
林子祥George Lam Tsz Cheung

林子祥(George Lam Tsz Cheung,1947年10月12日生于香港),祖籍广东新会,为家中老大,下有一个弟弟。爷爷、父亲是医生 ,他只有几岁大时,父母离婚,他和弟弟跟随母亲。1960年,他在拔萃男书院读中一时,母亲离开香港到美国去,两兄弟便开始寄宿生活,直至1965年,再被安排负笈英国四、五年。之后于美国留学。在学生时期已开始组织乐队,1975年返港加入玉石乐队,1980年凭借《在水中央》、《分分钟需要你》两首歌曲获颁十大中文金曲奖而走红。 林子祥参演过多部电影,包括《投奔怒海》、《猫头鹰与小飞象》、《三人世界》等。1983年凭借电影《投奔怒海》获提名第二届香港电影金像奖最佳男主角奖,1988年凭借《真的汉子》获颁十大中文金曲奖,1994年获得香港乐坛最高荣誉金针奖,2003年获得CASH音乐成就大奖,2016年获得第38届十大中文金曲名人堂奖;亦曾在无线电视与汪明荃合作拍摄《不是冤家不聚头》、《四季情》等电视剧。 1983年,林子祥与叶倩文相识成为朋友,1992年,两人高调合唱情歌《选择》,开始传绯闻。林子祥前妻吴正元当时在美国,她并没有因此放下子女赶回香港,她任由丈夫的绯闻发展,直到1995年单方面提出离婚。2005年,吴正元受访,她高调表示,“叶倩文是破坏我们婚姻的第三者”,言论一出,引起外界讨论,叶倩文对此保持了沉默。 1999年林子祥曾在美国涉偷盗太阳眼镜事件,据他说是无心犯罪,但这对他来说是不光彩的事;2003年5月3日,林子祥担任汪明荃演唱会的嘉宾,林子祥在高唱《男儿当自强》期间,不慎跌下深八尺的洞口受伤。林子祥因撞击右耳与脑部,右耳骨碎裂脑现血块,影响其听觉,经过医治修养到于2005年11月复出,并重拾音乐创作工作。 Lin Zixiang (George Lam Tsz Cheung) born at October 12, 1947. His ancestral home is Xinhui, Guangdong. He is the eldest son of the family and has one younger brother. His grandfather and father are doctors. When he was only a few years old, his parents divorced, and he and his younger brother followed their mother. In 1960, when he was in the first year of secondary school at Diocesan Boys' School, his mother left Hong Kong for the United States, and the two brothers began boarding life until 1965, when they were arranged to study in the United Kingdom for four or five years. Later he studied in the United States. He started organizing a band when he was a student. He returned to Hong Kong in 1975 and joined the Jade Band. In 1980, he became popular after winning the Top Ten Chinese Golden Melody Award for his two songs "In the Middle of the Water" and "I Need You Every Minute". Lin Zixiang has participated in many movies, including "The Wrath of the Sea", "The Owl and the Dumbo", "The World of Three", etc. In 1983, he was nominated for the Best Actor Award at the 2nd Hong Kong Film Awards for his role in the movie "Journey to the Angry Sea". In 1988, he was awarded the Top Ten Chinese Golden Melody Award for his role in "Real Man". In 1994, he won the Golden Needle Award, the highest honor in the Hong Kong music industry. , won the CASH Music Achievement Award in 2003, and the 38th Top Ten Chinese Songs Hall of Fame Award in 2016; he has also collaborated with Wang Mingquan on TVB to film TV series such as "Enemies Don't Get Together" and "Four Seasons". In 1983, Lin Zixiang and Ye Qianwen met and became friends. In 1992, the two sang a high-profile love song "Choice", and scandals began to spread. Lin Zixiang's ex-wife Wu Zhengyuan was in the United States at the time. She did not put down her children and rush back to Hong Kong. She allowed her husband's scandal to develop until she unilaterally filed for divorce in 1995. In 2005, Wu Zhengyuan was interviewed. She said in a high profile, "Ye Qianwen is the third party who destroyed our marriage." As soon as her remarks came out, it aroused discussion from the outside world, but Ye Qianwen remained silent on this. In 1999, Lin Zixiang was involved in the theft of sunglasses in the United States. According to him, it was an unintentional crime, but it was a disgraceful thing for him; on May 3, 2003, Lin Zixiang was a guest at Wang Mingquan's concert, and Lin Zixiang was singing During "Men Should Be Strong", he accidentally fell into an eight-foot hole and was injured. Lim Zixiang suffered an impact on his right ear and brain. The bone in his right ear was broken and a blood clot appeared in his brain, which affected his hearing. After receiving medical treatment, he returned to music in November 2005 and resumed his music creation work.




陈友(Anthony Chan)

陈友(Anthony Chan,1952年10月1日出生),本名陈志涛,在温拿乐队担任鼓手。与谭咏麟、钟镇涛、彭健新、叶智强并称为“温拿五虎”, 陈友也是著名的香港电影人,曾担任电影演员、编剧、导演、监制等台前幕后职位,并于80年代初与香港著名导演张坚庭组建“二友电影公司”,创作、制作了过百部经典的香港电影。能演能导的陈友,曾凭香港电影《缘分》,提名第四届香港电影金像奖最佳男配角,凭香港电影《不脱袜的人》获提名第九届香港电影金像奖最佳导演。 陈友创作、导演和参与演出的电影,多是幽默搞笑的中产喜剧,而陈友更是将西方中产幽默、生活情趣带入香港电影第一推手;佳作如《表错七日情》、《一屋两妻》、《一妻两夫》、《杀妻二人组》、《鬼马飞人》、《两公婆八条心》(创业作)等。及后更大胆创作了不少新题材的电影,如讽刺两岸三地政治的华语黑色幽默政治喜剧《表姐,你好嘢》系列,文艺言情片的《不脱袜的人》等等,是香港电影多样化的功臣。2014年凭借僵尸一片,获得第33届香港电影金像奖提名最佳男配角。 有段时间,陈友跟太太、孩子分隔三地居住。他1993年回内地工作,5年后回港一次举行温拿演唱会,要不然都很少回来,2013年陈友的太太经历重病,全身骨头都是癌细胞,可能只有几星期寿命,他眼见太太受尽折磨却爱莫能助,很想补偿过往失去的日子;于是他将内地的生意全部交给同事,回来陪她医病。他每天祈求上天,后来太太竟奇迹地康复,他认为那是神迹,带给他灵感写成音乐剧《娱乐圈夫人》,借此将爱妻事迹搬上舞台警惕世人爱惜身边人。 Chen You陈友(Anthony Chan born October 1, 1952), whose real name is Chen Zhitao, serves as the drummer in the Winner Band. Together with Alan Tam, Chung Chun-tao, Pang Kin-xin and Yip Chi-keung, he is also known as the "Winner Five". Chen You is also a famous Hong Kong filmmaker. He has served as a film actor, screenwriter, director, producer and other front and backstage positions. In the early 1980s, he worked with Hong Kong The famous director Zhang Jianting established "Eryou Film Company" and created and produced more than a hundred classic Hong Kong movies. Chen You, who can act and direct, was nominated for the 4th Hong Kong Film Awards for Best Supporting Actor for the Hong Kong film "Fate", and was nominated for the 9th Hong Kong Film Awards for the Hong Kong film "The Man Who Never Takes Off His Socks" Best Director. Most of the films created, directed and acted in by Chen You are humorous middle-class comedies, and Chen You is the first promoter of bringing Western middle-class humor and life interest into Hong Kong movies; masterpieces such as "The Love of Seven Days", " "Two Wives in One House", "One Wife and Two Husbands", "The Wife-killing Duo", "Ghost Horse Flying Man", "Two Parents and Eight Hearts" (start-up work), etc. Later, he boldly created many new-themed films, such as the Chinese-language black humor political comedy "Hello, Cousin" series, which satirized the politics of the two sides of the Taiwan Strait and three places, the literary and romantic film "The Man Who Never Takes Off His Socks", etc., etc. A contributor to the diversity of Hong Kong films. In 2014, he was nominated for Best Supporting Actor at the 33rd Hong Kong Film Awards for his role in Zombie. For a period of time, Chen You, his wife, and children lived in three separate places. He returned to work in the Mainland in 1993, and returned to Hong Kong five years later to hold a Wenner concert. Otherwise, he rarely came back. In 2013, Chen You's wife experienced a serious illness. All her bones were covered with cancer cells, and she might only have a few weeks to live. He saw His wife was tortured but was helpless and wanted to make up for the lost days. So he handed over all his business in the mainland to his colleagues and came back to accompany her for medical treatment. He prayed to God every day, and later his wife miraculously recovered. He thought it was a miracle, which inspired him to write the musical "Showbiz Madam" to put his beloved wife's deeds on the stage and warn the world to cherish the people around him. 陈友参演过的电影: 1975年 大家乐; 1976年 温拿与教叔; 追赶跑跳碰; 1981年 就是溜溜的她 饰演马谦; 乌龙行大运 饰演陈友; 1982年 风儿踢踏踩 饰演罗介文; 1983年 追鬼七雄 ; 表错七日情 ; 1984年 三十处男 ; 缘分 饰演吴威 ; 双龙出海 ; 城市之光 ; 1985年 僵尸先生 饰演四目道长 ; 开心三响炮 饰演甘油条; 鬼马飞人 饰演足球教练; 夏日福星 饰演罗大佑; 龙的心 饰演补习老师 ; 摩登仙履奇缘 ; 天使出更 ; 再见七日情; 1986年 杀妻二人组 ; 两公婆八条心 饰演复颜师陈武 ; 最佳福星 饰演Band友 ; 富贵列车 ; 坏女孩 饰演阿友,屈臣氏 ; 1987年 精装追女仔 饰演赵定先手下; 龙兄虎弟 饰演乐团团员; 标错参 饰演王干探 ; A计划续集 饰演客串陆警 ; 一屋两妻 饰演阿信 ; 1988年 一妻两夫; 僵尸叔叔 饰演四目道长 ; 鬼猛脚 饰演西湾署长 ; 中国最后一个太监 ; 神探父子兵; 黑心鬼 饰演陈康泰; 鬼马保镖贼美人 ; 1989年 小小小警察; 不脱袜的人; 发达先生 ; 奇迹 ; 四千金; 1990年 无敌幸运星 1997年 猛鬼通宵陪住你.


梁家辉(Tony Leung Ka Fai)

梁家辉(Tony Leung Ka Fai,1958年2月1日-),香港实力派演员。 梁家辉从小常有机会免费看电影以消磨时光,包括玛丽莲·梦露等作品都令他印象深刻,尤其是《星光伴我心》。梁家辉陪同朋友报名无线电视艺员训练班,在1980年考入香港无线电视台的无线电视艺员训练班第10期艺员训练班,著名的同期同学有刘德华、吴家丽、戚美珍、张之亮、徐锦江等。在训练班期间,梁家辉因为勤奋跟刘德华是当时露脸最多的两个龙套,其中为人所知的一次是与刘德华一起被选中,为电视剧《千王群英会》配戏,扮演当时周润发的打手。 1984年,26岁的梁家辉凭借《垂帘听政》在第三届香港电影金像奖获得最佳新人奖提名,并成为历来金像奖最佳男主角中最年轻得主。 梁家辉因《垂帘听政》获得香港电影金像奖最佳男主角,却被中华民国行政院新闻局全面封杀,所有作品无法登台公映,致使香港电影公司不敢用其出任角色。为了营生,而在石澳一带作无牌小贩在街头贩卖皮饰等饰品,后因生意惨淡而转到铜锣湾一带继续贩卖。 1987年台湾解严之后,对梁家辉的禁令自然取消,得以继续专攻电影,从影31年间拍过逾百部作品。其电影一般以文艺片为主,同时也拍过不少商业性质的戏,包括周润发的3部电影:《监狱风云》、《英雄本色3之夕阳之歌》、《赌神2》;在《火烧岛》一片则与动作片巨星成龙合作;另外麦当雄之《三狼奇案》和《黑金》梁家辉也有参演。梁家辉以熟练的演技见称,如在《黑金》饰演一个台湾黑社会领导人,只用一个眼神就成功演绎出黑道头目之威势。 1990年,与张曼玉合作的《爱在别乡的季节》使其获第27届台湾电影金马奖最佳男主角奖。他于1992年为其演艺事业创出另一高峰,不但获颁香港艺术家年奖演员奖,更成功打入国际影坛─以法国影片《情人》打破法国电影两年来的票房纪录,同年以《92黑玫瑰对黑玫瑰》再次成为香港电影金像奖影帝。 2012年,以电影《寒战》入围亚太影展最佳男主角,更成功再第4度夺得香港电影金像奖影帝。目前梁家辉每年电影产量稳定,为华人电影界不可或缺的实力派演员之一。 Tony Leung Ka Fai (born February 1, 1958) is a powerful Hong Kong actor. Since childhood, Tony Leung Ka Fai often had the opportunity to watch movies for free to kill time. He was impressed by works such as Marilyn Monroe, especially "The Stars". Tony Leung Ka Fai accompanied his friends to sign up for the TVB Artist Training Class. In 1980, he was admitted to the 10th Artist Training Class of the Hong Kong TVB Artist Training Class. His famous classmates included Andy Lau, Carrie Ng, Michelle Yim, Rosamund Kwan, and Elvis Tsui. During the training class, Tony Leung Ka Fai and Andy Lau were the two most prominent extras at the time because of their diligence. One of the most well-known was that he and Andy Lau were selected to play the role of Chow Yun-fat's thugs in the TV series "The King's Gathering". In 1984, the 26-year-old Tony Leung Ka Fai was nominated for the Best Newcomer Award at the 3rd Hong Kong Film Awards for "Behind the Curtain", and became the youngest winner of the Best Actor Award in history. Tony Leung won the Best Actor Award at the Hong Kong Film Awards for his role in "Beyond the Curtain", but was banned by the Government Information Bureau of the Executive Yuan of the Republic of China. All his works could not be screened in Taiwan, causing Hong Kong film companies to not dare to use him in roles. In order to make a living, he became an unlicensed hawker in Shek O, selling leather accessories and other accessories on the street. Later, due to poor business, he moved to Causeway Bay to continue selling. After Taiwan lifted martial law in 1987, the ban on Tony Leung was naturally lifted, and he was able to continue to specialize in movies. He has made more than 100 works in his 31 years of acting. His movies are generally art films, but he has also made many commercial films, including three movies with Chow Yun-fat: "Prison on Fire", "A Better Tomorrow 3: Sunset Song", and "God of Gamblers 2"; in "Prison on Fire", he collaborated with action movie superstar Jackie Chan; in addition, Tony Leung also starred in Mak Dang-hung's "Three Wolfs" and "Black Gold". Tony Leung Ka Fai is known for his skilled acting skills. For example, in "Black Gold", he played a Taiwanese underworld leader and successfully interpreted the mafia boss's power with just one look. In 1990, he won the Best Actor Award at the 27th Taiwan Golden Horse Awards for his collaboration with Maggie Cheung in "Love in a Foreign Land". In 1992, his acting career reached another peak. Not only was he awarded the Hong Kong Artist of the Year Award for Actor, he also successfully entered the international film scene. With the French film "The Lover", he broke the box office record of French films for two years. In the same year, he won the Hong Kong Film Award for Best Actor again with "92 Black Rose vs. Black Rose". In 2012, he was nominated for the Best Actor at the Asia Pacific Film Festival for the film "Cold War", and successfully won the Hong Kong Film Award for Best Actor for the fourth time. Currently, Tony Leung Ka Fai's annual film output is stable, and he is one of the indispensable powerful actors in the Chinese film industry.


吴家骧Wu Jiaxiang

吴家骧Wu Jiaxiang (1919年7月7日—1993年3月20日),香港男演员、导演、编剧,曾获第4届金马奖最佳男配角。 吴家骧生于北京,在湖北汉口长大,曾就读汉口市立高级职业学校纺织科。1937年,他与后来成为作家的吴若组织“雷雨剧社”、“骆驼文艺社”,于湖北各乡镇巡回演出、演讲,宣扬抗战,而后他毅然弃学从军。之后他在重庆与剧团取得联系,并加入中国电影制片厂。1941年袁丛美奉命导演抗日片《日本间谍》,吴家骧身兼演员、道具负责人。 1945年底吴家骧赴港,在永华等多家公司拍片,并于1949年起兼任副导演。1957年9月,吴家骧加入电懋,演出之外,还执导了第一部作品《人之初》并夺得第三届金马奖优等剧情片。1965年他转投邵氏,导演《千面大盗》等片,还于1966年以《金玉奴》夺得金马奖最佳男配角。 1980年,吴家骧赴台湾,签入中视,成为电视演员,演出《战国风云》等剧。返港后不幸于1985年中风,后于1993年3月20日病逝,遗下妻子与尚在澳洲念书的儿子。 Wu Jiaxiang (July 7, 1919 - March 20, 1993), Hong Kong actor, director, screenwriter, won the 4th Golden Horse Award for Best Supporting Actor. Wu Jiaxiang was born in Beijing and grew up in Hankou, Hubei Province. He studied in the textile department of Hankou Municipal Senior Vocational School. In 1937, he and Wu Ruo, who later became a writer, organized the "Leiyu Drama Club" and "Luotuo Literary Club" to tour various towns and villages in Hubei to perform and give lectures to promote the Anti-Japanese War. Then he resolutely gave up school and joined the army. Later he got in touch with the theater troupe in Chongqing and joined the China Film Studio. In 1941, Yuan Congmei was ordered to direct the anti-Japanese film "Japanese Spy", and Wu Jiaxiang was both an actor and the person in charge of props. At the end of 1945, Wu Jiaxiang went to Hong Kong and made films at Yonghua and other companies. From 1949, he also served as deputy director. In September 1957, Ng Ka-hsiang joined MP&M. In addition to acting, he also directed his first film "The Beginning of Man" and won the third Golden Horse Award for Outstanding Feature Film. In 1965, he switched to Shaw Brothers and directed films such as "The Thief with a Thousand Faces". In 1966, he won the Golden Horse Award for Best Supporting Actor for "The Man with a Thousand Faces". In 1980, Wu Jiaxiang went to Taiwan, signed with China Television, and became a TV actor, performing in dramas such as "The Warring States Period". After returning to Hong Kong, he unfortunately suffered a stroke in 1985 and died on March 20, 1993. He left behind his wife and son who was studying in Australia. 家骧吴参演的电影: 欲望(1946)...狗子诗人 芦花翻白燕子飞(1946)...瘦猴子 南岛相思曲(1947)...阿六 桃花依旧笑春风(1947)...职员乙 三女性(1947)...舞客甲 天网恢恢(1947)...小偷 铁血男儿(1948)...小吴 四美图(1948)...小牛 歌女之歌(1948) 女大当嫁(1948)...小吴 未出嫁的妈妈(1949)...周大为-少年 海誓(1949) 春风秋雨(1949) 风雪夜归人(1949)...小丑 春雷(1949)...徐青浦 莫负青春(1949)...走街医生 火葬(1949)...迎亲管事 海外寻夫(1950)...杜九如 火凤凰(1951) 花姑娘(1951) 乱世恩仇(1952) 近水楼台(1952) 王魁与桂英(1952) 诗礼传家(1952)...蒋二太太 爱的俘虏(1952)...曾复圭 月儿弯弯照九州(1952) 闺怨(1952) 淑女图(1952) 孽缘(1952) 神鬼人(1952) 欲魔(1952) 化身艳影(1953)...画家 秋海棠(1953) 富贵花(1953) 生死恋(1953)...王允中 歌女红菱艳(1953) 荡妇情痴(1953) 黑手套(1953) 莫忘今宵(1953) 残生(1953) 新西厢记(1953) 名女人别传(1953)...李昌发 重逢(1954) 济公传(1954) 流莺曲(1954) 春情烈火(1954) 天堂美女(1954)...小赵 一鸣惊人(1954) 新玉堂春(1954) 风流儿女风流债(1954) 玫瑰玫瑰我爱你(1954) 碧血黄花(1954) 金瓶梅(1955) 海棠红(1955) 自君别后(1955) 小凤仙(续集)(1955) 金嗓子(1955)...小高 真假济公(1955) 杨娥(1955)...吴三枚 小白菜(1955) 不要离开我(1955) 断肠风月(1956) 蔷薇处处开(1956) 葡萄仙子(1956)...吴嘉湘 春色恼人(1956) 金缕衣(1956) 好女儿(1956) 桃花江(1956) 喜临门(1956) 黑妞(1956) 少奶奶的秘密(1956) 雪里红(1956) 江湖奇侠(新火烧红莲寺)(1956) 关山行(1956)...乘客-尤亚民 森林之女(1956) 江湖奇侠(下集大结局)(1956) 乱世妖姬(上下集)(1956) 一代魔帅(1956)...尚书城 无头案(1957) 酒色财气(1957) 半下流社会(1957) 满庭芳(1957) 月落乌啼霜满天(1957) 黄花闺女(1957) 阿里山之莺(1957) 龙女(1957) 郎如春日风(1957) 夜来香(1957) 鹃血忠魂(1957) 风两桃花村(1957)...金哥 三姐妹(1957) 春光无限好(1957) 曼波女郎(1957) 湘西赶尸记(1957) 特别快车(1957)...导演汤志超 两傻大闹摄影场(1957) 多情河(1957) 金凤凰(1958) 一夜风流(1958) 凤求凰(1958) 血洒情花(1959) 风雨归舟(1959) 二八佳人(1959) 姐妹花(1959) 桃花运(1959) 梁上佳人(1959) 百花公主(1959)...高大春 逃亡48小时(1959) 空中小姐(1959) 豆腐西施(1959) 青春儿女(1959) 歌迷小姐(1959) 我们的子女(1959) 龙翔凤舞(1959)...俞诚德 玉楼三凤(1960) 女侠文婷玉(1960) 古屋疑云(1960) 情深似海(1960) 野姑娘(1960) 同床异梦(1960) 母与女(1960) 睡美人(1960) 人秘书艳史(1960) 六月新娘(1960) 杀机重重(1960) 心心相印(1960) 喜相逢(1960) 铁臂金刚(1960) 红男绿女(1960) 星星、月亮、太阳(上)(1961) 爱的教育(1961) 女婷玉火海歼仇(1961) 星星、月亮、太阳(下)(1961) 南北和(1961) 无语问苍天(1961) 南北一家亲(1962) 桃李争春(1962) 一段情(1962) 莺歌燕舞(1963)...王探长 金箭盟(1963) 教我如何不想他(1963) 谍海四壮士(1963) 荷花(1963)...吴局长 深宫怨(1964) 南北喜相逢(1964) 啼笑姻缘(上集)(1964)...申三贤 梁山伯与祝英台(1964) 啼笑姻缘(下集)(1964) 一曲难忘(1964)...赵先生 金玉奴(1965) 最长的一夜(1965) 草莽喋血记(1966) 空谷兰(1966) 黑鹰(1967) 新桃花江(1967) 大侠复仇记(1967) 描金凤(1968) 色不迷人人自迷(1968) 拜倒石榴裙(1968)...唐季陶 喷火美人鱼(1970) 追击(1971) 八仙渡海扫妖魔(1971) 芳华虚度(1971) 骗术大观(1972) 爬山虎(1972) 马路小英雄(1973) 迎春阁之风波(1973) 骗术奇中奇(1973) 至尊宝(1974) 勾魂艳鬼(1974) 出乎意料(1974) 拍案惊奇(1975) 十三不搭(1975) 赌人头(1975) 花飞满城春(1975) 金粉神仙手(1975) 小山东到香港(1975) 忠烈图(1975) 香港超人大破摧花党(1975) 横冲直撞小福星(1975) 心魔(1975) 盲女奇缘(1975) 大千世界(1975) 鳄潭群英会(1976) 温拿与教授(1976) 鬼马世界(1976) 风流小子(1976) 北少林(1976) 星语(1976) 黑龙会(1976) 约会在早晨(1976)...张司机 七情六欲(1976) 水玲珑(1976) 大圈套(1977) 吕四娘闯少林(1977) 上海滩(1977) 侠士镖客杀手(1977) 龙蛇侠影(1977) 天螺大破五行阵(1977) 铁马骝(1977) 金尼姑(1977) 银萧月剑翠玉狮(1977) 搏命(1977) 太极八蛟(1977) 玉蜻蜓(1978) 交货(1978) 古铜萧(1978) 海女(1979) 山中传奇(1979)...樵夫 空山灵雨(1979) 小李飞刀(1979) 梦拳兰花手(1979) 形手螳螂腿(1979) 风流残剑血无痕(1980) 孽种(1980) 龙形摩桥(1980) 刺客列传(1981) 大侠顽皮豹(1981) 龙少爷(1982) 龙之忍者(1982) 鼍鼓鬼剑狼烟(1982)...周老爹 今之侠者(1983) 生命快车(1984) 鬼线人(1984) 祝您好运(1985) 电视剧 我们一同看云去(1980,中视) 战国风云(1980,中视)



刘兆铭Lau Siu Ming的93岁生日落在13 日,刘兆铭精神奕奕,笑起来有一点慈祥老人的感觉,但原来他近年仍不时进出医院。刘兆铭在2020年拍剧集《叹息桥》后淡出幕前,不过他依然有参与文化艺术的活动,日前现身文化艺术界举行的国庆酒会,当然成为集邮象,刘兆铭大部分时间坐在轮椅,只有在合照期间撑着拐杖站起来,腰板尚算挺直,精神奕奕。刘兆铭称目前出入有家佣照顾,但他坦言怕别人关心。 舞蹈家出身的刘兆铭,年轻时飘洋过海到法国学跳舞,成为首位法国舞蹈界编舞的华人,其后华丽转身到演艺界发展,演绎无数经典角色,演艺成早已有光辉的一页,不过刘兆铭曾经因为太太张慧玲离世,一度意志消沉,拒绝再演戏。 刘兆铭Lau Siu Ming1931年10月13日出生于香港,原籍广东省鹤山,1979年,首次出演电影《蝶变》。1987年,出演《倩女幽魂》,片中饰演树妖姥姥 ,1990年,主演武侠电影《笑傲江湖》。 1994年,出演李国立执导的爱情剧《再见亦是老婆》,在剧中饰演董立光;同年出演刘家良执导,成龙、梅艳芳主演的动作片《醉拳II》,在剧中饰演Chiu;2006年,因在电影《鬼域》中饰演鬼叔而获得第11届香港金紫荆奖最佳男配角奖的提名 。2015年,参演动作电影《搏击迷城》。2018年,出演洪金泼执导的警匪剧《蚀日风暴》。“2018香港艺术发展奖”颁奖礼于5月31日举行,颁发七个类别共30个奖项予本地艺术工作者、团体等,当日,最高荣誉大奖“终身成就奖”授予刘兆铭。 Lau Siu Ming spent his 93rd birthday in the hospital Sunday (13th) is Lau Siu-ming's 93rd birthday. Lau Siu-ming is in high spirits and his smile looks like a kindly old man. However, it turns out that he has still been in and out of the hospital from time to time in recent years. Lau Siu-ming faded away from the scene after filming the TV series "Bridge of Sighs" in 2020. However, he still participates in cultural and artistic activities. He recently appeared at a National Day reception held by the cultural and art circles. Of course, he became a philatelic icon. Lau Siu-ming spent most of the time in a wheelchair. , I only stood up with crutches during the group photo, my back was quite straight and I was in good spirits. Liu Siu-ming said that he is currently being taken care of by domestic helpers when he goes out and about, but he admitted that he was afraid that others would care about him. Liu Siu-ming, who was born as a dancer, traveled across the ocean to France to learn dancing when he was young, and became the first Chinese to choreograph in the French dance industry. Later, he turned to the entertainment industry and performed countless classic roles. His acting career has already been glorious. However, Liu Siu-ming once became depressed due to the death of his wife Zhang Huiling and refused to act again. Lau Siu-ming, born in Hong Kong on October 13, 1931, originally from Heshan, Guangdong Province. In 1979, he made his first appearance in the movie "Butterfly". In 1987, he starred in "A Chinese Ghost Story", in which he played the role of Dryad Granny. In 1990, he starred in the martial arts film "Swordsman". In 1994, he starred in the romantic drama "Goodbye Wife" directed by Li Guoli, playing the role of Dong Liguang; in the same year, he starred in the action film "Drunken Master II" directed by Liu Jialiang, starring Jackie Chan and Anita Mui, and played Chiu in the play; in 2006, He was nominated for the Best Supporting Actor Award at the 11th Hong Kong Golden Bauhinia Awards for his role as Uncle Ghost in the movie "Ghostland". In 2015, he participated in the action movie "Fight in the City". In 2018, he starred in the police drama "Eclipse Storm" directed by Hong Jinpo. The "2018 Hong Kong Arts Development Awards" award ceremony was held on May 31. A total of 30 awards in seven categories were awarded to local art workers, groups, etc. On that day, the highest honor award, the "Lifetime Achievement Award" was awarded to Lau Siu-ming.


何俊轩Ho Chun Hin 转战内地成男一

自从2016年拍完《踩过界》导致自己的十字韧带断裂后,2017年离开TVB,并与太太一起移民到加拿大生活。不过他后来又决定到内地发展,最近他更相隔4年返港,他拍片比较香港和内地两地的差别。 何俊轩也提到难得回到香港探朋友,所以刻意送上手信,但由于手信过重,他自嘲恍如走难一样。他分享从广州南沙搭船到尖沙咀,只需要1小时20分钟左右便能够到达,方便又快捷。之后他亦趁着回港的机会坐巴士去到赤柱,期间更拿出多年没有使用过的八达通去付款。 在另外一个场景,就是内地的现场,何俊轩分享认为这次回到香港之后觉得街上人流极少,与以前差别很大,港人不愿留在香港消费,反而会选择过关去买食物。目前他在内地发展得相当不错,并接获内地电影《草根武状元传奇》的演出机会,他在电影中饰演男主角,而角色则是以剃头的造型呈现清代武状元「黄仁勇」。 何俊轩(Ho Chun Hin)1975年2月27日出生,原名何仲伟。何俊轩儿时曾以加入香港田径代表队为梦想,2001年受胞姐鼓励下投考第15期无线电视艺员训练班,毕业后加入无线电视,多年来曾参演逾四十部无线电视剧,但通常担演黑社会成员、警务人员或杀手等角色,又经常在大型节目中担任礼仪先生,护送嘉宾上台;闲时暗地里兼职大型活动保安以维持生计,基于无线电视合约订明一切台前幕后员工(连当义工)须得到部门主管批准,才可自行接洽其他工作。 2019年,他在社交网站发文支持警方于反对修订逃犯条例运动中的执法行动,且批评示威者作出“暴力的行为”,但同时指警察有可能违法,即使了解他们工作辛苦。2020年,他再透过微博发文,表示自己因撑警言论而被多年好友公开其住址,亦与家人政治立场不同令关系转差,遂于2019年10月开始一人往内地发展和定居,主要在广州从事服装模特儿、司仪等工作,何俊轩家里有10兄弟姐妹,其外甥是香港男子田径运动员邓亦峻。他跟圈外任职于国泰航空公司的 Christina Lau 于2010年11月结婚。 Ho Chun Hin was born on February 27, 1975, and his original name was He Zhongwei. When he was a child, Ho Chun Hin dreamed of joining the Hong Kong track and field team. In 2001, he was encouraged by his sister to apply for the 15th TVB Artist Training Course. After graduation, he joined TVB. Over the years, he has participated in more than 40 TVB TV series, but usually He plays the role of a gang member, police officer or killer, and often serves as an etiquette man in large-scale programs, escorting guests to the stage. In his spare time, he secretly works part-time as a security guard for large-scale events to make a living. Based on the TVB contract, he stipulates all front- and back-stage employees must obtain approval from the department supervisor before they can take on other jobs on their own. In 2019, he posted on social networking sites to support the police's law enforcement actions in the campaign against the amendment of the extradition bill, and criticized the "violent behavior" of the demonstrators, but at the same time pointed out that the police may break the law, even if they understand that they work hard. In 2020, he posted on Weibo again, saying that his address was disclosed by a friend of many years because of his comments in support of the police. His different political stances with his family also worsened the relationship, so he began to develop and settle in the mainland alone in October 2019. He mainly works as a fashion model and emcee in Guangzhou. Ho Chun Hin has 10 brothers and sisters in his family, and his nephew is Hong Kong male track and field athlete Deng Yijun. He married Christina Lau, who works for Cathay Pacific Airways, in November 2010.



一晃眼的时光,周海媚离开人间已经有 10 个月的时间。陈勋奇在重阳节前夕探望故友周海媚,可谓是用心良苦,也代表着昔日老友间的这一种情分。陈勋奇来到墓地探望周海媚,为故友献上鲜花,演唱《红尘情歌》落泪 72 岁的陈勋奇有情有义,分享自己前往北京墓园探望祭拜周海媚的视频,并且在周海媚的墓前献唱《红尘情歌》! 故人相见,令人落泪。陈勋奇双手合十,站在周海媚的墓前回忆昔日他们合作的点滴。 两人本该在北京家中相见,但世事难料。 72 岁的陈勋奇已经属于半退休的状态,想不到多年以后会以这种形式探望故友。陈勋奇说很怀念他们的《上海探戈》,《上海探戈》是陈勋奇执导的年代剧,当年由陈勋奇、周海媚、刘锡明等人出演。想起了以往的点滴记忆,令他很难忘记,仍旧想念周海媚。当年的周海媚,绝世美人,令人回忆满满。 镜头之中的陈勋奇瘦了好多,但精神状态不错,整个人略显悲伤。陈勋奇为代表的香港艺人,真的是有情有义,令人敬佩。能前往故友的墓园探望,情义难得。人越老越怀念过往。故人虽已离去,仍旧能保持诚心,保留属于海媚在心中的那一种思念,实属难得。陈勋奇的为人,就如他所创作的那些经典作曲一样,令人敬佩。 周海媚虽然已经离开,她也同样留下了令人无法忘怀的无数经典。虽然她长眠于天堂之中,但海媚姐不会寂寞。最完美的周芷若,大家心中永远的女神,永远活在大家的心中。她的墓地周围永远保持独有的一份热闹。对于她的思念,永远不会断。周海媚的家人也通过粉丝透露,非常感谢海媚的粉丝,她们的用心甚至远超家人,家人非常感谢大家。当年的港星真的是百花齐放,周海媚算是最靓的那一种,忘不了她。 回顾周海媚的一生,勇敢自信,没有遗憾只有不舍。 Zhou Haimei has been away from everyone for 10 months. Chen Xunqi visited his old friend Zhou Haimei on the eve of the Double Ninth Festival. It can be said that he has good intentions and represents the friendship between old friends in the past. Chen Xunqi came to the cemetery to visit Zhou Haimei, presented flowers to his old friend, and cried while singing "The Love Song of the Red Dust" 72-year-old Chen Xunqi shared a video of himself visiting a Beijing cemetery to pay homage to Zhou Haimei, and sang "The Love Song of the Red Dust" in front of Zhou Haimei's grave! Meeting old friends makes people cry. Chen Xunqi clasped his hands together and stood in front of Zhou Haimei's grave, recalling every detail of their cooperation in the past. The two were supposed to meet at home in Beijing, but things were unpredictable. 72-year-old Chen Xunqi is already semi-retired, and he never expected that he would visit his old friends in this way many years later. Chen Xunqi said that he misses their "Shanghai Tango" very much. "Shanghai Tango" is a period drama directed by Chen Xunqi and starred by Chen Xunqi, Zhou Haimei, Liu Ximing and others. Thinking of the past memories, it was difficult for him to forget, and he still missed Zhou Haimei. Zhou Haimei back then was a peerless beauty, full of memories. Chen Xunqi in the camera has lost a lot of weight, but is in good spirits and looks a little sad. Hong Kong artists represented by Chen Xunqi are really affectionate and admirable. Being able to visit an old friend's cemetery is a rare moment of friendship. The older we get, the more we miss the past. Although the old friend has passed away, it is really rare for him to still maintain his sincerity and retain the kind of longing for Hai Mei in his heart. Chen Xunqi's personality is as admirable as his classic compositions. Although Zhou Haimei has left, she has also left behind countless unforgettable classics. Although she sleeps in heaven, Sister Haimei will not be lonely. The most perfect Zhou Zhiruo, the eternal goddess in everyone's hearts, will always live in everyone's hearts. There will always be a unique liveliness around her grave. Our thoughts about her will never end. Zhou Haimei's family also revealed through their fans that they are very grateful to Haimei's fans. Their intentions are far more than those of her family. Her family is very grateful to everyone. Hong Kong stars back then were really blooming, and Zhou Haimei was considered the most beautiful one. We will never forget her. Looking back on Zhou Haimei's life, she was brave and confident, with no regrets but reluctance.


中國藝人 樊志起Fan Zhiqi

樊志起Fan Zhiqi(1955年9月8日-2010年4月18日),出生于北京。中国内地男演员。樊志起从小就喜欢京剧,并且还学了京胡。只不过赶上了特殊时期,樊志起被许多艺术学校拒之门外,很长一段时间里他都过得浑浑噩噩。直到他看到了影视剧招募演员的公告,才感觉看到了希望。幸运的是,他被导演选上了,并且还得到导演的推荐,1983年主演电视剧《无名的花》,正式进入演艺圈。1989年,主演王扶林导演的古装剧《庄妃轶事》,次年凭借该剧中多尔衮一角获得第二届“东北风”杯最佳男配角奖。1991年,主演历史剧《满江红》,饰演民族英雄岳飞。1994年,由中国古典四大名著之一改编的电视剧《三国演义》,王扶林在筹拍该剧期间,对于“姜维”一角十分慎重,王扶林只想到了一个人能信任,那就是樊志起。 樊志起将一生都奉献给了演艺事业,却因为拍戏而忽略了自己的身体。在剧组拍戏的某一天,樊志起突然晕倒,虽然没多久就转醒,但事后他还是听妻子的建议,去到医院检查。不查不知道,一查吓一跳,他患上了肺癌晚期。得知病情后,樊志起并没有马上接受治疗,他记挂着还没有拍完的戏。早前,他就已经与尤小刚导演约定好剧组拍摄。 樊志起坚持履行诺言,可对于他而言,每一天的拍摄都是煎熬,他不得不每天吃很多次止疼片。当时,剧组没有人知道他的病情,包括尤小刚导演。等到剧拍完后,樊志起赶紧往家里赶,妻子一打开门,他就重重地倒在地上......2010年4月18日,樊志起因癌症在北京逝世。享年55岁 。樊志起去世半年后,消息才传出来。他演绎过很多精彩的角色,有精忠报国的“岳飞”,也有笑里藏刀的“许良年”......好的让人敬佩,坏的让人痛恨,观众的情绪都被他的演技牵动。 Fan Zhiqi (September 8, 1955 - April 18, 2010) was born in Beijing. Mainland Chinese actor. Fan Zhiqi has been fond of Peking Opera since he was a child, and also learned Peking Opera. It was just that during a special period, Fan Zhiqi was rejected by many art schools, and he lived in confusion for a long time. It wasn't until he saw the announcement of recruiting actors for film and television dramas that he felt hope. Fortunately, he was selected by the director and recommended by the director. In 1983, he starred in the TV series "The Nameless Flower" and officially entered the entertainment industry. In 1989, he starred in the costume drama "The Story of Concubine Zhuang" directed by Wang Fulin. The following year, he won the 2nd "Northeast Wind" Cup Best Supporting Actor Award for his role as Dorgon in the drama. In 1991, he starred in the historical drama "Man Jiang Hong" as the national hero Yue Fei. In 1994, Wang Fulin was very cautious about the role of "Jiang Wei" in the TV series "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" adapted from one of the four classic Chinese classics. During the filming period, Wang Fulin only thought of one person he could trust, and that was Fan Zhiqi. Fan Zhiqi devoted his life to his acting career, but neglected his body because of filming. One day while the crew was filming, Fan Zhiqi suddenly fainted. Although he woke up soon after, he followed his wife's advice and went to the hospital for a check-up. You wouldn’t know if you didn’t check, but when you checked, you were shocked to find that he had terminal lung cancer. After learning about his condition, Fan Zhiqi did not receive treatment immediately. He was thinking about the scenes that had not yet been filmed. Earlier, he had made an appointment with director You Xiaogang for filming. Fan Zhiqi insisted on fulfilling his promise, but for him, every day of filming was torture, and he had to take painkillers many times a day. At that time, no one on the crew knew about his condition, including director You Xiaogang. After the filming of the drama was completed, Fan Zhiqi hurried home. As soon as his wife opened the door, he fell heavily to the ground... On April 18, 2010, Fan Zhiqi died of cancer in Beijing. He died at the age of 55. The news came out half a year after Fan Zhiqi's death. He has played many wonderful roles, including "Yue Fei" who serves the country loyally, and "Xu Liangnian" who hides his knife in his smile... The good ones are admired, the bad ones are hated, and the audience's emotions are affected by his acting skills. 参演过的电视剧: 1983年,《无名的花》、 1989年,《庄妃轶事》、 1991年,主演历史剧《满江红》、 1994年,参演电视剧《三国演义》饰演姜维、 1994年,《昌晋源票号》、 1995年,主演的革命历史剧《黄齐生与王若飞》、2001年,主演现代情感剧《不惑之年》、 2002年,与巫刚等合作主演的现代剧《祥符春秋》、2004年,与刘德凯等合作主演的历史人物传记剧《台湾首任巡抚刘铭传》、 2005年,在历史传奇剧《争霸传奇》饰演伍子胥、2006年,与林心如等合作主演电视剧《大理公主》、2007年,参演年代剧《我们生活的年代》、 2007年,主演赵宝刚执导的红色年代剧《夜幕下的哈尔滨》,饰演爱国人士卢运启 、 2008年,与杨立新合作主演古装剧《漕运码头》、 同年 与颜丹晨合作主演文艺片《遥远的诺邓》、 2009年,主演谍战剧《内线》,饰演反派张弛。



李玮玲的弟弟李显扬,星期三(10月9日)在脸书贴出讣告,宣布姐姐星期三早上在家中去世的消息。 李玮玲也是国务资政李显龙的妹妹。她2020年在脸书上公开病情,说她患上了症状类似帕金森综合征的进行性核上麻痹(progressive supranuclear palsy)。 她当时指出,这是相当严重的脑部疾病,李显扬去年3月曾透露,李玮玲“情况非常不好”。 在李光耀逝世不久,李家曾发生了一宗震惊各界的家庭纠纷,据当时外媒报道,对於妹妹李玮玲医生在脸书指李显龙为“建立王朝”滥用权力,在建国总理李光耀逝世仅满一周年时就举办追念活动,李显龙深表难过,并强调这些指控完全不属实。 李玮玲在评论中主要对于各界在李光耀逝世一周年后举办众多“英雄膜拜”式纪念活动,提出反对。在事件中李显扬是站在李玮玲的一边,大概是因为李显龙不想家丑被外扬,以影响他当时的政权,而尽力保持低调,因此该事件没有继续延烧直至李显龙辞谢新加坡总理;虽然如此,在外人看来,李光耀与李显扬的关系一直都为持恶劣的。就像李玮玲的逝世这件事,李显龙应该显示其对家人更关切! Lee Kuan Yew's daughter Lee Wei Ling passed away at the age of 69. Lee Wei Ling's brother Lee Hsien Yang posted an obituary on Facebook on Wednesday (October 9), announcing the news that his sister died at home on Wednesday morning. Lee Wei Ling is also the sister of Senior Minister Lee Hsien Loong. In 2020, she disclosed her illness on Facebook, saying that she suffered from progressive supranuclear palsy, which has symptoms similar to Parkinson's syndrome. She pointed out at the time that this was a very serious brain disease. Lee Hsien Yang revealed in March last year that Lee Wei Ling was "in very bad condition." Shortly after Lee Kuan Yew's death, the Lee family had a family dispute that shocked the world. According to foreign media reports at the time, Lee Hsien Loong was deeply saddened by his sister Dr. Lee Wei Ling's Facebook statement that Lee Hsien Loong abused power to "establish a dynasty" and held a memorial event only one year after the death of founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew. He emphasized that these accusations were completely untrue. In her comments, Lee Wei Ling mainly objected to the numerous "hero worship" commemorative activities held by various circles one year after Lee Kuan Yew's death. In the incident, Lee Hsien Yang stood on Lee Wei Ling's side, probably because Lee Hsien Loong did not want the family scandal to be exposed and affect his then-government, so he tried his best to keep a low profile, so the incident did not continue to burn until Lee Hsien Loong resigned as Singapore's Prime Minister; despite this, in the eyes of outsiders, the relationship between Lee Kuan Yew and Lee Hsien Yang has always been bad. Just like the death of Lee Wei Ling, Lee Hsien Loong's performance did not show the concern he should have for his family!


归亚蕾 Grace Guei)

归亚蕾 Grace Guei(1944年6月2日-),台湾女演员,金钟奖、金马奖以及亚太影展得奖人,籍贯浙江省吴兴(今浙江湖州),出生于湖南省长沙市,幼年随父母迁到台湾,参演过《烟雨蒙蒙》、《喜宴》、《饮食男女》、《女儿红》等电影。 归亚蕾从影甚早,作品极多,能担任正面或反面角色,演技精湛而广获肯定。她在1965年主演其首部电影——琼瑶小说改编的《烟雨蒙蒙》,当时年仅22岁。这也是归亚蕾生命中具有重要意义的一年。她完成专科学校的学习,被王引导演看中出演表演生涯的第一个角色。拍完戏就结婚,嫁给了张梦奎。归亚蕾对丈夫的承诺是﹕如果有一天你不喜欢我拍戏了,只要一句话,我立即不拍。隔年,这个角色为她赢得了第四届金马奖最佳女演员,是当时最年轻的影后,也是首位夺得金马影后的台湾演员。后主演过多部电影、电视剧。其中电影包括1970年的《家在台北》,同获得当年亚太影展最佳女主角奖和第8届金马奖最佳女演员。1978年的《蒂蒂日记》,获得第15届金马奖最佳女配角奖。她也是《肥猫寻亲纪》中的华老太,是《花开半夏》中的如画婆婆,是《红楼梦》中的王夫人,更是《重返20岁》中的啰嗦奶奶。 Gui Yalei (Grace Guei June 2, 1944 -), a Taiwanese actress, winner of the Golden Bell Award, Golden Horse Award and Asia Pacific Film Festival, was born in Wuxing, Zhejiang Province (now Huzhou, Zhejiang Province) and Changsha City, Hunan Province. She moved to Taiwan with her parents when she was young. She has participated in films such as "Misty Rain", "The Wedding Banquet", "Eat Drink Man Woman", and "Daughter's Red Wine". Gui Yalei started acting very early and has a lot of works. She can play positive or negative roles. Her acting skills are superb and widely recognized. She starred in her first movie in 1965, "Misty Rain", which was adapted from Qiong Yao's novel. She was only 22 years old at the time. This was also a year of great significance in Gui Yalei's life. She completed her studies in junior college and was spotted by director Wang to play the first role in her acting career. She got married after filming and married Zhang Mengkui. Gui Yalei's promise to her husband was: If one day you don't like me filming, just say one word and she will stop filming immediately. The following year, this role won her the Best Actress Award at the 4th Golden Horse Awards. She was the youngest actress at the time and the first Taiwanese actress to win the Golden Horse Award. She later starred in many movies and TV series. The movies include "Home in Taipei" in 1970, which won her the Best Actress Award at the Asia Pacific Film Festival and the Best Actress Award at the 8th Golden Horse Awards. In 1978, "Didi Diary" won her the Best Supporting Actress Award at the 15th Golden Horse Awards. She is also Mrs. Hua in "Fat Cat's Search for Relatives", the picturesque grandmother in "Half Summer", Mrs. Wang in "Dream of Red Mansions", and the nagging grandmother in "Back to 20". Gui Yalei has starred in the following films: Lu Yiping in "Misty Rain" (1965); "Whose Home Will the Flower Fall" (1966); "Human, Ghost and Fox" (1967); "Dream Garden" (1967); "Glass Eyeball" (1968); "Woman's Grass" (1968); "Deep Love" (1968) Xu Xiaoqing; "Warm Winter" (1968); "Sunset on the Ancient Road" (1969); "Woman, Woman" (1969); "When the Grapes Ripen" (1970); "Three Flowers" (1970); "Deep Courtyard" (1970) Zhang Hanyan and Fang Siying; "Home in Taipei" (1970) Feng Shuhuan (won the 16th Asian Film Awards) 1970 "Ti Ying"; 1971 "The True and False Wife"; 1971 "Everything Goes Well"; 1979 "Flowers Dancing in the Spring Breeze"; 1979 "Stepping on the Sunset"; 1979 "Heartless Wasteland, Love"; 1979 "The Moon on the Beach"; 1979 "The Storm of First Love"; 1979 "Marriage Triple Jump"; 1979 "Farewell Song"; 1979 "Success Ridge"; 1980 "Happiness Boat"; 1980 "The Wild Goose Returns"; 2011 "Eat Drink Man Woman 2: So Far and So Close" Bai Ping; 2012 "Lucky Cat and Terracotta Warriors"; 2014 "Back to 20" Shen Mengjun; Danny's mother in "Full Moon Wine" in 2015; Danny's mother in "Summer's Desire" in 2016. 归亚蕾参演 过的电影 : 1965年《烟雨蒙蒙》陆依萍; 1966年《花落谁家》; 1967年《人鬼狐》; 1967年《寻梦园》; 1968年《玻璃眼球》; 1968年《女萝草》李霭如; 1968年《情深比酒浓》徐晓晴; 1968年《冬暖》阿金; 1969年《古道斜阳》; 1969年《女人女人》; 1970年《葡萄成熟时》邓心怡; 1970年《三朵花》白洁君; 1970年《庭院深深》章含烟、方丝萦; 1970年《家在台北》冯淑桓 (荣获 第16届亚 太影展/第8届金马奖 最佳女主角); 1970年《缇萦》; 1971年《真假太太》; 1971年《事事如意》; 1979年《花伴舞春风》; 1979年《踩在夕阳里》; 1979年《无情荒地有情天》; 1979年《沙滩上的月亮》; 1979年《初恋风暴》; 1979年《结婚三级跳》; 1979年《骊歌》; 1979年《成功岭上》; 1980年《幸福船》; 1980年《雁儿归》; 2011年《饮食男女2:好远又好近》白苹; 2012年《招财猫和兵马俑》;2014年《重返20岁》沈梦君; 2015年《满月酒》Danny母亲; 2016年《泡沫之夏》。


韩马利(Mary Hon)

韩马利(Mary Hon 1954年7月1日-),生于香港;资深实力派殿堂级女演员。现为无线电视部头合约女艺员。 韩马利生于小康之家,父亲是药剂师,母亲则是教师,还有一个哥哥和两个妹妹;家住铜锣湾利园山道。自小性格反叛,不喜欢读书,但对舞蹈十分有兴趣;1970年,曾以学生身份代表香港在大阪世界博览会献舞。及后中五毕业,家人希望她到加拿大升学;但她却因怕闷而拒绝,还自行报读了丽的电视的舞蹈艺员训练班,同期的训练班同学有刘松仁。 由于母亲当时是梁淑怡女儿的补习老师,在梁的介绍下韩马利加入了无线电视。她初任舞蹈员,原计划转职当节目助理,却被安排报道节目预告。 1975年,监制王天林开拍剧集《陆小凤》,找她饰演上官飞燕一角,首次拍剧就能当上女主角;而饰演陆小凤的正好是训练班的同学刘松仁。1977年,她又被安排主持《K-100》,和何守信同为该节目的第一代主持人。 往后,她参与演出的剧集多不胜数,从广为人所知的《京华春梦》饰演的刁蛮小姐,到近年其样貌可说变化不大,依然如年青时般神采飞扬。她演技精湛,多年来演出不少大获好评的角色,深得观众肯定,包括凭2007年《爸爸闭翳》、2009年《宫心计》、2012年《回到三国》提名当年万千星辉颁奖典礼“最佳女配角”,其他代表作包括《宫心计》、《公主嫁到》、《名媛望族》等。 2013年,她在《2013年万千星辉颁奖典礼》获颁发“杰出演员大奖”,肯定及嘉许她在演艺圈中的贡献及付出。2019年8月,韩马利患上脑膜炎,两星期后康复出院。 韩马利先后经历了三段婚姻。她与首任丈夫陈波比于1975年结婚,但1977年离婚,1981年与冯宝宝兄长、当时无线电视高层冯吉隆结婚,但婚姻只维持2年多;1989年再与比自己年幼3年的无线电视国语配音员杜燕歌结婚。 Mary Han (Mary Hon; July 1, 1954 -), born in Hong Kong; a senior and powerful actress. She is currently a female artist under contract with TVB. Mary Han was born into a well-to-do family. Her father is a pharmacist, her mother is a teacher, and she has an older brother and two younger sisters. She lives in Lee Garden Hill Road, Causeway Bay. She has been rebellious since she was a child and did not like reading, but she was very interested in dance. In 1970, she represented Hong Kong as a student and performed a dance at the Osaka World Exposition. After she graduated from Form 5, her family wanted her to study in Canada. However, she refused because she was afraid of being bored. She even enrolled in the dance artist training class of Li's TV. During the same period, her classmates in the training class were Liu Songren. Because her mother was the tutor of Liang Shuyi's daughter at the time, Han joined TVB under Liang's introduction. She was a dancer for the first time, and originally planned to switch to a program assistant, but was assigned to report on the program preview. In 1975, producer Wang Tianlin started filming the TV series "Lu Xiaofeng" and asked her to play the role of Shangguan Feiyan. She was able to become the heroine in her first TV series; and the person who played Lu Xiaofeng happened to be Liu Songren, a classmate in the training class. In 1977, she was arranged to host "K-100", and together with He Shouxin, who was the first generation host of the show. Since then, she has appeared in countless dramas, from the well-known "A Dream in Beijing" as the unruly lady. In recent years, her appearance has not changed much, and she is still as energetic as she was when she was young. She has superb acting skills and has performed many well-received roles over the years, winning recognition from the audience, including being nominated for the Thousand Stars of the Year for 2007's "My Father", 2009's "The Palace", and 2012's "Return to the Three Kingdoms" "Best Supporting Actress" at the award ceremony. Other representative works include "The Palace", "The Princess Got Married", "Famous Ladies", etc. In 2013, she was awarded the "Outstanding Actor Award" at the "2013 Star Awards Ceremony" to recognize and commend her contribution and efforts in the entertainment industry. In August 2019, Han Mary suffered from meningitis and recovered and was discharged two weeks later. Han Mary has gone through three marriages. She married her first husband Bobby Chen in 1975, but divorced in 1977. In 1981, she married Feng Jilong, Feng Baobao's brother and then TVB executive, but the marriage only lasted for more than 2 years; in 1989, she married Du Yange, who was 3 years younger than her. , the Mandarin voice actor of TVB. 韓馬利參演過的電影: 1978 鬼馬狂潮 、 1978 不擇手段、 1978 戇居仔與牛咁眼、 1979 鬼馬智多星 、 1982 浣花洗劍 、 1983 瘋狂83、 1985 鬥氣小神仙 、 1986 皇家戰士 、 1987 呷醋大丈夫、 1987 香港小姐寫真 、 1988 赤膽情 、 1988 義膽紅唇 、 1994 花月危情 、 1995 虎猛威龍 、 1996 飛虎雄心2傲氣比天高、 1998 新古惑仔之少年激斗篇、 1999 陽光警察 、 1999 烈火戰車2極速傳說 、 1999 水著青春救生、 2000 魔鬼教師 、 2003 低一點的天空 、 2006 大丈夫2 、 2017 超能少年之宿命之戰(網絡電影)。


凌波(Ivy Ling )

凌波(Ivy Ling Bo本名黄裕君,1939年-),是香港著名电影演员,丈夫为演员金汉。 出生于汕头,幼年被转卖至厦门当养女,改名君海棠。50年代到香港,以艺名「小娟」拍闽南片。1962年,进入邵氏电影公司,开始演出国语片,初名沈雁,后改名为「凌波」,顿有轻灵逍遥之感。后凌波因在《红楼梦》中幕后代唱贾宝玉,受李翰祥导演赏识出演《梁山伯与⋯⋯祝英台》,该片令她一举成名,荣获第二届金马奖「最佳演技特别奖」。 1988年移民加拿大。2001年,罹患乳癌,手术后复原良好。2001年至2003年期间,举行多场「梁祝」音乐演唱会。2005年7月22日,于台湾北中南开始举行「梁祝」音乐剧及黄梅调精选演唱会。获得 奖项 1963年,主演梁山伯与祝英台,以梁山伯一角获金马奖最佳演员特别奖。 1964年,主演「花木兰」获亚太影展最佳女主角。 1965年,主演「万古流芳」、「鱼美人」获亚太影展最佳才艺演员奖。 1967年,主演「烽火万里情」获金马奖最佳女主角。2013年11月23日,她出席第50届金马奖颁奖典礼,并担任最佳剪辑及最佳音效奖颁奖人。 Ling Bo (Ivy Ling Bo, whose real name is Huang Yujun, born in 1939), is a famous Hong Kong film actor, and her husband is actor Jin Han. Born in Shantou, she was sold to Xiamen as an adopted daughter when she was young, and was renamed Jun Haitang. In the 1950s, she went to Hong Kong and made southern Fujian films under the stage name "Xiaojuan". In 1962, she joined Shaw Brothers Film Company and began to act in Mandarin films. She was first named Shen Yan, and later changed her name to "Ling Bo", which gave her a sense of lightness and ease. After Ling Bo sang for Jia Baoyu behind the scenes in "A Dream of Red Mansions", she was appreciated by director Li Hanxiang and starred in "Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai". The film made her famous and won the "Special Award for Best Acting" at the 2nd Golden Horse Award. ”She immigrated to Canada in 1988. In 2001, she suffered from breast cancer and recovered well after surgery. From 2001 to 2003, many "Butterfly Lovers" music concerts were held. On July 22, 2005, the "Butterfly Lovers" musical and Huangmei tune selection concert were held in North, Central and South Taiwan. Awards: In 1963, starring Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai, she won the Golden Horse Award for Best Actor for her role as Liang Shanbo. In 1964, starring in "Mulan", she won the Best Actress Award at the Asia Pacific Film Festival. In 1965, she won the Best Talent Award at the Asia Pacific Film Festival for his starring roles in "Eternal Beauty" and "Fish Beauty". In 1967, she won the Golden Horse Award for Best Actress for her starring role in "Love". On November 23, 2013, she attended the 50th Golden Horse Awards Ceremony and served as the presenter of the Best Editing and Best Sound Effects Awards.


蒋光超Jiang Guangchao

蒋光超Jiang Guangchao(1924年-2000年12月15日),名德,字光超,以字行,浙江奉化人;台湾男艺人、谐星、喜剧演员。蒋光超最为人称道的除电影以外,主唱中华电视公司1974年电视剧《包青天》(仪铭主演版)的主题曲,亦被视为经典。蒋光超生长于北京,拜师习京剧于名伶马连良与胡琴名师杨宝忠;1950年,移居香港。1951年,演出第一部电影《花姑娘》;并加入邵氏电影公司,演出《十三太保》(1951年)、《不了情》(1961年)、《蓝与黑》(1966年,分为上下两集)等多部著名电影。 1950年代后期,改加入国际电影懋业(电懋),参演王天林导演的《两傻大闹天空》(1959),1958年还担任过严幼祥《想入非非》一片的监制。因其多才多艺,被称为“通天老倌”和“艺术奇材”;1969年,转至台湾发展。1969年10月17日至1971年7月2日,与孔兰薰主持台湾电视公司(台视)益智节目《合家欢》。1970年,参演中国电视公司(中视)著名的每天30分钟连续剧《你我他》,特征是挤眉弄眼、大小眼、鲜红厚嘴唇;也主持中视综艺节目《今宵今宵》。 1976年,与洪涛自制自导自演中华电视公司(华视)每天30分钟连续剧《好舅舅》。登台演唱也是蒋光超的拿手好戏,其中以《凤还巢》最受欢迎, 蒋光超是个多产的演员,演出过七百多部电影。早年英俊,演反派坏人、斯文败类;中、晚年,秃头、脸皱,演喜剧。后移民美国,2000年12月15日逝世,享年76岁。 Jiang Guangchao (1924-December 15, 2000), a famous Taiwanese male artist, comedian and comedian, was born in Fenghua, Zhejiang Province. Besides movies, Jiang Guangchao is most famous for singing the theme song of China Television's 1974 TV series "Bao Qingtian" (starring Yi Ming), which is also regarded as a classic. Jiang Guangchao grew up in Beijing and studied Peking Opera under the famous Peking Opera actor Ma Lianliang and the famous Huqin teacher Yang Baozhong; in 1950, he moved to Hong Kong. In 1951, he performed in her first film "Flower Girl"; and joined Shaw Brothers Film Company and performed in "Thirteen Taibo" (1951), "Unforgettable Love" (1961), and "Blue and Black" (1966, respectively). (two episodes) and many other famous movies. In the late 1950s, he joined the International Film and Television Industry (DCM) and participated in "Two Idiots" (1959) directed by Wang Tianlin. In 1958, he also served as the producer of Yan Youxiang's "Fantasy". Because of his versatility, he was known as the "Tongtian Old Man" and "Art Wonder"; in 1969, he moved to Taiwan to develop. From October 17, 1969 to July 2, 1971, he and Kong Lanxun hosted the Taiwan Television Company (TSTV) puzzle program "Family Fun". In 1970, he participated in the famous 30-minute daily series "You, Me, Him" of China Television Company (China Television), which was characterized by winking, big and small eyes, and bright red thick lips; he also hosted the China Television variety show "Tonight Tonight". In 1976, he and Hong Tao co-produced, directed and starred in the 30-minute daily series "Good Uncle" of China Television Company (China Television). Singing on stage is also Jiang Guangchao's specialty, among which "The Phoenix Returns to the Nest" is the most popular. Jiang Guangchao is a prolific actor who has appeared in more than 700 films. He was handsome in his early years, playing villains, and polite scum; in his middle and later years, he was bald and wrinkled, and he played comedies. He later immigrated to the United States and died on December 15, 2000 at the age of 76. 蒋光超参演过的电影: 1. 笑死人不偿命 (1981) 2. 钱从那里来 (1981) 3. 浴室风波 (1981) 4. 福禄寿惊魂记 (1976) 5. 神童宝盒 (1975) 6. 朱洪武开国记 (1975) 7. 吾家有女惹人迷 (1974) 8. 云河 (1974) 9. 星星星 (1974) 10. 女权步步高 (1974) 11. 笑王之王 (1974) 12. 女教头大闹乌龙院(1974) 13. 一寸法师(1974) 14. 刁蛮斗风骚 (1974) 15. 铁娇娃 (1973) 16. 求婚妙计 (1973) 17. 怒火 (1973) 18. 飞天神童 (1973) 19. 忍 (1972) 20. 未卜先知 (1972) 21. 最短的婚礼 (1971) 22. 万家乐 (1971) 23. 琴韵心声 (1971) 24. 家家有本难念的经 (1971) 25. 吉屋招租 (1971) 26. 退票新娘 (1971) 27.今晚不要来 (1971) 28. 太阳下(1971) 29. 太太我错了 (1971) 30. 赌命的人 (1971) 31. 香港客游台湾 (1971) 32. 岳母大人 (1970) 33. 花心财神 (1970) 34. 添福添寿 (1970) 35. 大财神(1970) 36. 陈靖姑 (1970) 37. 小人物出头记 (1970) 38. 单身女郎 (1970) 39.不要让太太知道 (1970) 40. 行行出状元(1970) 41. 春梅 (1970) 42.八仙过海 (1969) 43. 欧阳德智斗九花娘 (1969) 44. 怪侠欧阳德 (1969) 45. 罪侠 (1969) 46. 金沙刀 (1969) 47. 玉面猫 (1969) 48. 三更冤 (1967) 49. 血痕镜 (1967) 50. 观世音 (1967) 连琐(1967) 蓝与黑上集 (1966) 51. 蓝与黑下集 (1966) 52. 鱼美人(1965)......龟精 53. 小云雀 (1965) 54.红伶泪(1965)......二哥赵玉昆 宋宫秘史(1965)......范仲华 大地儿女 (1965) 55. 山歌恋(1964)......姚德宝 56. 双凤奇缘 (1964)......夏言 57. 南北两家亲 (1964) 58. 花木兰 (1964) 59. 血手印 (1964)......张培赞 60. 妲己(1964) [2] ......尤浑 61. 王昭君 (1964) 62. 万花迎春 (1964)......郭维德 故都春梦(1964)......沈三叔 63. 杨乃武与小白菜 (1963) [3] ......钱宝生 64. 梁山伯与祝英台 (1963)...... 65. 教我如何不想她 (1963)......赵老板 66. 黑狐狸 (1962) 67.旅馆鸳鸯 (1962) 68. 有口难言 (1962) 69. 夏日的玫瑰 (1961) 70. 隔墙艳史 (1961) 71. 不了情(1961) 72. 快乐天使 (1960)......张克明 73. 私恋 (1960) 74.桃色风云 (1960) 75. 黑夜枪声 (1960) 76. 桃花泪 (1960)......陈慕良 77. 梁上佳人 (1959) 78. 丈夫的情人 (1959) 79. 淘气千金 (1959) 80. 童军教练 (1959) 81. 两傻大闹太空 (1959) 82. 百花公主 (1959) 83. 提防小手 (1958) 84. 女大十八变 (1958) 85. 小野猫 (1958) 86. 游龙戏凤 (1957) 87. 艳舞销魂 (1957) 88. 酒色财气 (1957) 89. 春色无边 (1957) 90. 葡萄仙子 (1956) 91. 万紫千红 (1956) 92.花姑娘 (1951) 93.十三太保 (1951)


谷名伦(Gu Minglun)

谷名伦(Gu Minglun)四川成都人,1949年7月3日在台北出生,乳名涵涵,父亲谷风,母亲陈丽云是中国内陆舞台剧演员,舅舅陈又新是50年代港台影圈演员。谷名伦中学毕业后即进入“中国艺专”电影组求深造,毕业后参加1970年台视举办全台湾歌唱比赛获得民谣组第一名,想不到被中视捷足先登签下两年基本歌星合约,谷名伦从此在荧光幕上唱歌成为电视歌星。 当歌星一年后,因适龄服兵役剃光头,谷名伦退役后重返艺坛,从歌坛转入电影圈共度过8年的影艺生涯,第一部处女作是由刘家昌执导与林青霞结片缘的《云飘飘》。他在《黄埔军魂》中饰演军官,充分发挥分在军中生活之演技。谷名伦这个名字开始在电影圈传开。谷名伦认为拍电影是他的终身职业,一共拍了30余部电影,拥有当一个出色导演的理想,更搜集大量中外电影资料,准备出版一本《一千部难忘的电影》;然而,却于1978年12月24日跳楼身亡, 这一年,他还只有29岁,刚跟女歌星张璐订婚。 谷名伦坠楼身亡,死因众说纷纭。根据谷名伦之父谷风的说法:就在12月22日,即谷名伦死前两天,他接到刘家昌手下一名剧务的电话,请他参加国防部23日为《黄埔军魂》所设的颁奖典礼,但随后不过20分钟,却又打电话来叫他不用去了。隔天23日,谷名伦看见颁奖名单上面有10个人,有男主角柯俊雄,却也有只露一下脸、连台词都没有的演员得奖,但戏份仅次于柯俊雄的自己却完全没有份,当下情绪极为激动。 据说谷名伦看到得奖名单,气得全身发抖。有消息指出把获奖名单中抽掉他的正是刘家昌。刘家昌为避风头,即时出国。谷家父母写了一本《刘家昌还我儿子来》,沉痛控诉刘家昌在谷名伦之死扮演的角色,臭名也因此久久缠着刘家昌不放。 Gu Minglun original from Chengdu, Sichuan, was born on July 3, 1949 in Taipei. His nickname is Hanhan. His father Gu Feng, his mother Chen Liyun is a stage actress in mainland China, and his uncle Chen Youxin was an actor in the Hong Kong and Taiwan film circles in the 1950s. After graduating from middle school, Gu Minglun entered the film group of the "China Art College" for further study. After graduation, he participated in the Taiwan Singing Competition held by Taiwan Television in 1970 and won the first place in the folk song group. Unexpectedly, he was the first to sign a two-year basic singer contract with China Television. From then on, Gu Minglun Sing on the screen and become a TV star. After becoming a singer for a year, he had his head shaved due to his age-appropriate military service. After retiring, Gu Minglun returned to the art world. He transitioned from the singing world to the film industry and spent a total of 8 years in the film industry. His first debut film was directed by Liu Jiachang and he became a movie star with Brigitte Lin in "Clouds Piao Piao". He played the role of an officer in "The Spirit of Whampoa", giving full play to his acting skills during his time in the military. The name Gu Minglun began to spread in the film industry. Gu Minglun believes that making movies is his lifelong career. He has made more than 30 movies in total. He has the ideal of being an excellent director. He also collected a large amount of Chinese and foreign film materials and prepared to publish a book "A Thousand Unforgettable Movies"; however, in 1978, He jumped to his death on December 24, 2011. In this year, he was only 29 years old and had just been engaged to the female singer Zhang Lu. Gu Minglun fell from a building and died. There are different opinions on the cause of death. According to Gu Minglun’s father, Gu Feng: On December 22, two days before Gu Minglun’s death, he received a call from a stage manager under Liu Jiachang, asking him to participate in the Ministry of National Defense’s production of “The Spirit of Whampoa” on the 23rd. Award ceremony, but only 20 minutes later, he called again to tell him not to go. The next day on the 23rd, Gu Minglun saw that there were 10 people on the awards list, including the male lead Ke Junxiong, but there was also an actor who only showed his face and didn't even have any lines to win the award. However, he, who was second only to Ke Junxiong in the role, had no part at all. His emotions at the moment Extremely excited. It is said that when Gu Minglun saw the list of winners, he was so angry that he was shaking all over. Sources pointed out that it was Liu Jiachang who removed him from the list of winners. Liu Jiachang immediately went abroad to avoid the limelight. The Gu family's parents wrote a book, "Liu Jiachang Returns My Son," in which he bitterly accused Liu Jiachang of his role in Gu Minglun's death. As a result, Liu Jiachang's notoriety lingered on him for a long time. 谷名伦参演过的电影: 1974《云飘飘》 饰 余山明; 1974《云河》 饰 梁新彤; 1975《烟雨》 饰 仁泉; 1975《云深不知处》; 1975《小女儿的心愿》; 1975《梅花》; 1975《在水一方》; 1976《秋缠》; 1976《星语》; 1976《鬼嫁》; 1976《温暖在秋天》; 1977《台北六十六》; 1977《日落北京城》; 1978《新雨夜花》; 1978《黄埔军魂》 饰 周浩庭; 1979《落花流水春去也》;


陶敏明Ming Ming Taur

陶敏明Ming Ming Taur,1956年出生,祖籍上海。在14岁就和狄龙拍拖,狄龙得知后决定等其成年后才谈婚论嫁。1974年,陶敏明参与电影《七省拳王》演出。陶敏明与狄龙的恋爱没有中断,两人继续拍拖5年后,于19岁与狄龙结婚(1975年3月23日),二人育有儿子谭俊彦。陱敏明曾参与许冠杰的电影《鬼马双星》和后来的《绰头状元》。1979年参与电影《护花铃》,次年陶敏明参与动作类电影《老头拳头大馒头》。1981年后,陶敏明出演的电影作品有《二等兵》《一老一少一根钉》《功夫皇帝》。2003年陈敏明仍有参演电影《福伯》。2008年参与家庭电影《一个好爸爸》。2023年由陶敏明担任艺术指导的家庭电影《我来自纽约》在中国大陆上映。陱敏明与狄龙一同演过的电影有《金剑残骨令》/《功夫皇帝》和《一个好爸爸》。 狄龙与太太陶敏明可谓模范夫妇当中的佼佼者,皆因狄龙一向给人的印象都是十分正气,绝对是一个好丈夫。陶敏明曾做舞蹈员,之后参与电影演出。陶敏明除经常被影到跟狄龙有影皆双,常与大美人林青霞行街买衫食饭,陶敏明跟林青霞是多年闺密,由于两人都是在台湾长大,同声同气,又喜欢打麻雀,不时相约攻打四方城。 婚后生活中,陶敏明对服装有特别的爱好,经营着自己的服装生意。平时她家里店里两边跑,又要照顾好生意,又要照顾好丈夫的生活起居,一有空,就亲自飞到法国去挑选货品。狄龙不忍心妻子陶敏明过于操劳,在拍完《醉拳2》以后便决定息影几年。此外,陶敏明在培养儿子谭俊彦方面,会培养他的艺术,同时狄龙还让他定时读唐诗宋词、写毛笔字,使谭俊彦在各方面都得到发展。2015年6月5日,谭俊彦与妻子任祉妍的女儿谭晴出生,陶敏明也当上了奶奶。 Ming Ming Taur, born in 1956, is originally from Shanghai. Ti Lung dated Ming Ming Taur when she was 14 years old. After learning about it, Ti Lung decided to wait until she became an adult before discussing marriage. In 1974, Ming Ming Taur participated in the movie "Boxing Champion of Seven Provinces". Ming Ming Taur's love affair with Ti Lung continued. After the two continued to date for 5 years, she married Ti Lung at the age of 19 (March 23, 1975). The two had a son, Tan Junyan. Ming Ming Taur once participated in Xu Guanjie's movie "The Ghost Horse" and later "The Number One Scholar". In 1979, she participated in the movie "Hua Ling", and the following year Ming Ming Taur participated in the action movie "Old Man's Fist Big Steamed Bun". After 1981, Ming Ming Taur starred in films such as "Private", "One Old, One Young and One Nail" and "The Kung Fu Emperor". In 2003, Ming Ming Taur still participated in the movie "Fu Bo". In 2008, sheparticipated in the family movie "A Good Dad". In 2023, the family movie "I'm From New York" with Ming Ming Taur as the art director had been released in mainland China. Ming Ming Taur and Ti Lung have acted together in movies such as "The Order of the Golden Sword"/"The Kung Fu Emperor" and "A Good Dad". Ti Lung and his wife Ming Ming Taur can be said to be the best among model couples, because Ti Lung has always given people the impression that he is very upright and is definitely a good husband. Ming Ming Taur once worked as a dancer and later participated in film performances. In addition to being often photographed with Ti Lung, Ming Ming Taur often goes shopping for clothes and meals with the great beauty Brigitte Lin. Ming Ming Taur and Brigitte Lin have been close friends for many years. Since they both grew up in Taiwan, they share the same sentiments. Ming Ming Taur also likes to play Ma Cheon, and from time to time they meet to playthe game.In her married life, Ming Ming Taur had a special interest in clothing and ran her own clothing business. She usually runs the store andhome, taking care of the business and her husband's daily life. Whenever she is free, she flies to France to pick out the goods. Ti Lung couldn't bear the overwork of his wife Ming Ming Taur, so he decided to take a break from acting for a few years after filming "Drunken Master 2". In addition, Ming Ming Taur will cultivate his son Tan Junyan's art. At the same time, Ti Lung also asks him to read Tang poetry and Song poetry and write calligraphy regularly, so that Tan Junyan can develop in all aspects. On June 5, 2015, Tan Junyan and his wife Ren Zhiyan’s daughter Tan Qing was born, and Ming Ming Taur also became a grandmother.


梅兰 Mei Lan

梅兰Mei Lan 20世纪70年代至80年代香港的电影、电视演员。擅长饰演管家和工人。主要作品有《万水千山总是情》。梅兰现在逾80岁定居美国; 三代同堂,过着幸福的晚年生活。早前好友陈曼娜特别前往美国支持薛家燕在洛杉矶的演出,最近陈曼娜在社交网贴出与薛家燕的短片外,还有另一个观众熟悉的面孔出现,陈曼娜留言说:「万水千山总是情!山长水远飞到美国看相识数十年的好友家燕姐的演出,罗省(洛杉矶)的观众无限热情!演唱会十分成功!巧遇碰见移民美国多年的前辈梅兰姐姐,美国行程很开心!」原来同场的还有60、70年代粤语片演员梅兰。 梅兰在粤语片年代曾与薛家燕合作多部作品,最令薛家燕难忘的是两人在《七凤嬉春》与王爱明、林凤、凌波等做几姐妹。梅兰主要演管家或工人角色,在《万水千山总是情》饰演苦劝「庄天涯」吕良伟返庄家现身「梦蝶」汪明荃婚礼的「宽姨」。相片中见到已年逾80岁的梅兰戴住红色冷帽和黑框眼镜,精神非常饱满,依然好精灵。薛家燕自小加入影片,曾与梅兰在多部粤语片合作,《他来自江湖》饰演关海山管家,《义不容情》饰演邵美琪妈妈「兰姨」,部部都是经典作品,可说是当年的「御用管家」。 薛家燕向传媒透露,每次去美国都有与梅兰联络,那次登台在数月前对方已说一定会捧场,要约食饭。薛家燕表示对方「看着我长大」,是德高望重的前辈;虽然梅兰今年已经逾80岁,但依然好精灵,保养得很美,亦非常好客,今次也是对方请食饭。薛家燕今次的庆功宴,梅兰的子女、媳妇和孙也有相伴出席,三代同堂定居美国生活。陈曼娜则表示梅兰已离开无线20多年,又表示之前未跟对方合作过,但大赞她和蔼可亲。 Mei Lan was a Hong Kong film and television actress from the 1970s to the 1980s. Good at playing housekeepers and workers. Her major works include "Love Across Rivers and Mountains". Mei Lan is now over 80 years old and has settled in the United States; three generations live under the same roof and live a happy old age. Earlier, her friend Manna Chen specially went to the United States to support Xue Jiayan's performance in Los Angeles. Recently, Manna Chen posted a short video with Xue Jiayan on social networks, and another familiar face to the audience appeared. Manna Chen left a message: "Love is always there in thousands of mountains and rivers! Mountains are long and rivers are long. I flew to the United States to watch the performance of my friend Jia Yan, who I have known for decades. The audience in Luo Province (Los Angeles) was extremely enthusiastic! The concert was a great success! I happened to meet my senior sister Mei Lan, who has been immigrating to the United States for many years. It turned out that the trip to the United States was very happy! Also present was Mei Lan, a Cantonese film actress from the 1960s and 1970s. Mei Lan collaborated with Sit Jiayan in many works during the Cantonese film era. The most unforgettable thing for Sit Jiayan was that the two acted as sisters with Wang Aiming, Lin Feng, Ling Bo, etc. in "Seven Phoenixes Playing in Spring". Mei Lan mainly plays the roles of housekeepers or workers. In "Love is Always Love", she plays the role of "Kuan Aunt" who persuades "Zhuang Tianya" Lu Liangwei to return to the banker's house and appear at the wedding of "Dream Butterfly" Wang Mingquan. In the photo, Mei Lan, who is over 80 years old, is seen wearing a red hat and black-rimmed glasses. She is very energetic and still good-looking. Sit Jiayan has been involved in film since she was a child, and has collaborated with Mei Lan in many Cantonese films. She played the role of the housekeeper Guan Haishan in "He Came From Jianghu" and played Shao Meiqi's mother "Auntie Lan" in "Intolerance". All of them are classics, which can be said to be the masterpiece of the year. "Queen Butler". Xue Jiayan revealed to the media that she has been in contact with Mei Lan every time she went to the United States. A few months ago when she appeared on stage, she said that she would definitely support her and asked for a meal. Xue Jiayan said that the other party "watched me grow up" and was a respected senior. Although Mei Lan is over 80 years old this year, she is still a good spirit, well-maintained and very hospitable. This time she is also inviting her to dinner. Xue Jiayan's celebration banquet was also attended by Mei Lan's children, daughter-in-law and grandchildren. The three generations settled in the United States under the same roof. Chen Manna said that Mei Lan had left TVB for more than 20 years, and said that she had never worked with her before, but praised her for being amiable and approachable. 梅兰曾经拍摄电影: 万水千山总是情 (1982) 七喜临门 (1964) .... 周秀玲 霹雳蔷薇-上集 (1964) .... 谢秀朗 同屋共住 (1964) 龙虎震江南 (1964) 龙虎震江南下集 (1964) 海底龙吟剑 (1964) .... 阎飞凤(黑煞魔女) 海底龙吟剑-下集 (1964) .... 阎飞凤(黑煞魔女) 一剑恩仇 (1964) .... 赵玉珠 大丈夫日记-下集 (1964) .... 叶满枝 夺魂旗 (1963) .... 女罗刹 龙虎下江南-上集 (1963) 龙虎下江南-大结局 (1963) .... 王雪莲 南龙北凤 (1963) .... 陆少慧 八大女侠闹江湖 (1962) .... 凤玲 八大女侠闹江湖-下集 (1962) .... 凤玲 双剑盟-下集 (1962) .... 金瑛 臙脂贼 (1962) 患难真情 (1962) .... 柳少兰 关东三女侠 (1961) .... 赵薏娘 星月争辉 (1961) .... 美兰 落霞孤鹜 (1961) .... 小桃 金粉世家 (1961) .... 小怜 金粉世家-大结局 (1961) .... 小怜 杀出重围 (1961) .... 邬雅 丹凤屠龙剑 (1961) 母爱 (1961) .... 夏瑞芳 晚娘 (1960) .... 马小萍(青年) 毒手 (1960) .... 黄索娥 江湖三女侠-上集 (1960) .... 杨柳青 江湖三女侠-大结局 (1960) .... 杨柳青 十大姐 (1960) .... 理论明黄洁明 阖家有喜 (1959) .... 丁四宝 钱 (1959) .... 苏丝 白发魔女传-下集 (1959) .... 何萼华 终归有日龙穿凤 (1959) 一命三凶手 (1959) .... 陈燕玲 七剑下天山 (1959) .... 武琼瑶 金山大少 (1959) .... 陈静 有情人 (1958) .... 章秀娟 鬼夜哭 (1957) .... 表嫂 真金不怕红炉火 (1955) .... 马玉梅 参与制作的电影 十大姐 (1960)


洪波Hong Bo

洪波Hong Bo 从影30多年,不仅能演,还能写和编、能言善道,但给人的印象却是大坏蛋。 本名王家骥,祖籍河北。14岁即凭着深刻自然的表演天赋活跃舞台,抗战时在重庆从事戏剧艺术工作,1945年进入电影圈,首部作品为〈还我河山〉(1945),1948年赴港,永华出品的国语历史巨片〈清宫秘史〉是他的成名作。 50年代前中为洪波最炙手可热的颠峰阶段,不仅受邀为「邵氏」、「电懋」及各独立制片公司拍片,歌唱悬疑文艺伦理甚至古装都能见到他的身影,亦执导〈欲魔〉(1952)、〈财迷传〉(1955)等。期间,洪波染上毒瘾,时常无故迟到、荒疏工作,影圈同仁也开始产生戒心,工作机会不复以往。 1959年,曾经红极一时的洪波已「混得十分潦倒」,未几与「邵氏」合约到期,又因欠税遭香港政府羁押数日,国语片圈已无他容身之处。为应付庞大的毒赌开支,只得转往粤语片发展,一开始还能依恃过往辉煌片约不断,但随着他故态复萌,时常放剧组鸽子,各公司也对他「敬而远之」。 1963年,非常欣赏洪波的导演李翰祥,力邀其来台加入「国联」阵容,参与〈西施〉(1966,饰奸臣伯嚭)、〈破晓时分〉(1968,饰愚昧昏官)之余,他也试图振作、重拾导筒,无奈过程波折重重、多灾多难,连力保他的李翰祥也一度兴起更换导演的念头;与此同时,「国联」财务危机越演越烈,洪波几成为压垮公司的最后一根稻草。 离开「国联」,洪波继续留在台湾,由于再无拍片工作上门,遂转往歌厅以讲相声为生,足迹踏遍南北各地。然而,觅得事业二春的他未能摆脱酗酒恶习,不准时、闹情绪等负面作风使歌厅忍痛割爱。60年代后期,健康欠佳、身无恒产,洪波不是借住朋友家就是窝在常去的饭馆内,大部分时间足不出户。洪波于1968年底跳桥自尽,被发现时身上仅有台币两元。 Hong Bo 洪波has been in the film industry for more than 30 years and has always been a most talented actor. He can not only act, but also write and edit, and is good at speaking, but he always gives people the impression of being a villain. His real name is Wang Jiaji, and his ancestral home is in Hebei. At the age of 14, he was active on the stage with his profound and natural acting talent. During the Anti-Japanese War, he worked in drama art in Chongqing. In 1945, he entered the film industry. His first work was "Return My Country" (1945). In 1948, he went to Hong Kong. The Mandarin historical blockbuster "The Secret History of the Qing Palace" produced by "Yonghua" was his masterpiece. The early and mid-1950s was the peak period of Hong Bo's popularity. He was not only invited to film for "Shaw Brothers", "Dianmao" and various independent production companies, but also in singing, suspense, literary ethics and even costume dramas. He also directed "The Devil" (1952) and "The Legend of the Money Man" (1955). During this period, Hung Bo became addicted to drugs, often being late for work without reason, and neglecting work. His colleagues in the film industry also began to be wary of him, and job opportunities were no longer available. In 1959, Hung Bo, who was once very popular, was "in a very bad situation". Soon after his contract with Shaw Brothers expired, he was detained for several days by the Hong Kong government for tax arrears. There was no place for him in the Mandarin film industry. In order to cope with the huge expenses of drugs and gambling, he had to turn to Cantonese films. At first, he could still rely on his past glory to keep filming, but as he relapsed into his old ways and often stood up the crew, various companies also "stayed away" from him. In 1963, director Li Hanxiang, who admired Hong Bo very much, invited him to come to Taiwan to join the "Guo Lian" lineup. In addition to participating in "Xi Shi" (1966, playing the treacherous minister Bo Pi) and "Dawn" (1968, playing the ignorant and corrupt official), he also tried to cheer up and take up the director's post again, but the process was full of twists and turns and disasters. Even Li Hanxiang, who tried to protect him, once had the idea of changing directors. At the same time, the financial crisis of "Guo Lian" became more and more serious, and Hong Bo almost became the last straw that broke the camel's back. After leaving "Guo Lian", Hong Bo continued to stay in Taiwan. Since there were no more filming jobs, he turned to singing crosstalk in karaoke bars for a living, and his footprints traveled all over the country. However, he was unable to get rid of his alcoholism after finding a second spring in his career. His negative style such as being unpunctual and moody made him reluctantly give up the karaoke bar. In the late 1960s, due to poor health and no permanent property, Hong Bo either stayed at friends' homes or stayed in restaurants he often visited, and spent most of his time at home. He committed suicide by jumping off a bridge in late 1968. When he was found, he had only two Taiwan dollars on him.


秦萍(Chin Ping)

秦萍(Chin Ping)原名陈小平,1949年出生。14岁考入南国实验剧团第一期培训班,受训后被导师推荐往日本的东宝艺能学校,修读深造课程。 1964年,她回港后即加入邵氏公司,同年她与影后李菁及凌波合演《血手印》,演技崭露头角。 1965年,她在电影《江湖奇侠》中,配合当时得令小生王羽,影片十分卖座,而男女主角亦成为万千观众的偶像。同年的《鸳鸯剑侠》亦由二人担当主角,影片也大受观众欢迎。秦萍在电影圈的时间只有七年,拍了近二十部作品。 1970年,秦萍、焦娇、岳华及王侠等人演出由程刚导演的《十二金牌》,票房收入达到1百40多万元,成为当年十大卖座电影的第二位,如此佳绩,将秦萍的事业推向另一高峰。但在同年,秦萍与泰迪罗宾合演《爱情的代价》后便决定息影,并且结婚及移居美国,随后在1976年返回香港。2017年9月6日因癌症逝世,享年68岁。 Chin Ping, formerly known as Chen Xiaoping, was born in 1949. At the age of 14, she was admitted to the first training class of the Nanguo Experimental Theater Company. After training, she was recommended by her instructor to study at the Toho Performing Arts School in Japan for further studies. In 1964, she joined Shaw Brothers immediately after returning to Hong Kong. In the same year, she co-starred with actresses Li Jing and Ling Bo in "Blood Handprint", and her acting skills rose to prominence. In 1965, she starred in the movie "The Heroes of Jianghu", cooperating with Wang Yu, a young actor who was in charge at the time. The film was a hit, and the male and female protagonists also became idols of thousands of viewers. In the same year, the two played the leading roles in "Mandarin Duck Swordsman", and the film was also well received by the audience. Chin Ping has only been in the film industry for seven years and has made nearly 20 films. In 1970,Chin Ping, Jiao Jiao, Yue Hua, Wang Xia and others performed in "Twelve Gold Medals" directed by Cheng Gang. The box office revenue reached more than 1.4 million yuan, becoming the second among the top ten grossing movies of the year. The good results pushed Chin Ping's career to another peak. But in the same year, Chin Ping decided to stop acting after co-starring with Teddy Robin in "The Price of Love", got married and moved to the United States, and then returned to Hong Kong in 1976.Chin Ping died of cancer on September 6, 2017, at the age of 68.秦萍參演過的電影: 血手印(1964年) ---- 王千金; 妲己(1964年) ---- 宮女; 萬花迎春(1964年) ---- 歌舞團團員; 新啼笑姻緣(1964年); 江湖奇俠(1965年) ---- 甘聯珠; 鴛鴦劍俠(1965年) ---- 甘聯珠; 歡樂青春(1966年) ---- 陳小平; 虎俠殲仇 (1966年); 邊城三俠(1966年) ---- 魏文貞; 琴劍恩仇(1967年) ---- 甘聯珠; 香江花月夜(1967年) ---- 賈婷婷; 垂死天鵝 (1967年) ---- 芬妮; 斷腸劍(1967年) ---- 劉貞兒; 花月良宵(1968年) ---- 秦萍(客串); 追魂鏢(1968年) ---- 玉嬋; 虹 (1968年) ---- 梁明珠; 奪魂鈴(1968年) ---- 香香; 飛燕金刀(1969年) ---- 李小燕; 釣金龜(1969年) ----張萍; 燕娘(1969年) ---- 李燕娘; 愛情的代價(1970年) ---- 莊瑞芳; 十二金牌(1970年) ---- 金鎖 玉女嬉春 (1972年) ---- 賈婷婷(戲中戲《香江花月夜》)。

李香君Li Xiangjun

李香君Li Xiangjun (1935年-),原名李芸兰,出生于中国江苏省南京市,有“秦淮美人”及“空谷幽兰”之称,十三、四岁时已经是平剧名角,誉满梨园。 1951年移居香港。 1957年应熊式一博士之邀,在平剧记录片《王宝钏》中任女主角。 1959年被邵氏公司看中邀请她参加《后门》演出。 1961年正式签约邵氏为当家花旦之一。同年李香君与杜娟、李丽华、赵雷、乐蒂等二十多位邵氏公司一线红星合作拍制了影片《手枪》,饰演陆小音;这部影片是根据著名文学家徐述的小说改编,这也是邵氏公司的老牌导演高立执导的第一部国语片;并在李翰祥指导电影《杨贵妃》中客串出演梅妃,随后参与电影《红楼梦》、《夜半歌声》等演出。 1963年与韩国影帝申荣均合演《报恩缎》而成为国际影星。 1968年邵氏拍摄了《西游记》系列电影的第三部《女儿国》,李香君出演女主角女儿国国王,李香君的女儿国国王,造型威严,却在片中却极尽调笑之能事。女儿国国王在谨小慎微甚至有点唯唯诺诺的唐僧面前,直接躺在席上拉扯唐僧,恣意放纵。 Li Xiangjun (1935-), formerly known as Li Yunlan, was born in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, China. She is known as the "Beauty of Qinhuai" and the "Orchid in the Empty Valley". At the age of thirteen or fourteen, she was already a famous actress in Ping opera and was well-known in Liyuan. Moved to Hong Kong in 1951. In 1957, at the invitation of Dr. Xiong Shiyi, she served as the heroine in the drama documentary "Wang Baochuan". In 1959, Shaw Brothers invited her to perform in "Back Door". In 1961, she officially signed a contract with Shaw Brothers as one of the leading actresses. In the same year, Li Xiangjun co-produced the film "Pistol" with more than 20 first-line stars of Shaw Brothers including Du Juan, Li Lihua, Zhao Lei, Leti, etc., playing the role of Lu Xiaoyin; this film was adapted from the novel by the famous writer Xu Shu, which is also the first Mandarin film directed by Gao Li, a veteran director of Shaw Brothers Company; she also guest-starred as Concubine Mei in the film "Yang Guifei" directed by Li Hanxiang, and later participated in films such as "A Dream of Red Mansions" and "Midnight Song". In 1963,she became an international movie star by co-starring in "Repaying the Favor" with Korean actor Shin Young-kyun. In 1968, Shaw Brothers filmed the third film in the "Journey to the West" series, "The Kingdom of Women," in which Li Xiangjun starred as the heroine, the king of the country of daughters. Li Xiangjun's king of the country of daughters has a majestic appearance, but she is extremely capable of making jokes in the film. In front of Tang Seng, who was cautious and even a little submissive, the King of the Daughter Kingdom lay down on the mat and pulled Tang Seng around, letting loose as much as he wanted. 李香君参演过的电影: 《凤还巢》、 《杨贵妃》、 《手枪》、 《后门》、 《夜半歌声 下集》、《裸血》、 《女儿国》、 《乔太守乱点鸳鸯谱》、 《金喇叭》、《妖女何月儿》、《七灵宝塔》、《福禄寿》、《桃李春风》、《梁山伯与祝英台》、《大刺客》、《魂断奈何天》等。