
姜南 Chiang Nan

姜南Chiang Nan1922年出生于北平(今北京),安徽安庆人。北平辅仁大学肄业。十五岁离家参加抗日宣传队,曾进入剧专进修,但没有毕业,便跟随话剧团在四川等地演话剧为生。抗战胜利后随建国剧团来港演出。由于以国语演出缺乏观众,剧团亏了本只好解散。1946年,姜南加入大中华电影企业公司,开始电影配角演员生涯。 由1946至1983年,他演了《欲望》(1946)、《清宫秘史》(1948)、《海棠红》(1955)、《百花公主》(1959)、《金玉奴》(1965)、《一乐也》(1973)、《洪拳与咏春》(1974)、《乾隆下江南》(1977)等二百多部影片。当中绝大部分为国语片,几家重要的电影公司像新华、电懋/国泰、邵氏、嘉禾均曾长期聘用他演出。以演小人物及喜剧知名,由于早年曾与李翰祥一起任副导演,是李翰祥在七十年代长期爱用的演员。在李导演的「乾隆皇」系列便饰演固定角色鄂容安。 除担任演员之外,他亦曾兼任副导演, 与李翰祥一起任《翠翠》(1953)的助理导演。二人更与古森林一起完成了《嫦娥》(1954)的导演工作。首部独立导演的影片是《采西瓜的姑娘》(1956)。在五十年代是活跃的国语片独立公司导演,两年之内拍了《珊瑚》(1958)、《女大十八变》(1958)、《千面女郎》(1959)等十三部影片。擅长拍调子轻松夹杂歌唱场面的爱情喜剧。《千面女郎》尤其令女主角葛兰发挥出多方面的演技和才华。1963年后一度中止导演工作。在1968年为国泰公司导演了《笑面侠》和《千手佛》两片后,才真正结束导演生涯。 姜南与同属演技派的高宝树志趣相投,一度是报章称赞、影迷称羡的「银色鸳鸯」。可惜在高宝树的电影事业越发顺遂时,姜南却因工作不顺而陷入低潮;15年的夫妇,最终落得分道扬镳。姜南在1970年代回归演员身份,于李翰祥执导的风月片、宫闱片中出现。姜南于1985年3月9日与世长辞,终年63岁。 姜南参演过的电影: 目无王法(1981)饰 县官; 乾隆皇与三姑娘 (1980); 少林英雄榜(1979) 饰 李总兵; 军阀趣史(1979) 饰 参谋长; 孔雀王朝(1979) 饰 朱七七父亲; 乾隆下扬州 (1978); 血芙蓉 (1978) 饰 大臣; 白玉老虎(1977) 饰 唐蛇; 乾隆下江南(1977) 饰 鄂荣安; 金玉良缘红楼梦(1977) 饰 焦大; 应召名册(1977) 饰 便衣警察; 骗财骗色(1976) 饰 医生曹济人; 瀛台泣血(1976) 饰 端王载漪 ; 沙胆英(1976) 饰 陈芳继父; 天才与白痴 (1975); 倾国倾城(1975) 饰 端王载漪; 恶霸(1975) 饰 三爷; 花飞满城春 (1975) 饰 剃发匠; 天网(1974)饰 柏无常; 三六九(1974)饰 瘸子金生; 金瓶双艳(1974)饰 武大郎; 丑闻(1974)饰 侍从长; 大刀王五(1973)饰 文炳; 一乐也 (1973) 饰 理发师傅; 铁汉柔情(1973)饰 龙老板; 顶天立地(1973)饰 张先生; 牛鬼蛇神(1973)饰 一道士; 迎春阁之风波(1973)饰 一斗笠男; 北地臙脂(1973)饰 黄老板; 大军阀(1972) 饰 参谋长; 啼笑姻缘-上集 (1964) .... 王副官; 啼笑姻缘-下集 (1964); 都市狂想曲 (1964); 南北喜相逢 (1964) .... 吴父; 深宫怨 (1964) .... 多铎; 卖油郎独占花魁女 (1964) .... 刘小春; 生死关头 (1964); 燕子盗 (1961); 云开见月明 (1961) .... 吴开鹏; 毒蟒情鸳 (1961) .... 何医生; 美人鱼 (1959) .... 董老大; 百花公主 (1959) .... 范长宝; 望乡 (1958) .... 许杰; 笑声泪痕 (1958) .... 胡济民;俏冤家 (1958); 异国情鸳 (1958) .... 丁亨利; 一见钟情 (1958) .... 劳勃; 银海笙歌 (1958); 两傻大闹摄影场 (1957) .... 赵剧务; 亡魂谷 (1957) .... 长工丙; 天作之合 (1957) .... 成奇; 风雨牛车水 (1956) .... 醉诸葛; 黑妞 (1956) .... 小丁; 追 (1956); 采西瓜的姑娘 (1956) .... 魏玉成; 娘惹与峇峇 (1956) .... 章添福; 花花世界 (1956); 渔歌 (1956) .... 九斤半; 面子问题 (1956) .... 张大礼; 银灯照玉人 (1955) .... 张国才; 海棠红 (1955) .... 韩福保; 春天不是读书天 (1954) .... 小江; 嫦娥 (1954) .... 吴刚; 玫瑰玫瑰我爱你 (1954) .... 团员; 翠翠 (1953) .... 水手甲; 一刻春宵 (1952) .... 独眼龙; 拜金的人 (1952) .... 何国平; 孽缘 (1952) .... 美四; 欲魔 (1952) .... 小白脸; 浴室艳尸 (1952) .... 探员甲; 雾香港 (1952) .... 王佑民; 白蛇传 (1952); 月儿弯弯照九州 (1952) .... 小林; 喜相逢 (1952); 近水楼台 (1952) .... 振廷友; 五虎断魂枪 (1951) .... 老赵 香岛美人鱼 (1950); 南来雁 (1950) .... 花匠; 罗宫春色 (1949); 水上人家 (1949); 孽海痴魂 (1949) .... 势空格郎; 大侠复仇记 (1949) .... 马荣; 恋爱之道 (1949) .... 陈大本; 宏碧缘 (1949) .... 巴杰; 锦绣天堂 (1949) .... 阿毛; 风雪夜归人 (1949) .... 李二哥; 千钧一发 (1949) .... 林长; 济公活佛 (1949); 朱门怨 (1948) .... 杨钦毅; 铁血男儿 (1948) .... 姜节明; 清宫秘史 (1948) .... 小德张; 野火春风 (1948) .... 绅士; 长相思 (1947) .... 翻译; 各有千秋 (1947) .... 副经理; 新天方夜谭 (1947) .... 密探; 桃花依旧笑春风 (1947) .... 马医生; 某夫人 (1947); 女罗宾汉 (1947) .... 关老大; 玉人何处 (1947) .... 老包; 地狱天堂 (1947) .... 周观达; 天网恢恢 (1947) .... 公寓司阍; 满城风雨 (1947) .... 钱友丁; 欲望 (1946) .... 老佣人; Jiang Nan 姜南was born in 1922 and died on March 9, 1985. A Hong Kong actor who has participated in many films such as "Blood on Yingtai" and "White Jade Tiger". Jiang Nan is also a screenwriter and director. Jiang Nan’s wife Gao Baoshu is also an actress. Chiang Nan was born in Peiping (now Beijing) in 1922 and is a native of Anqing, Anhui Province. Graduated from Fu Jen University in Peking. At the age of fifteen, he left home to join the Anti-Japanese Propaganda Team. He entered a drama school for further studies, but before graduating, he made a living performing dramas with a drama troupe in Sichuan and other places. After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, he came to Hong Kong to perform with the Jianguo Theater Company. Due to the lack of audiences for performances in Mandarin, the troupe lost money and had to disband. In 1946, Jiang Nan joined the Greater China Film Enterprise Company and began his career as a supporting actor in films. Movies Jiang Nan has participated in: No King's Law (1981) as the county magistrate Emperor Qianlong and the Three Girls (1980) Shaolin Heroes (1979) as General Li and the Warlord Interesting History (1979) as the Chief of Staff Maurya Dynasty (1979) as Zhu Qiqi's father Qianlong went to Yangzhou (1978) Blood Hibiscus (1978) as the minister Bai Jade Tiger (1977) as the Tang snake Qianlong went to the south of the Yangtze River (1977) as Orong'an's Golden Marriage in Dream of Red Mansions (1977) as Jiao Da's Calling List (1977) 1977) Played as a plainclothes policeman to defraud money and sex (1976) Played as doctor Cao Jiren Yingtai cried blood (1976) Played as Duan Wang Zaiyi 。 Sha Danying (1976) Played as Chen Fang’s stepfather Genius and Idiot (1975) Falling Country and City (1975) Played as Duan Wang Zaiyi Bully (1975) Played as the third master, Flowers Fly all over the City (1975) Played as the barber Tianwang (1974) Played as Bai Wuchang 369 (1974) Played as the lame Jin Sheng [This film is also known as "The Supreme" Treasure。Two Beauties in the Golden Vase (1974) as the warlord Wu Dalang (1972) as the Chief of Staff, The Marriage of Crying and Laughing - Part 1 (1964) .... Adjutant Wang's Marriage of Crying and Laughing - Part 2 (1964) Urban Rhapsody (1964) Happy Encounter between the North and the South (1964) 1964) .... Father Wu’s Deep Grudge in the Palace (1964) .... Duduo Oil Seller Monopolizes the Oiran Girl (1964) .... Liu Xiaochun’s Life and Death (1964) The Swallow Thief (1961) Clouds See the Moonlight (1961) .... Wu Kaipeng's Poisonous Python Loves the Mandarin Duck (1961) .... Dr. He's Mermaid (1959) .... Boss Dong's Princess Baihua (1959) .... Fan Changbao Looks Homeward (1958) .... Xu Jie's Tears of Laughter (1958) .... Hu Jimin's Pretty Enemies (1958) Exotic Lovers (1958) .... Henry Ding's Love at First Sight (1958) .... Robert's Song of the Silver Sea (1958) 。

