
李香君Li Xiangjun

李香君Li Xiangjun (1935年-),原名李芸兰,出生于中国江苏省南京市,有“秦淮美人”及“空谷幽兰”之称,十三、四岁时已经是平剧名角,誉满梨园。 1951年移居香港。 1957年应熊式一博士之邀,在平剧记录片《王宝钏》中任女主角。 1959年被邵氏公司看中邀请她参加《后门》演出。 1961年正式签约邵氏为当家花旦之一。同年李香君与杜娟、李丽华、赵雷、乐蒂等二十多位邵氏公司一线红星合作拍制了影片《手枪》,饰演陆小音;这部影片是根据著名文学家徐述的小说改编,这也是邵氏公司的老牌导演高立执导的第一部国语片;并在李翰祥指导电影《杨贵妃》中客串出演梅妃,随后参与电影《红楼梦》、《夜半歌声》等演出。 1963年与韩国影帝申荣均合演《报恩缎》而成为国际影星。 1968年邵氏拍摄了《西游记》系列电影的第三部《女儿国》,李香君出演女主角女儿国国王,李香君的女儿国国王,造型威严,却在片中却极尽调笑之能事。女儿国国王在谨小慎微甚至有点唯唯诺诺的唐僧面前,直接躺在席上拉扯唐僧,恣意放纵。 Li Xiangjun (1935-), formerly known as Li Yunlan, was born in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, China. She is known as the "Beauty of Qinhuai" and the "Orchid in the Empty Valley". At the age of thirteen or fourteen, she was already a famous actress in Ping opera and was well-known in Liyuan. Moved to Hong Kong in 1951. In 1957, at the invitation of Dr. Xiong Shiyi, she served as the heroine in the drama documentary "Wang Baochuan". In 1959, Shaw Brothers invited her to perform in "Back Door". In 1961, she officially signed a contract with Shaw Brothers as one of the leading actresses. In the same year, Li Xiangjun co-produced the film "Pistol" with more than 20 first-line stars of Shaw Brothers including Du Juan, Li Lihua, Zhao Lei, Leti, etc., playing the role of Lu Xiaoyin; this film was adapted from the novel by the famous writer Xu Shu, which is also the first Mandarin film directed by Gao Li, a veteran director of Shaw Brothers Company; she also guest-starred as Concubine Mei in the film "Yang Guifei" directed by Li Hanxiang, and later participated in films such as "A Dream of Red Mansions" and "Midnight Song". In 1963,she became an international movie star by co-starring in "Repaying the Favor" with Korean actor Shin Young-kyun. In 1968, Shaw Brothers filmed the third film in the "Journey to the West" series, "The Kingdom of Women," in which Li Xiangjun starred as the heroine, the king of the country of daughters. Li Xiangjun's king of the country of daughters has a majestic appearance, but she is extremely capable of making jokes in the film. In front of Tang Seng, who was cautious and even a little submissive, the King of the Daughter Kingdom lay down on the mat and pulled Tang Seng around, letting loose as much as he wanted. 李香君参演过的电影: 《凤还巢》、 《杨贵妃》、 《手枪》、 《后门》、 《夜半歌声 下集》、《裸血》、 《女儿国》、 《乔太守乱点鸳鸯谱》、 《金喇叭》、《妖女何月儿》、《七灵宝塔》、《福禄寿》、《桃李春风》、《梁山伯与祝英台》、《大刺客》、《魂断奈何天》等。

