
徐少强逝世 享年74岁

80年代武侠片巨星徐少强今日(15日)传出离世消息,享年74岁。据《星岛头条》报道,徐少强今日传出逝世的消息。据悉,他于本月初在北京因食道癌去世。香港电影工作者总会发言人田启文(田鸡)证实了徐少强的离世。 徐少强的女儿徐颖也在Instagram限时动态中发布了张学友的歌曲《你是我今生唯一传奇》,疑似来悼念父亲。 在1970年代和1980年代的香港电影界,徐少强以其独特的武术风格及精湛演技获得了极高的声誉。他在《三少爷的剑》和《天蚕变》等经典剧集中的表现尤为突出,令他名声大噪。 徐少强在1992年凭借周星驰电影《武状元苏乞儿》中的反派角色“赵无极”进一步巩固了他在影坛的地位。近年来,他转型进入网络电影领域,继续活跃于演艺圈。徐少强的离世让影迷和同行感到震惊和悲痛,纷纷表达哀悼。 Xu Shaoqiang passed away at the age of 74 It was announced today (15th) that the 1980s martial arts film star Stephen Tsui had passed away at the age of 74. According to "Sing Tao Toutiao", news of Xu Shaoqiang's death was reported today. It is reported that he died of esophageal cancer in Beijing earlier this month. Tin Kai-man , spokesperson of the Federation of Hong Kong Film Workers, confirmed Tsui Siu-keung’s death. Xu Shaoqiang's daughter Xu Ying also posted Jacky Cheung's song "You Are the Only Legend in My Life" on Instagram in a limited time update, seemingly to mourn her father. In the Hong Kong film industry in the 1970s and 1980s, Xu Shaoqiang gained a high reputation for his unique martial arts style and superb acting skills. His performances in classic dramas such as "The Sword of the Third Young Master" and "The Transformation of the Silkworm" are particularly outstanding, making him famous. In 1992, Xu Shaoqiang further consolidated his position in the film industry with the villain character "Zhao Wou-ki" in Stephen Chow's movie "The Greatest Warrior". In recent years, he has transitioned into the field of online movies and continues to be active in the entertainment industry. The death of Xu Shaoqiang shocked and saddened movie fans and colleagues, and they all expressed their condolences.


曹永廉(Cho Wing Lim)

曹永廉(Cho Wing Lim,Raymond),1964年10月16日生于香港,无线电视(TVB)演员。曹永廉以歌手出道,但发展平平。1999年加盟TVB;同年参演郑伊健主演的电视剧《双面伊人》。2000年参演时装剧《妙手仁心II》。2006至2011年出演《法证先锋》系列电视剧 。2012年,在黎耀祥、米雪主演的古装剧《大太监》中饰演“安德海” 。2014年,在TVB古装剧《寒山潜龙》中饰演“熊十九” 。 2016年,曹永廉出演《公公出宫》饰演娘娘腔太监,获得万千星辉颁奖典礼2016最佳男配角奖 。2021年3月22日,出演的时装爱情喜剧《爱美丽狂想曲》在香港翡翠台播出,在剧中饰演苏泽基。2022年2月2日,参加《百花迎春》晚会,演唱歌曲《狮子山下》。2023年1月21日,领衔主演的TVB贺岁喜剧《黄金万两》播出 ;2月20日,参演的悬疑剧《廉政狙击》在香港翡翠台播出 。7月,参加节目《跟着港剧吃美食》; 7月26日,参演电视剧《破毒强人》播出。 2024年5月6日,参演的电视剧《神耆小子》播出。 2007年11月28日,曹永廉与姜大卫长女姜依兰结婚。2008年1月1日曹永廉的儿子Brandon出世 。2011年6月16日, 女儿Erin出世。曹永廉曾经公开承认将自己的年龄报小5年。他住过西贡庆径石。2011年,《东周刊》同《东方新地》揭发他在住所的天台中擅自加建了一间玻璃屋。同时他也在露台擅自加建了玻璃窗。2013年9月,曹永廉与朋友合资以7位数字在观塘顺利纪律部队宿舍附近开了一间「茶记冰室」。 Cho Wing Lim (Raymond曹永廉), born in Hong Kong on October 16, 1964, is a TVB actor. Cho Wing Lim debuted as a singer, but his development was mediocre. Joined TVB in 1999; in the same year, he participated in the TV series "Double Face" starring Ekin Cheng. In 2000, he participated in the fashion drama "Miao Hands of Kindness II". From 2006 to 2011, he starred in the TV series "Forensic Pioneer". In 2012, he played "Ande Hai" in the costume drama "The Great Eunuch" starring Li Yaoxiang and Michelle. In 2014, he played the role of "Xiong Nineteen" in the TVB costume drama "Hidden Dragon in the Cold Mountain". In 2016, Cho Wing Lim played the role of a sissy eunuch in "The Father-in-law Leaves the Palace" and won the 2016 Best Supporting Actor Award at the Thousands of Stars Awards Ceremony. On March 22, 2021, the fashion romantic comedy "Rhapsody of Amelie" was broadcast on Hong Kong Jade Channel, playing Su Zeji in the play. On February 2, 2022, he participated in the "Hundred Flowers Welcome the Spring" party and sang the song "Under the Lion Rock". On January 21, 2023, the TVB Lunar New Year comedy "Golden Thousand Liang" starring in the starring role was broadcast; on February 20, the suspense drama "Integrity Sniper" in which he participated was broadcast on Jade Channel in Hong Kong. In July, he participated in the program "Eating Food with Hong Kong Drama"; on July 26, he participated in the TV series "The Strong Man". On May 6, 2024, the TV series "The Godly Boy" in which he participated was broadcast. On November 28, 2007, Cho Wing Lim married Jiang Yilan, the eldest daughter of Jiang David. On January 1, 2008, Cho Wing Lim’s son Brandon was born. On June 16, 2011, daughter Erin was born. Cho Wing Lim once publicly admitted that he had reported his age by 5 years. He lived in Hing Keng Shek, Sai Kung. In 2011, "East Weekly" and "Oriental News" revealed that he had built a glass room on the rooftop of his residence without permission. At the same time, he also added glass windows to the terrace without authorization. In September 2013, Cho Wing Lim and his friends jointly opened a "Tea Kee Ice Room" near the Shunli Disciplined Services Quarters in Kwun Tong with a 7-digit investment.


梁咏琪 Gigi Leung Wing Kei

梁咏琪(Gigi Leung Wing Kei,1976年3月25日),香港女歌手、演员、词曲作家及模特儿。除了为自己创作多首作品如《花火》、《高妹正传》外,也为其他歌手作曲,例如李克勤《高妹》、郑秀文《跳伞》、《落错车》等歌曲。在出道初期,长发的梁咏琪曾被指外型酷似女演员叶晨。1995年电影《烈火战车》,与刘德华合演情侣,同年她还跟周星驰合作主演《百变星君》,由于这两部电影高票房收入,扩大了她名气,也使得她96年发唱片出道时受欢迎程度上涨。 在1999年获提名第36届金马奖、第五届香港电影金紫荆奖以及第十九届香港电影金像奖“最佳女主角”奖项。在2000年于《爱与诚》中饰演“杀手雪”,获得第二十届香港电影金像奖“最佳女配角”提名。2000年起为日本美容产品公司FANCL担任代言人。并曾为香港九龙湾德福广场担任短期的商场美术顾问,曾与I.T旗下鞋履品牌Venilla suite合作推出"Venilla suite de Gigi"系列。梁咏琪在2001年参演了《绝世好Bra》、《我的兄弟姐妹》等电影,于2003年,她参演电影《向左走·向右走》,票房反应甚佳,且电影主题曲《两个人的幸运》也颇受欢迎,获提名第二十三届香港电影金像奖“最佳原创电影歌曲”;插曲《回旋木马的终端》则荣获第40届金马奖“最佳原创电影歌曲”。2003年获颁香港十大杰出青年。 2004年10月,梁咏琪与詹瑞文、蓝奕邦演出舞台剧《大娱乐家》,主题曲《娱乐大家》由梁咏琪作曲、刘德华填词。此剧评价甚佳,两度公演。2005年12月,在《UA二十周年电影票房颁奖典礼1985-2005》中获得十大最高票房女星第七位,主演的电影票房收入大约为3亿元。 2007年8月梁咏琪凭《女人本色》获得香港电影金紫荆奖“最佳女主角”的提名,又以迪士尼首度与中国的电影公司联合制作的电影《魔法小葫芦》得到中国电影家协会第廿九届大众电影百花奖“最佳女主角”提名。梁咏琪于2008年3月25日加盟美亚娱乐,于导演马伟豪执导的电影《爱得起》中演出,该片为2009年情人节档期电影的最大赢家。次年3月18日《越光宝盒》在香港与中国内地上映。 2010年6月,梁咏琪应now 100台邀请到墨西哥拍摄旅游节目《一个地球》。2011年1月10日在台北小巨蛋参与录影台湾电视的大型除夕节目《2011超级巨星红白艺能大赏》。2012年6月,梁咏琪在《第十五届上海国际电影节-女性微电影活动》自导自演微电影《幸运曲奇》,12月,以微电影《四季人生》在澳门国际电影节颁奖礼夺得“最佳女配角”奖。2014年7月,梁咏琪执导,林嘉欣主演的爱护动物协会微电影《被遗弃的》、11月26日《四季人生》在香港上演。2016年2月,拍摄产后首部电影《骨妹》。2021年,梁咏琪相隔15年后再度参演港剧《反起跑线联盟》,同时是其首部主演之电视剧,并提名第二十七届釜山国际电影节亚洲内容大奖最佳女主角。 梁咏琪(Gigi)于2011年与西班牙籍老公Sergio结婚,两人婚后育有一女,拥有西班牙血统的Sofia天生一副美人胚子,从小已拥有标致五官,长得甜美可爱。早前,Gigi就晒出自己和老公分别抱住女儿Sofia的照片,更写道:「我已经抱不动你啦!#暴风成长」,更意外曝光豪宅,一向低调的Gigi事后更急删照片。 Gigi Leung Wing Kei (March 25, 1976), Hong Kong female singer, actress, songwriter and model. In addition to composing many works for herself, such as "Fireworks" and "The Story of Gao Mei", she also composed songs for other singers, such as Hacken Lee's "Gao Mei", Sammi Cheng's "Skydiving", "Luck in the Wrong Car" and other songs. In the early days of her career, the long-haired Gigi Leung was accused of resembling actress Ye Chen. In the 1995 movie "Chariots of Fire", she co-starred with Andy Lau as a couple. In the same year, she also co-starred with Stephen Chow in "The Big Brother". Due to the high box office revenue of these two movies, she expanded her fame and made her debut in 1996 when she released an album. Popularity grew. In 1999, she was nominated for the "Best Actress" award at the 36th Golden Horse Awards, the 5th Hong Kong Film Golden Bauhinia Award and the 19th Hong Kong Film Awards. In 2000, she played "Killer Snow" in "Love and Sincerity" and was nominated for "Best Supporting Actress" at the 20th Hong Kong Film Awards. Since 2000, she has been a spokesperson for the Japanese beauty product company FANCL. She also served as a short-term shopping mall art consultant for Telford Plaza in Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong, and collaborated with I.T's shoe brand Venilla suite to launch the "Venilla suite de Gigi" series. In 2001, Gigi Leung participated in movies such as "Brave" and "My Brothers and Sisters". In 2003, she participated in the movie "Go Left, Go Right". The box office response was very good, and the theme song of the movie " "The Luck of Two" is also very popular and was nominated for "Best Original Film Song" at the 23rd Hong Kong Film Awards; the episode "The End of the Merry-Go-Round" won the "Best Original Film Song" at the 40th Golden Horse Awards ". In 2003, she was awarded the top ten outstanding young people in Hong Kong. In October 2004, Gigi Leung performed in the stage play "Entertainer" with Jim Ruiman and Lam Yip Bang. The theme song "Entertaining Everyone" was composed by Gigi Leung and written by Andy Lau. The play received very good reviews and was performed twice. In December 2005, she ranked seventh among the top ten highest-grossing actresses in the "UA 20th Anniversary Movie Box Office Awards Ceremony 1985-2005". The box office revenue of her starring movies was approximately 300 million yuan. In August 2007, Gigi Leung was nominated for the "Best Actress" at the Hong Kong Film Golden Bauhinia Award for "The True Colors of a Woman". She also won the first award from the China Film Association for the film "Magic Little Gourd" co-produced by Disney and a Chinese film company. Nominated for "Best Actress" at the 29th Popular Film Hundred Flowers Awards. Gigi Leung joined Meiya Entertainment on March 25, 2008, and performed in the film "Love Can Afford" directed by director Ma Weihao. The film was the biggest winner of the Valentine's Day movie in 2009. On March 18 of the following year, "The Treasure Box" was released in Hong Kong and Mainland China. In June 2010, Gigi Leung was invited by Now 100 to Mexico to film the travel program "One Earth". On January 10, 2011, she participated in the recording of Taiwan TV's large-scale New Year's Eve program "2011 Superstar Red and White Entertainment Awards" at the Taipei Arena. In June 2012, Gigi Leung directed and starred in the micro film "Fortune Cookies" at the "15th Shanghai International Film Festival - Women's Micro Film Event". In December, she won the award ceremony at the Macau International Film Festival with the micro film "Four Seasons" Won the "Best Supporting Actress" award. In July 2014, the SPCA micro-movie "Abandoned" directed by Gigi Leung and starring Carrie Lam, and "Four Seasons" were staged in Hong Kong on November 26. In February 2016, she filmed her first post-partum movie "Bone Sister". In 2021, Gigi Leung once again participated in the Hong Kong drama "Counter Starting Line" after 15 years. It was also her first starring TV series, and she was nominated for the Best Actress at the 27th Busan International Film Festival Asian Content Awards. Gigi Leung (Gigi) married her Spanish husband Sergio in 2011. The two had a daughter after their marriage. Sofia, who is of Spanish descent, was born with a beautiful child. She has beautiful facial features since she was a child, and she looks sweet and cute. Earlier, Gigi posted a photo of herself and her husband holding their daughter Sofia respectively, and wrote: "I can't hold her anymore.


邓萃雯 Sheren Tang Shui Man

邓萃雯(Sheren Tang Shui Man,1966年3月2日出生),香港女演员,曾为无线电视及亚洲电视合约女艺员。曾在2009年和2010年连续两年夺得无线电视万千星辉颁奖典礼“最佳女主角”,是史上第一位“冧庄视后”。近年主要拍摄中国大陆电视剧。 于1984年进入无线电视艺员训练班第二期艺员招募,她是一名虔诚的基督徒。 1985年获监制萧显辉邀请演出她的第一部剧集《薛仁贵征东》,她演出的第一部剧集便担任第一女主角。之后在多部剧集中担演主要角色,如古装武侠剧《侠客行》中饰丁当、《倚天屠龙记》中饰周芷若,以青春可爱的少女形象打动观众,曾有“翁美玲的接班人”、“最佳古装美人”等封号。 邓萃雯于每部剧集当中均担任第一、二女主角, 1991年邓萃雯与无线电视的基本合约正式完结,她决定前往美国修读室内设计,顺道以部头合约的模式跟无线合作,之后几年只在暑假期间回港替无线拍剧,包括《血溅塘西》、《生死讼》及《再见亦是老婆》等作品。邓萃雯表示在美国进修期间,看到同校的戏剧系同学如何投入学习演戏的态度,启发了她以后的演艺道路。 1995年邓萃雯完成学业后,一度有离开演艺界打算的她却再度重投演艺界。她跟亚视签下两年部头合约,首先接拍《我和春天有个约会》,在剧中饰演第一女主角姚小蝶。在1996年的《再见艳阳天》,1997年,邓萃雯在演出《国际刑警1997》后跟亚视约满,继而转战两岸影视市场。 邓萃雯于1997年接拍台湾电视剧《施公奇案》,在此剧两个单元中担任女主角,与多位台湾艺人合作。随后,邓萃雯全力活跃在台湾电视剧中。2004年起,雯女开始进军大陆,接演大陆剧集,在大陆剧集中都有出色的演出,著名作品包括,《青城之恋》、《玫瑰江湖》、《牌坊下的女人》、《新还珠格格》及《倾城雪》等剧集都深入民心。 2011年凭琼瑶一剧《新还珠格格》的继皇后一角,击败对手,成功夺得华鼎奖“最佳女配角”奖项。 2012年她参演了一部偶像剧《棋逢对手》。1999年,邓萃雯选择重返无线电视,并参《LovingYou我爱你》, 邓萃雯在拍毕《金枝欲孽贰》后离开无线,结束12年与无线之宾主关系。 2016年现身无线电视当晚直播的《万千星辉颁奖典礼2016》, 2019年,邓萃雯主演ViuTV剧集《婚内情》,2021年7月30日,中国大陆经理人公司浩瀚娱乐于官方微博发表声明,宣布邓萃雯签约成为旗下女演员。 邓萃雯有过多段感情,但只承认过曾与万梓良和郑敬基交往,最后也是以分手收场。 在1985年,邓萃雯和万梓良拍摄剧集《薛仁贵征东》时,与大她9年的万梓良“戏假情真”,当时万梓良坦言会等她十年才结婚,但两人拍拖一年半后,因性格不合而分手。 邓萃雯在1995年拍摄《我》剧集时被指与男主角江华交往。当时江华已婚,妻子为麦洁文。因此邓萃雯介入江华和麦洁文婚姻当第三者,后自动退出。江华与邓萃雯出轨事件,引起被众多媒体、报刊争相报道。 1998年,邓萃雯和演员郑敬基交往,她表示郑对她很好,但一年后都是以分手收场。 2019年,邓萃雯被爆与新加坡艺人好友陈洁仪传出绯闻。后两人出来澄清,说只是闺蜜。 2013年3月4日,邓萃雯表示当时拍摄《金枝欲孽(贰)》因压力大而患上自主神经失调,其后邓萃雯趁假期在家中休息,现已完全康复。 Sheren Tang Shui Man邓萃雯 (born March 2, 1966) is a Hong Kong actress. She won the "Best Actress" at the Radio and Television Star Awards for two consecutive years in 2009 and 2010, and was the first "Best Actress" in history. In recent years, she has mainly shot TV dramas in mainland China. She entered the second round of the radio and television actor training course in 1984. She is a devout Christian. In 1985, she was invited by director Siu Hin-fai to perform in her first drama, Xue Rengui Conquering the East. After that, she played major roles in several dramas, such as Ding Dong in the ancient martial arts drama "Xia Ke Xing" and Zhou Zhiruo in "Yi Tian Tu Long Ji". "Best Costume Beauty" and other titles. In 1991, her basic contract with Radio Television officially ended and only returned to Hong Kong during the summer holidays to work for TVB, including "Blood Splattered Pond West", "Life and Death Litigation" and "Goodbye Is Also a Wife". During her studies in the United States, she said that during her studies in the United States, she saw how her fellow theater students devoted themselves to learning acting, which inspired her future acting career. After completing her studies in 1995, she had planned to leave the acting industry, but she returned to the acting industry. She signed a two-year director contract with ATV. She first took on the role of "I Have a Date with Spring", playing the first heroine Yao Xiaodie. In 1996's "Goodbye Sunny Day", in 1997, after her performance in "Interpol 1997", Teng's contract with ATV expired, and she moved to the cross-strait film and television market.

李海生病逝 享年80有3岁

TVB处境剧《爱·回家之开心速递》中饰演接龙集团保安员“申叔”的甘草演员李海生,今日(10日)惊传死讯,因皮肤生毒疮,导致背脊溃烂,引发细菌感染昨日(9日)在医院病逝,享年80有3岁。李海生纵横影坛逾半世纪,饰演过无数角色,不过在入行前,李海生不只是爆肌健美先生,更是咏春高手。 Lee Hoi Sang, the licorice actor who played the role of "Uncle Shen", the security guard of Solitaire Group in the TVB sitcom "Love·Homecoming Happy Express", was shocked to hear the news of his death today (10th). He suffered from a sore on his skin, which led to an ulcer on his back and a bacterial infection. Yesterday (9th) Died in hospital at the age of 83. Lee Hoi Sang has been in the film industry for more than half a century and has played countless roles. However, before entering the industry, Lee Hoi Sang was not only a muscular bodybuilder, but also a Wing Chun master. 李海生(Lee Hoi Sang1945年4月15日出生),香港无线电视(TVB)资深艺员(现为部头合约),邵氏龙虎武师出身,咏春拳高手,师承招允,曾任电影武术指导。 70年代中期开始走到幕前饰演角色。常以光头形象示人,肌肉发达。反派角色较多,而且大多为武功十分高强的最终BOSS。有时也能扮演正面角色。如在刘家良的《少林三十六房》中,他扮演戒律院的住持,曾与刘家辉连续打了三场,但都是同门切磋,而非生死搏斗。80年代中后期,邵逸夫逐渐将事业重心从电影转向电视行业,李海生亦由邵氏转入无线电视,多拍摄电视剧,但仍出演电影,由于年龄渐长,在剧集中多饰演慈祥的老年配角角色。反面角色较少,亦有一些搞笑角色。比较知名的有:在成龙的《A计划》系列中饰演海盗李初九。《新半斤八两》中的屎忽龙,1997年《天龙八部》(黄日华版)中扮演少林寺玄痛大师。《施公奇案》中的慧严大师。李海生如今年逾花甲,2005曾在电视剧集《佛山赞师傅》中扮演梁家仁的老仆梁佳。 李海生早年担任电影动作演员和武术指导,80年代他凭着真功夫加入TVB,因为武功高强,所以经常在电视剧中饰演武打角色。他硬桥硬马、身手敏捷的演出令观众印象深刻,于是有TVB「打手王」的称呼。 Lee Hoi Sang (李海生, April 15, 1945 ), Hong Kong TVB (TVB) senior artiste (currently under contract), Shaw Brothers dragon and tiger martial arts master, Wing Chun master, master Zhaoyun, once served as a film martial arts instructor. In the mid-1970s, he began to play roles in front of the screen. He often shows people with a bald head and muscular development. There are many villains, and most of them are final bosses with very strong martial arts. Sometimes it can also play a positive role. For example, in Liu Jialiang's "Thirty-Six Rooms of Shaolin", he played the abbot of the Discipline Academy, and he fought three consecutive matches with Liu Jiahui, but they were all peers, not life-and-death struggles. In the mid-to-late 1980s, Run Run Shaw gradually shifted his career focus from movies to the TV industry. Li Haisheng also transferred from Shaw Brothers to TVB. He shot more TV dramas, but he still starred in movies. supporting role. There are fewer villains and some funny characters. The more well-known ones are: playing the pirate Li Chujiu in Jackie Chan's "Project A" series. Shi Hulong in "New Half Catty Eight Two", played the master Xuantong of Shaolin Temple in "Dragon Babu" (Felix Wong version) in 1997. Master Huiyan in "The Strange Case of Shi Gong". Li Haisheng is now over sixty years old. In 2005, he played the role of Liang Jiaren's old servant Liang Jia in the TV series "Foshan Praise the Master". Li Haisheng worked as a movie action actor and martial arts instructor in his early years. In the 1980s, he joined TVB with his real kung fu. Because of his strong martial arts, he often played martial arts roles in TV dramas. His hard-working and agile performances impressed the audience so much that he was dubbed TVB's "King of Thugs".



张耀扬(Roy Cheung Yiu Yeung)

张耀扬(Roy Cheung Yiu Yeung)1963年7月20日出生于香港,祖籍广东,香港男演员、模特。90年代港片《古惑仔》系列的“乌鸦”。张耀扬凭其粗犷的外型及冷酷的眼神,多次出演反派人物。 因为他的外形天赋全被挖掘出来了,尤其是光膀子晒肌肉留长发,眼神邪魅一淫笑,张耀扬这个演员也因此被定性了,甚至还抢了其他狂妄角色的风头。例如他在《妖兽都市》里的邪魅癫狂,就更内敛有嚼头,他演过《古惑仔之战无不胜》,穿西装打领带也藏不住邪气。 1986年,身为模特的他被林岭东发掘,拍摄风云电影三部曲《龙虎风云》、《监狱风云》《监狱风云二逃犯》和《学校风云》,正式开始演艺生涯,而且扮演多是无恶不作的反派角色。2000年凭电影《枪火》夺得第5届香港电影金紫荆奖最佳男配角。2001年因出演电影《江湖告急》提名第20届香港电影金像奖最佳男配角 。2004年凭借电影《无间道II》提名第4届华语电影传媒大奖最佳男配角 。2008年领衔主演电视剧《东陵大盗》。 在《白玫瑰》的戏里张耀扬还是演一个黑社会老大,张耀扬似乎抓住了这个机会,他没有浪费,他在戏里跟张曼玉恩爱甜蜜的时光,在那些他很少演的感情戏中,使劲的文艺了一把,尽管这部戏没火过,但贡献了一个不同的张耀扬。在这部1992年的戏之后,我们再也不会看到一个这样的张耀扬,他还有机会出演各式各样的人物,也会跌跌撞撞的走自己不平坦的星路,他也演过那英的歌曲《愿赌服输》MV男主,他还演过摩托罗拉的广告,相当绅士拉风。 张耀扬也把戏中表演的角色搬到现实生活中,2014年7月2日,北京市公安局禁毒总队与朝阳分局在朝阳区某酒店内将涉嫌吸毒的张耀扬查获,从其行李中起获毒品大麻1.15克。经检测,其尿检呈大麻阳性。经审查,张耀扬对吸毒事实供认不讳,除了涉嫌吸食大麻外,还涉嫌有嫖娼行为,因此被合并处以治安拘留20天的行政处罚。 此外,据台湾媒体报道,张耀扬于2008年因拍戏腰伤严重而在演艺圈销声匿迹,据他透露近几年弃影从商,在博弈事业基层当公关做起。除了承包赌场外,张耀扬还涉足商业,主要经营红酒生意,可利润也只是马马虎虎,并没想像中那么赚钱。此外,张耀扬还凭着多年积攒的人气而可接不少商业活动,参加1次也可收获5万左右台币的出场费。据了解,乌鸦1年也有几十场商业活动可接,凭这些商演活动也能有几百万台币的收入了。 在一个癫狂的角色背后,你很难想像其实他是一个内心孤独的人。小时候的张耀扬在香港农村长大,家境困窘,还有好几个兄弟姐妹。9岁的时候,他出了一场车祸,然后9岁前的记忆就全没了,等于说半个童年没了。后来还做过很多杂工,包括模特,场记之类,然后被导演挖掘。其实张耀扬却是一个酷爱安静的人。他的家在香港大埔,一个靠近深圳、远离闹市的郊区。他在那里买下了一个农场,不拍戏的时候便回家以种花、种菜为乐,过着世外桃源的农家生活。 Roy Cheung Yiu Yeung 张耀扬was born in Hong Kong on July 20, 1963. His ancestral home is Guangdong. He is a Hong Kong actor and model. "The Crow" in the 1990s Hong Kong film "Young and Dangerous" series. Cheung Yiu Yeung has played villains many times due to his rugged appearance and cold eyes. Because all his appearance talents were discovered, especially his shirtless appearance showing off his muscles and long hair, and his evil eyes and evil smile, Cheung Yiu Yeung was characterized as an actor and even stole the limelight from other arrogant characters. For example, his evil charm in "City of Monsters" is more restrained and chewy. He has acted in "Young and Dangerous", and he can't hide his evil spirit even if he wears a suit and tie. In 1986, as a model, he was discovered by Lam Ling-tung and filmed the trilogy of trilogy movies "The Dragon and the Tiger", "The Prison", "The Prisoner" and "The School". He officially started his acting career and played many roles. He is a villain who does all kinds of evil. In 2000, he won the Best Supporting Actor at the 5th Hong Kong Film Golden Bauhinia Award for the movie "Gunfire". In 2001, he was nominated for the Best Supporting Actor at the 20th Hong Kong Film Awards for his role in the movie "Jianghu". In 2004, he was nominated for the Best Supporting Actor at the 4th Chinese Film Media Awards for the movie "Infernal Affairs II". In 2008, he starred in the TV series "The Bandits of Dongling". 参演电视剧 锣鼓巷2010 饰演程大羽 爱恋狂潮2009 饰演林达安 导演罗长安 东陵大盗2008 饰演孙殿英 补习天后2007 饰演Water Lam 我的武林男友2005 饰演陆宏开 男女字典2003 一九四九之劫后英雄传1993 参演电影 大话天仙2014 客串 蝴蝶飞2008 饰演医生 战鼓2007 放逐2006 饰演猫 米尼2006 饰演大陈 情义我心知2005 凶男寡女2005 黑白战场2005 非常勇士2004 饰演唐天麟 天黑请闭眼2004 饰演子阳 无间道2 2003 饰演卧底警察 兄弟2003 饰演韩枫 天下无双2002 饰演左冷禅 宝贝双龙2002 卫斯理蓝血人2002 饰演白奇伟 拳神2001 困兽2001 豹女之夺命之旅2001 饰演关正康 贼公子2000 古惑仔6之胜者为王2000 饰演草一郎 黑社会.com2000 江湖告急2000饰演阿瑜 铁男本色2000 花样年华2000 饰演陈先生 白色风暴2000 火武耀扬2000 饰演耀扬 鬼同你玩2000 无问旅程1999 轰天绑架大富豪1999 蓝色情迷1999 枪火1999 致命诱惑1999 怒吼狂花1998 风云雄霸天下1998 野兽刑警1998 面青青有排惊1998 猎豹行动1998 97古惑仔之战无不胜1997 饰演雷耀扬 旺角大家姐1997 飞虎雄心2之傲气比天高1996 饰演张鹰 古惑仔3之只手遮天1996 饰演乌鸦 旺角风云1996 饰演青哥 悍匪1996 饰演阿和 去吧!揸Fit人兵团1996 饰演恐龙 旺角的天空2之男烧衣1996 尖东双虎1995 饰演凌俊 95陀枪女警1995 饰演吴成龙 白玫瑰1992 玫瑰的故事1986


關詠荷Esther Kwan Wing Ho

關詠荷Esther Kwan Wing Ho,1964年7月16日出生於香港,祖籍廣東南海,中國香港TVB女演員。1988年,關詠荷加入亞洲電視,出演首部電視劇《禿鷹特警隊》進入娛樂圈;1991年,跳槽永高電影公司。1996年因主演電視劇《河東獅吼》而走紅;1997年憑藉電視劇《苗翠花》獲得第一屆萬千星輝頒獎典禮最佳女主角獎; 2000年主演古裝劇《金裝四大才子》;2002年主演武俠劇《書劍恩仇錄》和古裝言情劇《天下無雙》。 關詠荷與邵美琪、郭藹明、陳鬆伶並稱TVB第二代當家花旦。與她所演的那些角色一樣,關詠荷在現實中也很平民化。巨蟹座的她性情溫柔可愛,成熟端莊,偶爾在不經意間還會自然流露出女兒嬌態,讓人感覺清甜醇若梅酒,恬恬靜靜。關詠荷處世很低調,不僅被眾人稱為“親切如姊妹”,更是受到很多女港劇迷的喜愛。 2003年,與張家輝二人拍拖11年終結婚,關詠荷放棄事業望做媽媽,可是卻迎來2004年及2005年2次小產,張家輝因為在外工作未能返港,在酒店痛哭不已,心裡既內疚又難受。事後關詠荷留下很深陰影,害怕再懷孕;但知道張家輝喜歡小朋友,關詠荷繼續冒險,3年後終以42歲高齡成功誕下女兒。如今張家輝得到影帝殊榮,演技受肯定,二人終於苦盡甘來。 2007 年,TVB重高層曾勵珍親自請回關詠荷參演《同事三分親》,隨後又為了照顧女兒退出演藝圈。2009 年,拍攝電視劇《五味人生》,並為了給張家輝再生一子,關詠荷又再度隱退。2013年復出參演電視劇《情逆三世緣》。59歲張家輝與太太關詠荷結婚逾20年,是圈中著名的恩愛夫妻,二人的女兒張童2006年出世後,關詠荷亦大幅減產,已有逾十年未有拍攝影視作品。關詠荷近日罕有現身,為電影公司高層朱淑儀慶祝生日,60歲的關詠荷狀態令人驚訝。 據港媒報導,朱淑儀日前在社交媒體曬出合照,併發文寫道:“我入行第一個工作第一個好朋友關詠荷!當年我是一個電視劇新手‘場記’,她已經是花旦女主角!相識3X年的每個階段,我們彼此見證著!太珍貴!”。 朱淑儀分享合照,只見關詠荷化上淡妝,面上卻幾乎沒有任何細紋,就連容易出賣年齡的頸部都皮膚白滑緊致,而且她穿上一件較貼身的上衣,身材依然保持得很好,並沒現老態,反而越來越有高貴氣質。 朱淑儀還貼出自己當年初入行時與對方的合照,可見關詠荷無論是清爽短髮時期,還是與現時一樣的及肩髮型時期,都與現在的狀態完全沒有分別,若非照片泛黃帶點年代感,根本份不出是關詠荷的舊照。 Esther Kwan Wing Ho關詠荷, born in Hong Kong on July 16, 1964, originally from Nanhai, Guangdong, is a TVB actress in Hong Kong, China. In 1988, Kwan Wing Ho joined Asia Television and entered the entertainment industry by starring in the first TV series "Vulture SWAT Team"; in 1991, he switched to Yonggao Film Company. In 1996, she became popular for starring in the TV series "Hedong Lion Roar"; in 1997, she won the Best Actress Award at the first Ten Thousand Stars Awards Ceremony for her role in the TV series "Miao Cuihua"; in 2000, she starred in the costume drama "The Four Talents in Gold" ; In 2002, Kwan Wing Ho starred in the martial arts drama "Book and Sword Enmity" and the costume romance drama "The World is Unparalleled". Kwan Wing Ho, Shao Meiqi, Guo Aiming, and Chen Songling are collectively known as TVB's second generation leading actress. Like the characters she plays, Kwan Wing Ho is also very civilian in reality. As a Cancer, she has a gentle and lovely temperament, is mature and dignified, and occasionally reveals her daughterly charm inadvertently, making people feel as sweet and mellow as plum wine, as peaceful and quiet. Kwan Wing Ho is very low-key in life. Not only is she called "kind as a sister" by everyone, but she is also loved by many female Hong Kong drama fans.


林伟图 Lam Wai-Tiu

林伟图 Lam Wai-Tiu ,广东中山人,出生于1949年11月30日,在70至80年代的香港也算是一位著名的男艺人,林伟图曾经参加香港无线电视台与邵氏公司合办的演员训练班第一期学员,在1972年毕业之后签约邵氏电影公司,同时亦在佳视、TVB两家电视台拍电视剧。首部电影为李翰祥导演的《大军阀》,之后拍过多部由李翰祥执导的电影,当中包括《风流韵事》,其后以演出程刚导演之《天网》,获影评人赞赏。 林伟图在香港TCV以及佳视也拍摄过不少的电视剧,无论是古装戏还是现代戏都十分的在行,曾经是风靡香港的男艺人之一。不过从影期间多数出任电影的第二男主角。而邵氏当年派给他的角色也不是那么讨好,如色情狂之类,印象深刻的是他两度和李菁合演的"荡女奇行"及"艳女还魂"。或许因为这样,令他无法走红。在80年代中,已经属于香港一线明星的林伟图却在自己事业最好的时候选择退出娱乐圈。 电影代表作有《大军阀》、《风月奇谭》、《鬼眼》、《降头》、《血滴子》等,70年代-80年代初期参演了TVB的《大亨》、《陆小凤》、《小李飞刀》、《倚天屠龙记》、《上海滩》等知名剧集,林伟图最后一部电视剧是1983年拍摄的,名字叫做皇帝保重,从此以后林伟图就消失在娱乐圈,现在很多年轻观众都对他感到陌生。 Lam Wai-Tiu林伟图, born on November 30, 1949 in Zhongshan, Guangdong, was a famous male artist in Hong Kong in the 1970s and 1980s. He was a student in the first class of the actor training class jointly organized by Hong Kong TVB and Shaw Brothers. After graduation in 1972, he signed with Shaw Brothers Film Company. At the same time, he also filmed TV series for ATV and TVB. Lam Wai-Tiu, born on November 30, 1949 in Zhongshan, Guangdong, was a famous male artist in Hong Kong in the 1970s and 1980s. He was a student in the first class of the actor training class jointly organized by Hong Kong TVB and Shaw Brothers. After graduation in 1972, he signed with Shaw Brothers Film Company. At the same time, he also filmed TV series for ATV and TVB. His first movie was "The Great Warlord" directed by Li Hanxiang. After that, he filmed many movies directed by Li Hanxiang, including "A Romantic Affair". Later, he performed in "Skynet" directed by Cheng Gang, which was praised by film critics. Lam Wai-Tiu has also filmed many TV series in Hong Kong TVB and ATV. He is very good at both ancient costume dramas and modern dramas. He was once one of the most popular male artists in Hong Kong. However, during his career, he mostly played the second male lead in movies. The roles assigned to him by Shaw Brothers were not so pleasing, such as nymphomaniacs. The most impressive ones were "The Strange Acts of a Wild Girl" and "The Return of a Beautiful Woman" in which he co-starred with Li Jing. Perhaps because of this, he could not become popular. In the mid-1980s, Lam Wai-Tiu, who was already a first-line star in Hong Kong, chose to quit the entertainment industry when his career was at its best. 林伟图参演电影作品: 《大军阀》(1972年) 饰 高正白 《风月奇谭》(1972年)饰 小蔡 《年轻人》(1972年) 《黄飞鸿》(1973年)饰 梁宽 《牛鬼蛇神》(1973年) 《荡女奇行》(1973年) 《风流韵事之奇书.蕙莲》(1973年) 饰 王世贞 《北地臙脂》(1973年)饰 王庆琪 《小孩与狗》(1974年) 《 艳女还魂》(1974年)饰 韩世龙 《香港73》(1974年) 《天网》(1974年)饰 丁小江 《鬼眼》(1974年)饰 赵安平 《舞衣》(1974年)饰 路俊友人 《成记茶楼》(1974年) 《妙妙女郎》(1975年) 《恶霸》(1975年) 《摄青鬼》(1975年) 《嬉笑怒骂》(1975年) 《血滴子》(1975年)饰 罗鹏 《爱心千万万》(1975年)饰 二哥 《大哥成》(1975年) 《鬼话连篇之白骨无情》(1975年)饰 张松根 《降头》(1975年)饰 韦德劝 《陈梦吉计破脂粉阵》(1975年)饰 林记 《勾魂降头》(1976年)饰 振声 《蛇王子》(1976年)饰 傅默 《鬼才伦文叙》(1976年)饰 杨文举 《伴游小姐》(1976年)饰 邓云天 《流星蝴蝶剑》(1976年)饰 南宫远 《索命》(1976年)饰 陈良 《赌王大骗局》(1976年) 《香港奇案2:凶杀之纸盒藏尸》(1976年)饰 司徒炳强 《猩猩王》(1977年)饰 陈正风的弟弟 《风流伯虎荡秋香》(1977年) 《疯劫》(1979年) 《扫黄奇趣录》(1979年) 《尸妖》(1981年) 《蛊》(1981年) 《邪完再邪》(1982年) 《皇帝保重》(1983年) 参演电视剧作品: 1977年佳艺电视《细鱼食大鱼》 1978年无线电视《强人》饰 阿东 1978年无线电视《倚天屠龙记》饰 殷梨亭 1978年无线电视《陆小凤之武当之战》饰 叶孤鸿 1978年无线电视《小李飞刀之魔剑侠情》饰 郭嵩阳 1978年无线电视《大亨》饰 李华强 1980年无线电视《欢乐群英》饰 黑钻石 1980年无线电视《京华春梦》饰 洪起业 1980年无线电视《上海滩》饰 鲁秋白 1980年《千王之王》饰王探长


卢素娟 Lu Sujuan

卢素娟 Lu Sujuan(1952年7月20日-2006年7月22日),原香港电视广播有限公司(TVB)的资深女配音演员。1970年入读无线电视第3期艺员训练班,同期毕业生有周润发、任达华、卢海鹏、吴孟达、罗冠兰等; 并于1974年8月毕业后加无线配音组任职配音员。随后转往无线电视配音组,1977年转到佳艺电视工作,1978年佳视倒闭后转为自由身配音演员。1987年返回无线电视任全职配音演员,专职无线电视的动画、电影及外购剧集之粤语配音或旁白工作。其夫赖伟强为无线电视配音组高层,两人于1970年代结婚,育有1子1女。笃信佛教,其兄卢杰群为自由身的配音领班。 卢素娟在动画配音方面资历深厚,演出角色数目众多,于香港配音界享负盛名,在港澳甚至内地都有不少支持者,并尊称娟姐。 她约在2004年验出患上第三期大肠癌,其后病情反覆,只演出大雄及《宠物小精灵》的小智等角色。2006年初,她坚持完成手头上配音工作,3月起告病假休养。7月10日发现癌细胞扩散,7月18日由威尔士亲王医院转往沙田医院,7月22日晚上7时许病逝,终年54岁。 Lu Sujuan卢素娟 (July 20, 1952 - July 22, 2006), formerly a senior female voice actress of Hong Kong Television Broadcasting Co., Ltd. (TVB). At the beginning of 1970, she participated in the third TVB artist training class, and then transferred to the TVB dubbing group. In 1977, she shifted to Jiayi TV. After Jiashi closed down in 1978, she became a freelance voice actress. In 1987, she returned to TVB as a full-time voice actor, specializing in Cantonese dubbing or narration work for TVB animations, movies and outsourced drama series. Her husband, Lai Weiqiang, is a senior executive of the TVB dubbing team. The two got married in the 1970s and have a son and a daughter. A devout believer in Buddhism, her brother Lu Jiequn was a free agent's dubbing foreman. Lu Sujuan has profound qualifications in animation dubbing, and has performed a large number of roles. She enjoys a high reputation in the Hong Kong dubbing industry. She was diagnosed with stage 3 colorectal cancer around 2004. Since then, her condition has relapsed, and she has only played roles such as Nobita and Ash Ketchum from "Pokemon". At the beginning of 2006, she insisted on completing the dubbing work at hand, and took sick leave to recuperate in March. The spread of cancer cells was discovered on July 10. She was transferred from Prince of Wales Hospital to Shatin Hospital on July 18. She died of illness at about 7pm on July 22 at the age of 54.

戚美珍 Chik Mei Chun

戚美珍(Jaime Chik Mei Chun,1962年1月5日出生),籍贯广东开平,是香港电视剧演员,其丈夫是苗侨伟。1981年,戚美珍参加第十期无线电视艺员训练班,毕业后成为其签约艺员,主持《欢乐今宵》;1982年,主演了时装神话喜剧《飞越十八层》,该剧是戚美珍的处女作;1984,主演了古装武侠剧《笑傲江湖》,因饰演岳灵姗而为人熟悉; 1988年,因约满关系,戚美珍转往亚洲电视。1988年,主演了台湾剧集《情义无价》,在台湾和内地走红,该剧也是戚美珍唯一参演的台湾剧集。 1990年,与苗侨伟结婚,育有一子一女。 1992年,退出娱乐圈。 她息影一段时间后,于2008年复出,开拍与 吕良伟、罗嘉良、薛家燕的无线电视剧《富贵门》。《富贵门》中,戚美珍、吕良伟、郭可盈纠缠于「三角恋」;现实生活中,戚美珍苗侨伟1989年结束八年爱情长跑前,梅艳芳也曾卷入两人的关系中。近日,戚美珍上《志云饭局》大方谈到了这段感情波折。 2010年,与曾志伟合作投资社会企业素食餐厅,并透过慈善机构「龙耳」聘请聋人,主要目的是希望能帮助到社会上一班弱势社群,让他们有机会就业谋生。 2012年,再度重返无线电视,主持无线节目「珍情品味」。 Qi Meizhen Jaime Chik Mei Chun (戚美珍Jaime Chik Mei Chun, born January 5, 1962), native of Kaiping, Guangdong, is a Hong Kong TV drama actress, and her husband is Miao Qiaowei. In 1981, Qi Meizhen participated in the 10th TVB artist training class. After graduation, she became a contract artist and hosted "Happy Tonight"; in 1982, she starred in the fashion myth comedy "Flying Over the Eighteen Floors", which was Qi Meizhen's debut; in 1984 , starred in the costume martial arts drama "The Swordsman", and is well-known for her role as Yue Lingshan; in 1988, due to the expiration of her contract, Qi Meizhen transferred to Asia Television. In 1988, she starred in the Taiwanese drama "Love Is Priceless", which became popular in Taiwan and the Mainland. This drama was also the only Taiwanese drama that Qi Meizhen participated in. In 1990, she married Miao Qiaowei and had a son and a daughter. In 1992, she retired from the entertainment industry. After taking a break from acting for a while, she came back in 2008 and started filming the wireless TV series "The Gate of Fortune" with Lui Liangwei, Luo Jialiang and Xue Jiayan. In "Wealth", Qi Meizhen, Lui Liangwei, and Guo Keying were entangled in a "love triangle"; in real life, before Qi Meizhen and Miao Qiaowei ended their eight-year love affair in 1989, Anita Mui was also involved in their relationship. Recently, Qi Meizhen generously talked about the twists and turns of this relationship on "Zhiyun Dinner". In 2010, she cooperated with Eric Tsang to invest in a social enterprise vegetarian restaurant and hired deaf people through the charity "Long Er". The main purpose was to help the disadvantaged groups in society and give them the opportunity to find employment and make a living. In 2012, she returned to TVB again and hosted the wireless program "Taste of Treasures". 参演过的影视剧: 1981年 新锐剧场之命运战士 饰演阿May; 第八度空间 主 持(客串); 突破 电视明星(客串); 1982年 飞越十八层 饰演张乐雯; 过山车 饰演盛素文; 七彩如来神掌 饰演裘玉梅; 1983年 欢乐今宵之包青天 饰演飞凤公主; 过山车 饰演盛素文; 1984年 笑傲江湖 饰演岳灵珊; 武林圣火令 饰演尹丹凤; 1985年 雪山飞狐 饰演魏映雪; 杨家将 饰演青 莲(大公主); 新扎师兄续集 饰演叶巧楠; 1986年 林冲 饰演李师师; 黄金十年 饰演曹锦仪; 1987年 季节 冰(客串); 郑成功 饰演杨素珊; 天龙神剑 饰演严天娇; 书剑恩仇录 饰演玉如意; 1988年 大都会 饰演林灵芝; 另一个女人 ; 飞跃云裳 饰演姜舜玲; 绝代双骄 饰演花月奴; 2009年 富贵门 饰演贺爵年(Connie); 2010年 老公万岁 护 士(客串); 参演过的电影: 1983年 《专撬墙脚》; 1984年 《请鬼》 饰演May; 1984年 《神勇双响炮》 客串 酒吧顾客阿美; 1985年 《夏日福星》 客串 阿美; 1988年 《最佳损友闯情关》 客串 餐厅顾客; 1989年 《潇洒先生》 饰演小妹; 1990年 《富贵兵团》 客串 女军护士特务; 1995年 《仙乐飘飘》 饰演家长; 2010年 《72家租客》 客串 租户; 2016年 《江湖悲剧》 饰演陆玲。


梁小玲 Leung Siu-ling

梁小玲 Leung Siu-ling是香港无线电视前艺员,梁小玲在1968年参加丽的映声第二期训练班,同年出道,曾是《欢乐今宵》的台柱之一,在70年代曾演出不少剧集,如《强人》、《亲情》等,电影方面作品有《发穷恶》、《家法》及《白粉双雄》等。1970年代活跃。之后过档无线,做过《欢乐今宵》台柱,亦参演过不少剧集。之后移民澳洲。她的女儿赵希洛现为无线电视艺员。梁小玲有过两段婚姻,前夫是男艺人李道洪,二人在74年结婚,4年后因性格不合离婚。随后,梁小玲下嫁澳洲大律师赵崇康,他兼经营石油生意及在市值四千多亿的中国海洋石油任职非执行董事,生活富裕,二人诞下女儿赵希洛。 梁小玲婚后淡出娱乐圈,生活低调,专心相夫教子。赵希洛在2007年参选港姐入行,梁小玲虽然曾经是圈中人,不过最初就极力反对,不过近年女儿事业渐入佳境,凭《金宵大厦》王敏仪一角于《万千星辉颁奖典礼2019》中获得「最佳女配角」奖;赵希洛演技出众,更一度被形容为无线的「御用癫婆」,赵希洛是圈中星二代兼富二代,她亦遗传了母亲梁小玲的美貌与演艺细胞,近日赵希洛在社交网站上载母女合照,梁小玲打扮富泰,保养得宜。 梁小玲参演过的作品: (1)《发穷恶》The Wickedness in Poverty 1979  (2)《白粉双雄》 The rascal billionaire 1978 (3)《家法》1979 (4)《只手遮天》Absolute monarch (5)《豪门夜宴》Feast of a rich family (6)《天天报喜》Every day is Sunday Leung Siu-ling 梁小玲is a former Hong Kong TVB artiste. In 1968, Leung Siu-ling participated in the second training class of Lai's Yingsheng and made her debut in the same year. She was one of the mainstays of "Happy Tonight". In the 1970s, she performed in many dramas, such as "Strong" "People", "Family Love", etc., and her film works include "The Poor Man", "Family Law" and "The White Star", etc. Active in the 1970s. After that, she worked for TVB, became the main character of "Happy Tonight", and also participated in many dramas. Later immigrated to Australia. Her daughter Zhao Xiluo is now a TVB artiste. Liang Xiaoling has been married twice. Her ex-husband was the male artist Li Daohong. They got married in 1974 and divorced four years later due to personality differences. Later, Liang Xiaoling married Australian barrister Zhao Chongkang, who also ran the oil business and served as a non-executive director of China National Offshore Oil Corporation with a market value of more than 400 billion. They lived a prosperous life. The two gave birth to their daughter Zhao Xiluo. After getting married, Liang Xiaoling retired from the entertainment industry and lived a low-key life, focusing on raising her husband and children. Zhao Xiluo entered the industry as a candidate for Miss Hong Kong in 2007. Although Liang Xiaoling was once a member of the industry, she strongly opposed it at first. However, in recent years, her daughter's career has gradually improved. With the role of Wang Minyi in "Golden Night Tower", she appeared in "Thousands of Stars Awards Ceremony 2019" Won the "Best Supporting Actress" award; Zhao Xiluo has outstanding acting skills and was once described as TVB's "Queen Madam". Zhao Xiluo is the second generation of celebrities and rich people in the industry. She also inherited her mother Liang Xiaoling's beauty and acting skills. Recently, Zhao Xiluo uploaded a photo of mother and daughter on social networking sites. Liang Xiaoling was well-dressed and well-maintained. Works that Liang Xiaoling has participated in: (1) The Wickedness in Poverty 1979 (2) "The Rascal Billionaire" 1978 (3) "Family Law" 1979 (4) "Absolute monarch" (5) Feast of a rich family (6) "Every day is Sunday"


褟素霞 Chu Suxia

褟素霞 Chu Suxia 1968年毕业于丽的第二期艺员培训班同学中有黄淑仪李司祺梁小玲黄韵诗.而黄淑仪当年毕业后即加盟了TVB.1968凭《四千金》和汪明荃等同时走红.主要作品有《少女慈禧》。 当年开拍《四千金》时,原则上不用刚毕业的艺员,但塌素霞被导演看中,而她也由此走红,实是一个异数。 她是同期同学中留效亚视时间最长也是最早走红的。她也成为六十年代末至七十年代初中期电视颁奖礼上的常客, 后来她长期担任妇女节目主持人 较少演出剧集 ;而演出《少女慈禧》时她已入行长达十五年之久。 精湛的演技 ,令她无论戏份多少 ,都颇具光彩 ,丝毫不输受力捧的年青花旦。 拍摄过的电视剧有八美图、再生恋、唐伯虎三戏秋香。 八美图故事内容: 故事发生在七十年代的香港,讲述八个不同阶层出身的少女,她们步入社会后的境遇。王丽花(魏秋桦饰)是油瓶女,被继父奸污,继而被推下海伴舞,虽有心 跳出火坑,却命运弄人,最后仍然过货腰生涯。冯念慈(马敏儿饰) 是花同学, 家世显赫,生无忧无虑,而家姐念祖(李影饰)习医有成,嫁夫邝民丰(岳华饰) 是同业,注重事业忽略爱情,终旅丈夫与程慕华(褟素霞饰)旧情复炽,生了一 子。 林美凤(蔡琼辉饰)是花另一要好同学,母是前上海舞女,受影响而贪慕虚荣, 在娱乐圈中混,善见风驶舵,终下嫁富商,闹出父子同科笑话。朱爱莲(蔡倩儿 饰)出身名门,父母是大律师兼议员,在父旧情人提名下,参加选美一夜成名, 而其同父异母之姊廖晓晴(麦翠娴饰),因为是私生女,又未得父爱,性格变得偏激、好胜、喜怒形于色,妒忌心重,对朱一切极尽破坏。而陈巧儿(蕉玉萍饰) 人家出身,因清贫中学未读完即出来谋生,好人一个,却在嫁杜青龙(何家劲饰) 后难产而死。八个女性,不同出身,不同的遭遇,是说明富贵贫贱由天注定,抑是仍操纵在自己手里故事籍着八个女性的境遇,以及周围人事发展,予观众一个出人意表的感受。 Chu Suxia褟素霞 Among the classmates who graduated from Lai's second artist training class in 1968 were Huang Shuyi, Li Siqi, Liang Xiaoling, and Huang Yunshi. Huang Shuyi joined TVB after graduation that year. In 1968, she became popular at the same time with "Four Thousand Gold" and Wang Mingquan. Her main works include "Girl Cixi" 》. When the filming of "Four Daughters of Gold" started, in principle, there was no need for newly graduated actors, but Chu Suxia was spotted by the director, and she became famous because of it, which is really an anomaly. She was the one who stayed in ATV for the longest time among her classmates and was the first to become popular. She also became a frequent guest at TV awards shows from the late 1960s to the early 1970s. Later, she served as a host of women's programs for a long time and rarely performed in dramas. When she performed in "Girls' Empress", she had already been in the industry for fifteen years long. Her superb acting skills make her dazzling no matter how many roles she plays, and she is not inferior to the highly praised young actresses. The TV series she has filmed include Bameitu, Love Again, and Tang Bohu's Three Plays of Qiuxiang.


黄韵诗(Wong Wan-sze)

黄韵诗(Wong Wan-sze,1949年8月29日出生),是香港无线电视、佳艺电视、丽的电视及亚洲电视前女艺人、演员及主持,曾是香港的性格演员、金牌司仪和栋笃笑艺人,目前,黄韵诗在近年将把工作重心转移加国。 黄韵诗1968年毕业于第二期丽的映声演员训练班(同期有禤素霞、黄淑仪、卢大伟、梁小玲、钟伟强、李司棋、文丽贤、谢月美等)。由于其性格独特,大鸣大放,声音搞怪另类,擅长模仿表演口技,模仿各种年龄女性说话,吐字读音又抑扬顿挫,因而被1970年代中期至电视台导师赏识,分派黄韵诗为外购剧集和动画片配音。 在担任配音员时黄韵诗受到香港导演谭家明赏识,让其在电视单元剧演出,结果大获好评。黄韵诗转做演员后于1975年转投佳艺电视,曾于1978年过档到丽的电视,先在佳艺电视倒闭后重返丽的,翌年离开丽的电视并转投无线,亲自参与所有配音电影自己参演的部分,不假手于人。加入无线后,黄韵诗在时任无线电视制作部总监甘国亮编剧的作品中,演活多个经典该台之电视角色,最令人津津乐道是在1980年的《山水有相逢》中饰演为了名利不择手段的梅剑仙,其后在《执到宝》、《轮流传》等电视剧中更成功塑造了立体的香港女性形象。 八十年代初期,黄韵诗离开无线,加入香港商业电台做电台节目主持人,其以特别的声线、轻松搞笑的作风主持了很多电台节目,包括晨早节目《笑口早》,节目中黄韵诗采访多位当红的艺人和名人,包括邓丽君、洪金宝、黄沾、吴宇森等,其中在采访邓丽君时,黄韵诗巧妙的问题设计,使邓丽君在回忆孩提时代时感动落泪,更成为香港的佳话。 由于主持电台节目甚为出色,黄韵诗一举成为香港著名的女名嘴和主持人,被称为金牌司仪。其在主持节目中,泼辣而又尖酸刻薄的风格更无人能及,成为另类主持人。此后,黄韵诗在无线和亚视主持过多个电视节目,包括及后改在亚视的《未来偶像争霸战》、《是非钉》,并与曾志伟、林敏骢、岑建勋等搭档合作主持。 早于八十年代初,黄韵诗已打破传统,与叶德娴、狄波拉、李司棋等女星组成团队,演出栋笃笑,成为香港第一批举行栋笃笑的女艺人。 80年代到90年代初期,黄韵诗转战大银幕,拍摄不少喜剧电影。其趣怪的形体动作,更惹来观众好评。代表作与梁家辉主演的包括《92黑玫瑰对黑玫瑰》、《赌侠2之上海滩赌圣》、《精装追女仔2》等等,黄韵诗至于1993年7月息影,同年拍摄完电影《情天霹雳之下集大结局》后现已淡出演艺圈定居加拿大,后与退休警司丈夫伍伟杰以及一儿子一起移民加拿大。直到最近,知名配音员谢月美去世,黄韵诗才接受采访。事实上,早在80年代,她与家人便移居国外,并在当地开了一家店铺卖海味干货。不过,她一开始不太喜欢国外的生活,她觉得那边太冷了,不时回港工作。直到90年代,她才逐渐适应当地的生活,回来的次数减少,也拒绝复出娱乐圈。 黄韵诗直言,她的人生很圆满,不需要在荧幕补白,甘国亮、李司棋等人曾邀约她复出,她都一一拒绝了。 Wong Wan-sze 黄韵诗 (born August 29, 1949) is a former female artist, actress and host of Hong Kong TVB, Jiayi TV, Li's TV and Asia Television. She was a character actress, gold medal emcee and Dong Tuk in Hong Kong. As a comedian, Huang Yunshi will now shift the focus of her work to Canada in the next few years. Wong Wan-sze graduated from the second session of Lai's Yingsheng Actor Training Class in 1968 (in the same period, there were Xuan Suxia, Huang Shuyi, Lu Dawei, Liang Xiaoling, Zhong Weiqiang, Li Siqi, Wen Lixian, Xie Yuemei, etc.). Because of her unique personality, her loud voice, her funny and unusual voice, her good at imitating ventriloquism, imitating the speech of women of all ages, and her cadence in pronunciation and pronunciation, she was appreciated by the TV station instructor in the mid-1970s, and Wong Wan-sze was assigned to outsource dramas and animations. Film dubbing. While working as a dubbing actress, Wong Yun-shi was appreciated by Hong Kong director Tam Kar-ming and allowed her to perform in a TV series, which was well received. After turning into an actress, Wong Wan-sze switched to Jiayi TV in 1975. She transferred to Li's TV in 1978. She first returned to Li's TV after the collapse of Jiayi TV. The next year, she left Li's TV and switched to Wireless, personally participating in all dubbing movies. The parts Wong Wan-sze participate in are not done by others. After joining TVB, Wong Wan-sze played many classic TV roles in the works written by the then director of TVB production department, Kam Kwok-liang. The most talked about is her role in the 1980 TVB drama "Encounter". The unscrupulous Mei Jianxian later successfully created a three-dimensional image of Hong Kong women in TV series such as "Secret Treasure" and "The Legend". In the early 1980s, Wong Yun-shi left TVB and joined Hong Kong Commercial Radio as a radio program host. With her special voice and relaxed and funny style, she hosted many radio programs, including the morning morning program "Laughing Morning", in which Wong Yun-shi was interviewed There are many popular artists and celebrities, including Teresa Teng, Sammo Hung, James Wong, John Woo, etc. When interviewing Teresa Teng, Wong Yun-shi's clever question design made Teresa Teng cry when recalling her childhood, and it became a good story in Hong Kong. Due to her outstanding performance in hosting radio programs, Wong Yun-shi became a famous female celebrity and host in Hong Kong in one fell swoop, and was known as the gold medal emcee. In hosting the show, her pungent and acerbic style is unparalleled, making her an alternative host. Since then, Wong Yun-shi has hosted multiple TV programs on TVB and ATV, including "Future Idol Contest" and "Right and Wrong" which were later moved to ATV, and co-hosted with partners such as Eric Tsang, Lin Mincong, and Shum Jianxun. As early as the early 1980s, Wong Yun-shi had broken the tradition and formed a team with actresses such as Ip Tak-han, Deborah Lee Sze-ki and other actresses to perform stand-up comedy, becoming the first batch of female artists to perform stand-up comedy in Hong Kong. From the 1980s to the early 1990s, Wong Yun-shi moved to the big screen and filmed many comedy films. Its interesting and weird body movements have attracted praise from the audience. Her representative works starring Tony Leung Ka Fai include "92 Black Rose vs. Black Rose", "The Gambler 2: The Gambler on the Beach", "Fantasy Girl 2", etc. Wong Yun-shi retired from acting in July 1993, and completed the filming of the movie "Love" in the same year. After "Under the Thunder", she has now retired from the entertainment industry and settled in Canada. She later immigrated to Canada with her husband Wu Weijie, a retired police superintendent, and their one son. It was not until recently that the famous dubbing artist Xie Yuemei passed away that Wong Yun-shi accepted an interview. In fact, as early as the 1980s, she and her family moved abroad and opened a shop selling dried seafood there. However, she didn't like life abroad at first. She thought it was too cold there, so she returned to Hong Kong from time to time to work. It was not until the 1990s that she gradually adapted to local life, came back less frequently, and refused to return to the entertainment industry. Wong Yun-shi bluntly said that her life is very complete and she does not need to fill in the blanks on the screen. Gan Guoliang, Li Siqi and others have invited her to come back, but she has rejected them one by one.

黄宗泽(Bosco Wong Chung Chak)

现年43岁的黄宗泽凭住剧集《廉政狙击》在《万千星辉颁奖典礼2023》夺得「大湾区最喜爱TVB男主角」,成为大湾区视帝,跻身视帝之列。近年穿梭中港两地发展的他,人气有增无减,不论在香港或是在内地都相当受欢迎。黄宗泽除了演技备受肯定,他的外貌也是公认的靓仔,在内地更被封为港圈男神痞帅天花板。由黄宗泽主演的电影《扎职3》将于本月底上映,近日他频频出席该电影的宣传活动,日前就到了马来西亚宣传。 今日凌晨,网上流传了一段视频,指是黄宗泽情绪失控的偷拍片段,引起了不少网民的关注。而从黄宗泽在片中的一身身造型打扮看来,就是他日前在马来西亚为新电影《扎职3》宣传期间发生的事件。 片中黄宗泽正身处一间餐厅准备用餐,当他看见侍应上错菜给他,已一脸不悦地闹道:「痴线架,干炒牛河都有既」,之后餐厅另一职员给他上了另一道菜,黄宗泽一看之下发现里面有花生,即发火闹爆表示:「我唔食花生架㖞,你畀花生我做咩?上网check下都知我唔食花生架啦!」餐厅职员立马说去换过一碟给他,黄宗泽仍炮轰说:「几点呀?仲整过,仲要我等?」更边说边嬲爆拍枱,相当大火气。此片惹来网民热议,有网民直指花生敏感的人吃了花生可以致命,明白黄宗泽如此生气的原因,有网民指黄宗泽不懂尊重人,也有网民怀疑他是在拍戏。 黄宗泽(Bosco Wong Chung Chak;1980年12月13日出生),籍贯广东潮州 。香港演员及歌手,现为邵氏兄弟艺员及香港无线电视合约男艺员,并以《廉政狙击》在《万千星辉颁奖典礼2023》夺得“大湾区最喜爱TVB男主角”,成为大湾区视帝。 学生时期在街上被星探看中而投身演艺圈,1998年拍摄“阳光柠檬茶”广告,广告播出后不少经理人公司亦有意与其签约,但当年正读中六的黄宗泽欲先完成中七课程后才决定加入娱乐圈与否。1999年在古天乐的经理人介绍下加入无线电视成为合约艺人。黄宗泽是香港歌影视三栖艺人,早年拍摄多套电视剧,凭《冲上云霄》的谢立豪一角而广为人熟悉。未受正统演艺训练的黄宗泽,初期加入无线电视综艺科,演出综艺节目与担任节目主持,主持过的节目包括《直check电视城》和《非常音乐空间》等。亦不时于电视剧中跑龙套。 2003年,参演了无线偶像剧代表作《恋爱自由式》,同年也参演重头剧《冲上云霄》戏中他饰演机师“谢立豪”,大受欢迎,黄宗泽亦名气大增。其后获无线电视力捧。2004年,首次于剧集《我师傅系黄飞鸿》中担当第一男主角,与前辈姜大卫合作。2022年10月,黄宗泽在拍戏时头部被航拍无人机击中。 Bosco Wong Chung Chak黄宗泽 (born December 13, 1980) is a native of Chaozhou, Guangdong. Hong Kong actor and singer, currently a Shaw Brothers artist and Hong Kong TVB contract male artist, and won the "Greater Bay Area's Favorite TVB Actor" at the "Thousands of Stars Awards Ceremony 2023" for "Integrity Sniper", becoming a major The Bay Area's king. When he was a student, he was spotted by a talent scout on the street and joined the entertainment industry. In 1998, he filmed the "Sunshine Lemon Tea" commercial. After the commercial aired, many managers and companies were interested in signing contracts with him. However, Bosco, who was studying in Form 6 at the time, wanted to complete it first. It was only after Form 7 that he decided whether to join the entertainment industry or not. In 1999, under the introduction of Louis Koo's manager, he joined TVB and became a contract artist. Bosco is a Hong Kong singer, film and television artist. He filmed many TV series in his early years and is widely known for his role as Tse Li-ho in "Up to the Sky". Bosco, who had no formal training in performing arts, initially joined the TVB Variety Show Department, performing variety shows and serving as program host. The programs he hosted include "Direct Check TV City" and "Extraordinary Music Space". He also plays small roles in TV series from time to time. In 2003, he participated in the TVB idol drama masterpiece "Freestyle of Love". In the same year, he also participated in the major drama "To the Sky" in which he played the role of the pilot "Xie Lihao", which was very popular and Bosco's fame also greatly increased. Later he won the Radio Vision Award. In 2004, he played the leading role for the first time in the TV series "My Master is Once Upon a Time", cooperating with his senior David Jiang. In October 2022, Bosco was hit in the head by an aerial drone while filming.


杨恭如Kristy Yang Gong Ru

近日有一位自称是前“上海首富”周正毅妻子、名媛毛玉萍说其夫周正毅2002年与1995年亚洲小姐冠军杨恭如传出绯闻,毛玉萍更曾当众掌掴杨恭如,疾呼:“你敢搞我老公!”近日毛玉萍接受访问,重提掌掴事件,并讲到当中细节。 杨恭如(Kristy Yang Gong Ru,1978年1月7日出生),香港女艺人,1995年赢得香港亚洲小姐冠军后,开始演艺生涯。 杨恭如出生于上海,4分之1美裔血统,母亲为前演员刘宜珍,11岁随父母移居加拿大,在安大略省约克大学主修经济学。1995年暑假到香港旅游,在母亲报名下,参加香港亚洲小姐竞选,赢得冠军及“最上镜小姐”等4项大奖。此后便签约亚洲电视,成为女艺员,留在香港开始她的演艺生涯。 杨恭如因主演《剑啸江湖》、《国际刑警》、《雪花神剑》及《我和僵尸有个约会》等多部电视剧而为香港观众所熟悉,更被媒体誉为“亚姐中的亚姐”。 1996年,她首次参演电影《甜蜜蜜》(陈可辛执导),并与黎明合演夫妇,获提名角逐香港电影金像奖最佳新演员。其后再接拍由马荣成同名漫画改编而成的《风云》、《中华英雄》等电影。她在古装戏里大多扮演温婉善良的角色,故有“古典美人”之称号。 1997年,凭《古惑仔情义篇之洪兴十三妹》提名香港电影金像奖最佳女配角,最后败给同戏提名的舒淇。 1999年约满亚洲电视。近年多在内地中国拍剧为主。1997年,与叶茂青传出恋情,双方交往半年。 2002年,杨恭如卷入与上海富商周正毅的三角恋,3月迁入月租12万港元的半山豪宅。同年10月5日,在铜锣湾利园商场著名的意大利餐厅COVA,当众遭周正毅并没注册结婚的女友毛玉萍侮辱及殴打,事件轰动一时。事后,周正毅还公开维护杨恭如。多年之后杨恭如前经理人文隽曾于视频片中分享此事,指当年周正毅对杨恭如非常疼爱,又爆对方的追求招数;更称杨恭如为人单纯:“觉得有个人很喜欢她、追求她,虽然她有家室。对方的花言巧语令这个傻妹信到贴贴服服,不过我觉得所有过错都是这位周先生。” 2008年农历年间,杨恭如出席遵理学校团拜时认识补习天王简俊杰(Ken Kan),二人互生好感,旋即拍拖及同居,但五个月就分手。 Recently, a socialite named Mao Yuping, who claimed to be the wife of former "richest man in Shanghai" Zhou Zhengyi, said that her husband Zhou Zhengyi had an affair with the 1995 Miss Asia Champion Christine Yang in 2002. Mao Yuping even slapped Christine Yang in public and shouted: "How dare you mess with my husband." !" Recently, Mao Yuping was interviewed and mentioned the slapping incident again and talked about the details. Christine Yang (Kristy Yang Gong Ru, born January 7, 1978), a Hong Kong female artist, started her acting career after winning the Miss Asia Hong Kong title in 1995. Christine Yang was born in Shanghai, one-quarter American, and her mother is former actress Liu Yizhen. She moved to Canada with her parents when she was 11 years old and majored in economics at York University in Ontario. In 1995, she traveled to Hong Kong during the summer vacation. After her mother signed up, she participated in the Miss Asia Hong Kong pageant and won 4 awards including the championship and "Miss Photogenic". After that, she signed a contract with Asia Television, became a female artist, and stayed in Hong Kong to start her acting career. Christine Yang is familiar to Hong Kong audiences for her starring roles in many TV series such as "Swordsman", "Interpol", "Snowflake Excalibur" and "I Have a Date with a Zombie". She is also praised by the media as "the Asian sister among Asian sisters". sister". In 1996, she made her debut in the movie "Sweetie" (directed by Peter Chan) and co-starred as a couple with Leon Lai. She was nominated for the Hong Kong Film Awards for Best New Actor. Later, she continued to film films such as "The Storm" and "Heroes of China" adapted from Ma Rongcheng's comic book of the same name. She mostly plays gentle and kind-hearted characters in costume dramas, so she is known as the "classical beauty". In 1997, she was nominated for the Best Supporting Actress at the Hong Kong Film Awards for "Young and Dangerous: The Thirteen Sisters of Hongxing", but ultimately lost to Shu Qi, who was nominated for the same role. In 1999, she signed a contract with Asia Television. In recent years, she has mostly been filming dramas in Mainland China. In 1997, there were reports of romance with Ye Maoqing, and the two parties dated for half a year. In 2002, Christine Yang was involved in a love triangle with Zhou Zhengyi, a wealthy Shanghai businessman. In March, she moved into a mid-level mansion with a monthly rent of HK$120,000. On October 5 of the same year, at COVA, a famous Italian restaurant in Lee Gardens shopping mall in Causeway Bay, she was publicly insulted and beaten by Zhou Zhengyi's girlfriend Mo Yuping, who had not registered her marriage. The incident caused a sensation. Afterwards, Zhou Zhengyi also publicly defended Yang Christine. Many years later, Kristen Yang's former manager Wen Jun shared this incident in a video, saying that Zhou Zhengyi loved Kristen Yang very much and exposed her pursuit tactics. He also said that Kristen Yang was a simple person: "I feel that there is someone who likes her very much and pursues her. Although he has a family. The silly girl is convinced by the other party's sweet words, but I think all the fault lies with this Mr. Zhou. " During the Lunar New Year in 2008, Kristy Yang met tutoring king Ken Kan (Ken Kan) when attending a group visit at Zunli School. The two fell in love with each other and immediately started dating and living together, but they broke up after five months.


黄明志巡演遭取消 损失惨重

黄明志传15场巡演遭取消 预估损失破亿元 黄明志「大飞机世界巡回演场会」去年在台北小巨蛋开唱,仍预告前往多个城市,如今却传出取消。 大马歌手黄明志,曾创造出不少热门歌曲,去年4月以「大飞机世界巡回演场会」首度唱进台北小巨蛋,更预告将前往澳门、曼谷、新加坡等多个城市,不过如今却传出不明原因,取消后续15场巡回,估计损失超过破亿元。 黄明志的「大飞机世界巡回演场会」原预计除了已举办的台北场以外,还将前往高雄、澳门、曼谷、新加坡、大阪、多伦多、雪梨等15个城市,但距离台北场结束已时隔一年多仍未有消息。根据《ETtoday》新闻云报道,疑似因黄明志演唱会尺度过大,主办方承受多方压力,才取消后续场次,不过,黄明志也曾发文透露,在申请场地时,有些地方听到是他要来,就会刻意拖延、迟迟不可批准等,他很感谢台湾永远是最快批准、最容易申请过关的一站。 据知黄明志之前发表过多首有辱华意识的歌曲,受到中国网民的强烈反击,所以世界其他地区的华人对他也没有好感, 黄明志经常以自身创作的歌曲反映对台湾反华一派的讨好,除〈漂向北方〉外,2021年推出的〈玻璃心〉更是有嘲讽海外华人的胶华的意味,今年他更因应龙年与歌手「小熊为你」合作推出〈龙的传人〉,再度挑战敏感尺度。 针对巡演遭取消一事,黄明志所属的亚洲通文创经纪公司经纪公司尚未回应,如真的遭到取消,逾估损失金额超过破亿元,相当惨重。 黄明志(Namewee Wee Meng Chee,1983年5月6日出生),马来西亚华裔创作男歌手、导演、网络红人、YouTuber及主持人。 他演唱和作词的流行歌曲以使用多种汉语著称,如以其母语海南话演唱之《不到海南岛》。 早先在互联网上从事演唱表演等。2011年,他自导自演电影《辣死你妈》,于大阪亚洲电影节获颁最佳新晋导演奖项。2013年2月,透过华纳唱片代理,他首次于台湾发布个人专辑《亚洲通缉》。2015年7月,他宣布以《亚洲通杀》专辑正式进入台湾华语流行音乐市场。2016年及2017年,他凭借《亚洲通杀》、《亚洲通车》两张专辑,连续入围第27及28届金曲奖之最佳国语男歌手奖评选。他的歌曲《漂向北方》也获颁马来西亚NewayK歌颁奖典礼年度歌曲奖、全方位创作歌手奖及十大热门MV奖等。2018年,他获颁KKBOX风云榜年度风云歌手奖,并凭借《漂向北方》一扫马来西亚娱协奖“最佳歌曲制作”、“最佳作词”等5座奖项。2020年,他凭借《亚洲通话》专辑,入围第31届金曲奖最佳国语男歌手奖;他为自己编剧及执导之电影《你是猪》制作之歌曲《Happy Family》,则入围第57届金马奖最佳原创电影歌曲。同年,他获颁JCI马来西亚十大杰出青年文化成就奖;也发布专辑《亚洲通才》,该专辑为他最后一张《亚洲通》系列专辑作品。 黄明志曾多次公开批评马来西亚的社会现象,因此曾遭马来西亚警方通缉和屡次调查。 2021年10月,针对中国大陆政府及“小粉红”群体发表中文单曲《玻璃心》,歌曲上架后即遭中国大陆封杀,黄明志与合唱者陈芳语的微博账户被封禁,中国大陆各网络平台上的二人作品也被全面下架。2021年11月再度发表中文新歌《墙外》MV,助力金门观光,是为第6次推广台湾观光。黄明志2016年受台北观光传播局邀请担任“星马地区”旅游大使并连任。



叶德娴(Deanie Ip Tak Han)1947年12月25日出生,香港歌手和演员,人称“Deanie姐”。叶德娴曾在香港启德机场从事地勤工作,偶尔顶替朋友在夜总会表演唱歌,此后便入了行。六十年代末叶德娴发行出道EP《DeanieIp》,后来以登台为主,到八十年代初才陆续推出粤语唱片;八十年代后期淡出乐坛,千禧年代初复出。叶德娴的演员生涯,几乎与歌唱事业同步。 70年代起,她于香港无线电视、香港亚洲电视及其前身丽的电视、香港电台电视部等媒体中演出过多部电视剧,如《猎鹰》、《纵横四海》等。其中在《猎鹰》与男艺人刘德华拍档演出“母子”,深入人心。这对母子档后来更进军影坛,先后演出《法外情》、《与龙共舞》、《绝代双骄》、《桃姐》等多部电影。另外叶德娴也时常参演喜剧,例如《与龙共舞》、《黑马王子》、《逃学威龙2》等。她也曾演出多个综艺节目,如香港无线电视的欢乐今宵和亚洲电视的台庆节目,负责主持、表演唱歌和小品趣剧等,其搞笑形象带给观众无数欢乐。 叶德娴最擅长塑造各类低下阶层的妇女形象,如妓女、主妇等,而早期令她演技受到认同的,就是在与刘德华合作主演的《法外情》系列中刘惠兰一角——一个处境坎坷的庙街妓女和母亲,入木三分的演绎奠定了她基层人物的影视形象。除此以外,她曾数度获得香港电影金像奖和台湾金马奖的最佳女配角奖项。 2011至2012年间,她凭着许鞍华执导的电影《桃姐》中佣人桃姐一角,横扫多个奖项,包括威尼斯影展最佳女演员奖(继巩俐后第二位获得此奖项的华人演员)、第18届香港电影评论学会大奖最佳女演员、第六届亚洲电影大奖最佳女主角等。2012年3月31日,她与其他几位华人共同获得凤凰卫视授予的“影响世界华人大奖”,以表彰她在《桃姐》的表演成绩。 叶德娴早年有过一段婚姻,她于1965年中学毕业后便与骑师郑康业结婚,第二年生下长女。但小儿子出生后,郑康业却传出在外面交女朋友,叶德娴于是在1973年提出离婚,可是却拖拖拉拉到1980年才办妥离婚手续。她曾感慨自认,18岁就结婚真是既勇敢又笨。她的一双儿女现都在北美定居,似乎已与她断了联系,叶德娴现在一人生活,显得有点孤单。 Deanie Ip Tak Han (叶德娴Deanie Ip Tak Han) was born on December 25, 1947. She is a Hong Kong singer and actress, known as "Sister Deanie". Ip Tak-han worked as a ground handler at Hong Kong's Kai Tak Airport, and occasionally performed and sang in nightclubs for her friends, and then she entered the industry. In the late 1960s, Deanie Ip released her debut EP "DeanieIp". Later, she mainly performed on stage. It was not until the early 1980s that she launched Cantonese records. She faded out of the music scene in the late 1980s and came back in the early 2000s.Ip Tak-han's acting career is almost synchronized with her singing career. Since the 1970s, she has performed in many TV series, such as "Falcon", "Across the World", etc. in Hong Kong TVB, Hong Kong Asia Television and its predecessor Lai TV, Radio Television Hong Kong and other media. Among them, her performance of "Mother and Son" with male actor Andy Lau in "Falcon" was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. This mother-son team later entered the film industry and starred in many movies such as "The Extralegal Affair", "Dances with the Dragon", "Twins", and "Sister Peach". In addition, Ip Tak-han often participates in comedies, such as "Dances with the Dragon", "Dark Horse Prince", "Fighting Back to School 2", etc. She has also performed in many variety shows, such as Hong Kong TVB's Happy Tonight and Asia Television's Taiwan celebration program. She is responsible for hosting, performing singing and skits, etc. Her funny image has brought countless joy to the audience. Ip Tak-han is best at portraying images of various lower-class women, such as prostitutes, housewives, etc. Her early acting skills were recognized for her role as Liu Huilan in the series "The Affair" co-starring with Andy Lau - a temple in a rough situation. As a street prostitute and a mother, her penetrating performance established her film and television image as a grassroots character. In addition, she has won the Best Supporting Actress award at the Hong Kong Film Awards and Taiwan Golden Horse Awards several times. From 2011 to 2012, she won multiple awards for her role as the servant Sister Tao in Ann Hui's film "Sister Tao", including the Best Actress Award at the Venice Film Festival (the second Chinese actor to win this award after Gong Li) , Best Actress at the 18th Hong Kong Film Critics Society Awards, Best Actress at the 6th Asian Film Awards, etc. On March 31, 2012, she and several other Chinese received the "World Chinese Influence Award" from Phoenix TV in recognition of her performance in "Sister Tao". 发送反馈 侧边栏 历史记录 已保存 叶德娴参演电影: 1982年:《忌廉沟鲜奶》) 1986年:《花街时代》 1992年:《与龙共舞》 1999年:《笨小孩》 2011年︰《桃姐》 1981年:《 两小无知 》   1982年:《 提防小手》 饰亚玲 1982年:《 摩登杂差 》 饰英女皇御用大律师 1984年:《神勇双响炮》饰女警(安娜) 1984年:《 双龙出海》 饰师姐 1984年:《 行错姻缘路》 饰中下层社会的独身女性 1984年:《猫头鹰与小飞象 》 1985年:《智勇三宝》 1985年:《补镬英雄》 1985年:《 夏日福星》 1985年:《 法外情 》 饰妓女(刘惠兰) 参演丽的电视∕亚洲电视   1977年:《三兄弟》   1977年:《十二生肖》   1978年:《追族》饰 侦探太太   1978年:《鳄鱼泪》饰 邹淑仪   1999年:《纵横四海》饰 明星   2006年:《义无反顾》饰 陈巧儿 参演无线电视   1978年:《幻海奇情之8小时》   1979年:《落难天使》   1979年:《家在香港》饰 爽直女儿   1980年:《风云》   1980年:《外母驾到》饰 一名男人婆   1980年:《轮流传》   1980年:《双叶蝴蝶》饰 女警   1981年:《流氓皇帝》   1981年:《四季情》饰 女强人   1981年:《威水世家》饰 移民局警察   1981年:《无双谱》饰 妓院主持人(春姨)   1981年:《未了情》饰 女革命义士   1981年《 星尘 》 饰过气影星   1982年年《 富贵荣华 》   1982年《男子汉》饰女警   1982《假日风情》   1982年《爱情安歌》饰唱片公司要员   1982年《猎鹰 》   1983年《 鬼咁》 够运