
刘亮华 Liu Lianghua1

刘亮华 Liu Lianghua1933年7月6日出生,籍贯:广东省,高挑迷人,一双眼睛顾盼生姿,自有风韵。五十年代,刘亮华加入卜万苍成立的「泰山电影公司」演员训练班,参演《七姐妹》进了影坛,与李湄合演《一念之差》、《碧血黄花》,与张冲和李婷合演《鳄鱼河》,横跨国语片和粤语片,1953年与罗维结婚,1957年诞下儿子,成为「四维公司」当家花旦及老板娘,1974年底与罗维分居后离婚,他们的儿子当时在美国。 1980年与陈欣健合组「尊信电影公司」,担任监制粤语文艺片《两小无知》及粤语喜剧《撞板神探电子龟》。刘亮华后来成为邹文怀太太,并成为香港嘉禾影业公司的大股东之一。刘亮华一直低调而神秘,她一生醉心高尔夫球,至晚年身体都健康无恙,儿子又孝顺。刘亮华则是电影圈中最为平安、幸福、富有的女星。身为演员,她的一颦一笑令人难忘。身为制片人,她手段独到,有她的智慧和眼光。听闻她在银川家中睡梦里去世。 Liu Lianghua刘亮华 was born on July 6, 1933. Her native place is Guangdong Province. She is tall and charming, with a pair of eyes has her own charm. In the 1950s, Liu Lianghua joined the actor training class of "Taishan Film Company" founded by Bu Wancang, and entered the film industry by starring in "Seven Sisters". She co-starred with Li Mei in "A Difference of Thoughts" and "Blue Blood and Yellow Flowers", and starred with Zhang Chong and Li Ting. Co-starred in "Crocodile River", which spanned Mandarin and Cantonese films. She married Luo Wei in 1953 and gave birth to a son in 1957. She became the leading actress and proprietress of "Siwei Company". She separated from Luo Wei at the end of 1974 and then divorced. Their son was then in the United States. In 1980, she formed the "Zunxin Film Company" with Chen Xinjian and served as the producer of the Cantonese literary film "Little Ignorants" and the Cantonese comedy "The Detective Electronic Turtle". Liu Lianghua later became Mrs. Chow Wenhuai and became one of the major shareholders of Hong Kong Golden Harvest Film Company. Liu Lianghua has always been low-key and mysterious. She has been obsessed with golf all her life. She was in good health in her later years and her son was filial. Liu Lianghua is the most peaceful, happy and wealthy actress in the film industry. As an actress, her smile is unforgettable. As a producer, she has unique methods, wisdom and vision.She died in her sleep at home in Yinchuan. 參演過的電影: 手槍(1961) 脂粉間諜網(1960) 黑蝴蝶(1960) 星島芳蹤(1959) .... 黛絲 鬼屋歌聲(1959) .... 雲香 人約黃昏後(1958) .... 董雅琴 翡翠湖(1958) .... 龍玉娃 望鄉(1958) .... 韓惠蓮 多情河 (1957) .... 金花 蓬萊春暖(1957) .... 海倫 水仙(1956) .... 阿娟 春色惱人(1956) .... 劉丹妮 小鳳仙_續集 (1955) 碧血黃花(1954) .... 林女 一念之差(1954) 七姊妹(1953) .... 高玉桂

