
梁咏琪 Gigi Leung Wing Kei

梁咏琪(Gigi Leung Wing Kei,1976年3月25日),香港女歌手、演员、词曲作家及模特儿。除了为自己创作多首作品如《花火》、《高妹正传》外,也为其他歌手作曲,例如李克勤《高妹》、郑秀文《跳伞》、《落错车》等歌曲。在出道初期,长发的梁咏琪曾被指外型酷似女演员叶晨。1995年电影《烈火战车》,与刘德华合演情侣,同年她还跟周星驰合作主演《百变星君》,由于这两部电影高票房收入,扩大了她名气,也使得她96年发唱片出道时受欢迎程度上涨。 在1999年获提名第36届金马奖、第五届香港电影金紫荆奖以及第十九届香港电影金像奖“最佳女主角”奖项。在2000年于《爱与诚》中饰演“杀手雪”,获得第二十届香港电影金像奖“最佳女配角”提名。2000年起为日本美容产品公司FANCL担任代言人。并曾为香港九龙湾德福广场担任短期的商场美术顾问,曾与I.T旗下鞋履品牌Venilla suite合作推出"Venilla suite de Gigi"系列。梁咏琪在2001年参演了《绝世好Bra》、《我的兄弟姐妹》等电影,于2003年,她参演电影《向左走·向右走》,票房反应甚佳,且电影主题曲《两个人的幸运》也颇受欢迎,获提名第二十三届香港电影金像奖“最佳原创电影歌曲”;插曲《回旋木马的终端》则荣获第40届金马奖“最佳原创电影歌曲”。2003年获颁香港十大杰出青年。 2004年10月,梁咏琪与詹瑞文、蓝奕邦演出舞台剧《大娱乐家》,主题曲《娱乐大家》由梁咏琪作曲、刘德华填词。此剧评价甚佳,两度公演。2005年12月,在《UA二十周年电影票房颁奖典礼1985-2005》中获得十大最高票房女星第七位,主演的电影票房收入大约为3亿元。 2007年8月梁咏琪凭《女人本色》获得香港电影金紫荆奖“最佳女主角”的提名,又以迪士尼首度与中国的电影公司联合制作的电影《魔法小葫芦》得到中国电影家协会第廿九届大众电影百花奖“最佳女主角”提名。梁咏琪于2008年3月25日加盟美亚娱乐,于导演马伟豪执导的电影《爱得起》中演出,该片为2009年情人节档期电影的最大赢家。次年3月18日《越光宝盒》在香港与中国内地上映。 2010年6月,梁咏琪应now 100台邀请到墨西哥拍摄旅游节目《一个地球》。2011年1月10日在台北小巨蛋参与录影台湾电视的大型除夕节目《2011超级巨星红白艺能大赏》。2012年6月,梁咏琪在《第十五届上海国际电影节-女性微电影活动》自导自演微电影《幸运曲奇》,12月,以微电影《四季人生》在澳门国际电影节颁奖礼夺得“最佳女配角”奖。2014年7月,梁咏琪执导,林嘉欣主演的爱护动物协会微电影《被遗弃的》、11月26日《四季人生》在香港上演。2016年2月,拍摄产后首部电影《骨妹》。2021年,梁咏琪相隔15年后再度参演港剧《反起跑线联盟》,同时是其首部主演之电视剧,并提名第二十七届釜山国际电影节亚洲内容大奖最佳女主角。 梁咏琪(Gigi)于2011年与西班牙籍老公Sergio结婚,两人婚后育有一女,拥有西班牙血统的Sofia天生一副美人胚子,从小已拥有标致五官,长得甜美可爱。早前,Gigi就晒出自己和老公分别抱住女儿Sofia的照片,更写道:「我已经抱不动你啦!#暴风成长」,更意外曝光豪宅,一向低调的Gigi事后更急删照片。 Gigi Leung Wing Kei (March 25, 1976), Hong Kong female singer, actress, songwriter and model. In addition to composing many works for herself, such as "Fireworks" and "The Story of Gao Mei", she also composed songs for other singers, such as Hacken Lee's "Gao Mei", Sammi Cheng's "Skydiving", "Luck in the Wrong Car" and other songs. In the early days of her career, the long-haired Gigi Leung was accused of resembling actress Ye Chen. In the 1995 movie "Chariots of Fire", she co-starred with Andy Lau as a couple. In the same year, she also co-starred with Stephen Chow in "The Big Brother". Due to the high box office revenue of these two movies, she expanded her fame and made her debut in 1996 when she released an album. Popularity grew. In 1999, she was nominated for the "Best Actress" award at the 36th Golden Horse Awards, the 5th Hong Kong Film Golden Bauhinia Award and the 19th Hong Kong Film Awards. In 2000, she played "Killer Snow" in "Love and Sincerity" and was nominated for "Best Supporting Actress" at the 20th Hong Kong Film Awards. Since 2000, she has been a spokesperson for the Japanese beauty product company FANCL. She also served as a short-term shopping mall art consultant for Telford Plaza in Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong, and collaborated with I.T's shoe brand Venilla suite to launch the "Venilla suite de Gigi" series. In 2001, Gigi Leung participated in movies such as "Brave" and "My Brothers and Sisters". In 2003, she participated in the movie "Go Left, Go Right". The box office response was very good, and the theme song of the movie " "The Luck of Two" is also very popular and was nominated for "Best Original Film Song" at the 23rd Hong Kong Film Awards; the episode "The End of the Merry-Go-Round" won the "Best Original Film Song" at the 40th Golden Horse Awards ". In 2003, she was awarded the top ten outstanding young people in Hong Kong. In October 2004, Gigi Leung performed in the stage play "Entertainer" with Jim Ruiman and Lam Yip Bang. The theme song "Entertaining Everyone" was composed by Gigi Leung and written by Andy Lau. The play received very good reviews and was performed twice. In December 2005, she ranked seventh among the top ten highest-grossing actresses in the "UA 20th Anniversary Movie Box Office Awards Ceremony 1985-2005". The box office revenue of her starring movies was approximately 300 million yuan. In August 2007, Gigi Leung was nominated for the "Best Actress" at the Hong Kong Film Golden Bauhinia Award for "The True Colors of a Woman". She also won the first award from the China Film Association for the film "Magic Little Gourd" co-produced by Disney and a Chinese film company. Nominated for "Best Actress" at the 29th Popular Film Hundred Flowers Awards. Gigi Leung joined Meiya Entertainment on March 25, 2008, and performed in the film "Love Can Afford" directed by director Ma Weihao. The film was the biggest winner of the Valentine's Day movie in 2009. On March 18 of the following year, "The Treasure Box" was released in Hong Kong and Mainland China. In June 2010, Gigi Leung was invited by Now 100 to Mexico to film the travel program "One Earth". On January 10, 2011, she participated in the recording of Taiwan TV's large-scale New Year's Eve program "2011 Superstar Red and White Entertainment Awards" at the Taipei Arena. In June 2012, Gigi Leung directed and starred in the micro film "Fortune Cookies" at the "15th Shanghai International Film Festival - Women's Micro Film Event". In December, she won the award ceremony at the Macau International Film Festival with the micro film "Four Seasons" Won the "Best Supporting Actress" award. In July 2014, the SPCA micro-movie "Abandoned" directed by Gigi Leung and starring Carrie Lam, and "Four Seasons" were staged in Hong Kong on November 26. In February 2016, she filmed her first post-partum movie "Bone Sister". In 2021, Gigi Leung once again participated in the Hong Kong drama "Counter Starting Line" after 15 years. It was also her first starring TV series, and she was nominated for the Best Actress at the 27th Busan International Film Festival Asian Content Awards. Gigi Leung (Gigi) married her Spanish husband Sergio in 2011. The two had a daughter after their marriage. Sofia, who is of Spanish descent, was born with a beautiful child. She has beautiful facial features since she was a child, and she looks sweet and cute. Earlier, Gigi posted a photo of herself and her husband holding their daughter Sofia respectively, and wrote: "I can't hold her anymore.

