

电影《烟水寒》是1977年台湾地区拍摄的电影,由赖成英执导。主要讲述了富商独子叶一诚与玲相恋,叶家嫌玲出身寒微,不愿婚配。一诚患上肺癌,只有一年寿命,此时叶家向陆家提亲反遭拒绝 。 一诚医科毕业,离家出走到渔村做一个乡村医生,尽生命最后余晖去贡献社会,玲自愿跟随他,要和他一起把握这最后的美好时光。 This movie was shot in Taiwan in 1977 and directed by Lai Chengying. It mainly tells the story of the love between Ye Yicheng, the only son of a wealthy businessman, and Ling. The Ye family dislikes Ling's humble origins and is unwilling to marry her. Yicheng suffers from lung cancer and has only one year to live. At this time, the Ye family proposes marriage to the Lu family but is rejected. Yicheng graduates from medical school and runs away from home to become a rural doctor in a fishing village, devoting his last moments to society. Ling voluntarily follows him to seize this last good time with him.

