
梁小玲 Leung Siu-ling

梁小玲 Leung Siu-ling是香港无线电视前艺员,梁小玲在1968年参加丽的映声第二期训练班,同年出道,曾是《欢乐今宵》的台柱之一,在70年代曾演出不少剧集,如《强人》、《亲情》等,电影方面作品有《发穷恶》、《家法》及《白粉双雄》等。1970年代活跃。之后过档无线,做过《欢乐今宵》台柱,亦参演过不少剧集。之后移民澳洲。她的女儿赵希洛现为无线电视艺员。梁小玲有过两段婚姻,前夫是男艺人李道洪,二人在74年结婚,4年后因性格不合离婚。随后,梁小玲下嫁澳洲大律师赵崇康,他兼经营石油生意及在市值四千多亿的中国海洋石油任职非执行董事,生活富裕,二人诞下女儿赵希洛。 梁小玲婚后淡出娱乐圈,生活低调,专心相夫教子。赵希洛在2007年参选港姐入行,梁小玲虽然曾经是圈中人,不过最初就极力反对,不过近年女儿事业渐入佳境,凭《金宵大厦》王敏仪一角于《万千星辉颁奖典礼2019》中获得「最佳女配角」奖;赵希洛演技出众,更一度被形容为无线的「御用癫婆」,赵希洛是圈中星二代兼富二代,她亦遗传了母亲梁小玲的美貌与演艺细胞,近日赵希洛在社交网站上载母女合照,梁小玲打扮富泰,保养得宜。 梁小玲参演过的作品: (1)《发穷恶》The Wickedness in Poverty 1979  (2)《白粉双雄》 The rascal billionaire 1978 (3)《家法》1979 (4)《只手遮天》Absolute monarch (5)《豪门夜宴》Feast of a rich family (6)《天天报喜》Every day is Sunday Leung Siu-ling 梁小玲is a former Hong Kong TVB artiste. In 1968, Leung Siu-ling participated in the second training class of Lai's Yingsheng and made her debut in the same year. She was one of the mainstays of "Happy Tonight". In the 1970s, she performed in many dramas, such as "Strong" "People", "Family Love", etc., and her film works include "The Poor Man", "Family Law" and "The White Star", etc. Active in the 1970s. After that, she worked for TVB, became the main character of "Happy Tonight", and also participated in many dramas. Later immigrated to Australia. Her daughter Zhao Xiluo is now a TVB artiste. Liang Xiaoling has been married twice. Her ex-husband was the male artist Li Daohong. They got married in 1974 and divorced four years later due to personality differences. Later, Liang Xiaoling married Australian barrister Zhao Chongkang, who also ran the oil business and served as a non-executive director of China National Offshore Oil Corporation with a market value of more than 400 billion. They lived a prosperous life. The two gave birth to their daughter Zhao Xiluo. After getting married, Liang Xiaoling retired from the entertainment industry and lived a low-key life, focusing on raising her husband and children. Zhao Xiluo entered the industry as a candidate for Miss Hong Kong in 2007. Although Liang Xiaoling was once a member of the industry, she strongly opposed it at first. However, in recent years, her daughter's career has gradually improved. With the role of Wang Minyi in "Golden Night Tower", she appeared in "Thousands of Stars Awards Ceremony 2019" Won the "Best Supporting Actress" award; Zhao Xiluo has outstanding acting skills and was once described as TVB's "Queen Madam". Zhao Xiluo is the second generation of celebrities and rich people in the industry. She also inherited her mother Liang Xiaoling's beauty and acting skills. Recently, Zhao Xiluo uploaded a photo of mother and daughter on social networking sites. Liang Xiaoling was well-dressed and well-maintained. Works that Liang Xiaoling has participated in: (1) The Wickedness in Poverty 1979 (2) "The Rascal Billionaire" 1978 (3) "Family Law" 1979 (4) "Absolute monarch" (5) Feast of a rich family (6) "Every day is Sunday"

