

袁小田(1912-1980年),出生於北平市,演員、武術指導。 1937年,袁小田應粵劇紅伶薛覺先之邀赴港,在粵劇中負責北派武打場面的指導。 1939年,袁小田挾技進入影壇發展,從事武俠片中的武打替身工作。他的首部影片《關東大俠》,就是擔任著名女影星鄔麗珠的替身。 1960年,袁小田以粵語片《鐵臂金剛》成為中國電影史上的第一位武術指導。他也是最早參與國外影片演出的電影人,在英國影片《北京五十五日》中擔任角色,並指導影片中的武打場面,隨後還演出過十多部國際影片;他還是關德興時期“黃飛鴻電影”的重要人物,在銀幕上大展其北派武術絕技; 1970年,袁小田從幕前隱退,傳技於接班人。 1977年,袁小田以玩票的心態出演成龍的成名作《醉拳》和《蛇形刁手》,不料竟使其名聲大振,他扮演的蘇乞兒形象,也成為功夫喜劇片爭相模仿的對象。 隨後,他又再次“發威”,主演了《老頭拳頭大饅頭》、《盲拳鬼手》、《醉俠蘇乞兒》、《睡拳怪招》、《南北醉拳》等功夫片,其形象活潑可愛,一把年紀在銀幕中插科打諢讓人記憶猶新;特別是《南北醉拳》一片,曾在中央電視台播映。 在袁小田的七個兒女之中,袁和平、袁信義、袁祥仁、袁日初、袁龍駒均為有名的武術指導或演員。 1980年,一代武指兼演員袁小田因肺癌病逝於香港。袁小田參演過的電影: 1981 一老一少一根釘; 1979 醉俠蘇乞兒; 1979 南北醉拳 ; 1979 睡拳怪招 ; 1979 醉俠蘇乞兒; 1979 盲拳鬼手 ; 1979 老頭拳頭大饅頭; 1978 中華丈夫 ; 1978 蛇形刁手; 1978 醉拳; 1978 醉貓師傅 ; 1978 刁手怪招; 1978 醉拳 蘇乞兒 ; 1978 少林卅六房。 袁和平(Yuen Woo Ping,1945年8月24日出生),人稱八爺,香港著名電影動作指導、導演,是香港動作電影其中一個最成功和具影響力的人。與元華、成龍及洪金寶等同為於佔元之徒,藝名元慶,但並不屬於“七小福”成員之一。六度獲得香港電影金像獎最佳動作設計,2016年獲得第十屆亞洲電影大獎頒發的終身成就獎。 出生於武術世家的袁和平,父親是電影史上首位武指袁小田,自幼便與自家兄弟(袁祥仁、袁信義等)同父親習武。袁和平在1958年畢業於九龍窩打老道1號文德中學(小學部),二十歲時開始擔任電影中的龍套演員及舞獅。他在25歲時,在電影《瘋狂殺手》第一次當上了武術指導。在1978年,袁和平在吳思遠的提攜下開始導演工作,這一年便拍攝了《蛇形刁手》與《醉拳》兩部功夫喜劇,在當時受到了廣大的歡迎。 袁和平和其弟弟袁信義、祥仁、日初、振洋及一班武師合組“袁家班”,與劉家良的“劉家班”、洪金寶的“洪家班”、成龍的“成家班”、唐佳的“唐家班”等,成為香港電影的主要武術指導及武師的重要支柱,而他的弟弟們亦各自發展,成為演員、導演及武術指導。他是功夫巨星甄子丹其中的一位師傅。 袁和平並非排行第八,其外號“八爺”源自他的兄弟們取笑他為人囉唆,像個老人家,稱他為“伯爺”(舊式粵語,指男性的“老人家”,“爺”在這裡變調念陰平聲),後來以訛傳訛,一音之轉,變成“八爺”。 袁和平在接受香港雜誌《忽然一週》第757期訪問時表示,自己性格沈默,並不囉唆,只因當年他圈中有八位結拜兄弟,他自己排行第八,故人稱“八爺”。 袁和平演出過的電影: (1984年)聖誕快樂 飾 小鳳姊表哥; (1985年)情逢敵手 飾 粵劇武生大眼; (1987年)東方禿鷹 飾 任人熙; (1988年)特警屠龍 飾 八爺 ; (1989年)義膽群英 飾 江湖叔父; (1990年)一本漫畫闖天涯 飾 義哥; (1992年)妖獸都市 飾 加山隊長; (1992年)龍神太子 飾 龍爺; (2013年)一代宗師 飾 陳華順。 袁信義(Yuen Shun Yi,1953年—),香港武術指導和武打演員。從小出身袁家班,為香港著名武打演員、京劇武生、武術指導袁小田之子,袁和平胞弟。袁信義曾獲多次香港電影金像獎最佳動作指導提名,其中在第11屆香港電影金像獎,袁祥仁、袁信義、劉家榮以電影《黃飛鴻》獲最佳動作指導。且和其兄弟袁祥仁一樣,十分熱衷於客串表演。參演過的電影: 孔雀王朝 (1979) 南北醉拳 (1979) 飾演蘇蒙 龍形摩橋 (1980) 六合八法 (1980) 佛掌羅漢拳 (1980) 甩牙老虎 (1980) 死亡塔 (1980) 勇者無懼 (1981) 奇門遁甲 (1982) 天師撞邪 (1983) 笑太極 (1984) 鬼馬天師 (1984)飾演婆婆 祝您好運 (1985) 殭屍怕怕 (1986) 特警屠龍 (1988) 群龍奪寶 (1988) 皇家師姊IV直擊證人 (1989) 新半斤八兩 (1990) 飾演師父 黃飛鴻 (1991) 蝎子戰士 (1992) 少年黃飛鴻之鐵馬騮 (1993) 大內密探零零發 (1996) 飾演無相王之子 長江七號 (2008) 飾演農民 袁祥仁(1957年—),又名袁長仁,香港導演、武術指導、武打演員。袁祥仁自幼隨父親袁小田習武。早年混跡武行時代,做替身演員。1960年代末,開始掛名助理武術指導。當時袁祥仁跟著大師兄唐佳,做過張徹《保鏢》、《報仇》、《游俠兒》等片的武指,到了1970中期,他在邵氏已經小有名氣,期間與楚原、何夢華這些名導演合作過不少力作,如《流星蝴蝶劍》、《香港奇案》等。1970年代末至1980年代初,台灣功夫片潮起,袁祥仁港台兩地走。恰在這時,袁和平得到嘉禾重用,其餘眾兄弟減少了外出打工,紛紛團結在一起組成“袁家班”,助大哥袁和平一臂之力,在嘉禾的幫助下袁和平組了“和平電影公司”,袁祥仁當時則參與了“和平小組”的絕大多數創作,從《勇者無懼》、《佛掌羅漢拳》、《奇門遁甲》再到《霍元甲》(1982年版)、《鬼馬天師》等等。打響了“袁家班”旗號。 袁祥仁十分熱衷於客串表演,有《功夫》中賣給阿星《如來神掌》的老乞丐,還有《武狀元蘇乞兒》中教授蘇哈察爾燦睡夢羅漢拳的乞丐,還有《黃飛鴻》等電影。他是好萊塢電影《夜魔俠》的武術指導。袁祥仁算是低調的“袁家班”中最愛拋頭露面的一個,扮演乞丐(《功夫》、《武狀元蘇乞兒》)、酒鬼,以及反串老太太(《大內密探零零發》、《奇門遁甲》、《天師撞邪》)。 參與電影演出:黃飛鴻之鐵雞斗蜈蚣(1993年) 黃飛鴻對黃飛鴻(1993年) 情迷香港(1993年) 湘西屍王(1993年) 千王情人(1993年) 飛狐外傳(1993年) 精武英雄(1994年) 火雲傳奇(1994年) 小醉拳(1995年) 虎猛威龍(1995年) 大內密探零零發(1996年) 運財五福星(1996年) 霹靂嬌娃:全速進攻(2003年) 功夫(Kung Fu Hustle)(2004年) 夜宴(2006年) 紅拂女(2006年) 功夫廚神(2009年) 跳出去(2009年) 蘇乞兒(2010年) 越光寶盒(2010年) 一個人的武林(2014年) 救僵清道夫(2017年) 袁日初(Yat Chor Yuen),出生於廣東省廣州市,袁家班成員、是袁小田的兒子, 袁和平、 袁祥仁的兄弟。參演過演的電影《真假功夫》(1979年)、1982年:《人在江湖》、《霍元甲》、《巡城馬》、《奇門遁甲》、《天師撞邪》。1983年主演的電影《奇門遁甲》獲得第2屆香港電影金像獎提名。1984年:《笑太極》《鬼馬天師》、1985年:主演的電影:《陰陽奇兵》、1987年:《省港旗兵2兵分兩路》、1989年7月21日,主演的電影《皇家師姊4:直擊證人》上映。 袁龍駒是袁小田第七兒子,七八十年代就跟袁小田出外拍片,一老一少闖江湖,幾部電影都是沒有袁家班其他兄弟參與的。後來的事實大家都知道,袁龍駒並沒能出人頭地。之後十餘年他進了袁家班底(更多是跟老三袁祥仁),也都不突出,顯得默默無聞。有他名頭的電影,周星馳的《武狀元蘇乞兒》是較為出名的一部;其他有《雌雄雙辣》、《波牛》、《奇門遁甲》、《勇者無懼》、《起尾注》、《來自江湖》、《一老一少一根釘》等。 Yuan Xiaotian袁小田 (1912-1980), born in Peking City, actor and martial arts instructor. In 1937, Yuan Xiaotian went to Hong Kong at the invitation of the popular Cantonese opera star Xue Juexian and was responsible for directing the northern martial arts scenes in Cantonese opera. In 1939, Yuan Xiaotian used his skills to enter the film industry and worked as a stunt double in martial arts films. In his first film "The Great Heroes of Guandong", he served as the stand-in for the famous female movie star Wu Lizhu. In 1960, Yuan Xiaotian became the first martial arts director in Chinese film history with the Cantonese film "King Kong". He was also the first filmmaker to participate in foreign films. He played a role in the British film "55 Days in Beijing" and directed the martial arts scenes in the film. He also acted in more than ten international films; he was also the "Once Upon a Time in China" during the Guan Dexing period. An important figure in the movie, he showed off his Northern martial arts skills on the screen; in 1970, Yuan Xiaotian retired from the screen and passed on his skills to his successors. In 1977, Yuan Xiaotian acted in Jackie Chan's famous works "Drunken Master" and "Snake" with a play mentality. Unexpectedly, he became famous. His image of Su Qier also became a favorite in kung fu comedies. The object of imitation. Later, he "showed off his power" again and starred in kung fu movies such as "Old Man's Fist Big Steamed Bun", "Blind Boxer Ghost Hand", "Drunken Man Su Qier", "Sleeping Fist", "North and South Drunken Master" and other kung fu movies. He is lively and cute, and his gags on the screen at a young age are still fresh in people's memory; especially "The Drunken Master of the North and South" was broadcast on CCTV. Among Yuan Xiaotian's seven children, Yuan Heping, Yuan Xinyi, Yuan Xiangren, Yuan Richu, and Yuan Longju are all famous martial arts instructors or actors. In 1980, Yuen Siu-tin, a generation martial artist and actor, died of lung cancer in Hong Kong. Yuen Woo Ping (袁和平born August 24, 1945), known as Ba Ye, is a famous Hong Kong film action director and director. He is one of the most successful and influential people in Hong Kong action films.He is a disciple of Yu Zhan Yuan. His stage name is Yuan Qing. He won the Hong Kong Film Awards for Best Action Design six times and the Lifetime Achievement Award from the 10th Asian Film Awards in 2016. Yuen Woo-Ping was born into a martial arts family. His father was Yuan Xiaotian. Since childhood, he and his brothers have been practicing martial arts with their father. Yuen Woo-Ping graduated from Bon Tak Secondary School (Primary Section), 1 Waterloo Road, Kowloon in 1958. At the age of 20, he began to work as a supporting actor in movies and as a lion dancer. At the age of 25, he became a martial arts instructor for the first time in the movie "Crazy Killer". In 1978, Yuen Woo-Ping began directing work under the guidance of Wu Siyuan. In this year, he filmed two kung fu comedies, "Snake" and "Drunken Master", which were widely welcomed at the time. He and his younger brothers Yuan Xinyi, Xiangren, Richu, Zhenyang and a group of martial artists formed the "Yuan Family Class", together with Liu Jialiang's "Liu Family Class", Sammo Hung's "Hong Family Class", Jackie Chan's "Married Family Class", Tang Jia's "Tang Family Class" and others have become the main martial arts instructors in Hong Kong movies and an important pillar of martial arts masters. He said that he was silent and not verbose, just because there were eight sworn brothers in his circle at that time, and he ranked eighth, so he was called "Eighth Master". Yuen Shun Yi (袁信義, born in 1953) is a Hong Kong martial arts instructor and martial arts actor. He is the son of Yuan Xiaotian, a famous Hong Kong martial arts actor, Peking opera martial arts student, and martial arts instructor, and the younger brother of Yuan Woo ping. Yuen Shun Yi has been nominated for Best Action Director at the Hong Kong Film Awards many times. Among them, at the 11th Hong Kong Film Awards, Yuan Xiangyan, Yuen Xinyi and Liu Jiarong won the Best Action Director for the movie "Once Upon a Time". Like his brother Yuan Xiangren, he is very keen on guest performances. Yuan Xiangyan (袁祥仁1957-), also known as Yuan Changyan, is a Hong Kong director, martial arts instructor, and martial arts actor. Yuan Xiangren has been practicing martial arts with his father Yuan Xiaotian since he was a child. In his early years, he was involved in martial arts and worked as a stuntman. In the late 1960s, he began to work as an assistant martial arts instructor. At that time, Yuan Xiangyan followed his elder brother Tang Jia and worked as a martial arts director in Chang Cheh's "Bodyguard", "Revenge", "The Knight" and other films. By the mid-1970s, he had become somewhat famous in Shaw Brothers. During this period, he worked with famous directors such as Chu Yuan and He Menghua. They have collaborated on many masterpieces, such as "Meteor Butterfly Sword", "Hong Kong Mysteries", etc. From the late 1970s to the early 1980s, Taiwanese kung fu movies were on the rise, and Yuan Xiangren traveled to Hong Kong and Taiwan. At this time, Yuan Heping was re-employed by Jiahe. The other brothers reduced their work outside and joined together to form the "Yuan Family Class" to help his eldest brother Yuan Woo ping. With the help of Jiahe, Yuan Woo ping formed the "Peace Film Company". Yuan Yuan Xiangyan was participated in most of the creations of the "Peace Group" Yuan Richu (袁日初Yat Chor Yuen) was born in Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province. He is a member of the Yuan family class, the son of Yuan Xiaotian, and the brothers of Yuan Heping and Yuan Xiangren. He has participated in the movies "True and False Kung Fu" (1979), 1982: "People in the Jianghu", "Huo Yuanjia", "City Patrol Horse", "Qi Men Dun Jia", "The Master of Heavenly Master Clashes with Evil". In 1983, he starred in the movie "Qi Men Dun Jia" and was nominated for the 2nd Hong Kong Film Awards. 1984: "Laughing Tai Chi" and "The Ghost Horse Master", 1985: Starring in the movie: "The Twilight Zone", 1987: "The Provincial and Hong Kong Flag Soldiers Divided into Two Routes", July 21, 1989, starring in The movie "Royal Sisters 4: Direct Witness" is released. Yuan Longju袁龍駒 is the seventh son of Yuan Xiaotian. In the 1970s and 1980s, he and Yuan Xiaotian went out to make movies. One old man and one young man made their way into the world. Several movies were made without the participation of other brothers from the Yuan family. As everyone knows later, Yuan Longju failed to get ahead. After more than ten years, he joined the Yuan family team (mostly with the third eldest Yuan Xiangren), but he did not stand out and seemed unknown. Among the movies with his name, Stephen Chow's "The Warriors" is one of the more famous ones; others include "Double Heroes", "Bo Niu", "Qi Men Dun Jia", "The Brave Man", "The Rise and Fall" Endnotes", "From Jianghu", "One Old, One Young and One Nail", etc.

