
星二代:邓美美Tang Mei Mei 、余慕莲Yu Mo Lin、余志丽Yu Zhili

邓美美 Tang Mei Mei 出生于1921年6月10日,邓美美祖籍广东梅县,原名邓少贤,不但有“艳星”的称号,曾经历多段婚姻,并育有多名子女。邓美美是香港黑白电影时期的知名影星,从1947年的时装文艺片《藕断丝连》开始,邓美美出道以来一共参演上百部电影。 余慕莲踏入香港演艺圈也是受到了母亲的影响。 除了余慕莲,邓美美还有一位女儿名叫余志丽也是艺人,余志丽是前“雏凤鸣剧团”的文武生。 邓美美在当时的电影圈非常风骚,1949年3月16日凌晨1时,邓美美驾驶小型“柯士甸”轿车,与导演珠矶、男星高超、女星紫罗莲等四人在九龙城加林边道民生书院附近,与“永华影业公司”之职员巴士迎头相撞,车毁人伤,邓美美左手受伤;高超微伤头部及嘴部;紫罗莲额角微损,全部需送九龙医院救治。 邓美美2020年12月7日在美国洛杉矶病逝,享年99岁。当时余慕莲正患上罕有病症血液炎,属血癌一种,在伊利沙伯医院留医个多月。据朋友透露,邓美美在洛杉矶去世。因余慕莲与母亲关系疏离,加上当时余慕莲的身体情况,朋友未告知她母亲辞世一事。 简体: 邓美美 Tang Mei Mei 出生于1921年6月10日,邓美美祖籍广东梅县,原名邓少贤,不但有“艳星”的称号,曾经历多段婚姻,并育有多名子女。邓美美是香港黑白电影时期的知名影星,从1947年的时装文艺片《藕断丝连》开始,邓美美出道以来一共参演上百部电影。 余慕莲踏入香港演艺圈也是受到了母亲的影响。 除了余慕莲,邓美美还有一位女儿名叫余志丽也是艺人,余志丽是前“雏凤鸣剧团”的文武生。 邓美美在当时的电影圈非常风骚,1949年3月16日凌晨1时,邓美美驾驶小型“柯士甸”轿车,与导演珠矶、男星高超、女星紫罗莲等四人在九龙城加林边道民生书院附近,与“永华影业公司”之职员巴士迎头相撞,车毁人伤,邓美美左手受伤;高超微伤头部及嘴部;紫罗莲额角微损,全部需送九龙医院救治。 邓美美2020年12月7日在美国洛杉矶病逝,享年99岁。当时余慕莲正患上罕有病症血液炎,属血癌一种,在伊利沙伯医院留医个多月。据朋友透露,邓美美在洛杉矶去世。因余慕莲与母亲关系疏离,加上当时余慕莲的身体情况,朋友未告知她母亲辞世一事。 余慕莲(Yu Mo Lin,1937年7月4日出生),原名余志雅,昵称鱼毛等,前香港无线电视合约艺员、电影甘草演员,以饰演丑妇而知名。余慕莲出生于广州,11岁从广州来港;其母邓美美为粤语片二线女星,妹妹余志丽(艺名盖剑奎,已故)是已故粤剧名伶任剑辉的徒弟。余慕莲早年在深水埗生活,11岁入读小学,17岁小学毕业。后来获曹达华介绍到石硖尾皇宫戏院当带位员,再任职人人百货、大丸及香港先施公司百货公司售货员,并于工余时参加话剧团,在剧团中曾任《驯悍记》女主角。她从小培养对演艺的兴趣,小时候到北河戏院观看光艺电影公司的电影,又随母亲到电影片场观看谢贤拍戏。1969年透过剧员觅角兼职无线电视晨早时事节目《报晓雅集》,由此晋身电视圈。此后她已在无线剧集演出,包括了《欢乐今宵》。在港产片全盛期余也有参与演出,例如《精装追女仔》系列电影。 一般她都是饰演女工、佣人的角色,或者搞笑的村姑等等。通常她戏份不多,为甘草演员,而较显著的戏份,已是在1991年的处境剧《卡拉屋企》饰演督察。因其平凡脸孔,且常饰演丑角,因而被人当作“丑妇”之代表。 2010年离开无线电视,2012年转投香港电视,一年半后因不满只被安排饰演负面角色而赔钱解约。 2005年余慕莲从无线电视发给她的港币二十万元长期服务金(退休金)中,拿出八万余元到位于山区的贵州省毕节市兴建一所小学,命名为“余慕莲希望小学”,亦是毕节市阿市乡第一间正式小学,位于740县道旁。 2020年6月30日东张西望报道,息影多年的余慕莲患有耳部疾病,后证实患有耳石症。同年8月,因咳嗽不适入院,经诊断患有肺纤维化,留院八日治疗;11月复因肺纤维化送往伊利沙伯医院深切治疗部留医,须依赖仪器帮助呼吸。情况一度危急。所幸吉人天相,经过半年治疗后终于可出院回家休养。最近,她推出自传,并宣布书籍不扣除成本,收益全数捐儿童癌病基金,善举获不少艺人的支持,初版2000本全被内部认购。 已为慈善筹到40万元港币。余慕莲日前为了自传出席发布会,虽然身形消瘦了,但精神状况相当不错。 余志丽(盖剑奎 Gai Jian-Kui)出生于1941年,原名:余志丽,香港粤剧演员。 母亲是电影艳星邓美美,胞姐是著名香港电影、无线电视艺员余慕莲(余志雅)。盖剑奎为任剑辉的徒弟,雏凤鸣剧团的文武生。曾于1968年参与任剑辉和白雪仙主演的《李后主》电影演出。1972年5月19日(星期五)盖剑奎与粤剧红伶:“香港实验粤剧团”的始创人之一的李奇峰之胞弟李志勇先生在九龙太子道圣德肋撒堂举行天主教婚礼,当晚在美丽华太和殿设联婚宴筵。任白当时也出席徒弟盖剑奎的婚礼。盖剑奎也是香港八和会馆会员,证书由新马师曾签发。 2007年6月10日(星期日)在新界汀九桥三车连环相撞车祸里重伤垂危,2007年6月12日(星期二)中午12时48分不治。 Deng Meimei (Tang Mei Mei )was born on June 10, 1921. Tang Meimei's ancestral home is Meixian County, Guangdong. Her original name is Deng Shaoxian. She also known as a "porn star", she has experienced multiple marriages and has many children. Deng Meimei is a well-known movie star in Hong Kong's black and white film period. Starting from the 1947 fashion art film "Broken Silk", Deng Meimei has appeared in hundreds of movies since her debut. Deng Meimei passed away in Los Angeles, USA on December 7, 2020, at the age of 99. Yu Mo Lin (born July 4, 1937), formerly known as Yu Zhiya, nicknamed Yumao, etc., is a former Hong Kong TVB contract artist and actor in the movie Licorice. She is famous for playing an ugly woman. Yu Mo Lin left TVB in 2010 and switched to Hong Kong Television in 2012. A year and a half later, she lost money and terminated the contract because she was dissatisfied with being only assigned to play negative roles. Since then, she has performed in TV series, including "Happy Tonight". During the heyday of Hong Kong films, she also participated in performances, such as the "Fantasy Girl" series of movies. Usually she plays the role of a female worker, a servant, or a funny village girl, etc. She usually doesn't have many roles as a Licorice actress, but her more notable role was as an inspector in the 1991 situation drama "Kara House". Because she has an ordinary face and often plays clowns, she is regarded as the representative of "ugly women". In 2005, Yu Mo Lin spent more than 80,000 yuan from the long-term service pension (retirement pension) of HK$200,000 given to her by TVB to build a primary school in Bijie City, Guizhou Province Recently, she launched her autobiography and announced that the cost of the book will not be deducted, and all proceeds will be donated to the Children's Cancer Fund. Her charity has been supported by many artists, and all 2,000 copies of the first edition have been subscribed internally. So far, 400,000 Hong Kong dollars have been raised for charity. Yu Mo Lin recently attended a press conference for her autobiography. Although she has lost weight, her mental condition is quite good. Gai Jian-Kui盖剑奎 (1941-June 12, 2007), formerly known as Yu Zhili, is a Hong Kong Cantonese opera actress. Her mother is the movie porn star Tang Meimei, and her sister is the famous Hong Kong film and TVB actress Yu Mulin (Yu Zhiya). Gai Jiankui is Ren Jianhui's apprentice and a civil and military student of Chu Fengming Troupe. In 1968, she participated in the film "The Empress Li" starring Yam Jianhui and Bai Xuexian. On May 19, 1972 (Friday), Gai Jian-Kui and a Cantonese opera star: Mr. Li Chi-yong, brother of Li Qifeng, one of the founders of the "Hong Kong Experimental Cantonese Opera Troupe", held a Catholic wedding at St. Teresa's Church, Prince Edward Road, Kowloon. That night A wedding banquet was held at the Hall of Supreme Harmony in Miramar. Ren Bai also attended the wedding of thier apprentice Gai Jiankui at that time. Gai Jiankui is also a member of the Hong Kong Pat Wo Association, and the certificate was issued by Xinma Si Tsang. On June 10, 2007 (Sunday), Gai Jian-Kui was seriously injured in a three-car pile-up accident at Ting Kau Bridge in New Territories. She died at 12:48 noon on June 12, 2007 (Tuesday).

