
曾江Kenneth Tsang

曾江(Kenneth Tsang)1934年9月2日生于香港,籍贯广东中山,他在演艺圈已经50多年,从早前的华粤语片到TVB签约演员再到电影圈。从小生到金牌配角,可以说是见证了这些年香港演艺圈的发展。曾江的全家人几乎都是艺人,包括妹妹林翠。曾江曾在美国伯克利加州大学修建筑学,回港后做过三年建筑师。 曾江于1955年出演电影《同龄鸟》男主角,1964年出演《大马戏团》男主角才正式出道,早期的曾江在国语和粤语长片都曾担任过男主角,在国语片《那个不多情》(1956)中与钟情分别饰演男女主角,而在粤语长片《少女情》(1967)则与萧芳芳演一对情侣。 1972年加入香港电台,出演电视剧《狮子山下》饰演角色高定天 。1975年加入佳艺电视出演电视剧配角。1983年因饰演《射雕英雄传》中黄药师一角而为人熟悉 。1987年从《英雄本色》开始,在吴宇森电影中被塑造了一系列经典的配角形象,1989年参演《喋血双雄》,1991年参演《纵横四海》,1998年起出演《血仍未冷》等多部好莱坞影片 。 2007年凭《德龄与慈禧》荣禄一角荣获第十六届香港舞台剧奖最佳男配角 。2011年凭《窃听风云2》获明报周刊"最突出男演员"演艺动力大奖 。2012年4月获第31届香港电影金像奖“最佳男配角”提名 ,5月获第12届华语电影传媒大奖最佳男配角提名 。2014年获第13届华鼎奖“全国观众最喜爱的影视明星” 。2015年4月19日,凭《窃听风云3》获第34届香港电影金像奖最佳男配角奖。 2016年参与《包青天》演出。 年青时的曾江一表人才,演小生让人倾慕,中年后外表变剽悍,不论演正反派都是硬汉。然而,为何说他色厉内荏。 曾江和谢贤一直都是老对手,很久以前就传他们有牙齿印,年轻是拍戏就爆有争吵,但是2人也还是朋友。就在2015年8月12日发生了一件很多人都知道的事情。谢贤、曾江、胡枫及Joe Junior出席《四个小生去旅行》的记者会,其间谢贤因为不满曾江在节目里的表现大飙脏话,更在愤怒之下朝曾江甩了一个耳光,幸亏被胡枫挡住,视频曝光后,引起网友热议。 曾江一生中有过3段婚姻,第一位太太是蓝娣,也是一位香港的明星,两人拍摄《大马戏团》时相识并相恋。婚后育有一子,不过这段婚姻只维持了10年,便以离婚告终,据悉离婚的原因是因为性格不和,曾江本身性格孤傲,耿直。因此对身边的人都很苛刻。经过无数次的争吵,两人选择了离婚。离婚后不多久,蓝娣便因重病去世,而曾江迎来了自己的第二段婚姻。第二位太太是一位专栏作家,还是一位知名的模特,名叫邓拱璧,邓拱璧为曾江生了一个 女儿,两人的婚姻也是维持10年,1994年,60岁的曾江和配音演员焦姣结婚。年过86岁的曾江身体依然很健朗,遇到自己喜欢的剧本也会去拍。曾江于2022年4月27日12时14分去世,享年86岁。 Kenneth Tsang 曾江Zeng Jiang was born in Hong Kong on September 2, 1934. His native place is Zhongshan, Guangdong. He has been in the entertainment industry for more than 50 years, from early Chinese and Cantonese films to TVB contracted actors and then to the film industry. From a small boy to a gold medal supporting actor, it can be said that he has witnessed the development of Hong Kong's entertainment industry over the years. Kenneth Tsang's family are almost all artists, including his sister Lin Cui. Kenneth Tsang studied architecture at the University of California, Berkeley, and worked as an architect for three years after returning to Hong Kong. Kenneth Tsang played the leading role in the movie "Birds of the Same Age" in 1955, and officially debuted in "The Big Circus" in 1964. Kenneth Tsang played the leading role in both Mandarin and Cantonese feature films in the early days. In the Mandarin film "That Not Passionate" (1956), he played the male and female protagonists with Zhong Qing, and in the Cantonese feature film "Girl's Love" (1967), he played a couple with Josephine Siao. In 1972, he joined the Hong Kong Radio and starred in the TV series "Under the Lion Rock" as Gao Dingtian. In 1975, he joined Jiayi TV and played supporting roles in TV series. In 1983, he became well-known for playing the role of Huang Yaoshi in The Legend of the Condor Heroes. Starting from A Better Tomorrow in 1987, he played a series of classic supporting roles in John Woo's movies. In 1989, he starred in The Killer, in 1991, The Four Seas, and in 1998, he starred in many Hollywood films such as Blood Is Still Hot. In 2007, he won the Best Supporting Actor Award at the 16th Hong Kong Drama Awards for his role as Ronglu in De Ling and Cixi. In 2011, he won the Ming Pao Weekly "Most Outstanding Actor" Performing Arts Power Award for Overheard 2. In April 2012, he was nominated for the "Best Supporting Actor" at the 31st Hong Kong Film Awards, and in May, he was nominated for the Best Supporting Actor at the 12th Chinese Film Media Awards. In 2014, he won the 13th Huading Award for "National Audience's Favorite Film and Television Star". On April 19, 2015, he won the Best Supporting Actor Award at the 34th Hong Kong Film Awards for "Overheard 3". In 2016, he participated in the performance of "Justice Bao". When he was young, Zeng Jiang was handsome and his role as a young man was enviable. After middle age, his appearance became tough and he was a tough guy whether he played a hero or a villain. However, why do people say that he is strong on the outside but weak on the inside. Zeng Jiang and Xie Xian have always been old rivals. It was rumored that they had teeth marks a long time ago. When they were young, they quarreled during filming, but they are still friends. On August 12, 2015, something happened that many people know. Xie Xian, Zeng Jiang, Wu Feng and Joe Junior attended the press conference of "Four Little Freshmen Go Traveling". During the press conference, Xie Xian was dissatisfied with Zeng Jiang's performance in the show and cursed. He even slapped Zeng Jiang in anger. Fortunately, Wu Feng blocked him. After the video was exposed, it caused heated discussions among netizens. Zeng Jiang had three marriages in his life. His first wife was Lan Di, also a Hong Kong star. The two met and fell in love when filming "The Big Circus". After marriage, they had a son, but the marriage only lasted for 10 years and ended in divorce. It is reported that the reason for the divorce was due to personality incompatibility. Zeng Jiang himself was arrogant and upright. Therefore, he was very harsh on the people around him. After countless quarrels, the two chose to divorce. Not long after the divorce, Lan Di died of a serious illness, and Zeng Jiang welcomed his second marriage. The second wife was a columnist and a well-known model named Deng Gongbi. Deng Gongbi gave birth to a daughter for Zeng Jiang. The marriage lasted for 10 years. In 1994, Zeng Jiang, 60, married the voice actor Jiao Jiao. Zeng Jiang, who was over 86 years old, was still in good health and would shoot any script he liked. Zeng Jiang died at 12:14 on April 27, 2022 at the age of 86.

