
關詠荷Esther Kwan Wing Ho

關詠荷Esther Kwan Wing Ho,1964年7月16日出生於香港,祖籍廣東南海,中國香港TVB女演員。1988年,關詠荷加入亞洲電視,出演首部電視劇《禿鷹特警隊》進入娛樂圈;1991年,跳槽永高電影公司。1996年因主演電視劇《河東獅吼》而走紅;1997年憑藉電視劇《苗翠花》獲得第一屆萬千星輝頒獎典禮最佳女主角獎; 2000年主演古裝劇《金裝四大才子》;2002年主演武俠劇《書劍恩仇錄》和古裝言情劇《天下無雙》。 關詠荷與邵美琪、郭藹明、陳鬆伶並稱TVB第二代當家花旦。與她所演的那些角色一樣,關詠荷在現實中也很平民化。巨蟹座的她性情溫柔可愛,成熟端莊,偶爾在不經意間還會自然流露出女兒嬌態,讓人感覺清甜醇若梅酒,恬恬靜靜。關詠荷處世很低調,不僅被眾人稱為“親切如姊妹”,更是受到很多女港劇迷的喜愛。 2003年,與張家輝二人拍拖11年終結婚,關詠荷放棄事業望做媽媽,可是卻迎來2004年及2005年2次小產,張家輝因為在外工作未能返港,在酒店痛哭不已,心裡既內疚又難受。事後關詠荷留下很深陰影,害怕再懷孕;但知道張家輝喜歡小朋友,關詠荷繼續冒險,3年後終以42歲高齡成功誕下女兒。如今張家輝得到影帝殊榮,演技受肯定,二人終於苦盡甘來。 2007 年,TVB重高層曾勵珍親自請回關詠荷參演《同事三分親》,隨後又為了照顧女兒退出演藝圈。2009 年,拍攝電視劇《五味人生》,並為了給張家輝再生一子,關詠荷又再度隱退。2013年復出參演電視劇《情逆三世緣》。59歲張家輝與太太關詠荷結婚逾20年,是圈中著名的恩愛夫妻,二人的女兒張童2006年出世後,關詠荷亦大幅減產,已有逾十年未有拍攝影視作品。關詠荷近日罕有現身,為電影公司高層朱淑儀慶祝生日,60歲的關詠荷狀態令人驚訝。 據港媒報導,朱淑儀日前在社交媒體曬出合照,併發文寫道:“我入行第一個工作第一個好朋友關詠荷!當年我是一個電視劇新手‘場記’,她已經是花旦女主角!相識3X年的每個階段,我們彼此見證著!太珍貴!”。 朱淑儀分享合照,只見關詠荷化上淡妝,面上卻幾乎沒有任何細紋,就連容易出賣年齡的頸部都皮膚白滑緊致,而且她穿上一件較貼身的上衣,身材依然保持得很好,並沒現老態,反而越來越有高貴氣質。 朱淑儀還貼出自己當年初入行時與對方的合照,可見關詠荷無論是清爽短髮時期,還是與現時一樣的及肩髮型時期,都與現在的狀態完全沒有分別,若非照片泛黃帶點年代感,根本份不出是關詠荷的舊照。 Esther Kwan Wing Ho關詠荷, born in Hong Kong on July 16, 1964, originally from Nanhai, Guangdong, is a TVB actress in Hong Kong, China. In 1988, Kwan Wing Ho joined Asia Television and entered the entertainment industry by starring in the first TV series "Vulture SWAT Team"; in 1991, he switched to Yonggao Film Company. In 1996, she became popular for starring in the TV series "Hedong Lion Roar"; in 1997, she won the Best Actress Award at the first Ten Thousand Stars Awards Ceremony for her role in the TV series "Miao Cuihua"; in 2000, she starred in the costume drama "The Four Talents in Gold" ; In 2002, Kwan Wing Ho starred in the martial arts drama "Book and Sword Enmity" and the costume romance drama "The World is Unparalleled". Kwan Wing Ho, Shao Meiqi, Guo Aiming, and Chen Songling are collectively known as TVB's second generation leading actress. Like the characters she plays, Kwan Wing Ho is also very civilian in reality. As a Cancer, she has a gentle and lovely temperament, is mature and dignified, and occasionally reveals her daughterly charm inadvertently, making people feel as sweet and mellow as plum wine, as peaceful and quiet. Kwan Wing Ho is very low-key in life. Not only is she called "kind as a sister" by everyone, but she is also loved by many female Hong Kong drama fans.

