
卢素娟 Lu Sujuan

卢素娟 Lu Sujuan(1952年7月20日-2006年7月22日),原香港电视广播有限公司(TVB)的资深女配音演员。1970年入读无线电视第3期艺员训练班,同期毕业生有周润发、任达华、卢海鹏、吴孟达、罗冠兰等; 并于1974年8月毕业后加无线配音组任职配音员。随后转往无线电视配音组,1977年转到佳艺电视工作,1978年佳视倒闭后转为自由身配音演员。1987年返回无线电视任全职配音演员,专职无线电视的动画、电影及外购剧集之粤语配音或旁白工作。其夫赖伟强为无线电视配音组高层,两人于1970年代结婚,育有1子1女。笃信佛教,其兄卢杰群为自由身的配音领班。 卢素娟在动画配音方面资历深厚,演出角色数目众多,于香港配音界享负盛名,在港澳甚至内地都有不少支持者,并尊称娟姐。 她约在2004年验出患上第三期大肠癌,其后病情反覆,只演出大雄及《宠物小精灵》的小智等角色。2006年初,她坚持完成手头上配音工作,3月起告病假休养。7月10日发现癌细胞扩散,7月18日由威尔士亲王医院转往沙田医院,7月22日晚上7时许病逝,终年54岁。 Lu Sujuan卢素娟 (July 20, 1952 - July 22, 2006), formerly a senior female voice actress of Hong Kong Television Broadcasting Co., Ltd. (TVB). At the beginning of 1970, she participated in the third TVB artist training class, and then transferred to the TVB dubbing group. In 1977, she shifted to Jiayi TV. After Jiashi closed down in 1978, she became a freelance voice actress. In 1987, she returned to TVB as a full-time voice actor, specializing in Cantonese dubbing or narration work for TVB animations, movies and outsourced drama series. Her husband, Lai Weiqiang, is a senior executive of the TVB dubbing team. The two got married in the 1970s and have a son and a daughter. A devout believer in Buddhism, her brother Lu Jiequn was a free agent's dubbing foreman. Lu Sujuan has profound qualifications in animation dubbing, and has performed a large number of roles. She enjoys a high reputation in the Hong Kong dubbing industry. She was diagnosed with stage 3 colorectal cancer around 2004. Since then, her condition has relapsed, and she has only played roles such as Nobita and Ash Ketchum from "Pokemon". At the beginning of 2006, she insisted on completing the dubbing work at hand, and took sick leave to recuperate in March. The spread of cancer cells was discovered on July 10. She was transferred from Prince of Wales Hospital to Shatin Hospital on July 18. She died of illness at about 7pm on July 22 at the age of 54.

