
邓萃雯 Sheren Tang Shui Man

邓萃雯(Sheren Tang Shui Man,1966年3月2日出生),香港女演员,曾为无线电视及亚洲电视合约女艺员。曾在2009年和2010年连续两年夺得无线电视万千星辉颁奖典礼“最佳女主角”,是史上第一位“冧庄视后”。近年主要拍摄中国大陆电视剧。 于1984年进入无线电视艺员训练班第二期艺员招募,她是一名虔诚的基督徒。 1985年获监制萧显辉邀请演出她的第一部剧集《薛仁贵征东》,她演出的第一部剧集便担任第一女主角。之后在多部剧集中担演主要角色,如古装武侠剧《侠客行》中饰丁当、《倚天屠龙记》中饰周芷若,以青春可爱的少女形象打动观众,曾有“翁美玲的接班人”、“最佳古装美人”等封号。 邓萃雯于每部剧集当中均担任第一、二女主角, 1991年邓萃雯与无线电视的基本合约正式完结,她决定前往美国修读室内设计,顺道以部头合约的模式跟无线合作,之后几年只在暑假期间回港替无线拍剧,包括《血溅塘西》、《生死讼》及《再见亦是老婆》等作品。邓萃雯表示在美国进修期间,看到同校的戏剧系同学如何投入学习演戏的态度,启发了她以后的演艺道路。 1995年邓萃雯完成学业后,一度有离开演艺界打算的她却再度重投演艺界。她跟亚视签下两年部头合约,首先接拍《我和春天有个约会》,在剧中饰演第一女主角姚小蝶。在1996年的《再见艳阳天》,1997年,邓萃雯在演出《国际刑警1997》后跟亚视约满,继而转战两岸影视市场。 邓萃雯于1997年接拍台湾电视剧《施公奇案》,在此剧两个单元中担任女主角,与多位台湾艺人合作。随后,邓萃雯全力活跃在台湾电视剧中。2004年起,雯女开始进军大陆,接演大陆剧集,在大陆剧集中都有出色的演出,著名作品包括,《青城之恋》、《玫瑰江湖》、《牌坊下的女人》、《新还珠格格》及《倾城雪》等剧集都深入民心。 2011年凭琼瑶一剧《新还珠格格》的继皇后一角,击败对手,成功夺得华鼎奖“最佳女配角”奖项。 2012年她参演了一部偶像剧《棋逢对手》。1999年,邓萃雯选择重返无线电视,并参《LovingYou我爱你》, 邓萃雯在拍毕《金枝欲孽贰》后离开无线,结束12年与无线之宾主关系。 2016年现身无线电视当晚直播的《万千星辉颁奖典礼2016》, 2019年,邓萃雯主演ViuTV剧集《婚内情》,2021年7月30日,中国大陆经理人公司浩瀚娱乐于官方微博发表声明,宣布邓萃雯签约成为旗下女演员。 邓萃雯有过多段感情,但只承认过曾与万梓良和郑敬基交往,最后也是以分手收场。 在1985年,邓萃雯和万梓良拍摄剧集《薛仁贵征东》时,与大她9年的万梓良“戏假情真”,当时万梓良坦言会等她十年才结婚,但两人拍拖一年半后,因性格不合而分手。 邓萃雯在1995年拍摄《我》剧集时被指与男主角江华交往。当时江华已婚,妻子为麦洁文。因此邓萃雯介入江华和麦洁文婚姻当第三者,后自动退出。江华与邓萃雯出轨事件,引起被众多媒体、报刊争相报道。 1998年,邓萃雯和演员郑敬基交往,她表示郑对她很好,但一年后都是以分手收场。 2019年,邓萃雯被爆与新加坡艺人好友陈洁仪传出绯闻。后两人出来澄清,说只是闺蜜。 2013年3月4日,邓萃雯表示当时拍摄《金枝欲孽(贰)》因压力大而患上自主神经失调,其后邓萃雯趁假期在家中休息,现已完全康复。 Sheren Tang Shui Man邓萃雯 (born March 2, 1966) is a Hong Kong actress. She won the "Best Actress" at the Radio and Television Star Awards for two consecutive years in 2009 and 2010, and was the first "Best Actress" in history. In recent years, she has mainly shot TV dramas in mainland China. She entered the second round of the radio and television actor training course in 1984. She is a devout Christian. In 1985, she was invited by director Siu Hin-fai to perform in her first drama, Xue Rengui Conquering the East. After that, she played major roles in several dramas, such as Ding Dong in the ancient martial arts drama "Xia Ke Xing" and Zhou Zhiruo in "Yi Tian Tu Long Ji". "Best Costume Beauty" and other titles. In 1991, her basic contract with Radio Television officially ended and only returned to Hong Kong during the summer holidays to work for TVB, including "Blood Splattered Pond West", "Life and Death Litigation" and "Goodbye Is Also a Wife". During her studies in the United States, she said that during her studies in the United States, she saw how her fellow theater students devoted themselves to learning acting, which inspired her future acting career. After completing her studies in 1995, she had planned to leave the acting industry, but she returned to the acting industry. She signed a two-year director contract with ATV. She first took on the role of "I Have a Date with Spring", playing the first heroine Yao Xiaodie. In 1996's "Goodbye Sunny Day", in 1997, after her performance in "Interpol 1997", Teng's contract with ATV expired, and she moved to the cross-strait film and television market.

