
邢慧Margaret Hsing

邢慧Margaret Hsing 1944年生于中国上海,本名邢咏慧。从香港新法书院毕业后,考入南国实验剧团, 为第一期毕业生。1962年签约邵氏兄弟有限公司为基本演员,邢慧、张燕和秦萍被派往日本东宝公司学习舞蹈及演技训练,在同期学员中被誉为舞艺最好的一位,一年后返港拍戏。首部电影为《万花迎春》。邢慧颇受公司器重,初期以青春歌舞片为主,后逐步拓宽戏路,演过不少类型的电影,青春歌舞、时装现代、古装武侠、惊悚悬疑和聊斋鬼魅皆有参演。 与陶秦、薛群、罗臻、徐增宏、吴家骧及井上梅次等均有合作。 1973年,约满离开邵氏。息影、结婚并移民美国洛杉矶,但婚姻只维持了3年就以离婚结束,80年代邢慧曾从事服装生意,生意一度不错,不料因为疏于防范导致店面遭窃,损失惨重而又索赔无路,只能匆匆结束生意。生活中诸事的不如意、精神状况也出现问题,1994年,邢慧与母亲为琐事发生争执,情绪失控的邢慧持斧砍母,导致其母不治身亡。 经过长达两年的审理,洛杉矶法院不接受辩护律师关于精神失常的解释,认定邢慧犯过失杀人罪,判刑十一年,2007年,十一年的刑期结束后邢慧出狱,但精神状况依旧欠佳,身体状况也不尽如人意,不久去世,享年63岁。 Xing Hui 邢慧 Margaret Hsing was born in Shanghai, China in 1944. Her real name is Xing Yonghui. After graduating from Hong Kong New Law College, she was admitted to the Nanguo Experimental Theater Company as the first batch of graduates. In 1962, they signed a contract with Shaw Brothers Co., Ltd. as basic actors. Xing Hui, Zhang Yan and Qin Ping were sent to Japan's Toho Company to study dance and acting training. They were praised as the best dancers among the students in the same period. A year later Returned to Hong Kong for filming. The first film is "Ten Thousand Flowers Welcome Spring". Xing Hui was highly regarded by the company. In the early days, she mainly worked in youth musicals. Later, she gradually broadened her acting career and acted in many types of movies, including youth musicals, modern fashion, martial arts in ancient costumes, thrillers and suspense, and ghosts from the Chinese studio. Xing Hui has collaborated with Tao Qin, Xue Qun, Luo Zhen, Xu Zenghong, Wu Jiaxiang and Inoue Umeji. In 1973, she left Shaw Brothers after her contract expired. Xing Hui stopped filming, got married, and immigrated to Los Angeles, the United States, but the marriage only lasted 3 years and ended in divorce. In the 1980s, Xing Hui was engaged in the clothing business, and the business was good for a time. Unexpectedly, due to negligence, the store was stolen, resulting in heavy losses and no way to claim compensation. Ability to close business quickly. Everything in life was unsatisfactory, and her mental state also had problems. In 1994, Xing Hui and her mother had a dispute over trivial matters. Xing Hui, who lost control of her emotions, hacked her mother with an ax, causing her mother to die. After a two-year trial, the Los Angeles court did not accept the defense lawyer's explanation of insanity, found Xing Hui guilty of manslaughter, and sentenced her to eleven years in prison. In 2007, Xing Hui was released from prison after the eleven-year sentence, but her mental health condition was still poor and her physical condition was not satisfactory, and she died soon after at the age of 63. 邢慧參演過的電影: 歡樂青春(1966)------邢詠慧; 少年十五二十時(1967)---陳文潔; 蕭十一郎(1971)---沈璧君;狐鬼嬉春(1971)---胡艷; 夜生活裡的女人(1973)----蘇小琪。

