郭耀明Mark Kwok Yiu Ming
郭耀明(Mark Kwok Yiu Ming,1964年10月28日出生于香港),原名郭绍培,曾为亚洲电视及无线电视男艺员。
中学毕业后曾在广告公司当了三至四年广告平面设计师。当时会用公余时间到设计学校进修。早期从亚洲电视而出道,是1984年至1985年亚洲电视第三期艺员训练班的毕业生,在1991年再次入读亚洲电视的艺员训练班。1992年才签约亚洲电视,并开始于幕前演出。后来在1995年离开亚洲电视后转投无线电视继续曾参与处境剧电视剧演出《真情》的中饰演归亚南之后内开始令观众留意,之后就一直在无线;期间曾经两度担任第二男主角、除了前男友的角色,郭耀明饰演的反派角色也是让人恨得咬牙切齿,除了《鹿鼎记》中的郑克爽,还有《锦绣良缘》中的反派长孙文本,不仅心胸狭窄,忌妒心超强,娶了老婆邝文珣(周梦诗)却老是怀疑其对他不忠,郭耀明演的角色几乎都是英俊不凡但却人品不佳的悲剧性的人物;然而,2007年因为自己的感情事,与TVB发生矛盾,渐渐淡出幕前。淡出娱乐圈后转职至保险界任职,曾在苏黎世保险任职一年,亦有参加友邦保险新人课程,《通天干探》为其告别幕前的作品。如今的他一头长短白发,像是历尽沧桑的人。Mark Kwok Yiu Ming (born on October 28, 1964 in Hong Kong), formerly known as Kwok Shao Pei, was a male artist for Asia Television and TVB.
After graduating from high school, he worked as an advertising graphic designer in an advertising company for three to four years. At that time, he would use his spare time to study at a design school. He debuted from Asia Television in the early days and was a graduate of the third artist training class of Asia Television from 1984 to 1985. In 1991, he enrolled in the artist training class of Asia Television again. He signed a contract with Asia Television in 1992 and began to perform on the screen. Later, after leaving Asia Television in 1995, he switched to TVB and continued to participate in the sitcom TV series "True Feelings". After playing Gui Yanan in the film, he began to attract the attention of the audience and has been with TVB since then. During this period, he has played the second male lead twice. In addition to the role of ex-boyfriend, the villains played byhim are also hateful. In addition to Zheng Keshuang in "The Deer and the Cauldron", there is also the villain Changsun Wenben in "The Splendid Marriage". Not only is he narrow-minded, but he is also extremely jealous. He married his wife Kuang Wenxun (Zhou Mengshi) but always suspects that she is unfaithful to him. The roles played by him are almost all handsome but tragic characters with bad character. However, in 2007, because of his own emotional affairs, he had a conflict with TVB and gradually faded out of the screen. After fading out of the entertainment industry, he switched to the insurance industry. He worked for Zurich Insurance for a year and also participated in the AIA Insurance rookie course. "The Detective" was his farewell work in front of the screen. Now he has long and short white hair, like a person who has experienced vicissitudes of life.
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