
星二代:白玉堂Bai Yutang、尤敏You Min

白玉堂(1900年—1994年),原名毕昆生,又名毕钊南,广东花县人,著名粤剧演员(文武生)。出身海员家庭,父亲毕善福,堂兄毕劲持(艺名黄肿美),同胞兄长毕钊伦都是海员。 三岁随亲人往香港,六岁回乡读书,十一岁失学,十二岁学粤剧,拜小生靓全为师。最先是在白驹荣的戏班里演出,取艺名“靓南”。由于在《五鼠闹东京》表现突出,从此改艺名为“白玉堂”。 他擅演“大审戏”及“袍甲戏”,曾长期隶属新中华剧团,与名旦肖丽章、陈艳侬合作。20世纪20年代,白玉堂先后在乐同春、新中华、永寿年、定乾坤、孔雀屏、唐天宝、胜中华等戏班演出。除在广东港澳演出外,还到过美国、越南、新加坡等地演出。后来更自组兴中华剧团。刘美卿、黄君武也成了白玉堂的徒弟。 1950年定居香港,育有三子五女。著名演员尤敏是他的女儿。白玉堂参演过的电影: 1961年 小状元; 1953年 黄飞鸿义救海幢寺 上集; 1953年 黄飞鸿义救海幢寺 下集; 1952年 光绪皇夜祭珍妃; 1952年 快活神仙。 尤敏出生于1936年8月19日,1960年代香港女演员,原名毕玉仪。粤剧名伶白玉堂是她的父亲,任剑辉则是其表姑。由于家学渊源,尤敏在大约九岁前后就已在白玉堂的戏班上粉墨登场,串演粤剧《黄飞虎传》里的童角。 由于父母工作忙碌,幼年被送往澳门,由外婆照料。1952年,就读澳门圣心书院时,因外型出众而被邵邨人发掘为演员,自取艺名“尤敏”。 尤敏进入邵氏公司之后,与王豪、黄河主演影片《玉女怀春》,立刻夺得了「玉女」的雅称,只是《玉女怀春》影片成绩不佳,邵氏公司不肯将之推出上市,所以尤敏反而是在1953年她第二部电影《明天》(陶秦编导),才首度与观众见面。 尤敏是邵氏当时第一位力捧的新星,与同为新人的张扬、赵雷等合演过多部由陶秦、严俊等所执导的文艺片,如《残生》、《诱惑》、《痴心井》、《马戏春秋》、《月落乌啼霜满天》等等。 1954年尤敏在《人鬼恋》片中扮相绝美,黑白摄影也极具氛围,当年在「东南亚电影节」(即『亚洲影展』的前身)颇获好评。 接着,邵氏以她为主打明星,与韩国合作彩色电影《异国情鸳》,影片故事只是普通的歌女悲喜剧,让人印象深刻的除了尤敏的扮相,还有瑰丽的彩色摄影。 1958年7月,与邵氏公司约满后,转投电懋。这段期间拍摄的《玉女私情》、《家有喜事》获得了第六届与第七届的亚洲影展最佳女主角。不久,凭《星星月亮太阳》获第1届金马奖最佳女主角,事业攀至高峰。其后参予了电懋与日本东宝公司合作的多部电影,精湛的演技让日本新闻界称为“香港的珍珠”。 1964年4月,在拍完《深宫怨》之后,便与香港富商高福球在英国伦敦注册结婚,随即息影,自此便鲜少在公共场合露面,也与影剧圈少有联系。而两人育有三子,其一为著名的音乐剧作曲家高世章。尤敏于1996年12月29日,因突发心脏病病逝,享年60岁。 Bai Yutang白玉堂 (1900-1994), formerly known as Bi Kunsheng, also known as Bi Zhaonan, was born in Huaxian County, Guangdong Province. He was a famous Cantonese opera actor (wenwusheng). He was born in a seaman family. His father Bi Shanfu, his cousin Bi Jinchi (stage name Huang Zhuangmei), and his brother Bi Zhaolun were all seamen. He went to Hong Kong with his relatives at the age of three, returned to his hometown to study at the age of six, dropped out of school at the age of eleven, and learned Cantonese opera at the age of twelve, taking the young actor Jingquan as his teacher. He first performed in Bai Jurong's troupe and took the stage name "Jingnan". Due to his outstanding performance in "Five Rats in Tokin", he changed his stage name to "Bai Yutang". He is good at performing "Dasan Opera" and "Paojia Opera". He has been affiliated with the New China Troupe for a long time and has cooperated with famous actresses Xiao Lizhang and Chen Yannong. In the 1920s, Bai Yutang performed in Le Tongchun, New China, Yongshou Nian, Ding Qiankun, Peacock Screen, Tang Tianbao, Sheng Zhonghua and other troupes. In addition to performing in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau, he also performed in the United States, Vietnam, Singapore and other places. Later, he formed the Xing Zhonghua Opera Troupe. Liu Meiqing and Huang Junwu also became Bai Yutang's apprentices. You Min尤敏 was born on August 19, 1936. She was a Hong Kong actress in the 1960s. Her original name was Bi Yuyi. Cantonese opera star Bai Yutang is her father, and Yam Kin-fai is her cousin. Due to her family background, You Min already made her debut in Bai Yutang's theater troupe when she was about nine years old, playing the child role in the Cantonese opera "The Legend of Huang Feihu". Because her parents were busy with work, she was sent to Macau when she was young and was taken care of by her grandmother. In 1952, when she was studying at Macau Sacred Heart College, she was discovered as an actor by the people of Thao Village because of her outstanding appearance, and gave herself the stage name "You Min". After You Min joined Shaw Brothers, she starred in the film "A Beautiful Girl Hua Chun" with Wang Hao and Huang He, and immediately won the nickname "Jade Girl". However, the film "A Beautiful Girl Huai Chun" did not perform well, and Shaw Brothers refused to release it on the market. It was in 1953 that You Min met the audience for the first time in her second film "Tomorrow" (directed and directed by Tao Qin). You Min was the first rising star that Shaw Brothers highly praised at that time. She co-starred with fellow newcomers Zhang Yang and Zhao Lei in many literary films directed by Tao Qin and Yan Jun, such as "The Last Life", "Temptation", "The Well of Infatuation", "Circus Spring and Autumn", "The Moon Falls and the Crows Cry and the Sky is Full of Frost" and so on. In 1954, You Min's appearance in the film "The Love of Ghosts" was stunning, and her black-and-white photography was also very atmospheric. It was well received at the "Southeast Asian Film Festival" (the predecessor of the "Asian Film Festival") that year. In April 1964, after filming "Deep Palace Grudge", she registered her marriage with Hong Kong tycoon Gao Fuqiu in London, England, and then retired from the film industry. Since then, she has rarely appeared in public and has had little contact with the film and television industry. The couple had three sons, one of whom is the famous musical composer Gao Shizhang. You Min died of a sudden heart attack on December 29, 1996 at the age of 60.

