
褟素霞 Chu Suxia

褟素霞 Chu Suxia 1968年毕业于丽的第二期艺员培训班同学中有黄淑仪李司祺梁小玲黄韵诗.而黄淑仪当年毕业后即加盟了TVB.1968凭《四千金》和汪明荃等同时走红.主要作品有《少女慈禧》。 当年开拍《四千金》时,原则上不用刚毕业的艺员,但塌素霞被导演看中,而她也由此走红,实是一个异数。 她是同期同学中留效亚视时间最长也是最早走红的。她也成为六十年代末至七十年代初中期电视颁奖礼上的常客, 后来她长期担任妇女节目主持人 较少演出剧集 ;而演出《少女慈禧》时她已入行长达十五年之久。 精湛的演技 ,令她无论戏份多少 ,都颇具光彩 ,丝毫不输受力捧的年青花旦。 拍摄过的电视剧有八美图、再生恋、唐伯虎三戏秋香。 八美图故事内容: 故事发生在七十年代的香港,讲述八个不同阶层出身的少女,她们步入社会后的境遇。王丽花(魏秋桦饰)是油瓶女,被继父奸污,继而被推下海伴舞,虽有心 跳出火坑,却命运弄人,最后仍然过货腰生涯。冯念慈(马敏儿饰) 是花同学, 家世显赫,生无忧无虑,而家姐念祖(李影饰)习医有成,嫁夫邝民丰(岳华饰) 是同业,注重事业忽略爱情,终旅丈夫与程慕华(褟素霞饰)旧情复炽,生了一 子。 林美凤(蔡琼辉饰)是花另一要好同学,母是前上海舞女,受影响而贪慕虚荣, 在娱乐圈中混,善见风驶舵,终下嫁富商,闹出父子同科笑话。朱爱莲(蔡倩儿 饰)出身名门,父母是大律师兼议员,在父旧情人提名下,参加选美一夜成名, 而其同父异母之姊廖晓晴(麦翠娴饰),因为是私生女,又未得父爱,性格变得偏激、好胜、喜怒形于色,妒忌心重,对朱一切极尽破坏。而陈巧儿(蕉玉萍饰) 人家出身,因清贫中学未读完即出来谋生,好人一个,却在嫁杜青龙(何家劲饰) 后难产而死。八个女性,不同出身,不同的遭遇,是说明富贵贫贱由天注定,抑是仍操纵在自己手里故事籍着八个女性的境遇,以及周围人事发展,予观众一个出人意表的感受。 Chu Suxia褟素霞 Among the classmates who graduated from Lai's second artist training class in 1968 were Huang Shuyi, Li Siqi, Liang Xiaoling, and Huang Yunshi. Huang Shuyi joined TVB after graduation that year. In 1968, she became popular at the same time with "Four Thousand Gold" and Wang Mingquan. Her main works include "Girl Cixi" 》. When the filming of "Four Daughters of Gold" started, in principle, there was no need for newly graduated actors, but Chu Suxia was spotted by the director, and she became famous because of it, which is really an anomaly. She was the one who stayed in ATV for the longest time among her classmates and was the first to become popular. She also became a frequent guest at TV awards shows from the late 1960s to the early 1970s. Later, she served as a host of women's programs for a long time and rarely performed in dramas. When she performed in "Girls' Empress", she had already been in the industry for fifteen years long. Her superb acting skills make her dazzling no matter how many roles she plays, and she is not inferior to the highly praised young actresses. The TV series she has filmed include Bameitu, Love Again, and Tang Bohu's Three Plays of Qiuxiang.

