梁寶珠Leung Bo-Chu
梁寶珠Leung Bo-Chu(1948年—)是粵劇名伶梁醒波的女兒。祖籍廣東南海,出生於廣州,香港粵劇及電影演員,活躍於1950年代後期至1960年代。她在七兄弟姊妹中排行第四,其兩名姊姊乃無線電視女藝員梁葆貞及電影演員文蘭,她亦有一兄長為醫生。 梁寶珠年幼時只讀了四年書,便專心學習戲曲。1957年,梁寶珠與陳寶珠、陳好逑、父親梁醒波和陳非儂組成“仔寶劇團”,演出粵劇。與陳寶珠、陳好逑一樣,曾隨粉菊花學習京劇及北派武打技藝。 梁寶珠亦是電影童星,作品有《苦女江海燕》、《我們的子女》等。成年後曾參演《娘惹之戀》。後來曾與文武生任劍聲搭擋演出粵劇,常到東南亞登台。 梁寶珠21歲移居美國並結婚。26歲離婚,仍居於美國。1970年代末起因父親病重,多次返港探望。1981年父親病逝後,因怕觸景傷情,有七年未有回港。2003年回香港長居照顧母親顧文娟 。
Leung Bo-Chu (Liang Baozhu 1948-) is the daughter of Cantonese opera star Leung Sing-por. Born in Guangzhou, Her ancestral home is Nanhai, Guangdong. She is a Cantonese opera and film actress in Hong Kong, active from the late 1950s to the 1960s. She is the fourth of seven siblings. Her two elder sisters are TVB actress Leung Po-ching and film actress Man-lan. She also has an elder brother who is a doctor. When Liang Baozhu was young, she only went to school for four years and then concentrated on studying opera. In 1957, Leung Po Chu, Chan Po Chu, Chan Ho-chiu, her father Leung Sing-por and Chan Feinong formed the "Zai Bao Troupe" to perform Cantonese opera. Like Chen Baozhu and Chen Haoqiu, she once learned Peking Opera and northern martial arts from Fen Juhua. Liang Baozhu is also a child star in movies, and her works include "The Poor Girl Jiang Haiyan" and "Our Children". As an adult, she starred in the TV series "Nyonya Love". Later, she performed Cantonese opera with the actor Yam Kim-sheng, and often performed in Southeast Asia. Liang Baozhu moved to the United States at the age of 21 and got married. Divorced at the age of 26, still living in the United States. Since the late 1970s, she returned to Hong Kong many times to visit his father because he was seriously ill. After her father passed away in 1981, she did not return to Hong Kong for seven years for fear of being saddened by the memory. In 2003, she returned to Hong Kong to live permanently to take care of her mother, Gu Wenjuan.
林妹妹(Lam Mui Mui)
林妹妹(Lam Mui Mui,1912年1月17日—1968年1月5日),原名林杏翹,1930年代至1950年代的香港電影演員,太平洋戰爭前,默片時代屬紅透一時的一線鉅星。戰後淪為配角。
徐淑媛 Vina Chui
徐淑媛 Vina Chui (1959年12月1日生于高雄,现时65岁),早期做模特儿起家、后为女演员,活跃年代在1977年至1999年。当年以模特儿身份进入演艺圈,后为演员,拍了多部电影及电视剧。1980年代徐淑媛到香港发展,接拍了几部电影,包括《今年的湖畔会很冷》、《现代豪放女》、《凶猫》、《凌晨晚餐》、《厉鬼缠身》等电影。
1987 台视《玫瑰人生》
1993 华视《包青天》孔雀胆 饰 李小宛
1995 公视《人生剧展-阿爸!我背你去看戏》饰 秀静
1996 华视《台湾灵异事件》暗夜哭声 饰 梅香
1981 《御剑伏魔》
1981 《孙悟空大战飞人国》
1982 《中国开国奇谭》
1984 《今年的湖畔会很冷》 饰 苏菲
1984 《金大班的最后一夜》
1985 《现代豪放女》 饰 天娜
1985 《尖东枭雄》
1986 《凶猫》
1986 《俾鬼捉》(台译:谁当鬼)
1986 《开心鬼精灵》
1987 《凌晨晚餐》
1989 《厉鬼缠身》
1991 《娃娃兵》
2000 《一一》 饰 蒋太太
楊業宏Yeung Yip Wang )
楊業宏Yeung Yip Wang (1900年-1972年7月3日)是20世紀30年代至70年代的香港粵劇、電影、電視及播音從業員,為人樂觀健談,圈裡人緣甚好,樂意提拔後輩;楊業宏在太平洋戰爭前經營入口生意,批發菲律賓出產的芒果,身上有錢,會毫不吝嗇地與朋友們去吃吃喝喝。後來被電影公司羅致,曾成為一線小生,戰後才為配角,麗的呼聲及麗的電視演員。參演過的電視劇有麗的映聲的《家春秋》(1970年)。參演過的電影不計其數,從1934年的《薄倖》到1973年的《土匪》,共417部。 1972年7月2日 (星期日)晚上,當年72歲的楊業宏搭乘凌晨開行的'華山號'輪船至澳門途中跳海,有關方面在楊業宏艙位床上,發現他遺下睡衣、證件及一本單行簿,根據第二天報紙刊登了楊業宏的遺書,書上寫道:“七十多年矣,時間太長,我已感到毫無興趣,因此決定提早收工,實行海葬,但無需一切出殯儀式,亦無需舉行葬禮....",據創作人甘國亮說,他在1972年7月2日回澳門探親時與楊業宏同船,但沒有見到他投海的剎那。
作為演員,曾經拍攝過的電影: 老婆萬歲 (1964) .... 何經理; 鬼兇手 (1964) .... 花王九叔 ; 頭獎馬票 (1964) .... 福伯; 一味靠滾 (1964) .... 老太爺 ; 七彩神火棒 (1964) .... 程天樂; 千金之女 (1963) .... 國文教師; 女人世界 (1963) .... 林老師; 亂拜石榴裙 (1963) .... 老隱士 ; 有事鍾無艷 (1955) .... 鍾父; 一代名花 (1955) .... 退休政客; 父母心 (1955) .... 同學父; 下一代 (1955) .... 司徒醫生; 守得雲開見月明 (1955) .... 明父; 緣盡今生 (1950) .... 經理 ; 英雄難過美人關 (1950) .... 陳少珊; 俠義鋤奸 (1949) .... 馬俊; 孽海痴魂 (1949) .... 白翁。
李小龍(Bruce Lee)
李小龍(Bruce Lee)於1940年11月27日在美國舊金山東華醫院出生,父親李海泉、母親何愛瑜,李小龍有兩個姊姊、一個哥哥和一個弟弟。李小龍年少時期在香港九龍生活讀書,拜葉問為師學習詠春拳,其後以詠春為本,化而創立自己的截拳道。1961年至1964年,他在美國華盛頓大學學習,主修戲劇;並在當地開武館授徒邊磨煉武術,又客串演出多部美國電視劇。 李小龍自少因父參與演出多部香港電影。年僅3個月大就在粵語片《金門女》中亮相。1948年,李小龍以“李鑫”的藝名,客串參演了俞亮導演的《富貴浮雲》,李小龍首次以男主角身份演出的電影是1950年公映的《細路祥》、後來陸續演出《人之初》、《雷雨》、《苦海明燈》、《慈母淚》等。1960年上映的《人海孤鴻》是李小龍赴美求學前的最後一部粵語片。 1970年,李小龍獲得香港嘉禾電影公司老闆鄒文懷邀請,回到香港主演以功夫為題的動作電影《唐山大兄》而大獲好評,李小龍迅速展開其知名度。此後他主演了《精武門》《猛龍過江》《龍爭虎鬥》及《死亡遊戲》,此4部動作電影震撼了整個影壇,而且在國際上迅速聲名鵲起。 李小龍於1973年7月20日參與演出《死亡遊戲》期間,猝死於丁佩在香港九龍九龍塘的家中,年僅32歲。遺下妻子蓮達·艾米莉,與兒子李國豪和女兒李香凝。李小龍去世後其聲威依然不減,他的銀幕形象對全球華人以至世界各地起了很大影響力。
Bruce Lee (李小龙) was born in Donghua Hospital, San Francisco, USA on November 27, 1940. His father Li Haiquan and his mother He Aiyu. Bruce Lee has two older sisters, one older brother and one younger brother. Bruce Lee lived and studied in Kowloon, Hong Kong when he was young. He worshiped Ye Wen as his teacher to learn Wing Chun. Later, based on Wing Chun, he created his own Jeet Kune Do. From 1961 to 1964, he studied at the University of Washington in the United States, majoring in drama; he also opened a local martial arts gym to teach apprentices while honing martial arts, and guest starred in many American TV dramas. Bruce Lee participated in many Hong Kong movies because of his father since he was a child. He appeared in the Cantonese film "Golden Gate Girl" when he was only 3 months old. In 1948, under the stage name of "Li Xin", Bruce Lee guest-starred in "Fugui Floating Clouds" directed by Yu Liang. Bruce Lee's first film as a leading actor was "Xiluxiang" released in 1950, and later performed " "The Beginning of Man", "Thunderstorm", "Lamp in the Sea of Bitterness", "Tears of a Loving Mother", etc. Released in 1960, "A Lonely Man in a Sea of People" was Bruce Lee's last Cantonese film before going to the United States to study. In 1970, Bruce Lee was invited by Zou Wenhuai, the boss of Hong Kong Golden Harvest Film Company, to return to Hong Kong to star in the Kung Fu-themed action movie "Brother Tangshan", which was well received, and Bruce Lee quickly developed his popularity. Since then, he has starred in "Fist of Fury", "Way of the Dragon", "Enter the Dragon" and "Game of Death". These four action movies shocked the entire film industry and quickly gained fame internationally. Bruce Lee died suddenly at Ding Pei's home in Kowloon Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong on July 20, 1973, at the age of 32. He left behind his wife Linda Emily, son Li Guohao and daughter Li Xiangning. After Bruce Lee's death, his prestige remained undiminished, and his screen image had a great influence on Chinese people all over the world and even around the world.
Bruce Lee (李小龙) dilahirkan di Hospital Donghua, San Francisco, Amerika Syarikat pada 27 November 1940. Bapanya Li Haiquan dan ibunya He Aiyu. Bruce Lee mempunyai dua orang kakak, seorang abang dan seorang adik lelaki. Bruce Lee tinggal dan belajar di Kowloon, Hong Kong ketika dia masih muda. Dia menyembah Ye Wen sebagai gurunya untuk belajar Wing Chun. Kemudian, berdasarkan Wing Chun, dia mencipta Jeet Kune Donya sendiri. Dari 1961 hingga 1964, beliau belajar di Universiti Washington di Amerika Syarikat, dalam jurusan drama; dia juga membuka gim seni mempertahankan diri tempatan untuk mengajar perantis sambil mengasah seni mempertahankan diri, dan tetamu membintangi banyak drama TV Amerika. Bruce Lee mengambil bahagian dalam banyak filem Hong Kong kerana bapanya sejak dia masih kecil. Dia muncul dalam filem Kantonis "Golden Gate Girl" ketika dia baru berusia 3 bulan. Pada tahun 1948, di bawah nama pentas " Li Xin", Bruce Lee membintangi tetamu dalam "Fugui Floating Clouds" arahan Yu Liang. Filem pertama Bruce Lee sebagai pelakon utama ialah "Xiluxiang" yang dikeluarkan pada tahun 1950, dan kemudiannya mempersembahkan "" The Beginning of Man", "Thunderstorm" , "Lamp in the Sea of Bitterness", "Tears of a Loving Mother", dll. Dikeluarkan pada tahun 1960, "A Lonely Man in a Sea of People" ialah filem Kantonis terakhir Bruce Lee sebelum pergi ke Amerika Syarikat untuk belajar. Pada tahun 1970, Bruce Lee telah dijemput oleh Zou Wenhuai, bos Hong Kong Golden Harvest Film Company, untuk kembali ke Hong Kong untuk membintangi filem aksi bertemakan Kung Fu "Brother Tangshan", yang mendapat sambutan baik, dan Bruce Lee dengan cepat. mengembangkan popularitinya. Sejak itu, dia telah membintangi "Fist of Fury", " Dia meninggalkan isterinya Linda Emily, anak lelaki Li Guohao dan anak perempuan Li Xiangning. Selepas kematian Bruce Lee, martabatnya tidak berkurangan, dan imej skrinnya mempunyai pengaruh yang besar terhadap orang Cina di seluruh dunia dan juga di seluruh dunia. Dia meninggalkan isterinya Linda Emily, anak lelaki Li Guohao dan anak perempuan Li Xiangning. Selepas kematian Bruce Lee, martabatnya tidak berkurangan, dan imej skrinnya mempunyai pengaruh yang besar terhadap orang Cina di seluruh dunia dan juga di seluruh dunia.
朱虹 1941年10月21日出生,原名朱园园,生长在山明水秀、四季如春的昆明,一九五五年随同家人来到香港。那时她年仅十七岁,是个活泼、文静而又聪明的中学生。她能讲一口清脆而又柔和的普通话,但是不会讲粤语,所以除上学外,平日很少外出,大部分时间都在家里看书,她母亲和同学都称她为“书虫”。朱虹很喜欢看电影,更想看看电影是怎么拍的。 一九五六年的一天,她终于如愿以偿,与几位同学一起,应邀到离家很近的凤凰影业公司参观。由于她对摄影场的一切都感到新鲜、有趣,怀着青年人的好奇心不断地问这问那,引起在场的女导演任意之的注意。任意之很喜欢这位眉清目秀、高鼻梁、笑靥可人的姑娘,不仅耐心地回答了她的提问,还问她愿不愿意拍电影。朱虹觉得拍电影怪好玩的,而且眼前这位任导演又那么和蔼可亲,便不加思索地答道:“愿意。”当即,朱虹就化了妆,试拍了几个镜头。看了试镜样片的一些老编导们,觉得银慕上的朱虹不仅格外漂亮,而且颖悟能力强,演起戏来毫不胆怯,是个可造之材。于是,还在学校读书的朱虹,就成为凤凰影业公司的基本演员。著名老导演朱石麟很喜欢这位影坛新秀,给她起了个艺名叫朱虹,祝愿她在银幕上放出彩虹般的光芒。在学期间拍了《男大当婚》、《人海微波》、《野玫瑰》和《情窦初开》四部影片。 朱虹从影后拍摄的第一部影片,是与傅奇联合主演的喜剧片《男大当婚》。因她的性格与剧中人相近,所以成绩尚佳,给广大观众留下良好印象。不久,朱虹又与傅奇联合主演了《情窦初开》(1957)一片。由于该片故事内容清新、风趣,加上男女主角表演生动、自然,影片拍成后,在香港、九龙连续放映四十多天,在新加坡和马来亚也打破当时的卖座最高纪录。以后又拍《画皮》、《审妻》、《假婿乘龙》、《三凤求凰》、《屈原》、《父子情》等。 1964年,朱虹在影片《金鹰》中扮演妩媚、机灵、勇敢的蒙族姑娘珊丹,该片公映后红极一时,成为香港第一部票房超过百万港币的影片。朱虹演戏宜古宜今,《画皮》中美艳动人的厉鬼梅娘;《屈原》中外表艳丽、内心狠毒的南后;《审妻》中刺杀昏君杨广的素娘,均被她刻画得入木三分,令人难忘。被香港长城画报选为十大明星之一。 1981年拍完《父子情》后,朱虹便不再演戏,开始从事电影幕后工作。 包括出任康文署电影组顾问及云南省政协委员。朱虹女士的丈夫陈静波就是《金鹰》一片的导演,两人合作了许多影片。陈静波导演已于1995年过世,他们惟一的儿子在美国从事电脑工作。 朱虹参演过的电影: 男大当婚(1956) 夜夜盼郎归(1957) 情窦初开(1957) 野玫瑰(1958) 小月亮(1959) 青春幻想曲(1959) 有女初长成(1959) 五姑娘(1960) 兰闺阴影(1960) 乱点鸳鸯(1961) 男男女女(1961) 三凤求凰(1962) 四美图(1962) 风雪一枝梅(1963) 八人度蜜月(1963) 假婿乘龙(1963) 金鹰(1964) 未婚夫妻(1964) 画皮(1965) 审妻(1966) 烽火孤鸿(1967) 周末传奇(1967) 屋(1968) 沙家浜歼敌记(1969) 大学生(1970) 屈原(1975) 风头人物(1977) 怪客(1979) 泰山屠龙(1979) 父子情(1981) 东陵大盗(1988)
郭耀明Mark Kwok Yiu Ming
郭耀明(Mark Kwok Yiu Ming,1964年10月28日出生于香港),原名郭绍培,曾为亚洲电视及无线电视男艺员。
中学毕业后曾在广告公司当了三至四年广告平面设计师。当时会用公余时间到设计学校进修。早期从亚洲电视而出道,是1984年至1985年亚洲电视第三期艺员训练班的毕业生,在1991年再次入读亚洲电视的艺员训练班。1992年才签约亚洲电视,并开始于幕前演出。后来在1995年离开亚洲电视后转投无线电视继续曾参与处境剧电视剧演出《真情》的中饰演归亚南之后内开始令观众留意,之后就一直在无线;期间曾经两度担任第二男主角、除了前男友的角色,郭耀明饰演的反派角色也是让人恨得咬牙切齿,除了《鹿鼎记》中的郑克爽,还有《锦绣良缘》中的反派长孙文本,不仅心胸狭窄,忌妒心超强,娶了老婆邝文珣(周梦诗)却老是怀疑其对他不忠,郭耀明演的角色几乎都是英俊不凡但却人品不佳的悲剧性的人物;然而,2007年因为自己的感情事,与TVB发生矛盾,渐渐淡出幕前。淡出娱乐圈后转职至保险界任职,曾在苏黎世保险任职一年,亦有参加友邦保险新人课程,《通天干探》为其告别幕前的作品。如今的他一头长短白发,像是历尽沧桑的人。Mark Kwok Yiu Ming (born on October 28, 1964 in Hong Kong), formerly known as Kwok Shao Pei, was a male artist for Asia Television and TVB.
After graduating from high school, he worked as an advertising graphic designer in an advertising company for three to four years. At that time, he would use his spare time to study at a design school. He debuted from Asia Television in the early days and was a graduate of the third artist training class of Asia Television from 1984 to 1985. In 1991, he enrolled in the artist training class of Asia Television again. He signed a contract with Asia Television in 1992 and began to perform on the screen. Later, after leaving Asia Television in 1995, he switched to TVB and continued to participate in the sitcom TV series "True Feelings". After playing Gui Yanan in the film, he began to attract the attention of the audience and has been with TVB since then. During this period, he has played the second male lead twice. In addition to the role of ex-boyfriend, the villains played byhim are also hateful. In addition to Zheng Keshuang in "The Deer and the Cauldron", there is also the villain Changsun Wenben in "The Splendid Marriage". Not only is he narrow-minded, but he is also extremely jealous. He married his wife Kuang Wenxun (Zhou Mengshi) but always suspects that she is unfaithful to him. The roles played by him are almost all handsome but tragic characters with bad character. However, in 2007, because of his own emotional affairs, he had a conflict with TVB and gradually faded out of the screen. After fading out of the entertainment industry, he switched to the insurance industry. He worked for Zurich Insurance for a year and also participated in the AIA Insurance rookie course. "The Detective" was his farewell work in front of the screen. Now he has long and short white hair, like a person who has experienced vicissitudes of life.
艾迪(Eddie Chen)
艾迪(Eddie Chen)1954年3月17日出生 ,原名陳小明,中菲混血香港演員,活躍於1970-1980年代,金馬影帝,曾經參與邵氏電影,無線電視和亞洲電視電視劇。艾迪早年在九龍城南角道居住及成長,就讀當年同區的一所小學,繼而升讀位於龍崗道的基督書院,在校時參與過聯校社交活動。他中五畢業後到仍位於花園道時期的香港童軍總會任職初級文員及派遞員,同期曾為應酬母親而投考警員。最終基於興趣而於1973年報讀第3期無線電視藝員訓練班,然而沒有畢業。當時有電影公司在他入讀訓練班未滿兩個月之時邀請他試鏡,台灣演員王戎及呂奇於是為艾迪取了“愛敵”一藝名,後來才改了洋名“Eddie”。艾迪入行初年隨著電影公司相中而踏足電影界,呂奇介紹他為佳藝電視拍攝《隋唐風雲》一劇,於劇中飾演士兵。其後他被佳藝電視和麗的電視編導發掘,結果分別參演了甘國亮的《少年十五二十時》和張之玨的半小時短劇。
Eddie (Eddie Chen) was born on March 17, 1954. His original name is Chen Xiaoming. He is a Chinese-Filipino mixed-race Hong Kong actor. He was active in the 1970s and 1980s. He is a Golden Horse actor and has participated in Shaw Brothers movies, TVB and Asian TV series. Eddie lived and grew up in South Point Road, Kowloon City in his early years. He attended a primary school in the same district and then went to Christ's College on Lung Kong Road. While at school, he participated in joint school social activities. After graduating from Form 5, he worked as a junior clerk and delivery boy at the Hong Kong Scout Association when it was still located on Garden Road. During the same period, he applied for the police officer examination to entertain his mother. Finally, out of interest, he enrolled in the 3rd Wireless Television Artist Training Course in 1973, but did not graduate. At that time, a film company invited him to audition when he was less than two months into the training class. Taiwanese actors Wang Rong and Lu Qi gave Eddie the stage name "Love Enemy", and later changed his foreign name to "Eddie". . Eddie entered the film industry when he was approached by a film company in his early years. Lu Qi introduced him to the drama "Sui and Tang Dynasty" for Jiayi TV, in which he played the role of a soldier. Later, he was discovered by Jiayi TV and Li's TV directors, and ended up participating in Kam Guoliang's "Young Fifteen and Twenty" and Zhang Zhijuan's half-hour short drama respectively.
Eddie signed with Lai's Television in 1976 and with TVB two years later. After completing his contract in 1981, he concentrated on starring in movies. In 1982, he won the 19th Golden Horse Award for Best Actor for his performance in "The Marginal Man". Until 1986, Eddie moved to Taiwan for development. In 1989, after he was injured while filming a TV series in Taiwan, he felt the lack of support in the industry and quit his acting career. He first worked as a junior assistant clerk in a Taiwan-funded trading company for several years, and then ran a trading business with his friends. However, in the end he quit due to disagreements. Break up the gang. Eddie's friend soon handed over Eddie's resume to a Taiwanese listed company. The company thought he had a good foundation in English and decided to send him to work in a British factory. At that time, in 1997, Eddie had stayed in Taiwan for 11 years; at the company's request, he moved to the UK to engage in marketing business.
In 1999, Eddie settled in the United States with his wife and children. In recent years, he has mainly managed his own trading company in the United States (one of the areas is medical supplies). He had not appeared in public for more than 20 years until 2014. Eddie then made a comeback and took over the filming of the movie "On Blood and Seeking Plum Blossoms" directed by Yung Tse-kwong. He is still filming movies while taking care of the company's business. Eddie's first wife is voice actress Huang Xiaoying. The two got married in the 1970s. They had a son, but they divorced in 1981, and their son lived with Huang Xiaoying. He later met his current wife in 1998 while on business in the UK, and they had a son and a daughter after their marriage.
年份 剧名 角色
1974年 女人面面观 张佐治
疯狂大笨贼 靓仔佳
1975年 巴黎艳遇
神女荡妇绰头王 阿牛
1976年 名女人奇异录
1977年 艺坛照妖镜
1978年 大路强人
1980年 投奔天堂
山狗 阿华
1981年 小弟满座 徐曼佐
边缘人 何永潮
奶油沟鲜奶 杨光
煲车 李国伟
1982年 野狼帮
热浪 Martin
夜惊魂 Eddy
冲激21 冯志力
1983年 魔胎 郑国权
邪花劫 方先生 Eddy
车魂 周文迪
鬼揞眼 摄影师阿Dee
疯血 伟明
1984年 公仆 叶志杰
我为你狂 阿发
1986年 淑女也疯狂
1987年 带剑的小孩 郑忠
国父传 宋教仁
1989年 猎鹰 萧锦天
2015年 踏血寻梅 臧Sir前上司
2019年 堕落花 火叔
2023年 风再起时 南江父亲
1976年 武则天 太子
1976年 少年十五二十时 小偷戴维(第20集)
1978年 的士司机 张永恒
1+1之怨妇 发型师Lowie
奋斗 莫基
第一次之寄 大学生秋诚
幻海奇情之代价 钱先生
1979年 女人三十之奈何天
女人三十之阿安、苏珊娜、罗娜 阿陈
Johnny / 宋公子宋志豪
贴错门神 段飞(第6集)
神龙五虎将 老虎仔
楚留香 金元
1980年 风云 Gilbert
龙仇凤血 景泰帝
冲击 John(第14集)
1981年 情谜 刘仲谦
威水世家 Ken(第12集);
1977年 七武器之霸王枪
电视人 辰星宣传主任
1978年 追族 简仕良
1985年 武侠董小宛 顺治
1986年 秦始皇 上官礼(第58集)
1985年 狮子山下:东家唔打
2016年 狮子山下2016:海底飞尘 老茍
1986年 风云人物
1988年 一江春水向东流 - 单元剧
梁鸿华(Tony Leung Hung-Wah)
梁鸿华(Tony Leung Hung-Wah)1957年出生,早期是无线电视演员,参演过的电视集有:1972年的《春晖》、1978年的《小李飞刀之魔剑侠情》饰演吕凤仙、1979年的《网中人》饰演阿有、1980年的《上海滩》饰演阿炳手下、1981年的《杨门女将》饰演银袋长老 、1982年的《万水千山总是情》饰演郭副官和1989年的《豪情》饰演阿昆;梁鸿华后来转去当电影编剧、监制和导演。
Liang Honghua (Tony Leung Hung-Wah) was born in 1957. He was an actor on TVB in his early days. He has participated in TV series such as: "Chunhui" in 1972, "Little Li Fei Dao: The Magic Sword" in 1978 as Lu Fengxian, and 1979 He played the role of A You in "The Man on the Internet" in 1980, played the role of A Bing's subordinate in "Shanghai Beach" in 1980, played the role of the elder of the money bag in "The Female General of the Yang Family" in 1981, played the role of Adjutant Guo in the 1982 "A Thousand Rivers and Thousands of Mountains" and He played Akun in the 2016 "The Great Love"; Liang Honghua later became a film screenwriter, producer and director.
When Liang Honghua was a child, his family was wealthy. His father was the chairman of the board of directors of a large and well-known local chamber of commerce, and his mother was responsible for singing and performing in the Scout group. However, later on, the family fell into decline due to his father's irritability and mistrust of friends. When he was 6 to 7 years old, his family was no longer wealthy. Leung Hung-wah once lived in Shell Street, North Point, and later moved to Kwun Tong. When he was a child, he signed up to be a child star and acted in the children's program "Jumping from a Plane". In 1976, while still in the sixth grade of Catholic Xinmin College, he applied for the 6th TVB Artist Training Course. After graduating in 1977, he began to participate in the filming of TV series. His classmates at that time included Chen Yulian, Liao Anli, Liao Weixiong, Lu Liangwei, etc. In the next ten years, he participated in supporting roles in TV series and participated in film screenwriting work many times. In addition, he was arranged by the top management of the TV station's dubbing team to work as an announcer with Xiao Liang and Mai Jianqiu. During this time, he met Zeng Jingxiang.
In 1989, Liang Honghua was recruited to the Debao Film Company founded by Sammo Hung and James Shum as a planner and screenwriter. During this period, he produced many famous works. Previously, he had started writing scripts around 1986. In 1992, the long-prepared Jiali Film Company opened. The first film "Flying Tiger Elite: Human Love" was produced and written by the self-organized company, and the subsequent work "The New Tenant". After that, the Hong Kong film industry declined, and its The market for works is also deteriorating. In addition, it is said that he has a gospel movie called "Angel of Death" starring Wang Xi, Gigi Gigi and Yip Tong, which has zero box office revenue after four days of release. However, Liang Honghua himself clarified when he accepted the Radio Hong Kong program "Show Mercy" in 2016 that the film is free of charge, so there are no tickets sold. Without ticket revenue, there is naturally zero box office. The relevant online rumors are just newspaper reporters without verification fictional facts. In recent years, he established the charity "New Life Dynamics Association" to train new actors.
传吕奇已逝世 Lui Kei has passed away
According to "Sing Tao Toutiao", Wang Manling recently posted on Facebook, revealing the news that Lui Kei has unfortunately passed away. However, she said that although she contacted Lu Qi's relatives and friends many times, she still could not fully confirm this rumor. Lui Kei (originally known as Tong Jue-min), a famous actor in the golden age of Cantonese films and a Shaw Brothers star, moved to Taiwan around the time he faded out of the film industry in the late 1980s. It is rumored that he once drove a taxi to make a living due to poor financial conditions. In recent years, Lui Kei rarely accepts media interviews and leads a low-key and reclusive life. Senior media person Wang Manling has interviewed Lui Kei many times over the past two decades and made a special trip to Taiwan to visit him. However, Wang Manling recently revealed that she has lost contact with Lui Kei since 2022. In April this year, she received news confirming that Lui Kei had passed away.
梁洁芳 Leung Git-Fong
梁洁芳 Leung Git-Fong,梁洁芳出身于粤剧界,学的是「包头」(即粤剧「花旦」的称呼),梁洁芳不但能演能唱,更是现在硕果仅存老牌曲社「炉峰乐苑」的中坚份子,曾多次参加市政局主办在大会堂或港九各公园举行的「粤曲欣赏晚会」,歌声处处,与众共乐,歌艺颇受知音人士的赞赏。当年「无线」与「丽的」都在着意于罗致戏剧人才时,芳姐亦成为「抢手货」之一,更签约无线电视成为合约演员。
从1978年到1987年,参演过的作品还有 :
ICAI (1978) 、声宝喜相逢 (1980) 、誓不两立 (1980)、煲车 (1981)、摩登天师 (1982)、烈火青春 (1982) 、孤城客 (1982) 、我对青春无悔 (1983)饰演珍姐、风水二十年 (1983)、穿梭阴阳界 (1984)饰演金母、笑傲江湖 (1984)、四眼仔 (1985)、何必有我? (1985)、代客泊车 (1986)、八喜临门 (1986)、恶男 (1986)、魔鬼天使 (1987) 饰演 华母。
Leung Git-Fong was born in the Cantonese opera industry and studied "Baotou" (the name of "Hua Dan" in Cantonese opera).
Leung Git-Fong is not only able to act and sing, but is also a backbone of the only remaining old-fashioned music club "Lufeng Music Garden" , has participated in the "Cantonese Opera Appreciation Party" sponsored by the Urban Council many times and held in the City Hall or various parks in Hong Kong and Kowloon. The singing was everywhere and everyone enjoyed themselves.
Leung Git-Fong singing skills were highly praised by people who know the music. At that time, when "TVB" and "Lite" were focusing on attracting drama talents, Sister Fang also became one of the "hot sellers" and even signed a contract with TVB as a contract actress.
Her contract with TVB stipulates: except television. She also made movies and "Radio Television Hong Kong" series. It can be said that Leung Git-Fong was one of the cross-border celebrities in the art world in the 1980s. Participated in Cantonese opera performances organized by the Municipal Council. After that, she became a poaching target of Li's fellow TVBs, and was eventually poached by TVB successfully. In TV series, she specializes in roles as a teacher's wife and a mother.
Leung Git-Fong once starred in the zombie fantasy film "Mr. Zombie" as the Lau Ma's wife. She played the role of Li Qiushui in the 1982 TV series "Dragon", and the TV series "City Story" and the 1987 TV series "Grand Canal".
From 1978 to 1987, the works Leung Git-Fong participated in include:
ICAI (1978), Happy Encounter with Sheng Bao (1980), Oath of Indifference (1980), Burning Cars (1981), Modern Master (1982), Youth of Fire (1982), Guests from the Lonely City (1982), I Have No Love for Youth Regret (1983) as Sister Zhen, Twenty Years of Feng Shui (1983), Crossing the Yin and Yang Realm (1984) as the Golden Mother, Swordsman (1984), Four-Eyed Boy (1985), Why Need Me? (1985), Valet Parking (1986), Happy Birthday (1986), Bad Man (1986), Devil's Angel (1987) as Hua's mother.
沈威(Shum Wai)
沈威(Shum Wai)1948年出生,于1970年代涉足香港电影圈,成为国泰电影公司当时的新晋演员。但基于有一次接拍导演屠光启执导的电影时被指不遵从导演指示,使他感受到当演员的委屈,加上薪酬不高,于是决定转行,当过龙虎武师和潜水员。从1975年开始,沈威当过国泰公司宣传部文员(与女记者兼专栏作家林冰为同事),1980年起任职法律行政人员。自1984年回归影圈期间,他一边继续于律师楼工作,一边参演电影,1986年更以停薪留职方式集中拍摄电影。
Shum Wai was born in 1948. He entered the Hong Kong film industry in the 1970s and became a new actor at Cathay Film Company. However, because he was accused of not following the director's instructions when he was filming a movie directed by Tu Guangqi, he felt the grievances of being an actor, and the salary was not high, so he decided to change careers and worked as a dragon and tiger warrior and a diver. Starting in 1975, Shum Wai worked as a clerk in the publicity department of Cathay Pacific (with female reporter and columnist Lin Bing as a colleague), and since 1980, he has worked as a legal administrator. Since his return to the film industry in 1984, he continued to work in a law firm while participating in movies. In 1986, he took a leave of absence without pay to focus on filming movies.
In 1984, Shum Wai participated in "The Flag Soldiers of Hong Kong" directed by McDonald. For his role as the two-faced Artest, he won the Best Supporting Actor award at the 4th Hong Kong Film Awards in 1985. During the filming of the movie "Provincial and Hong Kong Flag Soldiers", director Danny Mak tie Shum Wai to a car filled with gasoline, and then suddenly lit a fire while Shum Wai was unaware, almost burning Shum Wai to death in the car. The real panic expression of Shum Wai when he was struggling in the car was all captured in the camera. Although it became a highlight of the movie, it also caused a dispute between him and McDonald. However, Shum Wai did not become popular because of this, and still played supporting roles or villains in various movies for a long time. On the other hand, he has been involved in producing, screenwriting, and also served as a martial arts instructor during the same period. During his film directing period, he was funded by the Taiwanese-owned "Jia's Film (Hong Kong) Company" to shoot films, such as "Enter the Dragon", and served as assistant director and director of a total of 7 films.
From 1994 to 1998, Shum Wai joined TVB and performed in more than ten TV series. In 2002, he faded out of the film and television industry and settled in Beijing. Later, he returned to film two mainland Chinese TV series in 2017. In April 2019, he was sent to the Intensive Care Department of Beijing Luhe Hospital Affiliated to Capital Medical University for treatment due to pneumonia and respiratory failure. On June 9, 2022, Shum Wai passed away at Kwong Wah Hospital in Yau Ma Tei, Kowloon at the age of 74. Shum Wai has a daughter, and his ex-wife Chen Huiling is a businessman.
黄天铎(Johnny Wong Tin-Dok)
黄天铎(Johnny Wong Tin-Dok,出生于1953年,已故香港无线电视演员,活跃于1985至2002年,多饰演圆滑角色或主角上司之类,1987年他在7-11便利店广告饰演追寻“神秘人”的侦探,其后于长编电视剧《真情》中饰演“鸡坤”一角令观众留下印象,黄天铎曾在1988年梁朝伟版《绝代双骄》中饰演“笑弥陀”哈哈儿一角,鹿鼎记(1998) 饰 卢一峰,陀枪师姐(1998) 饰 黄油蟹,神雕侠侣(1995) 饰 人厨子。
黄天铎参演过的电影:1986年的《午夜丽人》、1987年《富贵逼人》、1988年的《精装追女仔之2》、1990年的《衰鬼撬墙脚》 饰 阿铎、1991年的《豪门夜宴》、1992年的《偷神家族》、1997年的《呢个乜野场》、1998年的《新羔羊医生》、1999年的《千年古剑》、2000年的《火爆刑警》和2001年的《童党2001》 饰 议员。
黄天铎亦是推拿及气功医师。生前曾居住在九龙苏屋邨牡丹楼。曾于香港大学修读医科。1997年12月,参演由林保怡、陈慧珊主演的电视剧《鉴证实录》,在剧中饰演法医官余医生 。2002年4月14日,黄天铎在武师朋友饮宴中突然昏迷,送往广华医院抢救不久证实不治,终年49岁。逝世前不久也曾因三叉神经线发炎以致出现歪嘴情况。他生前与离婚多年的前妻育有一子一女。
Johnny Wong Tin-Dok, born in 1953, is a late Hong Kong radio and television actor who was active from 1985 to 2002, mostly playing smooth characters or protagonist bosses, etc. In 1987, he played the role of chasing “God” in a 7-11 convenience store commercial The detective of "Secret Man", later impressed the audience with the role of "Chicken Kun" in the long-running TV series "True Love", Wong Tin-Dok had played the role of "Laughing Mi Tuo" Haha-er in the 1988 Tony Leung version of "The Double Pride", Lu Ding Ji (1998年) as Lu Yifeng, Sister Tuo (1998) as Butter Crab, and Divine Condor Hero (1995) as Chef.
Wong Tin-Dok has starred in films: 1986's "Midnight Beauty", 1987's "Rich and Powerful", 1988's "Hardcover Girl Chasing 2", 1990's "Bad Ghost Prys the Wall" Ador, 1991's "The Banquet", 1992's "The Stealing Family", 1997's "This Wild Field", 1998's "New Doctor Lamb", 1999's "Millennium Sword", 2000 2001's "Fire Detective" and 2001's "Boys 2001" as MP.
Wong Tin-Dok is also a massage and qigong practitioner. He used to live in Peony House in Su Yuk Estate, Kowloon. He studied medicine at the University of Hong Kong. In December 1997, he starred in the TV series "Evidence Record" starring Lam Po-yi and Chan Hui-shan, in which he played the role of Dr. Yu, a forensic officer. On April 14, 2002, Wong Tin-Dok suddenly fell into a coma during a banquet with his martial arts friends. He was taken to Canton Hospital for treatment and was pronounced dead soon after. He was 49 years old then. Shortly before his death, he also had a crooked mouth due to inflammation of the trigeminal nerve line. He had a son and a daughter with his ex-wife, who had been divorced for many years.
何礼男(Ho Lai Nam)
何礼男(Ho Lai Nam)1952年5月16日出生,是已故香港飞镖会前会长,有“香港镖王”美誉。何礼男于1980年代初开始接触飞镖,其后从事该项运动长达二十余年,曾连续三年获得香港飞镖大赛冠军,巅峰时期国际排名曾达到第二十三名。除了从事飞镖运动外,何礼男曾于1980年代为香港无线电视台基本艺员,多饰演恶霸、瘾君子、江湖人士。他于1994及1995年协助澳门镖坛连续举办了两届港澳埠际飞镖公开大赛,并蝉联了两届个人冠军,对澳门飞镖运动的发展不遗余力。
何礼男参与演出过的无线剧集有1982年的《 天龙八部》饰 朱丹臣、1983年 的《射雕英雄传》 饰 彭连虎、1983年的《神雕侠侣》、1984年 鹿鼎记、1984年 的《宝芝林》、1984年的《楚留香之蝙蝠传奇》饰 白捕头、1985年 《雪山飞狐》、1985年的《皇上保重》、1985年 的《新扎师兄续集》和1986年的《神勇CID》,这些剧集在当年都是大家耳熟能详的电视剧。何礼男参演过的电影有1991年的《毒网》、1990年的《沙丘战士》和1977年》的《血海螳螂仇》。何礼男于2008年9月5日凌晨,因癌症于伊利沙伯医院病逝,终年56岁。
Ho Lai Nam was born on May 16, 1952. He was the late former president of the Hong Kong Darts Association and was known as the "Hong Kong Darts King". Ho Lai Nam started to get into darts in the early 1980s. He has been engaged in the sport for more than 20 years. He won the Hong Kong Darts Championship for three consecutive years, and at his peak, he was ranked 23rd in the international rankings. In addition to being engaged in darts, Ho Lai Nam was a basic artist of Hong Kong TVB in the 1980s, playing mostly bullies, drug addicts, and charlatans. In 1994 and 1995, he assisted the Macau darts community in organizing two consecutive Hong Kong and Macau interport darts open competitions, and won two consecutive individual championships. He spared no effort in the development of Macau darts.
Ho Lai Nam has participated in TVB dramas including "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" in 1982 as Zhu Danchen, "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" in 1983 as Peng Lianhu, "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" in 1983, "The Deer and the Cauldron" in 1984, "Bao Zhilin", 1984's "Chu Liuxiang: The Legend of the Bat" as Bai Captou, 1985's "Flying Fox in the Snow Mountain", 1985's "The Emperor Takes Care", 1985's "Senior Brother Xinzha's Continuation" and 1986's "The Brave" CID", these dramas were all familiar TV dramas back then. Ho Lai Nam has participated in movies such as "The Poison Network" in 1991, "Dune Warriors" in 1990 and "The Bloody Mantis" in 1977. Ho Lai Nam died of cancer in the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in the early morning of September 5, 2008, at the age of 56.
1975年 功夫热 饰 男仔
1976年 民间传奇之珍珠塔 饰 公差
1976年 无花果 饰 武师乙
1978年 小李飞刀
1978年 陆小凤之武当之战 饰 勾魂使者/石鹤
1978年 倚天屠龙记 饰 阿二
1979年 名剑风流 饰 昆仑紫衣
1980年 亲情 饰 Sunny
1980年 上海滩龙虎斗 饰 律师
1981年 前路
1981年 火凤凰 饰 阿辉
1981年 英雄出少年 饰 阿镛
1981年 飞越十八层 饰 刀疤四
1982年 香城浪子 饰 打手
1982年 花艇小英雄
1982年 天龙八部 饰 朱丹臣
1983年 射雕英雄传 饰 彭连虎
1983年 神雕侠侣
1984年 鹿鼎记
1984年 宝芝林
1984年 楚留香之蝙蝠传奇 饰 白捕头
1985年 雪山飞狐
1985年 皇上保重
1985年 新扎师兄续集
1986年 神勇CID
1986年 小岛风云
1987年 书剑恩仇录 饰 常赫志
1987年 工字打出头 饰 厨房主管
1988年 狙击神探
1988年 当代男儿
1989年 连城诀 饰 鲤鱼帮头目
1989年 回到唐山 饰 山贼
1989年 天涯歌女
1989年 飞虎群英
1990年 人在边缘 饰 波手下甲
1991年 干探群英之烈火臙脂 饰 亚七
1992年 壹号皇庭 饰 肥狗
1992年 阖府抢钱 饰 道友
1992年 血玺金刀 饰 阿汗尼
1992年 拳王赌至尊 饰 亚凡
1992年 水浒英雄传 饰 蒋门神
1995年-1999年 真情 饰 贼人/房友/工友
何伟龙(Ho Wai Lung)
何伟龙(Ho Wai Lung)出生于1955年6月21日,是香港的已故知名男演员、资深戏剧导师,创办湾仔话剧团,曾任亚洲电视训练学院及香港演艺学院的戏剧讲师。他除了在舞台剧演出以外,亦曾在电视出镜。当中较为人熟知的,是在情景喜剧《城市故事》里,饰演无良地产分销公司老板、“忠诚地产”老板苏忠。何伟龙是香港话剧团全职演员 ,期间在五十多出舞台剧中担纲演出。担纲演出的作品众多,略举例一二:1980年参演香港电台单元剧《屋檐下》之《阿辉》担演主角阿辉。湾仔剧团《情比哥坚》之苏铿、最后演出作品《长发幽灵》等。
何伟龙也是无线电视艺员 ,曾经凭《城市故事》中“苏忠”一角脍炙人口;亚洲电视艺员 ,参与《开心主流派1991》演出。何伟龙于2014年1月7日早上7时因病逝世,终年58岁。因为苏忠一角而为人熟识的何伟龙,本身是舞台剧爱好者,导演作品超过150部,演出剧目多不胜数,他于87年创办湾仔剧团,2008年易名为团剧团。在94年,何伟龙获香港戏剧协会颁发「十年杰出成就奖」、01年获协会颁发最佳导演奖、09年夺最佳男主角奖、06年获特区政府颁授「民政事务局局长嘉许奖」,表扬他在业界的贡献,09年香港艺术发展局更颁发「年度最佳艺术家奖」给他。
Ho Wai Lung was born on June 21, 1955. He is a late well-known actor and senior drama instructor in Hong Kong. He founded the Wan Chai Repertory Theater and served as a drama lecturer at the Asian Television Training Institute and the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. In addition to performing in stage plays, he has also appeared on television. The more well-known among them is his role as Su Zhong, the owner of an unscrupulous real estate distribution company and the owner of "Loyalty Real Estate" in the sitcom "City Story". Ho Wai-lung is a full-time actor at the Hong Kong Repertory Theatre, and has performed in more than 50 stage plays during his career. He has performed in many works, here are a few examples: In 1980, he participated in "Ah Fai" of the Radio Television Hong Kong unit drama "Under the Eaves" and played the leading role of Ah Fai. Su Keng in Wan Chai Theater Company's "Love Is Stronger", the last performance of "The Ghost with Long Hair", etc.
Ho Wai-lung is also a TVB artiste, once popular for his role as "Su Zhong" in "City Story"; an Asian Television artiste, participated in the performance of "Happy Mainstream 1991". Ho Wai Lung died of illness at 7 a.m. on January 7, 2014, at the age of 58. Ho Wai-lung, who is well-known for his role as Su Chung, is a stage theater enthusiast himself. He has directed more than 150 works and performed in countless repertoires. He founded Wan Chai Theater Company in 1987 and changed its name to Tuan Theater Company in 2008. In 1994, Ho Wai-lung was awarded the "Ten Years Outstanding Achievement Award" by the Hong Kong Drama Association, the Best Director Award by the association in 2001, the Best Actor Award in 2009, and the "Secretary for Home Affairs' Commendation" by the SAR Government in 2006. Award" in recognition of his contribution to the industry. In 2009, the Hong Kong Arts Development Council awarded him the "Best Artist of the Year Award".
However, he suffered kidney failure due to diabetes and long-term steroid use caused edema in his body. He had to use crutches to walk. He had undergone eight surgeries for cataracts in both eyes, and his right eye was infected by bacteria, causing tears to flow out involuntarily. However, he still did not give up creating, and his last performance was "The Long-Haired Ghost."
曾守明(Raymond Tsang Sau Ming)
曾守明(Raymond Tsang Sau Ming)出生于1958年6月26日,小时候居住于深水埗李郑屋邨十二座,与演员郑家生为邻居。曾守明1987年毕业于TVB第13期艺员训练班,入行超过30年的他曾参演过百部电视剧,因他样子正气,演出多与警察有关的角色,但间中也有演过反派角色。曾守明于1991年离开无线转投亚视,于1999年重返无线服务至逝世,最后在剧集《全职没女》、《降魔的》与《跨世代》,亦有份演出。他也曾经参与拍摄外国电影《Sunny and The Elephant》以及好莱坞电影《世纪战疫》。
Raymond Tsang Sau Ming was born on June 26, 1958. When he was a child, he lived in Block 12, Lei Cheng Uk Estate, Sham Shui Po, and was a neighbor of actor Cheng Ka-sang. Tsang Sau Ming graduated from TVB's 13th Artist Training Course in 1987. He has been in the industry for more than 30 years and has participated in hundreds of TV series. Because of his upright appearance, he played mostly police-related roles, but he also occasionally played villain roles. Tsang Sau Ming left TVB in 1991 and switched to ATV. He returned to TVB services in 1999 until his death. He also appeared in the drama series "The Girl", "The Devil" and "Cross Generations". He has also participated in the filming of the foreign film "Sunny and The Elephant" and the Hollywood film "The War of the Century".
He joined the Royal Hong Kong Regiment in 1991 and joined the Hong Kong Auxiliary Police Force as an auxiliary police constable on November 17, 1997. During his service, he was promoted to auxiliary police sergeant. He was stationed in the Sai Kung Division Uniformed Patrol Team until he retired in June 2013. He was awarded the "Hong Kong Auxiliary Police Long Service Medal" in recognition of his 15 years of contribution. Tsang Sau Ming went to a public hospital for major surgery in October 2015 due to cardiovascular problems. He then rested for three months, during which time he lost more than 30 pounds. The cause is mainly related to unbalanced diet, work pressure and lack of rest. He has returned to work after the surgery. On April 23, 2017, Zeng Shouming and his friends went on stage to sing in a Guangzhou bar. He suddenly fainted during the performance and died after ineffective resuscitation. He was 59 years old. In addition to acting, Tsang Sau Ming
also had a strong interest in firearms and racing. In 1983, he jointly established a film services company to provide Hong Kong television stations, film companies and other performance groups with firearms and props to assist in filming.
李顯明(Lee Hin Ming)
李显明(Lee Hin Ming)1956年出生的李显明,早在70至90年代便开始在电视连续剧参演角色,由于样子瘦,一般都是饰演一些吸毒者之类的角色。1967年无线开台,为配合70年代大力发展的电视剧制作,大台一方面开设艺员训练班培育人才,另一方面邀请电影、舞台剧或播音前辈参与剧集演出,李显明便是其中之一,他演的多是道友、街坊、工人、叔父等小角色,李显明曾在剧集《他来自江湖》中与周星驰一起合作过,饰演常被周星驰戏弄的联谊会伙计光明;此外他还在《情圣》中饰演一个怕老婆的四眼仔,周星驰和毛舜筠冒充煤气维修工到他家偷东西那段戏他也演得很精彩。李显明在《盖世豪侠》剧中饰演段飞好友阿华,最终被赵虹所杀。李显明1994年因癌病在葛量洪医院去世,终年38岁。
《天灵》(1984)饰 潮州文
《四大名捕重出江湖》(1985)饰 小诸葛
《十兄弟》(1985)饰 大口九程九吉
《诸葛亮》(1985)饰 吉庆
《通灵》(1986)饰 余觉非
《哪吒》(1986)饰 大黑
《济公活佛》(1986)饰 村民
狙击神探(1988)饰 李乙金
盖世豪侠(1989)饰 阿华(段飞好友)
摘星的女人 (1989)
他来自江湖(1989) 饰 江 明
回到唐山(1989) 饰 阿武
大家族(1991)饰 Peter
卡拉屋企(1991) 饰 笨贼(第14集)
大时代(1992) 饰 Tony(第2集)
巨人(1992) 饰 Alex
重案传真(1992) 饰 德
水浒英雄传(1992)饰 刘唐
如来神掌再战江湖(1993) 饰 阿虎(龙剑生的损友)
雌雄大老千(1993) 饰 梁亚鸡 (第二男主角)
都市的童话(1993) 饰 庄菲腊(第5-6集)
总有出头天(1995) 饰 麦先生
火爆行动 (1989)
僵尸医生 (1990)
女机器人 (1991)
情圣 (1991)
卿本佳人 (1991)
表哥我来也 (1991)
表姐,你玩野! (1991)
着牛仔裤的钟馗 (1991)
特区爱奴 (1992)
新僵尸先生 (1992)
偷神家族 (1992)
艳降 (1993)
娇娃不设防三度偷情 (1993)
警花肉搏强奸党 (1993)
Lee Hin Ming Born in 1956, Lee Hin Ming began to play roles in TV series from the 1970s to the 1990s. Due to his thin appearance, he usually played roles such as drug addicts. Wireless TV was launched in 1967. In order to cope with the vigorous development of TV drama production in the 1970s, the TV station not only set up artist training classes to cultivate talents, but also invited movie, stage play or broadcasting seniors to participate in drama performances. Lee Hin Ming was one of them. , he mostly played small roles such as Taoist friends, neighbors, workers, uncles, etc. Lee Hin Ming once worked with Stephen Chow in the TV series "He Comes from Jianghu", playing the role of Guangming, a fraternity boy who was often teased by Stephen Chow; in addition, he also In "The Lover", he played a four-eyed boy who was afraid of his henpecks. He also performed brilliantly in the scene where Stephen Chow and Mo Shunyun pretended to be a gas repairman and went to his house to steal things. Lee Hin Ming played Duan Fei's friend A Hua in the drama "The Greatest Heroes", who was eventually killed by Zhao Hong. Lee Hin Ming died of cancer in Grantham Hospital in 1994 at the age of 38.
博文 (Atom)