
黄宗泽(Bosco Wong Chung Chak)

现年43岁的黄宗泽凭住剧集《廉政狙击》在《万千星辉颁奖典礼2023》夺得「大湾区最喜爱TVB男主角」,成为大湾区视帝,跻身视帝之列。近年穿梭中港两地发展的他,人气有增无减,不论在香港或是在内地都相当受欢迎。黄宗泽除了演技备受肯定,他的外貌也是公认的靓仔,在内地更被封为港圈男神痞帅天花板。由黄宗泽主演的电影《扎职3》将于本月底上映,近日他频频出席该电影的宣传活动,日前就到了马来西亚宣传。 今日凌晨,网上流传了一段视频,指是黄宗泽情绪失控的偷拍片段,引起了不少网民的关注。而从黄宗泽在片中的一身身造型打扮看来,就是他日前在马来西亚为新电影《扎职3》宣传期间发生的事件。 片中黄宗泽正身处一间餐厅准备用餐,当他看见侍应上错菜给他,已一脸不悦地闹道:「痴线架,干炒牛河都有既」,之后餐厅另一职员给他上了另一道菜,黄宗泽一看之下发现里面有花生,即发火闹爆表示:「我唔食花生架㖞,你畀花生我做咩?上网check下都知我唔食花生架啦!」餐厅职员立马说去换过一碟给他,黄宗泽仍炮轰说:「几点呀?仲整过,仲要我等?」更边说边嬲爆拍枱,相当大火气。此片惹来网民热议,有网民直指花生敏感的人吃了花生可以致命,明白黄宗泽如此生气的原因,有网民指黄宗泽不懂尊重人,也有网民怀疑他是在拍戏。 黄宗泽(Bosco Wong Chung Chak;1980年12月13日出生),籍贯广东潮州 。香港演员及歌手,现为邵氏兄弟艺员及香港无线电视合约男艺员,并以《廉政狙击》在《万千星辉颁奖典礼2023》夺得“大湾区最喜爱TVB男主角”,成为大湾区视帝。 学生时期在街上被星探看中而投身演艺圈,1998年拍摄“阳光柠檬茶”广告,广告播出后不少经理人公司亦有意与其签约,但当年正读中六的黄宗泽欲先完成中七课程后才决定加入娱乐圈与否。1999年在古天乐的经理人介绍下加入无线电视成为合约艺人。黄宗泽是香港歌影视三栖艺人,早年拍摄多套电视剧,凭《冲上云霄》的谢立豪一角而广为人熟悉。未受正统演艺训练的黄宗泽,初期加入无线电视综艺科,演出综艺节目与担任节目主持,主持过的节目包括《直check电视城》和《非常音乐空间》等。亦不时于电视剧中跑龙套。 2003年,参演了无线偶像剧代表作《恋爱自由式》,同年也参演重头剧《冲上云霄》戏中他饰演机师“谢立豪”,大受欢迎,黄宗泽亦名气大增。其后获无线电视力捧。2004年,首次于剧集《我师傅系黄飞鸿》中担当第一男主角,与前辈姜大卫合作。2022年10月,黄宗泽在拍戏时头部被航拍无人机击中。 Bosco Wong Chung Chak黄宗泽 (born December 13, 1980) is a native of Chaozhou, Guangdong. Hong Kong actor and singer, currently a Shaw Brothers artist and Hong Kong TVB contract male artist, and won the "Greater Bay Area's Favorite TVB Actor" at the "Thousands of Stars Awards Ceremony 2023" for "Integrity Sniper", becoming a major The Bay Area's king. When he was a student, he was spotted by a talent scout on the street and joined the entertainment industry. In 1998, he filmed the "Sunshine Lemon Tea" commercial. After the commercial aired, many managers and companies were interested in signing contracts with him. However, Bosco, who was studying in Form 6 at the time, wanted to complete it first. It was only after Form 7 that he decided whether to join the entertainment industry or not. In 1999, under the introduction of Louis Koo's manager, he joined TVB and became a contract artist. Bosco is a Hong Kong singer, film and television artist. He filmed many TV series in his early years and is widely known for his role as Tse Li-ho in "Up to the Sky". Bosco, who had no formal training in performing arts, initially joined the TVB Variety Show Department, performing variety shows and serving as program host. The programs he hosted include "Direct Check TV City" and "Extraordinary Music Space". He also plays small roles in TV series from time to time. In 2003, he participated in the TVB idol drama masterpiece "Freestyle of Love". In the same year, he also participated in the major drama "To the Sky" in which he played the role of the pilot "Xie Lihao", which was very popular and Bosco's fame also greatly increased. Later he won the Radio Vision Award. In 2004, he played the leading role for the first time in the TV series "My Master is Once Upon a Time", cooperating with his senior David Jiang. In October 2022, Bosco was hit in the head by an aerial drone while filming.

