
张铁林 Zhang Tielin

张铁林1957年6月15日出生于河北省唐山市,1973年于今西安市临潼区务农,1976年返回西安市当工人。1978年入读北京电影学院表演系,1982年毕业后被分配到天津广播电视艺术团工作,之后陆续出演《火烧圆明园》、《垂帘听政》、《大桥下面》等电影,并凭借电影《大桥下面》成名。1998年再凭借电视剧《还珠格格》重新走红。 1987年赴英国留学,十年后加入英国国籍。1990年代初赴香港发展,早期与导演徐克签约,参与《黄飞鸿》系列电影的拍摄,1996年加入凤凰卫视主持节目《电影世界》,之后返回中国大陆演艺界发展。1997年皈依于佛教禅宗释星云法师猊座之下,法号普觉,而后参修藏传佛教,法号白玛曲培。2007年被暨南大学艺术学院聘为院长。 然而时移世易,岁月无情。近日张铁林被发现神情落寞。回望他的一生,种种迹象表明,他此时此刻的悲哀结局,与他曾做出的某些决定及所受的外界影响有着千丝万缕的联系。 先从他的感情生活说起;张铁林在英期间,结识了身在英国的波兰籍妻子两人通过工作关系相遇相识!两人从相恋而成婚组建家庭。张铁林回国后留下妻子与一名女儿在英国。 在国内,他与一位女演员的姻缘被公众寄予厚望。然而好景不长,未几,张铁林被爆出在拍摄外景时与剧组女工作人员违规恋爱,对妻子不忠。这桩绯闻一出,顿时令他声名狼藉。在后续的离婚诉讼中,他又数次做出激进举动,导致法庭数次判他有期徒刑。种种迹象表明,张铁林在感情和婚姻问题上是失败的,做出了许多荒唐失态的决定,也付出了惨痛的代价。 在这漫长的沉寂后,有关他的消息又再次暴光——他以低价批量出售自己的书画作品,被控违法。近年来,张铁林为了生计奔波在国内外,然收入微薄。在生计问题的压力下,他选择了采取一些道德上较为灰色的手段。而这些决定,也让他在公众心目中的形象一落千丈。人生的后半段没有了事业的庇荫,张铁林只能依靠自己。然而,一直以来,他都没有培养起独当一面的能力。曾几何时,他也像个普通人一样,会对老去后的生活感到迷茫和焦虑。在这种焦虑加重的心理压力下,他选择了出国谋生。在那里,没有人会因为他昔日的荣光而给他优惠,无法在当地立足。加上被追讨感情债,张铁林倍感无助,在漫长的颠沛流离后,终于再度回到人们的视线里。这时的他是依靠一位中年友人据说其父母曾是张铁林资助的前艺术学院同窗,由于感念张铁林当初的知遇之恩,在得知他返国时给予慷慨相助。然而,对于这位往日的荧幕巨星来说,如今惨淡的人生,与他当年的辉煌身价相去甚远,亦与他曾经风光无限的往日辨若两人。 Zhang Tielin 张铁林was born in Tangshan City, Hebei Province on June 15, 1957. He started farming in Lintong District, present-day Xi'an City in 1973, and returned to Xi'an City in 1976 to work as a worker. In 1978, he enrolled in the Acting Department of Beijing Film Academy. After graduating in 1982, he was assigned to work in the Tianjin Radio and Television Art Troupe. After that, he successively appeared in films such as "Burning the Old Summer Palace", "Hearing Behind the Curtain", "Under the Bridge", and with the movie "Under the Bridge" 》Famous. In 1998, he became popular again with the TV series "Huan Zhu Ge Ge". He went to the UK to study in 1987 and became a British citizen ten years later. In the early 1990s, he went to Hong Kong to develop. He signed a contract with director Tsui Hark in the early days and participated in the filming of the "Once Upon a Time" series of movies. In 1996, he joined Phoenix TV to host the program "Movie World", and then returned to mainland China to develop his career in the entertainment industry. In 1997, he converted to Zen Buddhism under the Buddhist Zen Master Shi Xingyun, whose name is Pujue. He then studied Tibetan Buddhism, and his name was Pema Qupei. In 2007, he was appointed as the dean of the School of Arts of Jinan University. However, time has changed and time is ruthless. Zhang Tielin was recently found looking lonely. Looking back at his life, there are various signs that his sad ending at this moment is inextricably linked to some of the decisions he made and the external influences he suffered. Let’s start with his love life; while Zhang Tielin was in the UK, he met his Polish wife who was in the UK. The two met through a working relationship! The two fell in love, got married and started a family. Zhang Tielin left his wife and a daughter in the UK after returning to China. At home, his marriage to an actress has been highly anticipated by the public. However, the good times did not last long. Not long after, it was revealed that Zhang Tielin had an illegal relationship with a female crew member while filming on location and was unfaithful to his wife. As soon as this scandal came out, he immediately became infamous. In the subsequent divorce proceedings, he made several radical moves, which resulted in the court sentencing him to prison terms several times. Various signs indicate that Zhang Tielin failed in matters of love and marriage, made many absurd and gaffeful decisions, and paid a heavy price. After this long silence, news about him came to light again - he sold his calligraphy and painting works in bulk at low prices and was accused of breaking the law. In recent years, Zhang Tielin has been traveling at home and abroad to make a living, but his income is meager. Under the pressure of livelihood issues, he chose to adopt some morally gray methods. These decisions also caused his image in the public mind to plummet. Without the support of his career in the second half of his life, Zhang Tielin could only rely on himself. However, he has never developed the ability to stand alone. Once upon a time, like an ordinary person, he would feel confused and anxious about life after old age. Under the psychological pressure of increased anxiety, he chose to go abroad to make a living. There, no one would give him a discount because of his former glory, and he could not gain a foothold there. Coupled with being chased for emotional debt, Zhang Tielin felt helpless. After a long period of wandering, he finally returned to people's sight again. At this time, he relied on a middle-aged friend who heard that his parents were former art school classmates who were sponsored by Zhang Tielin. Because he was grateful for Zhang Tielin's kindness, he generously helped Zhang Tielin when he learned that he returned to China. However, for this former screen star, his current bleak life is far from his glorious worth back then, and it is also completely different from his once glorious past.

