
章小蕙(Teresa Cheung)

《桃色 Color Blossoms 》章小蕙,河莉秀,吴嘉龙,横内晶主演的电影 章小蕙(Teresa Cheung)1963年6月10日香港出生,曾用艺名章蓉舫、章瑄桐,加拿大国籍;毕业于多伦多大学及纽约时装学院;居于香港、美国两地,近年多在中国大陆工作。章小蕙是专业时装买卖及形象顾问,亦是电影演员、专栏作家及自媒体人。 章小蕙的父亲多年前在加拿大多伦多创办加拿大中文电视台。章小蕙就读于玛利诺修院学校小学部与中学部;大学则就读于多伦多大学,主修美术史、副修哲学及英国文学;其后于纽约时装学院,获得时装买卖及博物馆管理硕士。 1999年,章小蕙离婚后来到伦敦,自称当时很迷茫。今天的章小蕙已由拜金名媛,摇身一变成为「带货女王」,近日她重游伦敦,大爆当年离婚背后的委屈迷茫,她一边行百货公司购物,一边讲述自己的奋斗史,贯彻她的名句「饭可以不吃,衣服不可以不买」。 章小蕙在2020年创立了自己的品牌「玫瑰是玫瑰」,积极直播带货,而且以自己做生招牌,虽然已经「登六」,但皮肤白滑紧致,活得优雅,深受网民追捧。近日她到伦敦旅游,自爆在1999年离婚后,去到伦敦散心,当时她感到人生迷茫,直至在当地看到各种新事物,所以她决定重启人生,开设买手店,至今才能够过上惬意舒适的生活。 Zhang Xiaohui (Teresa Cheung章小蕙) was born in Hong Kong on June 10, 1963. She used the stage names Zhang Rongfang and Zhang Xantong. She is a Canadian. She graduated from the University of Toronto and the New York College of Fashion. She lives in Hong Kong and the United States, and has worked in mainland China in recent years. Zhang Xiaohui is a professional fashion sales and image consultant, as well as a film actress, columnist and self-media person. Zhang Xiaohui's father founded Canadian Chinese Television in Toronto, Canada many years ago. Zhang Xiaohui studied in the elementary and middle schools of Maryknoll Seminary; she studied at the University of Toronto, majoring in art history, minoring in philosophy and English literature; and later received a master's degree in fashion sales and museum management from the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York. In 1999, Zhang Xiaohui came to London after her divorce and claimed that she was confused at the time. Today, Zhang Xiaohui has transformed from a money-worshiping socialite to a "Queen of Merchandising." She recently visited London and revealed the grievances and confusion behind her divorce. While shopping in a department store, she told her story of struggle and implemented her famous saying: " You don’t have to eat food, you have to buy clothes.” Zhang Xiaohui founded her own brand "Rose is a Rose" in 2020, actively sells goods through live broadcasts, and uses herself as a brand. Although she has been "listed to the sixth grade", her skin is white, smooth and firm, and she lives an elegant life, which is highly sought after by netizens. Recently, she traveled to London and revealed that she went to London to relax after her divorce in 1999. At that time, she felt lost in life until she saw all kinds of new things there, so she decided to restart her life and opened a boutique. She has been able to live a happy life until now. A pleasant and comfortable life.

