
杜汶泽 To Man Chak

杜汶泽(Chapman To Man Chak) 1972年6月8日出生,原名吴卓彰,曾为电视艺员及电台节目主持人多年,风格幽默,主要参演喜剧作品。早年加入亚洲电视成为演员,1999年在著名剧集《我和僵尸有个约会II》的金正中一角与贞子相恋而崭露头角,其后加入电影界。 1972年6月8日, 杜汶泽在油麻地广华医院出生,而他的父亲在油麻地以经营生果栏养家。他小学就读于拔萃小学,中学就读于拔萃男书院。杜汶泽在加入演艺圈前及初期爱好赌马,常投注当年短途马王“泽汶渡”并屡获甜头,故将该马名之倒序用作自己之新艺名。其后杜因沉迷赌博而导致债台高筑,曾为逃避债主而一度潜逃台湾,在成衣厂担任工人达1年,经一番努力下才成功戒赌返港。 1994年当他还是装修工人的时候,因帮助电视台监制萧键铿装修和髹油而被发掘,加入亚洲电视,拍摄剧集《我和僵尸有个约会》金正中一角与贞子相恋而崭露头角。其后转往电影发展,并以2002年拍摄电影《无间道》“傻强”一角成名,获提名香港电影金像奖最佳男配角。 2005年电影《头文字D》角色“阿木”更为年轻观众津津乐道,家传户晓。2012年领衔主演《低俗喜剧》更突破3000万票房,同年凭《DIVA华丽之后》在评论学会首膺影帝。 杜汶泽早年曾离婚,其后又曾与脱星颜仟汶相恋。后来于2005年6月7日再度与拍拖五年的田蕊妮结婚。眼看他的影艺上有成,是一位甚受欢迎的艺人,但自2006年下半年,杜汶泽被传因口不择言开罪无数演艺圈的艺人(吴君如,曾志伟,刘德华,容祖儿)、电影导演(杜琪峰)、商业电台副主席(俞琤)与寰亚电影公司的老板(林建岳)而引致事业开始走下坡,相继被商业电台解雇并失去广告代言人资格。至2007年底,更有杂志指杜汶泽被业主刘德华下令收回租住豪宅的业权,被迫迁出布力架街豪宅。历经事业低潮的杜汶泽其后笃信佛教,并戒酒戒烟及食素,曾经一改过去口不择言的态度。 2009年3月,杜汶泽正式加盟英皇电影,希望除了可以做演员,亦可做导演和监制。2012年4月惊传罹患罕见疾病“米勒费雪症候群”,病情严重会导致四肢瘫痪,甚至呼吸困难、窒息致死,杜汶泽曾一度宣布停止演艺工作,专心的接受治疗,并强调自己会乐观坚强的对抗病魔;随后在家养病半年,靠打坐与西医治疗,已经康复。 影圈以外,杜汶泽政治立场鲜明,在2014年支持雨伞革命及声援太阳花运动,因而被中国大陆政府封杀。而遭到中国内地观众抵制。暂时离开香港,至美国居住。 2019年11月5日,陈百祥和杜汶泽应港台节目「反送中」运动进行辩论,引发坊间关注与热议,吸引超过170万人次点阅。「反送中」运动持续超过5个月,令香港社会撕裂,这种现象也在演艺界出现。杜汶泽和陈百祥是其中的显著例子,前者支持「反送中」,后者公开支持警察止暴制乱。杜文泽从此越走越远,最后发现自己在香港已经无立足之地,只好投奔台湾另谋发展。2020年11月,到台湾发展长居,以“特殊成就”身份申请专业移民,在台湾陆续成立“光复影视娱乐有限公司”与“小杜良品”品牌;后陆续担任高雄市台港文化交流协会理事长,2022年加入中华民国国籍并取得中华民国身份证。 现在的杜文泽已与香港影艺界脱离了关系,走到这个地步让人有很多的感慨! To Wenze (杜文泽Chapman To Man Chak) was born on June 8, 1972. His original name is Wu Zhuozhang. He has been a TV artist and radio host for many years. He has a humorous style and mainly participates in comedy works. He joined Asia Television as an actor in his early years. In 1999, he played the role of Kim Jung-jung and Sadako in the famous drama "A Date with a Zombie II" and rose to prominence. Later, he joined the film industry. Outside the film industry, To has a clear political stance. In 2014, he supported the Umbrella Revolution and the Sunflower Movement, and was therefore banned by the mainland Chinese government. But it was boycotted by mainland Chinese audiences. Temporarily leave Hong Kong and live in the United States. On November 5, 2019, Chen Baixiang and To Wenze held a debate on RTHK's program "Anti-Extradition" movement, which aroused public attention and heated discussion and attracted more than 1.7 million views. The "Anti-Extradition Movement" movement lasted for more than five months, tearing apart Hong Kong society. This phenomenon has also appeared in the entertainment industry. To Wenze and Chen Baixiang are notable examples. The former supports the "anti-extradition movement" and the latter openly supports the police to stop violence and chaos. To Wenze went further and further from then on, and finally found that he had no place in Hong Kong, so he had to go to Taiwan to seek development. In November 2020, he went to Taiwan to live permanently, applied for professional immigration as a "special achievement", and successively established the "Guangfu Film and Television Entertainment Co., Ltd." and "Xiao Du Liangpin" brands in Taiwan; later, he successively served as the director of the Kaohsiung Taiwan-Hong Kong Cultural Exchange Association Chairman, he will become a citizen of the Republic of China in 2022 and obtain a Republic of China ID card. Now To Wenze has broken away from the Hong Kong film industry. To reach this point makes people feel a lot of regret!

