

谢晋曾经是中国电影行业的领军人物之一,在电影事业上做出过杰出的贡献。然而,谢晋一生中起起伏伏,有许多辉煌的时刻,更有诸多心酸的瞬间。 谢晋出生于1923 年 11 月 21 日,逝世于 2008 年 10 月 18 日,籍贯是中国绍兴市上虞区。1961年电影作品:《红色娘子军》(导演)获第一届“百花奖”最佳故事片奖、最佳导演奖、最佳女演员奖、最佳男配角奖;1965年电影作品:《舞台姐妹》(导演)获1980年获英国第24届伦敦国际电影节英国电影学会年度奖。其他代表作品有《女篮5号》(1957年); 《芙蓉镇》(1986年); 《鸦片战争》(1997年)等等。 谢晋在23岁那年娶妻,年轻时候的谢晋与妻子徐大文是郎才女貌,现在再看他们当年的结婚照,感觉他们是那么地般配。谢晋与徐大文夫妻恩爱,一生孕育了三个儿子和一个女儿,可即使他的事业如日中天,回到家中心情依旧是沉重的。 谢晋的大女儿名叫谢庆庆,从小时候就被发现有一些智力障碍,而他们的二儿子也是如此,身体素质都很差,尤其小儿子是智障、病弱、羊癫疯三合一。唯有一个大儿子健健康康;谢晋真的疼爱孩子,孩子的出生和疾病无可更改,夫妇就努力让孩子们过得好。在片场,谢晋是精益求精的严格导演,回到家里,谢晋就是凡事亲力亲为的慈爱父亲。 谢晋的导演事业红红火火,代表作无数,捧红了不少男女演员,带出了好几个导演徒弟。可是谢晋的人生酸涩和悲痛从未断绝,38岁的二儿子病逝,谢晋夫妇白发人送黑发人。更让人痛心的是,谢晋夫妇在2008年永远失去了大儿子,这个唯一健全的孩子,本是子承父业拍电影,假以时日或许能与谢晋站在同一高度。 当初,谢晋大儿子为了照顾父母,为了姐姐和两个弟弟,一直没有结婚,就是不希望家里发生什么憾事,他想好好守护这个家,可惜谢晋大儿子却被癌症无情地带走了生命。在谢晋大儿子去世2个月后,谢晋也因为突发心脏病在酒店去世,享年85岁。他这一生中对得起事业,却有愧于妻儿。儿子都早他离世,妻子也在谢晋死后不久离世。去年底谢晋唯一的女儿也病逝了,他们一家6口无一幸存,令人忍不住为之心酸。谢晋给中国电影留下了许多财富,他的一生不平凡,值得大家的敬佩。 The tragic life of Chinese director Xie Jin Xie Jin谢晋 was once one of the leading figures in the Chinese film industry and made outstanding contributions to the film industry. However, Xie Jin had ups and downs in his life, with many glorious moments and many sad moments. Xie Jin was born on November 21, 1923 and died on October 18, 2008. His native place is Shangyu District, Shaoxing City, China. 1961 film work: "Red Detachment of Women" (director) won the first "Hundred Flowers Award" for Best Feature Film, Best Director Award, Best Actress Award, and Best Supporting Actor Award; 1965 film work: "Stage Sisters" "(director) won the British Film Institute Annual Award at the 24th London International Film Festival in 1980. Other representative works include "Women's Basketball Team No. 5" (1957); "Furong Town" (1986); "The Opium War" (1997) and so on. Xie Jin got married when he was 23 years old. When he was young, Xie Jin and his wife Xu Dawen were both talented and beautiful. Looking at their wedding photos now, I feel that they are so well matched. Xie Jin and Xu Dawen were a loving couple and gave birth to three sons and one daughter throughout their lives. However, even though his career was at its peak, he still felt heavy when he returned home. Xie Jin's eldest daughter, named Xie Qingqing, was found to have some mental retardation since she was a child. The same is true for their second son, whose physical fitness is very poor, especially the younger son, who is mentally retarded, sickly, and epileptic. Only the eldest son is healthy; Xie Jin really loves the child, and the child's birth and illness cannot be changed, so the couple works hard to make the children live a good life. On the set, Xie Jin is a strict director who strives for excellence. At home, Xie Jin is a loving father who does everything himself. Xie Jin's career as a director is booming, with numerous masterpieces, making many actors and actresses famous, and creating several director apprentices. However, Xie Jin's life was full of sourness and sorrow. His 38-year-old second son died of illness, and Xie Jin and his wife gave welfare with a white-haired man to a black-haired man. What is even more heartbreaking is that Xie Jin and his wife lost their eldest son forever in 2008. This only healthy child was originally a son who inherited his father's career in making movies. In time, he may be able to stand on the same level as Xie Jin. At the beginning, Xie Jin's eldest son never got married in order to take care of his parents, sister and two younger brothers. He just didn't want anything bad to happen to his family. He wanted to protect the family. Unfortunately, Xie Jin's eldest son was ruthlessly taken away by cancer. Two months after the death of Xie Jin's eldest son, Xie Jin also died of a sudden heart attack in a hotel at the age of 85. In his life, he was worthy of his career, but he was ashamed of his wife and children. His sons died before him, and his wife also passed away shortly after Xie Jin's death. Xie Jin's only daughter also died of illness at the end of last year. No one in their family of six survived, which made people feel sad. Xie Jin left a lot of wealth to Chinese films. His life was extraordinary and worthy of everyone's admiration.

