
胡蝶影 Wu Tip Ying

胡蝶影(Wu Tip Ying,1911年—2004年11月12日),原名胡佩环,又名胡德馨,籍贯广东省中山县,父名胡孔初,原是书香世家子弟,早年曾投资襄助孙中山先生革命,后回乡执教。母亲李雪源是石岐人氏;胞妹胡蝶丽为电影及话剧演员。胡蝶影小时候在家乡港头村就读,13、4岁才随父母迁居广州。在父母支持下,她师从廖飞廉潜心学戏,不久也有了点小名气,常与任剑辉、李醒南、梁少平等在广州十八甫真光公司天台演出。 1927年,美国旧金山隆都同乡会邀请戏班前往演戏,胡蝶影也在被邀之列,在粤剧《王昭君》中饰演王昭君。由于她样貌娇俏,声音甜美,戏也演得很好,一时间竟轰动了唐人街,各同乡会赠送给她的金牌共达十面。 尽管载誉归来,但当时粤剧界讲究论资排辈,因此她只能屈居二帮花旦。 1933年胡蝶影于美国旧金山与关德兴演出她的首出电影《歌侣情潮》,该片亦是中国之外地区第一出粤语有声电影;1934年胡蝶影与白驹荣演出天一影片公司的创业作电影《泣荆花》,该片亦是香港邵氏首部(有声)电影的开始。1936年4月30日胡蝶影与关德兴和刚从南洋登台演出归来的梁丽云、伊秋水、罗鉴波、邓桂枝、银剑影、王少伯在香港岛上环高升戏院演出:日场《桃花运》、夜场演《白骨美人》。 1939年胡蝶影在婚前拍摄的《南国姐妹花》(分别饰演小蝶及大蝶)是自资的“胡蝶影影业公司”出品的第一出电影。 1939年5月30日胡蝶影在香港与留学英国,和任职于“高露云律师行”的关学林律师举行婚礼,观礼者包括何东爵士,随后到菲律宾渡蜜月。 胡蝶影婚后抗战胜利后,胡蝶影师随岭南派国画名家鲍少游习画,曾在酒店开画展。1952年到檀香山旅行,拍下当地风土及表演的彩色电影片段,因而提起对电影的兴趣,遂自导自演了局部彩色粤语故事片《檀岛佳人》 Hawaii Beauty》(1953年)分别饰演檀岛佳人胡边影及胡雪蝶,合演者有红线女。此后完全退出影坛,胡蝶影前后共参演过约17部电影。 胡蝶影参与拍摄过的电影: 南国姐妹花(1939)、 檀岛佳人(1953)、 泣荆花(1934)、 哥哥我负你(1935)、 午夜僵尸 (1936)、 神鞭侠(1936)、 摩登貂蝉 (1937)、 今古西厢(1937)、 铁血锄奸 (1937)、 夜明珠(1937)、 时代先锋(1937)、 喜相逢 (1938)、 女人经 (1938)等。 繁體: 胡蝶影(Wu Tip Ying,1911年—2004年11月12日),原名胡佩環,又名胡德馨,籍貫廣東省中山縣,父名胡孔初,原是書香世家子弟,早年曾投資襄助孫中山先生革命,後回鄉執教。母親李雪源是石岐人氏;胞妹胡蝶麗為電影及話劇演員。胡蝶影小時候在家鄉港頭村就讀,13、4歲才隨父母遷居廣州。在父母支持下,她師從廖飛廉潛心學戲,不久也有了點小名氣,常與任劍輝、李醒南、梁少平等在廣州十八甫真光公司天台演出。 1927年,美國舊金山隆都同鄉會邀請戲班前往演戲,胡蝶影也在被邀之列,在粵劇《王昭君》中飾演王昭君。由於她樣貌嬌俏,聲音甜美,戲也演得很好,一時間竟轟動了唐人街,各同鄉會贈送給她的金牌共達十面。 儘管載譽歸來,但當時粵劇界講究論資排輩,因此她只能屈居二幫花旦。 1933年胡蝶影於美國舊金山與關德興演出她的首出電影《歌侶情潮》,該片亦是中國之外地區第一出粵語有聲電影;1934年胡蝶影與白駒榮演出天一影片公司的創業作電影《泣荊花》,該片亦是香港邵氏首部(有聲)電影的開始。1936年4月30日胡蝶影與關德興和剛從南洋登台演出歸來的梁麗雲、伊秋水、羅鑒波、鄧桂枝、銀劍影、王少伯在香港島上環高升戲院演出:日場《桃花運》、夜場演《白骨美人》。 1939年胡蝶影在婚前拍攝的《南國姊妹花》(分別飾演小蝶及大蝶)是自資的“胡蝶影影業公司”出品的第一出電影。 1939年5月30日胡蝶影在香港與留學英國,和任職於“高露雲律師行”的關學林律師舉行婚禮,觀禮者包括何東爵士,隨後到菲律賓渡蜜月。 胡蝶影婚後抗戰勝利後,胡蝶影師隨嶺南派國畫名家鮑少遊習畫,曾在酒店開畫展。1952年到檀香山旅行,拍下當地風土及表演的彩色電影片段,因而提起對電影的興趣,遂自導自演了局部彩色粵語故事片《檀島佳人》 Hawaii Beauty》(1953年)分別飾演檀島佳人胡邊影及胡雪蝶,合演者有紅線女。此後完全退出影壇,胡蝶影前後共參演過約17部電影。 胡蝶影參與拍攝過的電影: 南國姊妹花(1939)、 檀島佳人(1953)、 泣荊花(1934)、 哥哥我負你(1935)、 午夜殭屍 (1936)、 神鞭俠(1936)、 摩登貂蟬 (1937)、 今古西廂(1937)、 鐵血鋤奸 (1937)、 夜明珠(1937)、 時代先鋒(1937)、 喜相逢 (1938)、 女人經 (1938)等。 Hu Dieying (胡蝶影Wu Tip Ying, 1911 - November 12, 2004), formerly known as Hu Peihuan, also known as Hu Dexin, was born in Zhongshan County, Guangdong Province, and her father's name was Hu Kongchu, who was originally a child of a scholarly family. In his early years, he invested in helping Mr. Sun Yat-sen's revolution. Later he returned to his hometown to teach. Her mother, Li Xueyuan, is from Shiqi; her younger sister, Hu Dieli, is a film and drama actress. Hu Dieying studied in her hometown of Gangtou Village when she was a child, and moved to Guangzhou with her parents when she was 13 or 4 years old. With the support of her parents, she studied opera with Liao Feilian and soon became famous. She often performed on the rooftop of Guangzhou Shibafu Zhenguang Company with Ren Jianhui, Li Xingnan and Liang Shaoping. In 1927, the San Francisco Longdo Association invited a theater troupe to perform in a play. Hu Dieying was also invited to play Wang Zhaojun in the Cantonese opera "Wang Zhaojun". Because of her pretty appearance, sweet voice, and good acting skills, she became a sensation in Chinatown. She received ten gold medals from various hometown associations. Although she returned with a great reputation, the Cantonese opera industry at that time was very strict about seniority, so she could only be ranked among the second best actresses. In 1933, Wu Dieying starred in her first film "The Lovers" with Kwan Tak-hing in San Francisco, USA. The film was also the first Cantonese talkie film outside China; in 1934, Wu Dieying and Bai Jurong starred in Tianyi Film Company The film "Weeping Flowers" was the first film produced by Hong Kong's Shaw Brothers. On April 30, 1936, Hu Dieying and Guan Dexing, together with Liang Liyun, Yi Qiushui, Luo Jianbo, Deng Guizhi, Yin Jianying and Wang Shaobo, who had just returned from Nanyang stage performances, performed at the Kosheng Theater in Hong Kong Island: the matinee performance of "Peach Blossom Luck" and the night performance of "Peach Blossom Luck" Bone Beauty". In 1939, "Sisters of the South" filmed by Hu Dieying before her marriage (playing the roles of Xiaodie and Dadie respectively) was the first film produced by the self-financed "Hu Dieying Film Company". On May 30, 1939, Hu Dieying held a wedding in Hong Kong with lawyer Guan Xuelin, who was studying in the UK and worked at the "Gao Luyun Law Firm". The audience included Sir Robert Ho Tung, and then went to the Philippines for her honeymoon. After Hu Dieying's marriage and the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, Hu Dieying studied painting with Bao Shaoyou, a famous Chinese painter of the Lingnan School, and held a painting exhibition in a hotel. In 1952, she traveled to Honolulu and took color film clips of the local customs and performances, which aroused her interest in movies. She directed and starred in the partial color Cantonese feature film "Hawaii Beauty" (1953), respectively playing the role of Hu Bianying and Hu Xuedie, co-starring Hongxiannu. Since then, she has completely withdrawn from the film industry. Hu Dieying has participated in about 17 movies. Movies that Hu Dieying has participated in: Southern Sisters (1939), The Beauty of Tan Dao (1953), Weeping Thorns (1934), Brother, I owe you (1935), Midnight Zombies (1936), The Whip Man (1936), Modern Diao Chan (1937), The Ancient West Chamber (1937), The Iron-Blooded Rape (1937), Pearl of the Night (1937), Pioneer of the Times (1937), Happy Encounter (1938), Women's Classic (1938) etc.

