
何韵诗(Denise Ho Wan See)

何韵诗(Denise Ho Wan See),1977年5月10日出生于香港,香港歌手、演员及社运人士,大爱同盟创始成员之一,11岁时随家人移民加拿大并取得国籍。1996年在无线电视(TVB)及华星唱片合办的第十五届新秀歌唱大赛夺冠后,签约华星唱片正式出道。何韵诗的歌曲内容涉及同性、精神疾病、弱势群体、政治及其他社会议题,不论题材或音乐多样性皆为香港乐坛少见。2010年起,她将事业重心转移台湾,在香港、台湾、新加坡和中国大陆等地巡演超过一百场。2015年面对香港社会的转变,她宣布离开唱片公司,转型为独立歌手。作为香港乐坛少有的积极参与社会运动为社会公义发声的艺人, 何韵诗的个人纪录片放映作品。 “文化监暴” 2014年成立时发表的声明表示,支持占领中环期间在街头和平抗争的群众。 2019年7月8日应邀上联合国人权理事会,就香港反送中一事发言,指责中共对香港的欺骗性承诺,呼吁国际社会对中国政府施压,促使北京尊重香港人的权利。2019年9月17日,何韵诗获邀出席美国国会听证会,批评警察滥用暴力,亦指行政长官林郑月娥错判局势和傲慢的态度。 Denise Ho Wan See, born in Hong Kong on May 10, 1977, is a Hong Kong singer, actress and social activist. She is one of the founding members of the Great Love Alliance. When she was 11 years old, she immigrated to Canada with her family and obtained nationality. In 1996, after winning the 15th Rookie Singing Contest co-organized by TVB and China Star Records, she signed with China Star Records and made her official debut. Denise Ho's songs cover homosexuality, mental illness, disadvantaged groups, politics and other social issues. The diversity of themes and music is rare in the Hong Kong music scene. Since 2010, she has shifted her career focus to Taiwan and has toured more than 100 shows in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore and mainland China. In 2015, facing the changes in Hong Kong society, she announced that she would leave the record company and transform into an independent singer. As one of the few artists in the Hong Kong music scene who actively participates in social movements and speaks out for social justice, Denise Ho's personal documentary is shown. "Cultural Violence" The statement issued when it was founded in 2014 expressed support for the people who peacefully protested on the streets during the occupation of Central. On July 8, 2019, she was invited to the United Nations Human Rights Council to speak on Hong Kong's anti-extradition bill, accusing the CCP of deceptive promises to Hong Kong, and calling on the international community to put pressure on the Chinese government and urge Beijing to respect the rights of Hong Kong people. On September 17, 2019, Denise Ho was invited to attend a U.S. Congressional hearing and criticized the police for excessive violence. She also accused Chief Executive Carrie Lam of misjudgment of the situation and arrogant attitude.

