
秦萍(Chin Ping)

秦萍(Chin Ping)原名陈小平,1949年出生。14岁考入南国实验剧团第一期培训班,受训后被导师推荐往日本的东宝艺能学校,修读深造课程。 1964年,她回港后即加入邵氏公司,同年她与影后李菁及凌波合演《血手印》,演技崭露头角。 1965年,她在电影《江湖奇侠》中,配合当时得令小生王羽,影片十分卖座,而男女主角亦成为万千观众的偶像。同年的《鸳鸯剑侠》亦由二人担当主角,影片也大受观众欢迎。秦萍在电影圈的时间只有七年,拍了近二十部作品。 1970年,秦萍、焦娇、岳华及王侠等人演出由程刚导演的《十二金牌》,票房收入达到1百40多万元,成为当年十大卖座电影的第二位,如此佳绩,将秦萍的事业推向另一高峰。但在同年,秦萍与泰迪罗宾合演《爱情的代价》后便决定息影,并且结婚及移居美国,随后在1976年返回香港。2017年9月6日因癌症逝世,享年68岁。 Chin Ping, formerly known as Chen Xiaoping, was born in 1949. At the age of 14, she was admitted to the first training class of the Nanguo Experimental Theater Company. After training, she was recommended by her instructor to study at the Toho Performing Arts School in Japan for further studies. In 1964, she joined Shaw Brothers immediately after returning to Hong Kong. In the same year, she co-starred with actresses Li Jing and Ling Bo in "Blood Handprint", and her acting skills rose to prominence. In 1965, she starred in the movie "The Heroes of Jianghu", cooperating with Wang Yu, a young actor who was in charge at the time. The film was a hit, and the male and female protagonists also became idols of thousands of viewers. In the same year, the two played the leading roles in "Mandarin Duck Swordsman", and the film was also well received by the audience. Chin Ping has only been in the film industry for seven years and has made nearly 20 films. In 1970,Chin Ping, Jiao Jiao, Yue Hua, Wang Xia and others performed in "Twelve Gold Medals" directed by Cheng Gang. The box office revenue reached more than 1.4 million yuan, becoming the second among the top ten grossing movies of the year. The good results pushed Chin Ping's career to another peak. But in the same year, Chin Ping decided to stop acting after co-starring with Teddy Robin in "The Price of Love", got married and moved to the United States, and then returned to Hong Kong in 1976.Chin Ping died of cancer on September 6, 2017, at the age of 68.秦萍參演過的電影: 血手印(1964年) ---- 王千金; 妲己(1964年) ---- 宮女; 萬花迎春(1964年) ---- 歌舞團團員; 新啼笑姻緣(1964年); 江湖奇俠(1965年) ---- 甘聯珠; 鴛鴦劍俠(1965年) ---- 甘聯珠; 歡樂青春(1966年) ---- 陳小平; 虎俠殲仇 (1966年); 邊城三俠(1966年) ---- 魏文貞; 琴劍恩仇(1967年) ---- 甘聯珠; 香江花月夜(1967年) ---- 賈婷婷; 垂死天鵝 (1967年) ---- 芬妮; 斷腸劍(1967年) ---- 劉貞兒; 花月良宵(1968年) ---- 秦萍(客串); 追魂鏢(1968年) ---- 玉嬋; 虹 (1968年) ---- 梁明珠; 奪魂鈴(1968年) ---- 香香; 飛燕金刀(1969年) ---- 李小燕; 釣金龜(1969年) ----張萍; 燕娘(1969年) ---- 李燕娘; 愛情的代價(1970年) ---- 莊瑞芳; 十二金牌(1970年) ---- 金鎖 玉女嬉春 (1972年) ---- 賈婷婷(戲中戲《香江花月夜》)。

