
林国斌(Benjamin Lam Kwok-Bun)

林国斌(Benjamin Lam Kwok-Bun,1960年9月25日出生),香港电影武打演员,以饰演反派角色为主。早年在九龙深水埗区长大,1980年代以武打演员身份出身。中学毕业后,他到尖沙咀一间的士高任职驻场护卫时,获一位武术指导留意到其不错的身手;适逢一批武师于1983年罢工要求加薪,该名武术指导便邀请林国斌担任兼职武师,如是林国斌开始与演艺界接轨。在正式入行前,他与朋友合资经营桌球室生意,期间由于经营环境转差而结束营运,再者获成龙赏识,他就在25岁时加入成家班当龙虎武师,并开始于幕前饰演跑龙套演员。 林国斌与黎明外貌相似,戏路以演反派为主,在电影上曾跟成龙、李连杰、甄子丹等合作。1988年凭《省港旗兵续集》荣获第7届香港电影金像奖最佳新人奖。在1990年代初,林国斌签约艺能娱乐,以拓展台湾市场,由张国忠担任其经理人,于1994年,他在电影《破坏之王》中饰演“断水流大师兄”(花名“大师兄”)一角,其中数句对白“我唔系针对你,我系话在座咁多位,都系垃圾”(我不是针对你,我是说在座的各位,都是垃圾)成为经典金句,至今仍被流传。 直至1996年至1997年,林国斌发觉香港电影市场萎缩,决定淡出娱乐圈。2000年代前后,林国斌主力从商,与莫少聪、卢惠光、雷宇扬及何家劲在湾仔告士打道伊利沙伯大厦地下开设酒吧,后改为从事金融行业,闲时会客串参演电影,如2014年由九把刀监制的台湾电影《等一个人咖啡》及2017年香港电影《毒。诫》,也曾于台湾现代汽车广告中重现“断水流大师兄”形象。 他是梅艳芳关系较为人熟知的男友,1990年两人相恋时,同居了三年,传出她被黑社会人物掌掴的新闻,当时林国斌不离不弃陪在一旁。两人同居了三年后分手。2007年,林国斌与比他小18年的女艺人周家怡传出交往绯闻。他目前已和1名圈外人结婚,并育有一对龙凤胎。 Benjamin Lam Kwok-Bun (林国斌, born September 25, 1960) is a Hong Kong film martial arts actor who mainly plays villains. He grew up in Sham Shui Po District, Kowloon, and started out as a martial arts actor in the 1980s. After graduating from secondary school, when he worked as a guard at a disco in Tsim Sha Tsui, a martial arts instructor noticed his good skills. When a group of martial arts masters went on strike in 1983 to demand a raise, the martial arts instructor invited Lam Kwok-Bun to join him. As a part-time martial artist, Lam Kwok-Bun began to connect with the entertainment industry. Before he officially entered the industry, he ran a joint venture in the billiard room business with his friends. During this period, the operation was shut down due to the deterioration of the business environment. Furthermore, he was recognized by Jackie Chan. At the age of 25, he joined the Class as a dragon and tiger martial artist, and began to act in front of the screen. Walk-on actor. Lam Kwok-Bun and Lai Ming have similar appearances, and their acting career mainly focuses on playing villains. They have collaborated with Jackie Chan, Jet Li, Donnie Yen, etc. in movies. In 1988, he won the Best Newcomer Award at the 7th Hong Kong Film Awards for "Provincial and Hong Kong Flag Soldiers Sequel". In the early 1990s, Lam Kwok-Bun signed a contract with Art Entertainment to expand the Taiwan market. Leslie Cheung served as his manager. In 1994, he played the role of "Brother Duan Shuiliu" (nicknamed "Big Brother") in the movie "Lord of Destruction" ) corner, in which several lines of dialogue "I'm not targeting you, I'm saying that all of you here are rubbish" have become classic sayings that are still there today. was circulated. It was not until 1996 to 1997 that Lam Kwok-Bun realized that the Hong Kong film market was shrinking and decided to withdraw from the entertainment industry. Around the 2000s, Lam Kwok-Bun mainly engaged in business and opened a bar on the ground floor of Queen Elizabeth Building on Gloucester Road, Wan Chai with Mok Siu-chong, Lo Wai-kwong, Lui Yu-yang and Ho Ka-king. Later, he changed his career to the financial industry. In his spare time, he would guest star in movies, such as in 2014 by Kowloon The Taiwanese film "Waiting for Coffee" and the 2017 Hong Kong film "Poison" were produced by Baodao. "Commandment", and also reproduced the image of "Brother Duan Shui Shui" in an advertisement for Taiwan's Hyundai Motor. He is Anita Mui's well-known boyfriend. When the two fell in love in 1990, they lived together for three years. News came out that she was slapped by a gangster figure. At that time, Lam Kwok-Bun stayed by her side. The two lived together for three years before breaking up. In 2007, there were rumors of a relationship between Lam Kwok-Bun and Zhou Jiayi, a female artist who is 18 years younger than him. He is currently married to an outsider and has a pair of twins. 演出过的电视剧 1996年:廉政行动1996 单元三:证物 饰 汪SIR 电影 1984 省港旗兵 角色督察 1985 警察故事 1986 皇家饭 角色阿宾 1987 A计划续集 角色镇三环部下 良宵花弄月 角色飞仔 1988 省港旗兵续集 角色金生 警察故事续集 角色军火勇 铁甲无敌玛利亚 角色救世主 1989 十面埋伏 角色李国强 忠义群英 角色茅天雷 *改编自黑泽明经典电影《七武士》 1990 富贵兵团 角色小海棠 1991 魔唇劫 角色秦岳 *台译射月 雷霆扫穴 血醒梦未停 火爆浪子 角色炳文 1993 神探干湿褛 1994 醉生梦死的湾仔之虎 林国扬 破坏之王 断水流 国语配音:屈中恒 新英雄本色 角色雷威 吸我一滴血 角色吸血僵尸米高 开发区杀人事件 1995 鼠胆龙威 角色兔子 赌圣2:街头赌圣 角色雷泰 *部分台译小小赌圣 真相 天子骄龙 1996 龙虎砵兰街 角色禽兽哥 1997 战狼传说 角色二狼 最佳拍档之醉街拍档 浩式下属 黑狱断肠歌之砌生猪肉 角色狱卒 郑彬 1998 豹妹 1998 轰天绑架大富豪 角色高佬七 2000 中华赌侠 角色杨光 流岷师表 角色投资顾问 OL诱惑之各自各精彩 2007 导火线 角色山哥 2013 扫毒角色 黑柴 2014 等一个人咖啡 角色断水流大师兄 2017 毒。诫 角色烟屎 2021 怒火 区万贵 2024 不是你不爱你 角色关国栋

