
黄韵诗(Wong Wan-sze)

黄韵诗(Wong Wan-sze,1949年8月29日出生),是香港无线电视、佳艺电视、丽的电视及亚洲电视前女艺人、演员及主持,曾是香港的性格演员、金牌司仪和栋笃笑艺人,目前,黄韵诗在近年将把工作重心转移加国。 黄韵诗1968年毕业于第二期丽的映声演员训练班(同期有禤素霞、黄淑仪、卢大伟、梁小玲、钟伟强、李司棋、文丽贤、谢月美等)。由于其性格独特,大鸣大放,声音搞怪另类,擅长模仿表演口技,模仿各种年龄女性说话,吐字读音又抑扬顿挫,因而被1970年代中期至电视台导师赏识,分派黄韵诗为外购剧集和动画片配音。 在担任配音员时黄韵诗受到香港导演谭家明赏识,让其在电视单元剧演出,结果大获好评。黄韵诗转做演员后于1975年转投佳艺电视,曾于1978年过档到丽的电视,先在佳艺电视倒闭后重返丽的,翌年离开丽的电视并转投无线,亲自参与所有配音电影自己参演的部分,不假手于人。加入无线后,黄韵诗在时任无线电视制作部总监甘国亮编剧的作品中,演活多个经典该台之电视角色,最令人津津乐道是在1980年的《山水有相逢》中饰演为了名利不择手段的梅剑仙,其后在《执到宝》、《轮流传》等电视剧中更成功塑造了立体的香港女性形象。 八十年代初期,黄韵诗离开无线,加入香港商业电台做电台节目主持人,其以特别的声线、轻松搞笑的作风主持了很多电台节目,包括晨早节目《笑口早》,节目中黄韵诗采访多位当红的艺人和名人,包括邓丽君、洪金宝、黄沾、吴宇森等,其中在采访邓丽君时,黄韵诗巧妙的问题设计,使邓丽君在回忆孩提时代时感动落泪,更成为香港的佳话。 由于主持电台节目甚为出色,黄韵诗一举成为香港著名的女名嘴和主持人,被称为金牌司仪。其在主持节目中,泼辣而又尖酸刻薄的风格更无人能及,成为另类主持人。此后,黄韵诗在无线和亚视主持过多个电视节目,包括及后改在亚视的《未来偶像争霸战》、《是非钉》,并与曾志伟、林敏骢、岑建勋等搭档合作主持。 早于八十年代初,黄韵诗已打破传统,与叶德娴、狄波拉、李司棋等女星组成团队,演出栋笃笑,成为香港第一批举行栋笃笑的女艺人。 80年代到90年代初期,黄韵诗转战大银幕,拍摄不少喜剧电影。其趣怪的形体动作,更惹来观众好评。代表作与梁家辉主演的包括《92黑玫瑰对黑玫瑰》、《赌侠2之上海滩赌圣》、《精装追女仔2》等等,黄韵诗至于1993年7月息影,同年拍摄完电影《情天霹雳之下集大结局》后现已淡出演艺圈定居加拿大,后与退休警司丈夫伍伟杰以及一儿子一起移民加拿大。直到最近,知名配音员谢月美去世,黄韵诗才接受采访。事实上,早在80年代,她与家人便移居国外,并在当地开了一家店铺卖海味干货。不过,她一开始不太喜欢国外的生活,她觉得那边太冷了,不时回港工作。直到90年代,她才逐渐适应当地的生活,回来的次数减少,也拒绝复出娱乐圈。 黄韵诗直言,她的人生很圆满,不需要在荧幕补白,甘国亮、李司棋等人曾邀约她复出,她都一一拒绝了。 Wong Wan-sze 黄韵诗 (born August 29, 1949) is a former female artist, actress and host of Hong Kong TVB, Jiayi TV, Li's TV and Asia Television. She was a character actress, gold medal emcee and Dong Tuk in Hong Kong. As a comedian, Huang Yunshi will now shift the focus of her work to Canada in the next few years. Wong Wan-sze graduated from the second session of Lai's Yingsheng Actor Training Class in 1968 (in the same period, there were Xuan Suxia, Huang Shuyi, Lu Dawei, Liang Xiaoling, Zhong Weiqiang, Li Siqi, Wen Lixian, Xie Yuemei, etc.). Because of her unique personality, her loud voice, her funny and unusual voice, her good at imitating ventriloquism, imitating the speech of women of all ages, and her cadence in pronunciation and pronunciation, she was appreciated by the TV station instructor in the mid-1970s, and Wong Wan-sze was assigned to outsource dramas and animations. Film dubbing. While working as a dubbing actress, Wong Yun-shi was appreciated by Hong Kong director Tam Kar-ming and allowed her to perform in a TV series, which was well received. After turning into an actress, Wong Wan-sze switched to Jiayi TV in 1975. She transferred to Li's TV in 1978. She first returned to Li's TV after the collapse of Jiayi TV. The next year, she left Li's TV and switched to Wireless, personally participating in all dubbing movies. The parts Wong Wan-sze participate in are not done by others. After joining TVB, Wong Wan-sze played many classic TV roles in the works written by the then director of TVB production department, Kam Kwok-liang. The most talked about is her role in the 1980 TVB drama "Encounter". The unscrupulous Mei Jianxian later successfully created a three-dimensional image of Hong Kong women in TV series such as "Secret Treasure" and "The Legend". In the early 1980s, Wong Yun-shi left TVB and joined Hong Kong Commercial Radio as a radio program host. With her special voice and relaxed and funny style, she hosted many radio programs, including the morning morning program "Laughing Morning", in which Wong Yun-shi was interviewed There are many popular artists and celebrities, including Teresa Teng, Sammo Hung, James Wong, John Woo, etc. When interviewing Teresa Teng, Wong Yun-shi's clever question design made Teresa Teng cry when recalling her childhood, and it became a good story in Hong Kong. Due to her outstanding performance in hosting radio programs, Wong Yun-shi became a famous female celebrity and host in Hong Kong in one fell swoop, and was known as the gold medal emcee. In hosting the show, her pungent and acerbic style is unparalleled, making her an alternative host. Since then, Wong Yun-shi has hosted multiple TV programs on TVB and ATV, including "Future Idol Contest" and "Right and Wrong" which were later moved to ATV, and co-hosted with partners such as Eric Tsang, Lin Mincong, and Shum Jianxun. As early as the early 1980s, Wong Yun-shi had broken the tradition and formed a team with actresses such as Ip Tak-han, Deborah Lee Sze-ki and other actresses to perform stand-up comedy, becoming the first batch of female artists to perform stand-up comedy in Hong Kong. From the 1980s to the early 1990s, Wong Yun-shi moved to the big screen and filmed many comedy films. Its interesting and weird body movements have attracted praise from the audience. Her representative works starring Tony Leung Ka Fai include "92 Black Rose vs. Black Rose", "The Gambler 2: The Gambler on the Beach", "Fantasy Girl 2", etc. Wong Yun-shi retired from acting in July 1993, and completed the filming of the movie "Love" in the same year. After "Under the Thunder", she has now retired from the entertainment industry and settled in Canada. She later immigrated to Canada with her husband Wu Weijie, a retired police superintendent, and their one son. It was not until recently that the famous dubbing artist Xie Yuemei passed away that Wong Yun-shi accepted an interview. In fact, as early as the 1980s, she and her family moved abroad and opened a shop selling dried seafood there. However, she didn't like life abroad at first. She thought it was too cold there, so she returned to Hong Kong from time to time to work. It was not until the 1990s that she gradually adapted to local life, came back less frequently, and refused to return to the entertainment industry. Wong Yun-shi bluntly said that her life is very complete and she does not need to fill in the blanks on the screen. Gan Guoliang, Li Siqi and others have invited her to come back, but she has rejected them one by one.

