
杨恭如Kristy Yang Gong Ru

近日有一位自称是前“上海首富”周正毅妻子、名媛毛玉萍说其夫周正毅2002年与1995年亚洲小姐冠军杨恭如传出绯闻,毛玉萍更曾当众掌掴杨恭如,疾呼:“你敢搞我老公!”近日毛玉萍接受访问,重提掌掴事件,并讲到当中细节。 杨恭如(Kristy Yang Gong Ru,1978年1月7日出生),香港女艺人,1995年赢得香港亚洲小姐冠军后,开始演艺生涯。 杨恭如出生于上海,4分之1美裔血统,母亲为前演员刘宜珍,11岁随父母移居加拿大,在安大略省约克大学主修经济学。1995年暑假到香港旅游,在母亲报名下,参加香港亚洲小姐竞选,赢得冠军及“最上镜小姐”等4项大奖。此后便签约亚洲电视,成为女艺员,留在香港开始她的演艺生涯。 杨恭如因主演《剑啸江湖》、《国际刑警》、《雪花神剑》及《我和僵尸有个约会》等多部电视剧而为香港观众所熟悉,更被媒体誉为“亚姐中的亚姐”。 1996年,她首次参演电影《甜蜜蜜》(陈可辛执导),并与黎明合演夫妇,获提名角逐香港电影金像奖最佳新演员。其后再接拍由马荣成同名漫画改编而成的《风云》、《中华英雄》等电影。她在古装戏里大多扮演温婉善良的角色,故有“古典美人”之称号。 1997年,凭《古惑仔情义篇之洪兴十三妹》提名香港电影金像奖最佳女配角,最后败给同戏提名的舒淇。 1999年约满亚洲电视。近年多在内地中国拍剧为主。1997年,与叶茂青传出恋情,双方交往半年。 2002年,杨恭如卷入与上海富商周正毅的三角恋,3月迁入月租12万港元的半山豪宅。同年10月5日,在铜锣湾利园商场著名的意大利餐厅COVA,当众遭周正毅并没注册结婚的女友毛玉萍侮辱及殴打,事件轰动一时。事后,周正毅还公开维护杨恭如。多年之后杨恭如前经理人文隽曾于视频片中分享此事,指当年周正毅对杨恭如非常疼爱,又爆对方的追求招数;更称杨恭如为人单纯:“觉得有个人很喜欢她、追求她,虽然她有家室。对方的花言巧语令这个傻妹信到贴贴服服,不过我觉得所有过错都是这位周先生。” 2008年农历年间,杨恭如出席遵理学校团拜时认识补习天王简俊杰(Ken Kan),二人互生好感,旋即拍拖及同居,但五个月就分手。 Recently, a socialite named Mao Yuping, who claimed to be the wife of former "richest man in Shanghai" Zhou Zhengyi, said that her husband Zhou Zhengyi had an affair with the 1995 Miss Asia Champion Christine Yang in 2002. Mao Yuping even slapped Christine Yang in public and shouted: "How dare you mess with my husband." !" Recently, Mao Yuping was interviewed and mentioned the slapping incident again and talked about the details. Christine Yang (Kristy Yang Gong Ru, born January 7, 1978), a Hong Kong female artist, started her acting career after winning the Miss Asia Hong Kong title in 1995. Christine Yang was born in Shanghai, one-quarter American, and her mother is former actress Liu Yizhen. She moved to Canada with her parents when she was 11 years old and majored in economics at York University in Ontario. In 1995, she traveled to Hong Kong during the summer vacation. After her mother signed up, she participated in the Miss Asia Hong Kong pageant and won 4 awards including the championship and "Miss Photogenic". After that, she signed a contract with Asia Television, became a female artist, and stayed in Hong Kong to start her acting career. Christine Yang is familiar to Hong Kong audiences for her starring roles in many TV series such as "Swordsman", "Interpol", "Snowflake Excalibur" and "I Have a Date with a Zombie". She is also praised by the media as "the Asian sister among Asian sisters". sister". In 1996, she made her debut in the movie "Sweetie" (directed by Peter Chan) and co-starred as a couple with Leon Lai. She was nominated for the Hong Kong Film Awards for Best New Actor. Later, she continued to film films such as "The Storm" and "Heroes of China" adapted from Ma Rongcheng's comic book of the same name. She mostly plays gentle and kind-hearted characters in costume dramas, so she is known as the "classical beauty". In 1997, she was nominated for the Best Supporting Actress at the Hong Kong Film Awards for "Young and Dangerous: The Thirteen Sisters of Hongxing", but ultimately lost to Shu Qi, who was nominated for the same role. In 1999, she signed a contract with Asia Television. In recent years, she has mostly been filming dramas in Mainland China. In 1997, there were reports of romance with Ye Maoqing, and the two parties dated for half a year. In 2002, Christine Yang was involved in a love triangle with Zhou Zhengyi, a wealthy Shanghai businessman. In March, she moved into a mid-level mansion with a monthly rent of HK$120,000. On October 5 of the same year, at COVA, a famous Italian restaurant in Lee Gardens shopping mall in Causeway Bay, she was publicly insulted and beaten by Zhou Zhengyi's girlfriend Mo Yuping, who had not registered her marriage. The incident caused a sensation. Afterwards, Zhou Zhengyi also publicly defended Yang Christine. Many years later, Kristen Yang's former manager Wen Jun shared this incident in a video, saying that Zhou Zhengyi loved Kristen Yang very much and exposed her pursuit tactics. He also said that Kristen Yang was a simple person: "I feel that there is someone who likes her very much and pursues her. Although he has a family. The silly girl is convinced by the other party's sweet words, but I think all the fault lies with this Mr. Zhou. " During the Lunar New Year in 2008, Kristy Yang met tutoring king Ken Kan (Ken Kan) when attending a group visit at Zunli School. The two fell in love with each other and immediately started dating and living together, but they broke up after five months.

