
周润发Chow Yun Fat

周润发(Chow Yun Fat)1955年5月18日出生于香港南丫岛的一个农村家庭,籍贯广东省江门市开平市 ,他的父亲周容允是打渔的船员,常年漂泊海上,周润发的母亲种菜养鸡,也经常到别人家里帮佣 。因生活清苦,周润发从小帮母亲打零工贴补家用。父亲因为好赌而输光月薪,发薪水时,母亲只能去父亲公司领回一桶油 ,周润发因此从小厌恶赌博 。1965年,即周润发10岁时,因为家庭生活困难,妈妈带着孩子们去位于九龙的外婆家居住,妈妈去当工人养家糊口 。周润发读到中学三年级的时候,父亲积劳成疾,一病不起,家里再也没有能力供他继续上学,他便过早地踏入社会,寻找工作。在从事演艺工作之前,周润发一直生活在社会底层,他干过的职业,就有商行侍役、电子厂童工、酒店服务员、邮差、照相器材售货员等等 。 1973年,18岁的周润发在报纸上看到无线电视(TVB)演员训练班的征人广告,便与朋友一同去应征 ,得到担任考官之一的钟景辉的赏识 ;之后,他考入了无线电视台第三期艺员训练班,与吴孟达、林岭东是同学。 1974年,周润发顺利从训练班毕业,经过短暂的龙套生涯,周润发就得到了演出的机会。1975年,出演古装爱情剧《红楼梦》。1976年,出演剧情电影《投胎人》、《新苏小妹三难新郎》。1977年出演了家庭剧《家变》、《入册》 。1978年剧情电影《爱欲狂潮》、《网中人》、1980年,主演的民国剧《上海滩》、《亲情》等等。 1976年,出演个人首部电影《投胎人》 。1980年,因主演民国剧《上海滩》而获得关注 。1985年,凭借电影《等待黎明》获得第22届台湾电影金马奖最佳男主角奖 。 1986年,主演的动作片《英雄本色》获得该年度香港电影票房冠军 ,他凭借该片获得第6届香港电影金像奖最佳男主角奖 。1988年,凭借电影《龙虎风云》获得第7届香港电影金像奖最佳男主角奖 。1989年,主演剧情片《赌神》、动作片《喋血双雄》 。1990年,凭借电影《阿郎的故事》获得第9届香港电影金像奖最佳男主角奖 。1991年,主演的剧情片《纵横四海》成为其代表作 。1998年,开始前往美国好莱坞发展 。2000年,主演的剧情片《卧虎藏龙》在国际获得广泛关注 。2003年,获颁特区政府银紫荆星章 。 2005年,被评为“中国电影百年百位优秀演员”之一 。2007年-2010年间,相继主演《姨妈的后现代生活》《让子弹飞》等多部电影 。2011年,凭借电影《孔子》获得第14届中国电影华表奖优秀境外华裔男演员奖 。2012年,获得第15届上海国际电影节华语电影杰出贡献奖 ;此后,相继主演《铜雀台》《澳门风云》《寒战2》等电影 。2018年,主演的剧情片《无双》成为该年度国庆档首部票房突破10亿元的电影 ,他亦凭借该片获得第14届中美电影节最佳男主角奖 。2023年,主演剧情片《别叫我“赌神”》 ;同年,获得第28届釜山国际电影节亚洲电影人奖 。 周润发的感情世界,1976年,周润发因与缪骞人合作主演电视剧《狂潮》而产生感情,但最终缪骞人以“无法沟通”的理由与周润发分手。1979年,周润发和无线电视台另一位知名女艺人陈玉莲相恋,后于1983年终告分手 。1983年2月,与女艺人余安安闪婚,二人于1984年离婚 没有留下子女。1984年,周润发和现任妻子陈荟莲(当时名为陈蕙莲)恋情曝光,两人在1987年6月5日共结连理,婚后陈荟莲担任了周润发的秘书、经纪人和生活助理 。周润发与陈荟莲结婚多年,陈荟莲曾怀孕,后来流产。如今 膝下犹虚。周润发在事业打拼多年累积资产不少,由于无人继承,夫妻两人准备将遗产捐作慈善,在外人看来这是周润发一生的遗憾。 Chow Yun-Fat (Chow Yun-Fat) was born on May 18, 1955, in a rural family on Lamma Island in Hong Kong. He was originally from Kaiping City, Jiangmen City, Guangdong Province. His father, Chow Yun-Yun, was a fishing crew member and drifted at sea all year round. Chow Yun-Fat's mother grew vegetables and raised food. Chickens also often go to other people's homes to help. Because of his poor life, Chow Yun-fat helped his mother do odd jobs since he was a child to supplement the family income. His father lost all his monthly salary because of his gambling habit. When the salary was paid, his mother could only go to his father's company to get back a barrel of oil. Therefore, Chow Yun-fat has hated gambling since he was a child. In 1965, when Chow Yun-fat was 10 years old, due to family life difficulties, his mother took the children to live with her mother's house in Kowloon, and her mother went to work as a worker to support the family. When Chow Yun-fat was in the third grade of middle school, his father became ill due to overwork and his family no longer had the ability to support him in school, so he entered the society prematurely and looked for a job. Before engaging in acting, Chow Yun-fat had been living at the bottom of society. His occupations included waiter in a business bank, child laborer in an electronics factory, hotel waiter, postman, photographic equipment salesperson, etc. In 1973, 18-year-old Chow Yun-fat saw a recruitment advertisement for the TVB actor training class in the newspaper, In 1974, Chow Yun-fat successfully graduated from the training class. After a short career as a bit player, Chow Yun-fat got the opportunity to perform. In 1980, he starred in the Republican dramas "Shanghai Beach" and "Family Love", etc. In 1976, he starred in his first movie "The Reincarnation". In 1980, he gained attention for starring in the Republic of China drama "Shanghai Beach". In 1985, he won the Best Actor Award at the 22nd Taiwan Film Golden Horse Awards for his movie "Waiting for Dawn". In February 1983, he had a flash marriage with female artist Yu Anan. The two divorced in 1984, leaving no children. In 1984, the relationship between Chow Yun-fat and his current wife Chen Huilian (then known as Chen Huilian) was exposed. The two got married on June 5, 1987. After the marriage, Chen Huilian served as Chow Yun-fat's secretary, agent and life assistant. Chow Yun-fat and Chen Huilian have been married for many years. Chen Huilian was pregnant and later suffered a miscarriage. Now they still without child. Chow Yun-fat has accumulated a lot of assets after working hard in his career for many years. Since there is no one to inherit, the couple plans to donate the inheritance to charity. To outsiders, this is Chow Yun-fat's lifelong regret.

