
钟汉良(Wallace Chung)

钟汉良(Wallace Chung)出生于1974年11月30日,香港男歌手及演员,曾为无线电视旗下艺人,2000年代起工作重心转向中国内地,以拍摄大陆电视剧为主。1993年,考入香港无线电视舞蹈训练班,并成为TVB一线舞蹈艺员。其后于同年被借调到艺员部,担纲演出无线电视剧《少年五虎》,饰演钟信涛(即温拿乐队中之钟镇涛年轻时期)一角。1994年,先后参与无线电视剧集《刑事侦缉档案》《第三类法庭》及《亲恩情未了》等剧的演出。在《亲恩情未了》当中饰演一名弱智少年张家强,展现出令人印象深刻的表演天赋。同年参与主持无线电视综艺节目《K-100》。1995年以一首《OREA》在乐坛一炮而红,1996年7月,于台湾拍摄电影《超级班长》担任男主角,2000年6月,与台湾滚石唱片经纪部签约,成为旗下第一位签约艺人。 近年来钟汉良活跃于中国内地,2012年凭借《一触即发》获得第26届中国电视金鹰奖“观众喜爱男演员”提名,成为金鹰历史上第一个入围该奖项的港澳台演员,并获得2012年金鹰电视艺术节“观众最喜爱的港澳台演员奖”。2014年,凭借《天涯明月刀》再次入围该奖项。2015年,代表作《十月围城》入围第30届中国电视飞天奖,成为近年来唯一以主演作品入围飞天奖的港台演员。 2015年,韩国购入收视超过100亿点击率电视剧《何以笙箫默》,作为男主的钟汉良成功俘虏不同阶层观众,并在首尔国际电视节上获得亚洲明星大赏。2015年11月25日宣布首次担任导演执导光线传媒大型青春电影项目《沙漏》,12月31日发行个人新专辑《乐作人生》。2019年9月,荣获第十二届电视制片业十佳评选活动中的“十佳电视剧演员”称号。同月,参加国家广电总局举办“庆祝新中国成立70周年”红色观影活动。2019年11月16日,成为浙江卫视散文体美食旅行记录节目《漫游记》常驻嘉宾,以背包旅行的形式与众多飞行嘉宾一起探寻美食、美景背后动人的故事。 多年前就曾传出他隐婚,但当时钟汉良没有承认,直到最近中国媒体拍到他和造型师谢易桦(Rita)穿情侣装一起参加朋友聚会,Rita的正面照也因此曝光。钟汉良曾和女演员、环球小姐出身的齐芳传绯闻,两人当年合作《来不及说我爱你》被爆假戏真做,而齐芳后来嫁给浙江富商,两人的绯闻也不了了之。至于结婚话题,钟汉良当年拍电视剧《十月围城》被媒体问到:“现在是结婚了吗?”、“什么时候能公开?”他仅尴尬回应:“谢谢你关心!”之前讲到秘婚话题时,他又卖关子说:“那些小道消息不要信。” Wallace Chung 钟汉良was born on November 30, 1974. He is a Hong Kong male singer and actor. He was once an artist under TVB. Since the 2000s, his work focus has shifted to mainland China, mainly filming mainland TV series. In 1993, he was admitted to the Hong Kong TVB dance training class and became a first-line TVB dancer. Later in the same year, he was seconded to the Artists Department and starred in the TV series "Five Tigers", playing the role of Zhong Xintao (that is, Zhong Zhentao in the younger days of the band Wenner). In 1994, he successively participated in performances in the TVB series "Criminal Investigation Files", "Court of the Third Type" and "The Last Love". He played the role of Cheung Ka-keung, a mentally retarded young man in "The End of Love", showing his impressive acting talent. In the same year, he participated in hosting the wireless TV variety show "K-100". In 1995, he became an instant hit in the music scene with the song "OREA". In July 1996, he acted as the leading actor in the movie "Super Squad" filmed in Taiwan. In June 2000, he signed a contract with Taiwan Rolling Stone Records and became its first record label. Signed artists. There were rumors of his secret marriage many years ago, but Wallace Chung did not admit it at the time. It was not until recently that Chinese media photographed him and stylist Xie Yihua (Rita) wearing couple's outfits to attend a friend's party together, and a frontal photo of Rita was exposed.

