

叶德娴(Deanie Ip Tak Han)1947年12月25日出生,香港歌手和演员,人称“Deanie姐”。叶德娴曾在香港启德机场从事地勤工作,偶尔顶替朋友在夜总会表演唱歌,此后便入了行。六十年代末叶德娴发行出道EP《DeanieIp》,后来以登台为主,到八十年代初才陆续推出粤语唱片;八十年代后期淡出乐坛,千禧年代初复出。叶德娴的演员生涯,几乎与歌唱事业同步。 70年代起,她于香港无线电视、香港亚洲电视及其前身丽的电视、香港电台电视部等媒体中演出过多部电视剧,如《猎鹰》、《纵横四海》等。其中在《猎鹰》与男艺人刘德华拍档演出“母子”,深入人心。这对母子档后来更进军影坛,先后演出《法外情》、《与龙共舞》、《绝代双骄》、《桃姐》等多部电影。另外叶德娴也时常参演喜剧,例如《与龙共舞》、《黑马王子》、《逃学威龙2》等。她也曾演出多个综艺节目,如香港无线电视的欢乐今宵和亚洲电视的台庆节目,负责主持、表演唱歌和小品趣剧等,其搞笑形象带给观众无数欢乐。 叶德娴最擅长塑造各类低下阶层的妇女形象,如妓女、主妇等,而早期令她演技受到认同的,就是在与刘德华合作主演的《法外情》系列中刘惠兰一角——一个处境坎坷的庙街妓女和母亲,入木三分的演绎奠定了她基层人物的影视形象。除此以外,她曾数度获得香港电影金像奖和台湾金马奖的最佳女配角奖项。 2011至2012年间,她凭着许鞍华执导的电影《桃姐》中佣人桃姐一角,横扫多个奖项,包括威尼斯影展最佳女演员奖(继巩俐后第二位获得此奖项的华人演员)、第18届香港电影评论学会大奖最佳女演员、第六届亚洲电影大奖最佳女主角等。2012年3月31日,她与其他几位华人共同获得凤凰卫视授予的“影响世界华人大奖”,以表彰她在《桃姐》的表演成绩。 叶德娴早年有过一段婚姻,她于1965年中学毕业后便与骑师郑康业结婚,第二年生下长女。但小儿子出生后,郑康业却传出在外面交女朋友,叶德娴于是在1973年提出离婚,可是却拖拖拉拉到1980年才办妥离婚手续。她曾感慨自认,18岁就结婚真是既勇敢又笨。她的一双儿女现都在北美定居,似乎已与她断了联系,叶德娴现在一人生活,显得有点孤单。 Deanie Ip Tak Han (叶德娴Deanie Ip Tak Han) was born on December 25, 1947. She is a Hong Kong singer and actress, known as "Sister Deanie". Ip Tak-han worked as a ground handler at Hong Kong's Kai Tak Airport, and occasionally performed and sang in nightclubs for her friends, and then she entered the industry. In the late 1960s, Deanie Ip released her debut EP "DeanieIp". Later, she mainly performed on stage. It was not until the early 1980s that she launched Cantonese records. She faded out of the music scene in the late 1980s and came back in the early 2000s.Ip Tak-han's acting career is almost synchronized with her singing career. Since the 1970s, she has performed in many TV series, such as "Falcon", "Across the World", etc. in Hong Kong TVB, Hong Kong Asia Television and its predecessor Lai TV, Radio Television Hong Kong and other media. Among them, her performance of "Mother and Son" with male actor Andy Lau in "Falcon" was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. This mother-son team later entered the film industry and starred in many movies such as "The Extralegal Affair", "Dances with the Dragon", "Twins", and "Sister Peach". In addition, Ip Tak-han often participates in comedies, such as "Dances with the Dragon", "Dark Horse Prince", "Fighting Back to School 2", etc. She has also performed in many variety shows, such as Hong Kong TVB's Happy Tonight and Asia Television's Taiwan celebration program. She is responsible for hosting, performing singing and skits, etc. Her funny image has brought countless joy to the audience. Ip Tak-han is best at portraying images of various lower-class women, such as prostitutes, housewives, etc. Her early acting skills were recognized for her role as Liu Huilan in the series "The Affair" co-starring with Andy Lau - a temple in a rough situation. As a street prostitute and a mother, her penetrating performance established her film and television image as a grassroots character. In addition, she has won the Best Supporting Actress award at the Hong Kong Film Awards and Taiwan Golden Horse Awards several times. From 2011 to 2012, she won multiple awards for her role as the servant Sister Tao in Ann Hui's film "Sister Tao", including the Best Actress Award at the Venice Film Festival (the second Chinese actor to win this award after Gong Li) , Best Actress at the 18th Hong Kong Film Critics Society Awards, Best Actress at the 6th Asian Film Awards, etc. On March 31, 2012, she and several other Chinese received the "World Chinese Influence Award" from Phoenix TV in recognition of her performance in "Sister Tao". 发送反馈 侧边栏 历史记录 已保存 叶德娴参演电影: 1982年:《忌廉沟鲜奶》) 1986年:《花街时代》 1992年:《与龙共舞》 1999年:《笨小孩》 2011年︰《桃姐》 1981年:《 两小无知 》   1982年:《 提防小手》 饰亚玲 1982年:《 摩登杂差 》 饰英女皇御用大律师 1984年:《神勇双响炮》饰女警(安娜) 1984年:《 双龙出海》 饰师姐 1984年:《 行错姻缘路》 饰中下层社会的独身女性 1984年:《猫头鹰与小飞象 》 1985年:《智勇三宝》 1985年:《补镬英雄》 1985年:《 夏日福星》 1985年:《 法外情 》 饰妓女(刘惠兰) 参演丽的电视∕亚洲电视   1977年:《三兄弟》   1977年:《十二生肖》   1978年:《追族》饰 侦探太太   1978年:《鳄鱼泪》饰 邹淑仪   1999年:《纵横四海》饰 明星   2006年:《义无反顾》饰 陈巧儿 参演无线电视   1978年:《幻海奇情之8小时》   1979年:《落难天使》   1979年:《家在香港》饰 爽直女儿   1980年:《风云》   1980年:《外母驾到》饰 一名男人婆   1980年:《轮流传》   1980年:《双叶蝴蝶》饰 女警   1981年:《流氓皇帝》   1981年:《四季情》饰 女强人   1981年:《威水世家》饰 移民局警察   1981年:《无双谱》饰 妓院主持人(春姨)   1981年:《未了情》饰 女革命义士   1981年《 星尘 》 饰过气影星   1982年年《 富贵荣华 》   1982年《男子汉》饰女警   1982《假日风情》   1982年《爱情安歌》饰唱片公司要员   1982年《猎鹰 》   1983年《 鬼咁》 够运

