
李海生病逝 享年80有3岁

TVB处境剧《爱·回家之开心速递》中饰演接龙集团保安员“申叔”的甘草演员李海生,今日(10日)惊传死讯,因皮肤生毒疮,导致背脊溃烂,引发细菌感染昨日(9日)在医院病逝,享年80有3岁。李海生纵横影坛逾半世纪,饰演过无数角色,不过在入行前,李海生不只是爆肌健美先生,更是咏春高手。 Lee Hoi Sang, the licorice actor who played the role of "Uncle Shen", the security guard of Solitaire Group in the TVB sitcom "Love·Homecoming Happy Express", was shocked to hear the news of his death today (10th). He suffered from a sore on his skin, which led to an ulcer on his back and a bacterial infection. Yesterday (9th) Died in hospital at the age of 83. Lee Hoi Sang has been in the film industry for more than half a century and has played countless roles. However, before entering the industry, Lee Hoi Sang was not only a muscular bodybuilder, but also a Wing Chun master. 李海生(Lee Hoi Sang1945年4月15日出生),香港无线电视(TVB)资深艺员(现为部头合约),邵氏龙虎武师出身,咏春拳高手,师承招允,曾任电影武术指导。 70年代中期开始走到幕前饰演角色。常以光头形象示人,肌肉发达。反派角色较多,而且大多为武功十分高强的最终BOSS。有时也能扮演正面角色。如在刘家良的《少林三十六房》中,他扮演戒律院的住持,曾与刘家辉连续打了三场,但都是同门切磋,而非生死搏斗。80年代中后期,邵逸夫逐渐将事业重心从电影转向电视行业,李海生亦由邵氏转入无线电视,多拍摄电视剧,但仍出演电影,由于年龄渐长,在剧集中多饰演慈祥的老年配角角色。反面角色较少,亦有一些搞笑角色。比较知名的有:在成龙的《A计划》系列中饰演海盗李初九。《新半斤八两》中的屎忽龙,1997年《天龙八部》(黄日华版)中扮演少林寺玄痛大师。《施公奇案》中的慧严大师。李海生如今年逾花甲,2005曾在电视剧集《佛山赞师傅》中扮演梁家仁的老仆梁佳。 李海生早年担任电影动作演员和武术指导,80年代他凭着真功夫加入TVB,因为武功高强,所以经常在电视剧中饰演武打角色。他硬桥硬马、身手敏捷的演出令观众印象深刻,于是有TVB「打手王」的称呼。 Lee Hoi Sang (李海生, April 15, 1945 ), Hong Kong TVB (TVB) senior artiste (currently under contract), Shaw Brothers dragon and tiger martial arts master, Wing Chun master, master Zhaoyun, once served as a film martial arts instructor. In the mid-1970s, he began to play roles in front of the screen. He often shows people with a bald head and muscular development. There are many villains, and most of them are final bosses with very strong martial arts. Sometimes it can also play a positive role. For example, in Liu Jialiang's "Thirty-Six Rooms of Shaolin", he played the abbot of the Discipline Academy, and he fought three consecutive matches with Liu Jiahui, but they were all peers, not life-and-death struggles. In the mid-to-late 1980s, Run Run Shaw gradually shifted his career focus from movies to the TV industry. Li Haisheng also transferred from Shaw Brothers to TVB. He shot more TV dramas, but he still starred in movies. supporting role. There are fewer villains and some funny characters. The more well-known ones are: playing the pirate Li Chujiu in Jackie Chan's "Project A" series. Shi Hulong in "New Half Catty Eight Two", played the master Xuantong of Shaolin Temple in "Dragon Babu" (Felix Wong version) in 1997. Master Huiyan in "The Strange Case of Shi Gong". Li Haisheng is now over sixty years old. In 2005, he played the role of Liang Jiaren's old servant Liang Jia in the TV series "Foshan Praise the Master". Li Haisheng worked as a movie action actor and martial arts instructor in his early years. In the 1980s, he joined TVB with his real kung fu. Because of his strong martial arts, he often played martial arts roles in TV dramas. His hard-working and agile performances impressed the audience so much that he was dubbed TVB's "King of Thugs".

