
李錦帆Lee Kam Fan

李錦帆Lee Kam Fan粵劇乾班男花旦,初期在全男班粵劇團反串擔任男花旦時代的藝名“倩影紅”,20世紀30年代中期,由於香港及廣東先後解除男女同台演出的禁令,男觀眾轉移看真女人演出,使到許多男花旦被迫轉行。李錦帆也不例外,後期轉到香港粵劇反串擔任女丑角色的男演員;香港國語及粵語片的男演員,擅長演出娘娘腔的男子及男同性戀者等恢諧角色。1966年開始擔任香港八和會館徵收員為主業;然而仍有演出粵劇作為副業,1967年6月參加“順利年劇團”到九龍鯉魚門演出5晚天后誕酬神戲後,起重機把演員的“衣箱”運上貨船期間,發生意外,把李錦帆的衣箱掉進海裡,他的戲服全數報銷。李錦帆1973年12月5日仍為“頌新聲劇團”在九龍普慶戲院演出李少芸先生編撰的粵劇《書劍青衫客》(青衫客),反串擔任女丑。 李錦帆演出的部分電影,有1964年上演的國語片電影《行運老爺車》,戲中飾演娘娘腔的張明; 1955年參加粵語片電影《真假千金》,飾演娘娘腔的李飛男;1958年電影《賊王子》及《賊王子(續集)》,飾演飾土國皇子;1960年電影《招財進寶》,反串飾演傭人阿靚;1962年電影《碧玉簪》,反串飾演孫媒婆;1964年:《苦戀》,飾演堂倌;1966年:《老夫子與大蕃薯》,飾演娘娘腔的色狼經理陸雲庭;1987年:《猛鬼差館》; 1988年:《求愛敢死隊》。 1959年:李錦帆有份參與由鍾雲山、崔妙芝、梅欣、鄧碧紅等演唱的“華聲唱片公司”長篇粵曲唱片《姊妹碑》。 Lee Kam Fan 李錦帆was a male lead actor in the Cantonese opera troupe. In his early days, he played the role of male lead actress in an all-male Cantonese opera troupe. His stage name was "Qian Yinghong". In the mid-1930s, as Hong Kong and Guangdong successively lifted the ban on men and women performing on the same stage, male audiences shift to watching performances by real women has forced many male actors to change careers. Li Jinfan was no exception. He later switched to Hong Kong Cantonese opera and played the role of an actor playing ugly female roles. Be an actor in Hong Kong Mandarin and Cantonese films, he is good at playing effeminate men and gay men and other comic roles. In 1966, he started working as a collector of the Hong Kong Pat Wo Association as his main job; however, he still performed Cantonese opera as a side job. In June 1967, he joined the "Swee Lee Nian Theater Company" to perform for 5 nights in Lei Yue Mun, Kowloon. After the Queen's birthday drama, the actor's career was While the "suitcase" was being loaded onto the cargo ship, an accident occurred and Li Jinfan's suitcase fell into the sea, and all his costumes were reimbursed. On December 5, 1973, Li Jinfan still performed for the "Song New Sing Theater Company" at the Po Hing Theater in Kowloon in the Cantonese opera "The Book, Sword and Green Shirt Guest" (shirted Guest) written by Mr. Li Siu-yun, and played the role of a clown. Some of the films that Lee Kam Fan acted in include the 1964 Mandarin film "The Good Luck Car", in which he played the sissy Zhang Ming; In 1955, he participated in the Cantonese film "The True and False Girl", playing the sissy Li Fei-nan; in the 1958 film "The Prince of Thieves" and "The Prince of Thieves (Sequel)", he played the role of the prince of the Earth Kingdom; in the 1960 film "Lucky Man", In the 1962 movie "Jade Hairpin", he played the role of Matchmaker Sun; in 1964: "Bitter Love", he played the waiter; in 1966: "The Old Master and the Big Sweet Potato", he played the role of the sissy pervert manager Lu Yunting; 1987: "The Ghost Mission"; 1988: "The Courting Suicide Squad."

