
黄耀明( Wong Yiu Ming)

黄耀明(Anthony Wong Yiu Ming)1962年6月16日出生,香港男歌手,音乐组合达明一派主唱。 黄耀明在香港佐敦谷邨长大,祖籍广东潮阳,1981年,黄耀明考入无线电视艺员训练班,同期同学有刘德华、吴家丽、梁家辉、戚美珍等;1983年训练班毕业后,于《妇女新姿》及《香港早晨》中担任助理编导,其后转到一家广告公司担任制作助理。 1984年于商业电台担任唱片骑师,其后俞琤介绍他们入宝丽金唱片公司,并为他们取名“达明一派”。1990年首次演唱会前,他与刘以达产生重大分歧,演唱会后便宣布拆伙,黄耀明独立发展后曲风依然以电子乐等新派元素为主,其事业于90年代中期达到高峰。2012年9月28日,黄耀明成为文艺复兴基金会第一届理事长。2016年,达明一派宣布重组,以乐队身份再加盟宝丽金唱片公司。2017年举行30周年演唱会。2018年,黄耀明以达明一派成员的身份获得香港乐坛最高荣誉金针奖。 2019年,因投入参与反送中运动,黄耀明和达明一派所有作品均在中国大陆被下架。黄耀明是演艺圈中少数不避忌公开表达政治立场的艺人。他是民主派的支持者,早于1989年的民主歌声献中华中表达支持香港及中国大陆的民主运动。他曾在中国大陆的市场发展,但自从2014年他公开支持雨伞运动后,他在中国大陆的工作及合约因此被中止。 2020年香港立法会选举前夕,亲中派立法会议员郭伟强就于2020年5月在立法会内会主席选举期间袭击陈志全一案,在社交媒体直播评论事件,多次以“菊花先生”等字眼人身攻击陈志全,引起社会哗然,黄耀明批评郭伟强为无知无耻。2021年8月2日清晨,黄耀明被香港廉政公署拘捕,被指在2018年香港立法会香港岛区补选中为参选人区诺轩助选时唱歌,违犯《选举(舞弊及非法行为)条例》;旋即获准保释候审。 并在庭外公开献唱金曲《问我》;之后再高呼呐喊,因而引起了不少本港网友广泛的支持与回向。 Anthony Wong Yiu Ming (黄耀明) was born on June 16, 1962. He is a Hong Kong male singer and the lead singer of the music group Tat Ming. Wong Yiu Ming grew up in Jordan Valley Village, Hong Kong, and his ancestral home is Chaoyang, Guangdong. In 1981, Wong was admitted to the TVB artist training class. His classmates at the same time included Andy Lau, Wu Jiali, Liang Jiahui, Qi Meizhen, etc. After graduating from the training class in 1983, he appeared in "The New Look of Women" and "Hong Kong Morning" as an assistant director, and later moved to an advertising company as a production assistant. In 1984, he worked as a disc jockey on a commercial radio station. Later, Yu Cheng introduced them to PolyGram Records and named them "Ta Ming Group". Before his first concert in 1990, he had a major disagreement with Liu Yida, and they announced their breakup after the concert. After Wong's independent development, his music style was still dominated by new elements such as electronic music, and his career reached its peak in the mid-1990s. On September 28, 2012, Wong Yiu Ming became the first chairman of the Renaissance Foundation. In 2016, Tatming Group announced their reorganization and joined PolyGram Records as a band. A 30th anniversary concert was held in 2017. In 2018, Wong Yiu Ming won the Golden Needle Award, the highest honor in the Hong Kong music industry, as a member of the Tat Ming Group.

