
周绍栋Zhou Shaodong

周绍栋Zhou Shaodong1955年11月3日出生于台湾省,台湾影视男演员。他曾在台北文化学院念戏剧系,他在电影[聚散两依依]里露了下脸,演一们故去的亡夫,周绍栋的大银幕岁月里有不少名作,[欢颜]、[聚散两依依]、[彩霞满天],可惜戏中女星比他更红,他却只能做衬托。 1980年,与林青霞合作联袂出演《碧血黄花》,并凭借此片获得亚太电影节影帝殊荣。周绍栋参演过的作品有:《烽火儿女情》、《赏金猎人》、《美人无泪》等多部影片。相较于时装剧,周绍栋拍古装却经常有机会担纲男一号,他演侠,是侠气和文气结合,书卷儒味不减,如“公子”侠士,广为人知的还是[金剑雕翎]中的萧翎一角。这角色的天真和单纯不是他的路数,三十岁演毛头小伙,也少了洋溢朝气,好在他那时眉眼俊逸,演技了得,剧本侧重在感情上做文章,萧翎与岳小钗的情深意重,萧翎对百里冰的负疚感激,这些都是周绍栋擅于把握的。   在拍完华视「怀玉公主」后,他放下台湾一切,前往美国从事买卖影片生意,为照顾母亲,辗转移到上海, 但隔行如隔山,做生意惨赔,期间赔掉台币1600万元,这些年,他处理掉美国房子,还掉台币800万元,他坦言:「还有一半债务。」 8年没演戏的周绍栋,因为制作人俞惟中一句话:「你生意做不过人家的!」他复出台视8点备档戏「一代神相赖布衣」饰演大反派「秦桧」,重返萤光幕,周绍栋感慨万千:「还是要回归专业,我就是会演戏!」2014年参演电视剧《缘来幸福》 。2017年参演电视剧,并在当年3月播出。周绍栋在《云巅之上》饰演剧中宫娱乐董事季董,宫娱乐当家花旦季晴的父亲。 周绍栋曾与刘瑞琪有一段情缘,谈婚论嫁,人人艳羡,却躲不过劳燕分飞,时光消弭了太多珍贵。美,本就是一桩经不起销磨的事。周绍栋于1995年5月25日结婚,太太刘芳茹,比他小8岁,儿子周悦生。1998年3月出生于美国。 Zhou Shaodong周绍栋, born in Taiwan Province on November 3, 1955, is a Taiwanese film and television actor. He once studied drama at the Taipei Cultural Institute. He made an appearance in the movie "Ju and San Liang Yi Yi", playing the role of the deceased husband. Zhou Shaodong has many masterpieces in his big screen years, including "Happy Face", "Ju San Liang Yi Yi" Liang Yiyi] and [Colorful Clouds Fill the Sky], it's a pity that the actress in the film is more popular than him, but he can only serve as a foil. In 1980, he co-starred with Brigitte Lin in "Blood and Yellow Flowers", and won the Best Actor Award at the Asia Pacific Film Festival for this film. The works that Zhou Shaodong has participated in include: "The Love of Children", "Bounty Hunter", "Beauty Without Tears" and many other films. Compared with fashion dramas, Zhou Shaodong often has the opportunity to play the male lead in costume dramas. When he plays a knight-errant, he combines chivalry and literary temperament, and his scholarly style is not diminished. For example, the "gongzi" knight is widely known as [Golden Sword and Eagle Feathers] The corner of Xiao Ling. The innocence and simplicity of this character are not his style. Playing a young boy at the age of thirty is not full of vigor. Fortunately, he had handsome features and excellent acting skills at that time. The script focuses on emotions. Xiao Ling and Xiao Ling Yue Xiaochai's deep affection and Xiao Ling's guilt and gratitude towards Baili Bing are all things Zhou Shaodong is good at grasping. ​ After filming China Television's "Princess Huaiyu", he left everything in Taiwan and went to the United States to engage in the film buying and selling business. In order to take care of his mother, he moved to Shanghai. However the business suffered heavy losses. During this period, he lost NT$16 million. , over the years, he has disposed of his house in the United States and paid back NT$8 million. He said frankly: "Half of the debt is still there." Zhou Shaodong, who has not acted for 8 years, is due to producer Yu Weizhong's words: "You can't succeed in business!" He returns to Taiwan TV in the 8 o'clock drama "The God of the Generation Relies on the Commoner" as the villain "Qin Hui" and returns to the TV series At the end of the show, Zhou Shaodong was full of emotions: "I still have to return to my profession, I just know how to act!" In 2014, he participated in the TV series "Fate to Happiness". In 2017, he participated in a TV series that was broadcast in March of that year. In "Above the Clouds" Zhou Shaodong plays Ji Dong, the director of Gong Entertainment, and the father of Ji Qing, the head of Gong Entertainment. Zhou Shaodong once had a relationship with Liu Ruiqi. They talked about getting married and everyone envied them, but they couldn't escape the separation. Time eliminated too much preciousness. Beauty is something that cannot stand the test of time. Zhou Shaodong married on May 25, 1995, to his wife Liu Fangru, who is 8 years younger than him, and their son Zhou Yuesheng. Born in the United States in March 1998.参演电视剧 2013 陆贞传奇 饰演高忠 2013 少年四大名捕 饰演襄王 2012 爱情自有天意 饰演程如山 2011 钟馗传说 饰演玉帝 2010 活佛济公2-画中仙 饰演杨父 2009 《嘉庆君游台湾》之《贞节牌坊》 饰演郑树东 2007 《神机妙算刘伯温》之《南无里国》 2000 白发魔女/一代侠女 饰演魏忠贤 1999 刀歌之短刀行 饰演石宝山 1998 雍正、小蝶、年羹尧 饰演胤礽 1997 一品夫人芝麻官 饰演陈星聚 1987 万水千山 1986 金剑雕翎 萧翎 1986 迷情 饰演霍平 1985 牵情 饰演林子扬 1984 鹿鼎记 饰演康熙帝 1983 大执法 1996 花落花开 饰演任以安 1995 情爱红尘 饰演钱大宇 1993 情定少林寺/武林奇缘 饰演唐太宗 1992 两个月亮 1991 含羞草 饰演赵子豪 1989 天使之爱 饰演韦雅俊 1987 小姐与流氓 1978 烽火儿女情 参演电影 2012 搞定岳父大人 饰演韩教授 2012 消失的子弹 饰演监狱长 2011 倾城之泪 1993 画魂 饰演薛无 1987 烽火佳人 1983 中国法术 1982 两星一线大进击 1982 笨鸟满天飞 1981 云知道你是谁 1981 聚散两依依 饰演钟文樵 1980 碧血黄花 饰演林觉民 1979 欢颜 饰演王恕

