星二代:刘克宣Hark-Sun Lau刘志荣Lau Chi Wing
刘克宣Hark-Sun Lau(1911年12月18日-1983年1月24日),香港著名老牌电影演员及粤剧老倌。生于广西,曾受大学教育,亦为广州八和会馆“粤剧演员养成所”的第一届毕业生,与罗品超、黄鹤声及张活游为同班同学,尤以擅唱“马(师曾)腔”,参演过多部粤剧。其后主演电影《天道人心》、《梁冷艳》、《孤星血泪》、《洛神》、《儿心碎母心》、《六月雪》等等五百多部电影,多数扮演面目狰狞的反派角色,演技出众。 从长相看就知道刘克宣是演奸角的人才,像他这种有演技,长相特别的演员,在影视界大受欢迎;参演过的电影数量之多是其他艺人难及的。刘克宣亦有从事导演工作,执导电影有《六渡何仙姑》、《凄凉金叶菊》、《花落断肠桥》、《宝儿孝祖救双亲》等等,1970年息影,直至1978年于其子刘志荣投资摄制的电影《发财埋便》中客串一角,从此复出艺坛。复出后加盟香港亚洲电视前身的丽的电视,参演电视剧《新变色龙》,并改演正派角色。 1980年转入无线电视台,参演过不少著名剧集,包括《执到宝》、《四季情》、《逐个捉》、《无双谱》、《天龙八部》等等。在《执到宝》中饰演一位退休消防员,香港早期的情景剧。刘克宣同时亦参演多部电影,例如《撞到正》、《打雀英雄传》、《奇谋妙计五福星》等等;由洪金宝、成龙、元彪领衔主演的《A计划》是他参演的最后一部影片。在1983年拍摄电视剧《天降财神》期间因心脏病入院半个月,在1983年1月24日(星期一)上午9时病逝于香港,享年72岁。一说刘克宣出生于1904年,若然,享年该是79岁。 原本《A计划续集》中水师统帅还是属意刘克宣扮演,可惜在拍完《A计划》的时候他就去世了,无法延续该角色。
刘克宣与石坚一样,在早期的电影都是演奸角,两人都是在演电视剧的时候才“改邪归正”,刘克宣的奸样在他的眼睛,石坚的奸样在他的嘴巴,两人的演技可说是不遑多让。 刘克宣一生中共娶了四位夫人,其中第三太太的长子刘志荣(1952年-2008年)亦是亚洲电视著名演员及大型节目司仪;同时其外孙女杨羚也是一位演员,她予人印象最深的就是在《大时代》中饰演方敏,后来被陶大宇饰演的丁益蟹逼得跳楼自杀而死;刘克宣的外甥女秦小梨(1925年-2005年)亦属40年代的粤剧名旦。 刘克宣参演过的电影: 女人经(1938年) 大破白莲教(1939年) 慈禧西太后(1940年)... 大学士肃顺 穆桂英(1940年)... 焦赞 人去楼空(1941年) 弦断曲终(1943年) 大地儿女(1945年) 闪电姑娘(1946年) 周身胆闹广州(1947年)... 油炸蟹 借尸还魂(1947年)... 赵君宣 难测妇人心(1947年)... 刘医生 飞金刚大战牛魔王(1948年)... 金义 怪侠飞天龙(1949年)... 陈万成 梁冷艳(下集)(1950年)... 罗拔 天魔女大战牛魔王(1950年)... 牛魔王 荡妇杀妾惨案(1950年)... 韩德生 十二金钗戏玉郎(1951年) 珍珠泪(1952年) 雪夜访情憎(1953年) 百变妇人心(1954年) 秋海棠(1955年) 霸王妖姬(1956年) 王昭君琵黄飞鸿河南浴血战(1957年)... 马云德 黄飞虎反五关(1957年)... 尤浑 千金小姐(1958年) 含笑饮砒霜(1959年) 节妇审贪官(1960年) 汉宫英烈传(1961年) 木偶公主(1962年)... 巫婆徒 血洗蝴蝶镖(1963年)... 蓝彪 乱拜石榴裙(1963年)... 钦亲王 武当飞凤(下集)(1964年) 海底龙吟剑(上集)(1964年) 圣剑风云(下集)(1965年) 春色满璇宫(1966年) 女魔(1974年) 乌龙贼阿爸(1975年) 发财埋便(1978年) 撞到正(1980年) 打雀英雄传(1981年)...赌怪 摩登保镖(1981年) 俏皮女学生(1982年)... 校长 A计划(1983年)... 石帮办 无牙僵尸(1987年上映) 刘克宣参演电视剧(丽的电视) 新变色龙(1979年)饰 周乃波 人在江湖(1980年)饰 恶霸 骤雨中的阳光(1980年)饰 周柏图 刘克宣参演电视剧(无线电视) 1980年:执到宝 饰 余可 1981年:流氓皇帝 饰 易叔恭 1981年:四季情 1981年:无双谱 饰 九千岁 1981年:红颜 1982年:天龙八部 饰 丁春秋 1982年:爱情安歌 饰 阿南 1983年:天降财神
Liu Kexuan刘克宣 ( Lau Hark-Sun December 18, 1911 - January 24, 1983), a famous Hong Kong veteran film actor and Cantonese opera veteran. Born in Guangxi, he was educated at a university, and he is also the first graduate of the "Cantonese Opera Actor Training Institute" of Guangzhou Bahe Guild Hall. He is in the same class as Luo Pinchao, Huang Hesheng and Zhang Huoyou. ) accent", and has performed in many Cantonese operas. After that, he starred in more than 500 films such as "Heaven's Heart", "Liang Lengyan", "Blood and Tears of Lone Star", "Luo Shen", "A Child's Heart Broken Mother's Heart", "Snow in June", etc., most of them played the villain with hideous appearance The role, the acting is outstanding. Judging from his appearance, we know that Liu Kexuan is a talent for acting as a villain. An actor with acting skills and special appearance like him is very popular in the film and television industry; the number of movies he has acted in is unmatched by other artists. Liu Kexuan also worked as a director. He directed films such as "Liu Du He Xiangu", "Desolate Golden Leaf Chrysanthemum", "Broken Heart Bridge", "Bao Er Xiaozu Saves Parents" and so on. His son Liu Zhirong made a cameo role in the film "Get Rich and Bury the Wealth", and he has since returned to the art world. After his comeback, he joined Li's TV, the predecessor of Hong Kong Asia Television, and participated in the TV series "New Chameleon", and played a decent role. In 1980, he transferred to TVB and participated in many famous dramas, including "The Treasure", "Four Seasons", "Catch One by One", "Unparalleled Score", "Dragon Babu" and so on. Played a retired firefighter in "Execution to Treasure", an early sitcom in Hong Kong. At the same time, Liu Kexuan also participated in many films, such as "Crashing into the Righteous", "The Legend of the Sparrow Hero", "Five Lucky Stars", etc.; "Plan A" starring Sammo Hung, Jackie Chan and Yuan Biao is his The last film I acted in. During the filming of the TV series "God of Fortune" in 1983, he was hospitalized for half a month due to a heart attack. He died in Hong Kong at 9:00 a.m. on January 24, 1983 (Monday), at the age of 72. It is said that Liu Kexuan was born in 1904. If so, he would have been 79 years old. In the original "Plan A Sequel", the commander of the Navy still preferred Liu Kexuan to play the role, but unfortunately he died when "Plan A" was filmed, and he could not continue the role. Like Shi Jian, Liu Kexuan and Shi Jian both acted as villains in the early films. Both of them "returned to justice" when they were acting in TV dramas. , the acting skills of the two can be said to be quite impressive. Liu Kexuan married four wives in his life. Among them, the eldest son of the third wife, Liu Zhirong (1952-2008), was also a famous Asian TV actor and emcee of large-scale programs; at the same time, his granddaughter Yang Ling was also an actor, and she left the deepest impression on people. is in "The Great Era" "Fang Min, who was later forced to commit suicide by Ding Yixi, played by Tao Dayu, jumped off a building and committed suicide; Liu Kexuan's niece Qin Xiaoli (1925-2005) was also a famous actress in Cantonese opera in the 1940s. Films that Liu Kexuan has acted in: The Classic of Women (1938) The Great Breaking of the White Lotus Sect (1939) The Empress Dowager Cixi (1940)... The Great Scholar Sushun Mu Guiying (1940)... Jiao Zanren Goes to the Building Empty (1941) The End of the String (1943) The Children of the Earth (1945) The Lightning Girl (1946) All Over Guangzhou (1947)... The Deep Fried Crab Comes Back to Life (1947)... Zhao Junxuan is unpredictable The Heart of a Woman (1947)... Doctor Liu Flying King Kong vs. the Bull Demon King (1948)... The King of Righteousness Fei Tianlong (1949)... Chen Wancheng Liang Lengyan (Part 2) (1950)... Luo The Witches Fighting the Demon King (1950)...The Bull Demon King's Slut Killing a Concubine (1950)...Hand Desheng's Twelve Golden Hairpins Playing the Jade Lang (1951) Pearl Tears (1952) Snow Night Interview (1953) The Heart of a Changing Woman (1954) Begonia (1955) The Demon Girl (1956) Wang Zhaojun Pi Huang Feihong's Bloody Battle in Henan (1957)... Ma Yunde, Huang Feihu Against the Five Passes (1957). .. Miss You Hun (1958) Drinking Arsenic with a Smile (1959) Women's Trial for Corrupt Officials (1960) Heroes of the Han Palace (1961) Puppet Princess (1962)... Butterfly Darts in the Blood of Witches (1963) ... Lan Biao's Pomegranate Dress (1963)... Prince Qin Wudang Feifeng (Part 2) (1964) Undersea Dragon Sword (Part 1) (1964) Sacred Sword Wind and Cloud (Part 2) (1965) ) Spring Manxuan Palace (1966) The Devil (1974) Oolong Thief Abba (1975) Getting Rich and Burying the Poop (1978) Crash into Zheng (1980) The Legend of the Sparrow Fighting Heroes (1981)... Bet Weird Modern Bodyguard (1981) Playful Schoolgirl (1982)... Principal's Plan A (1983)...
刘志荣(David Lau Chi Wing,1951年11月9日-2008年5月15日),祖籍广西玉林,是华南电影及粤剧著名演员刘克宣之子。刘志荣子承父业,于1973年加入丽的映声后经历丽的电视及亚洲电视,并成为其“镇台之宝”至1997年才离开亚洲电视;后来转而从政。 刘志荣从事演艺工作三十多年,先后主演数十部电视连续剧,如《变色龙》、《浮生六劫》、《浴血太平山》、《精武门》等,出出脍炙人口。刘志荣剧中百变形象,广为香港、国内及海外观众津津乐道,尤其是在《大地恩情》中饰演的杨九斤。他曾五度荣获香港十大电视明星金球奖,是丽的电视全盛时期的代表人物。除演出剧集外,电视台凡制作大型节目,都多由刘志荣担正主持。自1985年亚洲电视取得国际亚太小姐选美大会四年主办权后,刘志荣即连续四届出任大会司仪。其他由刘志荣主持的节目,不论是娱乐、综艺性的(如《开台》和《历史也疯狂》),或时事、资讯性的(如《十一亿人民》),皆备受赞赏。刘志荣口才了得,被誉为“金牌司仪”,因此不少商会盛宴,甚至政府的回归纪念晚会,都会邀其担当主持。 此外,他亦有出品、监制及参演多部电影。而他在演员生涯中,从未在无线电视亮相,直至1999年参选区议会,接受无线节目《新闻透视》访问,首次在无线露面。 2008年5月15日,刘志荣因肺积水于伊利沙伯医院逝世,享年56岁。1985年刘志荣与梁淑庄结婚,育有一子刘健乐。2020年10月2日凌晨2时,梁淑庄因胰脏癌在香港浸信会医院病逝,享寿75岁。
参演电影: 我爱金龟婿(1971), 大杀手(1972), 娃娃夫人(1972), 女魔(1974), 翦翦风(1974), 社女(1975), 游戏人间三百年(1975), 男人四十一条龙(1975), 蛊惑女光棍才(1975), 花心三少骚银姐(1976), 新苏小妹三难新郎(1976), 大毒后(1976), 投胎人(1976), 香港艾曼妞(1977), 风飘飘鬼飘飘(1977), 架步串女古惑仔(1977), 邪魔煞(1977), 马场风暴(1978) 饰 马主兼商人邬先生 (毒马案主脑), 庙街女强人(1978), 发财埋便(1978), I.Q. 爆棚(1981), 女人档案(1982), 狼来了(1982), 龙潭大鳄(1985), 警察故事(1985), 开心鬼精灵(1986), 恶男(1986), 龙虎智多星(1988), 龙之争霸(1989), 铁汉柔情(1990), 摩登如来神掌(1990), 皇家女将(1990), 四大家族之龙虎兄弟(1991), 镭射剧场之偏门家族(1992), 浪子杀手霸王花(1992)。 电视剧(丽的电视/亚洲电视): 1974年 金粉世家, 1974年 紫杜鹃, 1974年 殒星, 1974年 梁天来 饰 梁天来, 1975年 母亲 饰 李家锡, 1975年 十大奇案, 1975年 海角风云, 1975年 疑云, 1976年 三国春秋 饰 关云长, 1977年 浪淘沙 饰 陆伟基, 1978年 变色龙 饰 贺升, 1979年 沈胜衣之白蜘蛛 饰 伟七, 1979年新变色龙 饰 贺升, 1980年 浮生六劫 饰 赵振鹏, 1980年 大地恩情 饰 杨九斤, 1981年 浴血太平山 饰 周亚瑞, 1981年 再会太平山 饰 周亚瑞, 1982年 爱情跑道 饰 林亚伦, 1982年 天梯 饰 罗子聪, 1982年 凹凸神探 饰 刘家浩, 1982年 家春秋 饰 高觉民, 1982年 雄霸天下, 1983年 八美图, 1983年 世界仔, 1984年 表错七段情 饰 叶荣, 1984年 霍东阁 饰 陈公哲, 1985年 谍网迷情, 1985年 魅力九龙塘, 1986年 时光倒流七十年, 1987年 红尘 饰 吕志滔, 1987年 枭雄, 1988年 赌徒, 1990年 Q表姐 饰 柴正, 1991年 触电情缘, 1995年 精武门 饰 蔡六斤, 1996年 亲亲,亲人 饰 常大智, 1996年 一人有一个理想, 1997年 97变色龙 饰 贺升, 1997年 国际刑警 饰 杨碧开, 2000年 与狼共枕 饰 孔竞庭, 2000年 电视风云 饰 李富。
Liu Zhirong刘志荣 (David Lau Chi Wing, November 9, 1951 - May 15, 2008), ancestral home in Yulin, Guangxi, is the son of Liu Kexuan, a famous South China film and Cantonese opera actor. Liu Zhirong inherited his father's business. After joining Li's Yingsheng in 1973, he experienced Li's TV and ATV, and became its "Treasure" until he left ATV in 1997; later he turned to politics. Liu Zhirong has been engaged in performing arts for more than 30 years, and has starred in dozens of TV series, such as "Chameleon", "Six Tribulations", "Blood on Taiping Mountain", "Fist of the Warriors", etc., which have become very popular. The ever-changing images of Liu Zhirong's plays are widely talked about by Hong Kong, domestic and overseas audiences, especially Yang Jiujin who played in "The Kindness of the Earth". He has won the Golden Globe Award for Hong Kong's top ten TV stars five times, and is a representative of Li's TV heyday. In addition to performing dramas, all large-scale programs produced by the TV station are mostly hosted by Liu Zhirong. Since Asia Television won the right to host the Miss Asia Pacific Beauty Pageant for four years in 1985, Liu Zhirong has been the emcee of the conference for four consecutive terms. Other programs hosted by Liu Zhirong, whether entertainment, variety (such as "Opening the Stage" and "History Is Crazy"), or current affairs and information (such as "1.1 Billion People"), are highly appreciated. Liu Zhirong is very eloquent and is known as the "gold medal master of ceremonies", so many chambers of commerce feasts, and even the government's return commemorative party, will invite him to host. In addition, he has also produced, produced and acted in many films. In his career as an actor, he never made an appearance on TVB until he ran for the District Council in 1999 and was interviewed by the TVB program "News Insight", making his first appearance on TVB. On May 15, 2008, Liu Zhirong died at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital due to pulmonary hydrops at the age of 56. In 1985, Liu Zhirong married Liang Shuzhuang and had a son, Liu Jianle. At 2 am on October 2, 2020, Liang Shuzhuang died of pancreatic cancer at the Hong Kong Baptist Hospital at the age of 75. Films: I Love the Golden Turtle-in-law (1971), The Big Killer (1972), Mrs. Doll (1972), The Devil (1974), Jian Jianfeng (1974), She's Girl (1975), Three Hundred Years of Game in the World (1975), Four Men Eleven Dragons (1975), Bewitching Female Bachelors (1975), Hua Xin San Shao Sao Yin Sister (1976), Xin Su Xiao Mei's Three Difficulty Bridegroom (1976), After the Great Poison (1976), The Reincarnated Person (1976), Hong Kong Ai Man Niu (1977), Wind and Ghost (1977), Young and Dangerous Girls (1977), Evil Demon (1977), Racecourse Storm (1978) as Mr. Wu, a horse owner and businessman (the mastermind of the poisonous horse case) ), Temple Street Strong Woman (1978), Get Rich and Bury the Poop (1978), IQ Explosion (1981), Women's File (1982), Here Comes the Wolf (1982), Longtan Crocodile (1985), Police Story (1985), Happy Ghost Elf (1986), Evil Man (1986), Dragon Tiger Zhi Duo Xing (1988), Dragon Contest (1989), Tenderness of Iron Man (1990), Modern Tathagata Palm (1990), Royal Lady (1990), One of the Four Great Families The Dragon and Tiger Brothers (1991), The Pianmen Family in the Laser Theater (1992), The Prodigal Killer Overlord Flower (1992). TV dramas (Lady's TV/Asia TV):
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