鲍方 Bao Fang 1922.11.13出生于江西南昌,原籍安徽歙县 。1947年法律系毕业后翌年至香港,先后在永华、泰山、艺文等公司,曾参与林黛成名电影“翠翠”演出。 鲍方1954年加入了凤凰影业公司 。1959年与陈静波联合导演《有女初长成》,1963年后独立导演《假婿乘龙》、《画皮》、《密杀令》等影片。其中自编自导自演的《屈原》颇获好评。 1980年获邀参演无线长剧《京华春梦》、《万水千山总是情》。1993年获得中国电影艺术表演协会颁发的“特别荣誉奖”,1995年获得“中华影星荣誉奖”。 1999年拍摄《茶是故乡浓》在广西拍摄外景时突然中风入院,并昏迷三个月,由次女鲍起静代其宣布退休。2000年获香港电影金紫荆奖的终身成就奖,2005年入选“中国电影百年百位优秀演员” 。 鲍方与话剧演员之妻子刘苏(艺名)于抗日战争时期结婚,育有两女一子,儿子是摄影师鲍德熹,原名鲍起鸣,长女在中银香港分行任柜位服务,已经退休,次女鲍起静是香港电视及电影演员,女婿方平为香港电影导演及监制亦是圈中人。2006年9月22日,鲍方在香港湾仔律敦治医院因肺功能衰退病逝,享年84岁。
鲍方的妻子刘苏 Liu Su ,即鲍起静鲍的母亲,也是一名演员,与鲍方春唱妇随,演过的电影 有:三凤求凰、我来也、花姑娘、映山红、香闺春情 等等,刘苏于1944 年与鲍方结婚。育有两女一子,次女鲍起静是香港电视及电影演员,女婿方平为香港电影导演及监制亦是圈中人。刘苏于1999 年 2 月在香港逝世。
鲍起静Bao Qijing1949年7月20日出生于香港,父亲是著名演员兼导演。鲍起静小时候家里很穷,虽然她爸爸鲍方在内地已经是一名演员,但身为左派的父亲不愿意在香港随便接拍电影,所以小时候家里的日子过得比较艰难,直到她父亲进入左派的长城电影公司之后,他们家的生活才逐渐转好。 1956年,鲍起静考入长城电影公司的艺员训练班。1977年,参与其父鲍方执导的香港文艺片《屈原》。1980年,参与长城公司投拍的武侠电影《白发魔女传》,饰演练霓裳。同年,鲍起静转入亚洲电视台,先后出演《大地恩情》、《秦始皇》、《银狐》、《肥猫正传》等电视剧。 2003年,与郑则士、斯琴高娃、关礼杰、郝蕾共同出演电视剧《肥猫寻亲记》.2008年,鲍起静参演香港导演许鞍华执导的电影《天水围的日与夜》,凭借此片先后获得第15届香港评论学会的最佳女主角奖、第28届香港电影金像奖最佳女主角奖。 在亚视30年的工作生涯中,鲍起静出演了近千集的连续剧,虽然大多都是配角登场,但她娴熟的演技和亲民的形象,依然博得了广大观众的喜爱。对于电影,鲍起静其实一直未曾放弃过,数十年来他基本上每年都会客串或出演一些电影作品,《忘不了》、《旺角黑夜》、《霍元甲》中都能看到鲍起静的身影虽然戏份不多,可鲍起静的登场都能给熟悉她的老观众们留下很深的印象 。
方平(Henry Fong Ping)男,1951年9月24日出生,是香港著名演员鲍起静的丈夫,鲍方的女婿,最佳摄影鲍德熹是他的妻弟。 方平是香港70-80年代资深电影人,身兼监制、导演、演员等多项身份,七、八十年代曾主演电影《巴士奇遇结良缘》《天堂奇遇》《都市四重奏》《球国风云》《巴士奇遇结良缘》,与张鑫炎等人合作过。九十年代以来,方平转向导演和监制的工作。2018年11月9日监制的电影《三国杀·幻》上映。
Bao Fang鲍方 (13, November, 1922 ) born in Nanchang, Jiangxi, and originally from She County, Anhui. After graduating from the law department in 1947, he moved to Hong Kong the next year and worked in Yonghua, Taishan, Yiwen and other companies, and participated in the performance of Lin Dai's famous movie "Cui Cui". Bao Fang joined the Phoenix Film Company in 1954. In 1959, he co-directed "Growing Up with a Girl" with Chen Jingbo. After 1963, he independently directed films such as "Fake Son-in-Law Riding the Dragon", "Painted Skin", and "Secret Order". Among them, "Qu Yuan", which was written, directed and acted by himself, was well received. In 1980, he was invited to participate in TVB's long-running dramas "A Dream of Beijing" and "Thousands of Rivers and Mountains Are Always Love". In 1993, he won the "Special Honor Award" issued by the China Film Art Performance Association, and in 1995, he was awarded the "Chinese Film Star Honor Award". Bao Fang and his wife Liu Su (stage name), a drama actress, married during the Anti-Japanese War. They have two daughters and a son. On September 22, 2006, Bao Fang died of lung function decline at the Ruttonjee Hospital in Wanchai, Hong Kong at the age of 84.
Bao Fang's wife Liu Su 刘苏, is,Bao Qijing's mother, is also an actress, and the movies that have been performed are: Sanfeng Qiuhuang, I come to also, Hua Girl, Ying Shanhong, Xiangnouchun love, etc. Liu Su married Bao Fang in 1944. They had two daughters and one son. The second daughter Bao Qizhou is a Hong Kong TV and film actor. Liu Su died in Hong Kong in February 1999.
Bao Qijing鲍起静 was born in Hong Kong on July 20, 1949. Her father is a famous actor and director. Bao Qijing's family was very poor when she was a child. Although her father Bao Fang was already an actor in Mainland China, her father, a leftist, was unwilling to take over filming in Hong Kong. Therefore, life at home was relatively difficult when she was a child, until her father entered the leftist industry. After joining the Great Wall Film Company, their family's life gradually improved. In 1956, Bao Qijing was admitted to the artist training class of the Great Wall Film Company.During her 30-year working career at ATV, Bao Qijing has appeared in nearly a thousand episodes of TV series. Although most of them were supporting roles, her skillful acting skills and people-friendly image have still won the love of the audience. In fact, Bao Qijing has never given up on movies. For decades, she has basically made guest appearances or appeared in some film works every year. Bao Qijing can be seen in "Unforgettable", "Mongkok Night", and "Fearless". Not much, but Bao Qijing's appearance can leave a deep impression on the old audiences who are familiar with her.
Henry Fong Ping方平, born on September 24, 1951, is the husband of the famous Hong Kong actor Bao Qijing, Bao Fang's son-in-law, and the best photographer Bao Dexi is his brother-in-law. Fong Ping was a senior Hong Kong filmmaker from the 1970s to the 1980s. He was a producer, director, and actor in many capacities. In the 1970s and 1980s, he starred in the films "The Bus", "Paradise", "Urban Quartet" and "The Ballad". "Bus Adventure and Marriage", has collaborated with Zhang Xinyan and others. Since the 1990s, Fong Ping has turned to director and producer work. The film "Three Kingdoms: Fantasy" produced by the company was released on November 9, 2018.
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