑《Penny》,以21岁“最年轻创作歌手”之姿进入台湾歌坛。隔年,戴佩妮入围台湾第12届金曲奖最佳新人奖。 2001年发行第二张专辑《怎样》,专辑中歌曲《你要的爱》成为热门电视偶像剧《流星花园》片尾曲。 2004年以第三张专辑《No Penn, No Gain》于第15届金曲奖首度入围最佳国语女演唱人奖。 2006年以专辑《爱疯了》入围第17届金曲奖四项大奖,最终以同名歌曲《爱疯了》荣获最佳作曲人奖。 2007年戴佩妮宣布,由于唱片市场型态的转换,未来她将以线上发表歌曲为主,2年内将不会再推出实体CD。同年和5位男团员组成“D-Power”乐团。 2009年同时以方炯镔《风》及方大同《黑白》两首歌曲的MV导演身份入围第20届金曲奖最佳音乐录影带奖。 2010年戴佩妮和她在2007年召集的乐团“D-power”一起组成了佛跳墙乐团。并于2011年9月发行首张同名专辑《佛跳墙》,随后在同年11月戴佩妮发行个人全创作专辑《回家路上》。2012年佛跳墙于第23届金曲奖首次入围最佳乐团奖;同年戴佩妮以《回家路上》荣获第3届金音奖最佳创作歌手奖。 2013年戴佩妮成立个人音乐品牌“妮乐佛 NeverFall”,并于5月发行个人全创作专辑《纯属意外》。2014年戴佩妮凭此专辑于第25届金曲奖荣获最佳国语女歌手奖,并同时以首度为中国歌手刘思涵制作的《拥抱你》专辑荣获最佳专辑制作人奖。同年底,佛跳墙乐团发行第二张专辑《给你看》。 2015年佛跳墙凭第二张专辑《给你看》一举荣获第26届金曲奖最佳乐团奖及最佳编曲人奖。 2016年戴佩妮发行睽违三年的个人音乐专辑《贼》,并于8月13日专辑发行同天在台北小巨蛋举办《“贼”世界巡回演唱会》。 2017年戴佩妮再度操刀制作刘思涵的第二张专辑《不特别得很特别》,并凭此专辑于隔年第29届金曲奖再次入围最佳专辑制作人奖。 2019年佛跳墙乐团发行第三张专辑《BJ肆》,是佛跳墙首次采用现场同步录音的专辑。 2021年8月,加盟B站年度原创音乐综艺《我的音乐你听吗》,在节目中担任有谱村召集人;9月19日,参加东方卫视代际潮音综艺节目《中国梦之声·我们的歌第三季》;9月21日,参加《2021大湾区中秋电影音乐晚会》,与杜江、张小斐、莫华伦等演唱歌曲《但愿人长久》;12月24日,官宣参加2021年12月31日东方卫视跨年晚会 ;12月31日,参加《启航2022——中央广播电视总台跨年晚会》 。 2022年2月1日,北京2022年冬奥会暨冬残奥会口号推广音乐短片《一起向未来》全网发布,戴佩妮作为唱响者之一,用音乐献礼,邀约大家迎接新的开始,一起向未来。 2022年6月,戴佩妮发行睽违6年的个人全新专辑《被动的观众》,并于隔年第34届金曲奖入围最佳华语女歌手奖,同时也凭专辑歌曲《闹剧》入围最佳作曲人奖。此次为戴佩妮第五度入围金曲奖最佳女歌手、第三度入围最佳作曲人奖。 2022年8月13日,参加2022简单生活节深圳站;8月,加盟腾讯视频演唱会式综艺节目《来看我们的演唱会》;8月27日,参加 CCTV-3《拿手好戏》,进行个人京剧首秀,重现京剧大师梅兰芳作品《洛神》;9月3日,参加《2022电影频道传媒荣誉之夜》;9月9日,参加《梦有引力小红花公益音乐会》;9月10日,参加《明月知我——中秋电影云歌会》,并演唱歌曲《月光》;11月,作为开卷人参加《诗画中国》;11月19日,《来看我们的演唱会》播出。 2023年1月1日参与央视新闻联合微信发起的“央视文艺·视频号”“全球日出·追光2023”系列直播;1月7日,参加的《你好,星期六》在湖南卫视和芒果TV独播;2月17日,参加爱奇艺《我们民谣2022》,与音乐人柳爽合作歌曲《玫瑰窃贼》;2月26日,参加YY2022年度巅峰盛典,戴佩妮携手兰梦莎,演唱梦幻版《辛德瑞拉》、《你要的爱》;6月23日参演的音乐励志节目《天赐的声音 第四季》播出;7月14日开启“戴佩妮Penny Tai 随风所遇Drift World Tour”世界巡演,首站在台北Zepp举行;8月2日,在中央广播电视总台七夕晚会“如七而遇漫歌今夕”上献唱《你要的爱》;8月4日,在小红书首届“马路生活节”路灯音乐会上领衔演唱;9月9日,湖南卫视&芒果TV《时光音乐会老友记》作为常驻嘉宾“时光音乐人”参与演出;9月27日出席第十届丝绸之路国际电影节闭幕式颁奖晚会并献唱;10月29日出席南京新青年·向未来—亚洲青年音乐盛典。 2024年1月6日,现身2023百大UP主盛典现场,作为颁奖人颁发《年度原创音乐》奖。


姜南 Chiang Nan

姜南Chiang Nan1922年出生于北平(今北京),安徽安庆人。北平辅仁大学肄业。十五岁离家参加抗日宣传队,曾进入剧专进修,但没有毕业,便跟随话剧团在四川等地演话剧为生。抗战胜利后随建国剧团来港演出。由于以国语演出缺乏观众,剧团亏了本只好解散。1946年,姜南加入大中华电影企业公司,开始电影配角演员生涯。 由1946至1983年,他演了《欲望》(1946)、《清宫秘史》(1948)、《海棠红》(1955)、《百花公主》(1959)、《金玉奴》(1965)、《一乐也》(1973)、《洪拳与咏春》(1974)、《乾隆下江南》(1977)等二百多部影片。当中绝大部分为国语片,几家重要的电影公司像新华、电懋/国泰、邵氏、嘉禾均曾长期聘用他演出。以演小人物及喜剧知名,由于早年曾与李翰祥一起任副导演,是李翰祥在七十年代长期爱用的演员。在李导演的「乾隆皇」系列便饰演固定角色鄂容安。 除担任演员之外,他亦曾兼任副导演, 与李翰祥一起任《翠翠》(1953)的助理导演。二人更与古森林一起完成了《嫦娥》(1954)的导演工作。首部独立导演的影片是《采西瓜的姑娘》(1956)。在五十年代是活跃的国语片独立公司导演,两年之内拍了《珊瑚》(1958)、《女大十八变》(1958)、《千面女郎》(1959)等十三部影片。擅长拍调子轻松夹杂歌唱场面的爱情喜剧。《千面女郎》尤其令女主角葛兰发挥出多方面的演技和才华。1963年后一度中止导演工作。在1968年为国泰公司导演了《笑面侠》和《千手佛》两片后,才真正结束导演生涯。 姜南与同属演技派的高宝树志趣相投,一度是报章称赞、影迷称羡的「银色鸳鸯」。可惜在高宝树的电影事业越发顺遂时,姜南却因工作不顺而陷入低潮;15年的夫妇,最终落得分道扬镳。姜南在1970年代回归演员身份,于李翰祥执导的风月片、宫闱片中出现。姜南于1985年3月9日与世长辞,终年63岁。 姜南参演过的电影: 目无王法(1981)饰 县官; 乾隆皇与三姑娘 (1980); 少林英雄榜(1979) 饰 李总兵; 军阀趣史(1979) 饰 参谋长; 孔雀王朝(1979) 饰 朱七七父亲; 乾隆下扬州 (1978); 血芙蓉 (1978) 饰 大臣; 白玉老虎(1977) 饰 唐蛇; 乾隆下江南(1977) 饰 鄂荣安; 金玉良缘红楼梦(1977) 饰 焦大; 应召名册(1977) 饰 便衣警察; 骗财骗色(1976) 饰 医生曹济人; 瀛台泣血(1976) 饰 端王载漪 ; 沙胆英(1976) 饰 陈芳继父; 天才与白痴 (1975); 倾国倾城(1975) 饰 端王载漪; 恶霸(1975) 饰 三爷; 花飞满城春 (1975) 饰 剃发匠; 天网(1974)饰 柏无常; 三六九(1974)饰 瘸子金生; 金瓶双艳(1974)饰 武大郎; 丑闻(1974)饰 侍从长; 大刀王五(1973)饰 文炳; 一乐也 (1973) 饰 理发师傅; 铁汉柔情(1973)饰 龙老板; 顶天立地(1973)饰 张先生; 牛鬼蛇神(1973)饰 一道士; 迎春阁之风波(1973)饰 一斗笠男; 北地臙脂(1973)饰 黄老板; 大军阀(1972) 饰 参谋长; 啼笑姻缘-上集 (1964) .... 王副官; 啼笑姻缘-下集 (1964); 都市狂想曲 (1964); 南北喜相逢 (1964) .... 吴父; 深宫怨 (1964) .... 多铎; 卖油郎独占花魁女 (1964) .... 刘小春; 生死关头 (1964); 燕子盗 (1961); 云开见月明 (1961) .... 吴开鹏; 毒蟒情鸳 (1961) .... 何医生; 美人鱼 (1959) .... 董老大; 百花公主 (1959) .... 范长宝; 望乡 (1958) .... 许杰; 笑声泪痕 (1958) .... 胡济民;俏冤家 (1958); 异国情鸳 (1958) .... 丁亨利; 一见钟情 (1958) .... 劳勃; 银海笙歌 (1958); 两傻大闹摄影场 (1957) .... 赵剧务; 亡魂谷 (1957) .... 长工丙; 天作之合 (1957) .... 成奇; 风雨牛车水 (1956) .... 醉诸葛; 黑妞 (1956) .... 小丁; 追 (1956); 采西瓜的姑娘 (1956) .... 魏玉成; 娘惹与峇峇 (1956) .... 章添福; 花花世界 (1956); 渔歌 (1956) .... 九斤半; 面子问题 (1956) .... 张大礼; 银灯照玉人 (1955) .... 张国才; 海棠红 (1955) .... 韩福保; 春天不是读书天 (1954) .... 小江; 嫦娥 (1954) .... 吴刚; 玫瑰玫瑰我爱你 (1954) .... 团员; 翠翠 (1953) .... 水手甲; 一刻春宵 (1952) .... 独眼龙; 拜金的人 (1952) .... 何国平; 孽缘 (1952) .... 美四; 欲魔 (1952) .... 小白脸; 浴室艳尸 (1952) .... 探员甲; 雾香港 (1952) .... 王佑民; 白蛇传 (1952); 月儿弯弯照九州 (1952) .... 小林; 喜相逢 (1952); 近水楼台 (1952) .... 振廷友; 五虎断魂枪 (1951) .... 老赵 香岛美人鱼 (1950); 南来雁 (1950) .... 花匠; 罗宫春色 (1949); 水上人家 (1949); 孽海痴魂 (1949) .... 势空格郎; 大侠复仇记 (1949) .... 马荣; 恋爱之道 (1949) .... 陈大本; 宏碧缘 (1949) .... 巴杰; 锦绣天堂 (1949) .... 阿毛; 风雪夜归人 (1949) .... 李二哥; 千钧一发 (1949) .... 林长; 济公活佛 (1949); 朱门怨 (1948) .... 杨钦毅; 铁血男儿 (1948) .... 姜节明; 清宫秘史 (1948) .... 小德张; 野火春风 (1948) .... 绅士; 长相思 (1947) .... 翻译; 各有千秋 (1947) .... 副经理; 新天方夜谭 (1947) .... 密探; 桃花依旧笑春风 (1947) .... 马医生; 某夫人 (1947); 女罗宾汉 (1947) .... 关老大; 玉人何处 (1947) .... 老包; 地狱天堂 (1947) .... 周观达; 天网恢恢 (1947) .... 公寓司阍; 满城风雨 (1947) .... 钱友丁; 欲望 (1946) .... 老佣人; Jiang Nan 姜南was born in 1922 and died on March 9, 1985. A Hong Kong actor who has participated in many films such as "Blood on Yingtai" and "White Jade Tiger". Jiang Nan is also a screenwriter and director. Jiang Nan’s wife Gao Baoshu is also an actress. Chiang Nan was born in Peiping (now Beijing) in 1922 and is a native of Anqing, Anhui Province. Graduated from Fu Jen University in Peking. At the age of fifteen, he left home to join the Anti-Japanese Propaganda Team. He entered a drama school for further studies, but before graduating, he made a living performing dramas with a drama troupe in Sichuan and other places. After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, he came to Hong Kong to perform with the Jianguo Theater Company. Due to the lack of audiences for performances in Mandarin, the troupe lost money and had to disband. In 1946, Jiang Nan joined the Greater China Film Enterprise Company and began his career as a supporting actor in films. Movies Jiang Nan has participated in: No King's Law (1981) as the county magistrate Emperor Qianlong and the Three Girls (1980) Shaolin Heroes (1979) as General Li and the Warlord Interesting History (1979) as the Chief of Staff Maurya Dynasty (1979) as Zhu Qiqi's father Qianlong went to Yangzhou (1978) Blood Hibiscus (1978) as the minister Bai Jade Tiger (1977) as the Tang snake Qianlong went to the south of the Yangtze River (1977) as Orong'an's Golden Marriage in Dream of Red Mansions (1977) as Jiao Da's Calling List (1977) 1977) Played as a plainclothes policeman to defraud money and sex (1976) Played as doctor Cao Jiren Yingtai cried blood (1976) Played as Duan Wang Zaiyi 。 Sha Danying (1976) Played as Chen Fang’s stepfather Genius and Idiot (1975) Falling Country and City (1975) Played as Duan Wang Zaiyi Bully (1975) Played as the third master, Flowers Fly all over the City (1975) Played as the barber Tianwang (1974) Played as Bai Wuchang 369 (1974) Played as the lame Jin Sheng [This film is also known as "The Supreme" Treasure。Two Beauties in the Golden Vase (1974) as the warlord Wu Dalang (1972) as the Chief of Staff, The Marriage of Crying and Laughing - Part 1 (1964) .... Adjutant Wang's Marriage of Crying and Laughing - Part 2 (1964) Urban Rhapsody (1964) Happy Encounter between the North and the South (1964) 1964) .... Father Wu’s Deep Grudge in the Palace (1964) .... Duduo Oil Seller Monopolizes the Oiran Girl (1964) .... Liu Xiaochun’s Life and Death (1964) The Swallow Thief (1961) Clouds See the Moonlight (1961) .... Wu Kaipeng's Poisonous Python Loves the Mandarin Duck (1961) .... Dr. He's Mermaid (1959) .... Boss Dong's Princess Baihua (1959) .... Fan Changbao Looks Homeward (1958) .... Xu Jie's Tears of Laughter (1958) .... Hu Jimin's Pretty Enemies (1958) Exotic Lovers (1958) .... Henry Ding's Love at First Sight (1958) .... Robert's Song of the Silver Sea (1958) 。


车保罗(Paul Che Biu Law)

车保罗(Paul Che Biu Law)出生于1959年11月2日,原名吴溟苍,香港男艺人,车保罗为独生子,有一名异父同母的姐姐,父亲吴铁峰是珠海书院化学系教授兼系主任,于车保罗4岁时离世。车保罗早年于香港岛北角清华街的住宅长大,读书成绩欠佳,小学毕业后投身社会。他曾是面包制作学徒,约18岁在酒楼工作、戏院当带位员、舞台职员,期间到湾仔的商科学校进修英语。 1979年,经导演朋友介绍,参演一部美国电视电影《Spider-man》。不久,被周梁淑怡看中参演电影《有你冇你》,他选用“车保罗”作为艺名,“车”是指他喜欢汽车;“保罗”则是他洋名的中文译名。车保罗参演过徐克的《第一类型危险》后再应曾励珍邀请参演《豆芽梦》。当年他同一时间获丽的与无线电视的邀约拍摄,最后未能与无线建立共识而退出,只好接拍丽的《I.Q.成熟时》一剧。由于他身高6尺3寸,加上拥有瘦长面型及像卡通人物的外形,故演出经常惹笑、怪人或奸人等角色。 1981年10月,车保罗参与丽的电视的《对对糊》、《大四喜》等电视剧演出。凭着独特的外形,他受到东芝青睐,与另一位演员施介强组成高矮仔宝拍摄了一系列东芝电器广告。1983年与朋友合组电影道具公司,供应枪械道具用作拍摄。又打算与梁小龙及蒋金合组“肉排乐队”到东南亚演出赚钱。然而于同年年尾以“患上疱疹,需要北上求医”为由暪骗公司到菲律宾参演电影《铁板烧》3个星期,被不知道他请假的叶蒨文意外地向传媒透露拍摄行踪,害他不能够与电视台续约。及后于1988年与朋友以港职管理,即宣传部总监身份到中国深圳酒店一类歌舞场所培训训练生及策划歌舞项目,至1990年代末重回香港。 1997年重返无线电视,参演《鹿鼎记》。1998年透过剧中饰演“胖头陀”一角让人留下深刻印象。2003年,他约满无线电视后便不再签新约;车保罗曾一度生活 陷入困境,当时曾申请破产,并领取综援,且靠任职保安、地盘或博爱医院杂工与跟班、搬运工人等工作以维持生计,当其母逝世时还需要筹款加以安葬。 2011年,他获邀拍摄英国喜剧电影《特务戆J之救国大业》,饰演澳门葡京酒店的线人。2018年接拍《第十三届鲜浪潮国际短片节》微电影《老人与狗》。2019年凭该出微电影中“老陈”一角入围争夺《第21届台北电影节》“台北电影奖最佳男主角”殊荣,为其入行以来首个奖项提名。 车保罗与熊爱兰于1978年奉子成婚,两人育有一女吴茵茵,但婚姻只维持了两年。1992年,他再跟曾是其菲籍家佣的Inday结婚,两人也育有一子吴卓伟。车保罗现时为街市监督及自由身演员。 Che Paul (Paul Che Biu Law)was born on November 2, 1959, his original name is Wu Mingcang, a Hong Kong male artist. Che Paul is an only child and has a half-sister. His father, Wu Tiefeng, is a professor and head of the Department of Chemistry at Zhuhai Academy. Father Che Paul passed away when Paul was 4 years old. Che Paul used to be an apprentice in bread making. At the age of about 18, he worked in a restaurant, a theater facilitator, and a stage clerk. During this period, he went to the business school in Wan Chai to study English. In 1979 he participated in an American TV movie "Spider-man". Soon, he was chosen by Selina Zhou to participate in the movie "With You Without You". He chose "Che Paulo" as his stage name. After Che Paul participated in Tsui Hark's "Type One Danger", he was invited by Zeng Lizhen to participate in "Dream of Bean Sprouts". In October 1981, he participated in the performances of Redi TV dramas such as "Rights and Pairs" and "Four Happiness". With his unique appearance, he was favored by Toshiba. He formed a series of Toshiba Electric commercials with another actor, Shi Jieqiang. In 1997, he returned to TVB and participated in "The Deer and Ding Ji". In 1998, he played the role of "Fattouduo" in the play and left a deep impression on him. In 2003, he stopped signing a new contract after completing his contract with TVB. In 2011, he was invited to film the British comedy movie "The Great Cause of Saving the Country", playing the role of an informant at Hotel Lisboa in Macau. In 2018, he took over the filming of the micro-film "The Old Man and the Dog" of the "Thirteenth Fresh Wave International Short Film Festival". In 2019, he was shortlisted for the title of “Best Actor in Taipei Film Award” in the 21st Taipei Film Festival with the “Lao Chen” role in the micro-film, and he was nominated for the first award since entering the industry. Che Paul and Xiong Ailan were married in 1978. They had a daughter, but the marriage lasted only two years. In 1992, he married Inday, who was his Filipino domestic helper, and they also had a son, Che Paul is currently a market supervisor and freelance actor. 车保罗参演过的电视剧: (丽的电视) 1981年 I.Q.成熟时 饰演杨 熹(汽水怪) 对对糊 饰演一升 大四喜 (亚洲电视) 1983年 唐伯虎三戏秋香 饰演华 武 大家HAPPY 饰演BIG PAN (香港电台)1986年 晴天雨天孩子天 饰演李志大 1998年 论尽都市人 饰演收数员 搬运工人(单元:《门前雪》) (无线电视) 1998年 鹿鼎记 饰演胖头陀 冤家宜结不宜解 饰演离婚丈夫 外父唔怕做 饰演齐 廉政行动1998 饰演老 金 1999年 布袋和尚 饰演黑无常 人龙传说 饰演讲古佬(第13集) 创世纪 饰演杂志社总编 反黑先锋 饰演大 钉 全院满座 饰演军装警察(第2集) 金玉满堂 饰演御 厨 2000年 碧血剑 饰演吕七先生 京城教一 饰演佟额尔 庙街·妈·兄弟 饰演肥 鹏 金装四大才子 梦想成真 饰演送货工人 缘分无边界 饰演肥 九 2001年 倚天屠龙记 饰演鹤笔翁 美味情缘 饰演酒 保 封神榜 饰演雷 神 皆大欢喜 饰演公 子(第16集) 寻秦记 饰演店 主(第24集) 酒是故乡醇 饰演陈老板(第24集) 锦绣良缘 饰演六艺书生 娱乐反斗星 饰演酒廊经理 2002年 皆大欢喜 饰演疯 汉(第93集) 无考不成冤家 饰演车老爷 我要Fit一Fit 饰演伙 计 彩色世界 饰演高智达 2003年 卫斯理 饰演梁伯宗 帝女花 饰演林伙头 2004年 陀枪师姐IV 饰演道友标(第4集) 街市的童话 饰演周欣荣 2006年 转世惊情 饰演龟 奴 2007年 郑板桥 饰演龟 奴 红衣手记 饰演的士司机 2013年 谈谈情·练练武 饰演地产客人 ViuTV 2017年 诡探 饰演徐伯强 参演过的电影 1979年 Spider-man 饰演打手 1980年 有你冇你 饰演BB Sam 第一类型危险 饰演阿 高 1981年 老鼠街 饰演失明人士 两小无知 失业生 饰演中学生 1982年 拖手仔 如来神掌 饰演刘家厨工 小生怕怕 饰演鬼 差 1983年 小生作反 饰演军 人 星际钝胎 饰演交通警察 鬼揞眼 1984年 铁板烧 饰演阿 车 1985年 疯狂游戏 皇家大贼 饰演装甲车司机 摸错骨 三宝闹深圳 1986年 扭计杂牌军 饰演贴海报人士 玉蒲团 1987年 呷醋大丈夫 饰演酒吧侍应 无牙僵尸 1988年 猛鬼医院 1989年 吃一碗茶 奇迹 饰演阿 炳 富贵开心鬼 饰演贼 人 1990年 衰鬼撬墙脚 饰演保 罗 1991年 志在出位 饰演潇洒朋友 艳鬼狂情 1992年 性奴 踢到宝 饰演开锁王 审死官 饰演瘦 虎 / 广州衙差 偷神家族 饰演流 氓 1993年 香港也疯狂 危情 饰演Michael Chang 黄莺大战阿拉丁 情难自制 饰演经 理 1994年 傻大姐翻转疯人院 山鸡变凤凰 青楼十二房 饰演陈先生 爱的种籽 1997年 老鼠龙之猛龙过港 1998年 男人胸 女人Home 饰演救生员 1999年 薄饼速递 东堤渡假鬼屋 2000年 网上怪谈 饰演石 Sir 手机凶灵 饰演骨精强 2001年 阴司路之孟婆茶 饰演石先生 2002年 铁翼惊情 (电视电影) 2004年 旺角黑夜 饰演线人口水光 2005年 黑社会 饰演高 佬 2009年 移动城市 饰演Wo Chiang 2011年 特务戆J之救国大业 饰演澳门线人 2013年 微交少女 饰演大厦管理员 2015年 港囧 饰演开锁师傅 踏血寻梅 饰演丁子聪父亲 2019年 老人与狗(鲜浪潮微电影)饰演老 陈 2021年 封神榜:决战万仙阵 饰演通天教主 鬼同你住 饰演高 佬 妈妈的神奇小子 饰演士多店老板水伯