

陈非侬(1899-1984年),粤剧名男花旦,原名陈景廉,妻子宫粉红,也是香港影迷公主陈宝珠之父。一八九八年生,广东新会外海人,父亲陈伯寅,是前清的秀才。 1906年,入读广州岭南学校。1907年,开始参加校内话剧演出。1910年,入读中学部并且参加广州第一个白话剧团“民乐社”。期间,演出剧目有《妇道苦》,《杀子报》。因为表演出色,被称为“神童”。读中学时,受辛亥革命的影响,由谢伯英介绍,冯自由监誓,后来加入同盟会,得到冯自由带往会见孙中山,奉命与范展鹏组织“南天化宇”白话剧社,为革命活动作宣传。 1924年,加入黄鲁逸组建的“甲子优天影”剧团,以演新编改良粤剧《自由女炸弹迫婚》而成名。不久南洋粤剧名班“永寿年”编剧冯显洲推荐陈非侬给班主靓元亨,加入“永寿年”。他在随班赴新加坡途中,为了避开父亲陈伯寅的反对,陈景廉决定改名为陈非侬,从此走上职业戏剧艺术道路。 因为他擅长演花木兰,英姿飒爽,身轻如燕,武打动作准确熟练。他和马师曾演《贼王子》时饰公主,更成为一时佳话。 1925年,“永寿年”解散后,他便前往香港与薛觉先组织“梨园乐”戏班,以文武生靓少华为班主。《大红袍》、《红楼梦》、《西厢记》、《玉梨魂》等都是他们的著名剧目。 三十年代,他和马师曾拍演了半年,在太平剧团担任旦角。名伶吴仟峰、李龙、李凤、吴君丽皆曾拜陈非侬为师。 1975年后,陈非侬由于年事已高,不再参与表演,把戏剧生涯和经验撰写成书,《粤剧六十年》于1979年开始刊登于《大成》杂志,陈非侬口述,由余慕云笔录,以及《粤剧的源流和历史》,皆成为粤剧历史的宝贵资料。 1984年2月18日,陈非侬在香港病逝,享寿85岁。 宫粉红(1912年--2010年)是粤剧红伶,非侬粤剧学院创始人之一,出身自剧戏世家,下嫁陈非侬。陈宝珠在年幼时因家境问题而被陈非侬及宫粉红收养,宫粉红除了一手照顾陈宝珠外,还教授粤剧。 除了养女陈宝珠,尚有另一名女儿陈宝仪也是演艺圈中人。陈非侬夫妇更曾与宝珠组成"非侬剧团",一家三口同台演出《三娘教子》。 1953年,宫粉红与丈夫在铜锣湾开设"香港粤剧学院",培育粤剧人才,爱徒包括粤语片明星吴君丽、南红、红豆子、欣欣、林丹、李宝莹、郑帼宝、罗艳卿、林家声、黄志明、何燕燕、许艳秋、张宝之、吴千枫、吴雁玲、李龙、李凤等,都是后起之秀,其中带艺投师的祁筱英、吴君丽成绩更为突出。 在陈宝珠正式加入电影圈,宫粉红索性做"跟得母亲",担任爱女的经理人、私人助理兼导师,两母女更曾于1969年合演吕奇执导的《郎如春日风》。 宫粉红不但在幕前演出,而且从事幕后工作;如1968年及1969年均为电影《玉女心》 、《娘惹之恋》及《郎如春日风》亲自监制及演出。 2010年2月24日,宫粉红在欣赏女儿陈宝珠的舞台表演演出时,因突感不适晕倒,送院抢救后不治身亡,享年98岁。 陈宝珠原名何佩勤,原家中有16个兄弟姐妹,排行第8。4岁时因家境贫困,被双亲送给宫粉红与陈非侬收养。7岁时己参加京剧的大会串,第一部京剧演出便是和沈芝华一起合演的“三岔口”。9岁开始,陈宝珠跟随粉菊花学习北派武功,经常与母亲登台表演。到了10岁便与梁醒波的女儿梁宝珠合演粤剧,然后转入银幕。 1957年,与梁宝珠、师姐陈好逑、梁醒波和陈非侬组成“仔宝剧团”。演出后,得到任剑辉赏识,并收为徒弟。 1958年,11岁的陈宝珠加入电懋公司,开始电影事业,首次参演与梁醒波合作的国语片《童军教练》。 1960年代初期主要反串男角演出古装武侠片,自1966年开始以女儿身拍摄时装歌舞片,与萧芳芳合拍的《彩色青春》将两人的青春玉女形象推上高峰,两人各自拥有数十个影友团及影迷会。而当陈宝珠出席公开场合时,常吸引数以千计的影迷,当时流行一句:“陈宝珠嚟嘞!”(陈宝珠来了!),意即请大家让路。 单单1967年陈宝珠共演出多达 32 部电影,片酬每部高达 2 万港元。期间主要与吕奇合作,更曾传出日久生情的传言。由于粤语片逐渐衰落,终于在1970年退出,在赴美国登台后留在旧金山读书。只在1972年暑假回港时拍摄由楚原执导的国语武侠片《壁虎》,成为最后一部演出的电影。 陈宝珠亦曾在无线电视的《六一八慈善赈灾之夜》亮相炒饭筹款。 1974年在美国读书期间经朋友介绍邂逅同在美念商科的杨占美,拍拖年多便结婚,婚后诞下儿子杨天经。可是这段婚姻只维持到1982年便告终。 陈宝珠现与家人于香港岛大坑居住。 陈宝仪(Chan Bo-Yee )(1956年11月22日—),陈宝珠之妹,罗乐林前妻子,童星出身,陈宝仪在出生后不久,父母离异,被当时的邻居——影星陈宝珠的养母宫粉红收养。生活在大家庭的宝仪,受尽养母的宠爱,陈宝仪之前是香港佳艺电视、丽的电视、亚洲电视、无线电视女艺人。在80年代末至90年代中期间参与无线电视剧集。 出生於戏剧世家的陈宝仪,入行后星途一般,代表作品有《一剑震江湖》《拳神》。1982年6月份,陈宝仪退圈闪嫁二婚丈夫罗乐林,婚后为夫家诞下一女罗苡之。可惜的是,这段将近30年的婚姻最终却以分手而收场;于2011年宣布离婚,不同于很多夫妻劳燕分飞后老死不相往来,罗乐林与前妻陈宝仪离婚后仍住在同一屋檐,并承担家人们的一切起居饮食及煮饭责任,算是离婚不离家! 本为演员的陈宝仪,为了供女儿读大学,她决定息影转行做保险,来换取更稳定的收入。宝仪在工作上的拼搏,令她连续十多年取得保险业界多个大奖,亦让她成为保险界最高组织的百万圆桌会的终身会员。2004年患上了抑郁症更几乎将她推至死亡边缘,在宗教信仰及医生的治疗双管齐下,最终在三年后痊愈。 Chen Feinong陈非侬 (1899-1984), a famous actor in Cantonese opera, formerly known as Chen Jinglian, his wife Gong Fenhong, is also the father of Hong Kong movie fan princess Chen Baozhu. Born in 1898, he was a native of Xinhui, Guangdong. His father, Chen Boyin, was a scholar in the former Qing Dynasty. In 1906, he entered Guangzhou Lingnan School. In 1907, he began to participate in school drama performances. In 1910, he entered the middle school and joined the "Folk Music Club", the first vernacular theater troupe in Guangzhou. During this period, the repertoire performed included "The Misery of Women" and "Report of Murder". Because of his outstanding performance, he was called a "child prodigy". In the 1930s, he and Ma Si-tsang worked together for half a year, and then played a leading role in the Taiping Theater Company. After 1975, Chen Feinong stopped participating in performances due to his old age. He wrote books about his theater career and experience. "Sixty Years of Cantonese Opera" and "The Origin and History of Cantonese Opera" have become valuable information on the history of Cantonese opera. On February 18, 1984, Chen Feinong died of illness in Hong Kong at the age of 85. Gong Fenhong宫粉红 (1912-2010) was a Cantonese opera star and one of the founders of Feinong Cantonese Opera Academy. She was married to Chen Feinong. In 1953, Gong Fenhong and her husband opened the "Hong Kong Cantonese Opera Academy" in Causeway Bay to cultivate Cantonese opera talents. They are all rising stars. Among them, Qi Xiaoying and Wu Junli, who are the art casters, have made more outstanding achievements. After Chen Baozhu officially joined the film industry, Gong Fenhong served as her daughter's manager, personal assistant and mentor. The two mother and daughter even co-starred in Lu Qi's "The Spring Wind" in 1969. Gong Fenhong not only performed in front of the screen, but also worked behind the scenes; for example, in 1968 and 1969, she personally supervised and performed in the movies "The Heart of a Beautiful Girl", "Nonya Love" and "Lang Ru Chun Ri Feng". On February 24, 2010, Gong Fenhong was enjoying her daughter Chen Baozhu's stage performance when she suddenly felt unwell and fainted. She was sent to the hospital and died after being rescued at the age of 98. Chen Baozhu陈宝珠, whose real name was He Peiqin, was given to Gong Fenhong and Chen Feinong for adoption by her parents. At the age of 7, she participated in a Peking Opera convention. Her first Peking Opera performance was "Sanchakou" with Shen Zhihua. At the age of 9, Chen Baozhu learned Northern martial arts from Fen Juhua and often performed on stage with her mother. In 1958, at the age of 11, Chen Baozhu joined the Electric Power Company and started her film career. She made her first appearance in the Mandarin film "Scout Coach" co-operating with Leung Sing-bo. In the early 1960s, she mainly played male roles in costume martial arts films. From 1966, she began to shoot fashion musicals as a girl. The "Colorful Youth" co-produced with Xiao Fangfang pushed their image of young beauties to the peak. In 1967 alone, Chen Baozhu performed in many movies. 32 films, during which time she mainly collaborated with Lu Qi. Chen Baozhu quit in 1970 and stayed in San Francisco to study after going on stage in the United States. In 1974, while studying in the United States, she met Yang Zhanmei, who was also studying business in the United States, through a friend's introduction. They got married after dating for a few years, and gave birth to their son Yang Tianjing after the marriage. But this marriage only lasted until 1982 and ended. Chan Po Chu currently lives with his family in Tai Hang, Hong Kong Island. Chan Bo-Yee (陈宝仪) (November 22, 1956 -), Chan Bo-Yee's sister, Luo Lelin's ex-wife, was a child star. Chan Bo-Yee's parents divorced shortly after she was born, and she was adopted by Chan Bo-Zhu's adoptive mother Gong Hong. Pampered by her adoptive mother, Chan Bo-Yee was previously a female artist on Hong Kong Jiayi TV, Lai's TV, Asia Television, and TVB. Participated in TVB series from the late 1980s to the mid-1990s. In June 1982, Chan Bo-Yee quit the entertainment industry and married Luo Lelin. After the marriage, she gave birth to a daughter. Unfortunately, this nearly 30-year marriage finally ended in breakup; the divorce was announced in 2011. After the divorce, Luo Lelin and Chan Bo-Yee still lived under the same roof and took on all the daily living, eating and cooking responsibilities for the family. In order to support her daughter's college education, Chan Bo-Yee decided to quit her career and switch to insurance in exchange for a more stable income. It also made her a life member of the Million Dollar Round Table, the highest organization in the insurance industry. She suffered from depression in 2004 and almost pushed her to death. With the help of religious beliefs and medical treatment, she finally recovered three years later.

