
于倩Yu Qian

于倩Yu Qian原名阎芷玲,籍贯天津,1942年4月11日(一说为1947年5月25日)生于北京,在台湾长大,后考入南国实验团训练班为第一期学员。 1962年签约邵氏公司,首部主演影片是《心花朵朵开》,1967年参演陶秦名作《蓝与黑》,于倩凭着电影《蓝与黑》夺得最佳女配角奖。她曾表示自己是林黛的影迷,为了见偶像才报名加入邵氏训练班。结果,她如愿与林黛合拍这部《蓝与黑》,更得到金马奖。可惜这也是她们最后一次合作,在《蓝与黑》拍摄途中,林黛在家中自杀身亡。自此,她演出过的影片有好几十部,并一度以性感女星姿态演出。60年代一部《盘丝洞》,她扮演红蜘蛛一角,全裸大胆演出,艳光四射,从此走上艳星路线。有份演出这部电影的马海伦也对笔者表示,于倩胆识过人,当年社会风气保守,她这样的演出十分前卫。 1969年与新加坡歌星秦淮结婚后退出影坛,育有二子。1975年复出拍片,1976年双方协议离婚并摆离婚宴轰动一时,1985年与夏文汐、黄秋生和叶德娴合作《花街时代》。在1986年和发哥演出《等待黎明》,演技受到影评人赞赏,不少片商找她拍戏,可惜,香港电影当年开始衰落,大量减产,于倩转做生意, 2000年4月10日因癌症逝世于玛丽医院。她的两个儿子由新加坡来港替母亲办理身后事。 Yu Qian, formerly known as Yan Zhiling, was born in Tianjin on April 11, 1942 (some say May 25, 1947) in Beijing. She grew up in Taiwan and was admitted to the training class of the Nanguo Experimental Corps as the first batch of students. In 1962, she signed a contract with Shaw Brothers. Her first starring film was "Heart Blossoms". In 1967, she participated in Tao Qin's masterpiece "Blue and Black". Yu Qian won the Best Supporting Actress Award for the movie "Blue and Black". She once said that she was a fan of Lin Dai and signed up for the Shaw Brothers training class in order to meet her idol. As a result, she got her wish to co-produce "Blue and Black" with Lin Dai, and even won the Golden Horse Award. Unfortunately, this was also their last collaboration. During the filming of "Blue and Black", Lin Dai committed suicide at home. Since then, she has appeared in dozens of films, and once performed as a sexy actress. In the 1960s movie "Cave of Silk", she played the role of Starscream. She performed naked and boldly, and was radiant. From then on, she became a porn star. Ma Hailun, who participated in the film, also told the author that Yu Qian was very courageous and the social atmosphere at that time was conservative, so her performance was very avant-garde. In 1969, she retired from the film industry after marrying Singaporean singer Qin Huai and had two sons. She returned to filmmaking in 1975. In 1976, the two parties agreed to divorce and held a divorce banquet, which became a sensation. In 1985, she collaborated with Xia Wenxi, Anthony Wong and Ip Dexian in "Flower Street Era". In 1986, she performed in "Waiting for Dawn" with Fa Ge. Her acting skills were praised by film critics, and many film producers approached her for filming. Unfortunately, Hong Kong movies began to decline that year, and production was reduced significantly. Yu Qian turned to business. On April 10, 2000, due to Died of cancer at Queen Mary Hospital. Her two sons came to Hong Kong from Singapore to handle their mother's funeral arrangements. 於倩參演過的電影 : 心花朵朵開 (1965)飾-葉鳳; 藍與黑(上) (1966)飾-慧亞; 藍與黑(下) (1966)飾-慧亞; 等待黎明(1984)飾-十三妹; 伊人再見(1984);花街時代(1985)飾-小玲玉; 猛鬼迫人 (1985); 霹靂大喇叭 (1986); 江湖情 (1987); 英雄好漢 (1987); 刑警本色 (1988); 塘西風月痕 (1992)飾-大雞六; 先洗未來錢 (1994);

