星二代:关山Kwan Shan张冰茜Zhang Bingqian关之琳Kwan Chi-lam
在香港影艺圈中说到男的英俊、女的美艳,相信关山这一家肯定算得上,父亲关山(Kwan Shan )出生于1933年4月20日,原名关铁骑、关伯威,满族镶蓝旗人,辽宁沈阳人。 全家在二战后搬到香港。不久,父亲关世栋去世,关山被迫担起供养家庭的责任,辍学后陆续做过粗工,供养弟弟上学。 1954年关山看了陶秦执导的《人鬼恋》后,兴起进入影圈的想法。1956年考入长城公司演员训练班,经过一年受训,导演袁仰安发现关山外型敦厚,又熟悉农村生活,认为他适合演阿Q的角色。1958年,关山凭《阿Q正传》荣获瑞士罗迦诺国际电影节最佳男主角(银帆奖),令他成为首位在国际影展中获奖的香港演员,时年25岁。不久,转入新新影业公司。
1961年5月再加盟“邵氏”,同年与林黛合作文艺巨片《不了情》(1961),小生地位更为稳固。至1969年合约届满时,共参与近二十部电影,以文艺片居多,票房口碑极佳。关山与邵氏的良好关系却因李翰祥筹组“国联”发生变化;《杀机》(1970)是他离开“邵氏”的最后一部作品。 离开邵氏后,以自由演员身份接受各独立制片。1970年,与好友袁仰安合组“华懋影业公司”,也曾于1972年自组“关氏影业公司”,并自任导演制作《唐人客》等片;70年代中,转任配角,参与《云飘飘》等,他曾参演丽的电视剧集《天龙诀》。
80年代后,关山弃影从商,将事业重心转往贸易生意,偶尔客串演出电影,包括《英雄本色续集》、《警察故事续集》等。参演过的电影超过60部。 2012年10月1日,关山离世,享年79岁。关山1960年与长城公司女星张冰茜结婚,并于1962年诞下长女,取名关家慧,即日后的香港著名影星关之琳,9年后又生了一个儿子。1975年离婚后,张冰茜带儿子移民美国,关之琳与父亲留在香港。
关山的太太张冰茜(Zhang Bingqian)曾是香港长城、邵氏公司的著名演员。五十年代参演反映民生的写实电影《花街》及《一板之隔》、六十年代经济好转后的温情浪漫作品《眼儿媚》、越剧《王老虎抢亲》、侠义奇情片《金鹰》、古装长片《苏小小》,《大富之家》,以至后期充满批判性的《春夏秋冬》等。勤于打磨演技的张冰茜,借力“三公主”助阵主演的东风,1955年、1956年,有她出演的影片《钻花窃贼》、《大富之家》等片,叫好又卖座,因饰演的角色,多为新潮、时髦、活跃的富家小姐,“小野猫”的昵称不胫而走。婚后第二年,张冰茜和丈夫离开江河日下的老东家,跳槽到邵氏电影公司,名花有主,嫁为人妇的张冰茜,观众缘魅力值大幅降低。
性格传统,恪守妇道的张冰茜,不恋战名利场,只想安心在家做个贤妻良母,她觉得做大明星丈夫背后的女人,也心满意足。婚后 ,沐浴在爱河的张冰茜 拍摄了《飞燕迎春》、《脂粉小霸王》、《红蝙蝠公寓》等几部观众耳熟能详的卖座电影后,便逐渐淡出让她风光无限的大银幕。
关山与张冰茜的女儿、(Rosamund Kwan Chi-lam)出生于1962年9月24日 ,1981年,关之琳中学毕业后加入丽的电视成为艺员,首部电视剧作品是《甜甜廿四味》。1982年关之琳参与首部电影《再见江湖》的演出,获得一致好评,之后便开始了她的演艺历程。1990年代以与李连杰合作的黄飞鸿系列中的十三姨一角走红于中港台三地,亦被评价为香港电影史上最经典的女性角色之一;她与成龙合作过《龙兄虎弟》和《A计划续集》,而跟刘德华合作次数最多共计11次。 2005年后逐渐淡出演艺圈但同时运用人脉积极投入房地产,2007年斥资1.13亿港元购入位于南湾道面对香港浅水湾的The Nautilus独立豪宅,她另还有四处豪宅,估计值超过5亿港元。1981年,关之琳不顾关山和张冰茜的反对,与认识仅两个月的香港富商王国旌在美国拉斯维加斯闪电结婚,但这段婚姻仅维持了9个月,之后关之琳提出离婚返港。 1984年,关之琳与地产富商马清伟传出绯闻。 1991年,与当时已婚的富商刘銮雄交往大约三年。 2000年,关之琳与名模特儿黄家诺恋情曝光,2004年份手。 2009年,在与已婚的国巨董事长陈泰铭传绯闻,2015年11月宣布分手。
In the Hong Kong film industry, when it comes to handsome men and beautiful women, I believe the Kwan Shan family must be considered. The father Kwan Shan (关山) was born on April 20, 1933. His original name was Kwan Tieqi and Kwan Bowei. He was a Manchu with a blue flag. He is from Shenyang, Liaoning Province. The family moved to Hong Kong after World War II. Soon, his father Guan Shidong passed away, and Kwan Shan was forced to take on the responsibility of supporting the family. After dropping out of school, he worked as a rough laborer to support his younger brother in school. In 1954, after watching "The Love of Man and Ghost" directed by Tao Qin, Kwan Shan had the idea of entering the film industry. In 1956, he was admitted to the Great Wall Company's actor training class. After a year of training, director Yuan Yangan found that Kwan Shan had a good-natured appearance and was familiar with rural life, and thought he was suitable for the role of Ah Q. In 1958, Kwan Shan won the Best Actor (Silver Sail Award) at the Locarno International Film Festival in Switzerland for "The True Story of Ah Q", making him the first Hong Kong actor to win an award at an international film festival at the age of 25. Soon, he transferred to Xinxin Film Company.After the 1980s,Kwan Shan gave up acting and went into business, shifting his career focus to trading business, and occasionally made guest appearances in movies, including "A Better Tomorrow" and "Police Story 2". Participated in more than 60 movies. Kwan Shan passed away on October 1, 2012, at the age of 79.
Kwan Shan’s wife Zhang Bingqian (张冰茜) was a famous actress in Hong Kong’s Great Wall and Shaw Brothers. In the 1950s, she participated in the realistic films "Flower Street" and "The Separation of a Board" that reflected people's livelihood; in the 1960s, after the economic recovery, she participated in the warm and romantic work "Eye of the Eyes"; the Yue opera "The King's Tiger Robbery"; and the chivalrous romance film "The Golden Eagle" ", the costume feature film "Su Xiaoxiao", "The Rich Family", and even the later critical "Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter", etc. Zhang Bingqian, who was diligent in polishing her acting skills, took advantage of the "Three Princesses" to support the starring Dongfeng. In 1955 and 1956, she starred in films such as "The Flower Thief" and "The Rich Family", which were well received and sold well. Because of her role in The characters are mostly trendy, fashionable and active rich ladies, and the nickname "Little Wildcat" spread like wildfire. In the second year after their marriage, Zhang Bingqian and her husband left their old employer, which was in decline, and switched jobs to the Shaw Brothers Film Company. As a famous woman, and a married woman, and her popularity and charm with the audience dropped significantly.
She then gradually faded out of the big screen where she was famous.
Rosamund Kwan Chi-lam关之琳, the daughter of Kwan Shan and Zhang Bingqian, was born on September 24, 1962. In 1981, after graduating from middle school, Kwan Chi-lam joined Li TV as an artist. Her first TV series was "Sweet Twenty-Four Flavors". In 1982, Rosamund Kwan participated in the performance of her first movie "Goodbye Jianghu" and received unanimous praise, and then she began her acting career. In the 1990s, she became popular in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan for her role as the Thirteenth Aunt in the Once Upon a Time series with Jet Li, and was also evaluated as one of the most classic female characters in the history of Hong Kong films; she has collaborated with Jackie Chan in "Brothers of the Dragon" & "Plan A Sequel", and has collaborated with Andy Lau a maximum of 11 times. After 2005, she gradually faded out of the entertainment industry but at the same time used her connections to actively invest in real estate. In 2009, there were rumors of an affair with married Yageo chairman Chen Taiming, and they announced their breakup in November 2015.
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