
张松枝(Deon Cheung Chung Chi)

张松枝(Deon Cheung Chung Chi,1967年4月2日出生),香港男演员,曾为无线电视及香港电视网络合约艺员,现时主要集中在电影界发展,又会到内地登台演出。张松枝的家庭家教严厉,父亲在房屋署工作。他当时白天求学,夜晚会帮补家计,把一些火牛零件带回家组装或在家制作胶花。他中学毕业后曾在一间工厂工作了两年,负责翻新一些日本螺丝机器。另外,张松枝又做过丝印、皮草方面等工作。他的演艺历程始于16岁的时候,即1983年。自此他便一边参与拍摄杂志如《青春》、电视广告和音乐录像(主要是宝丽金《碟圣》系列)一边从事正职。上述提及翻新螺丝机器就是他加入无线电视之前的工作。 在1990年代中期,无线电视刚好成立了一个新的管理部门。张松枝与电视台签约成为艺员。虽然是电视台主动透过中介公司邀请加入,但他签约后首年并没有获安排任何工作。不久,他被安排就读1994年第7期艺员进修班。再之后他转为普通艺员,开始拍摄电视剧。起初主要演绎纪律部队角色,直至演出剧集《离岛特警》“沈天佑”一角,监制刘仕裕见张松枝的演技不错。于是安排他演出《茶是故乡浓》“荣耀祖”一角。自此他便时常饰演名门望族或者皇室贵族中的二世祖、使用不法途径的专业人士或者商人这几类角色。其中以纨绔子弟最为观众熟识。对此,他不抗拒做反派角色。反而由于这些角色有演绎上的幻想空间,故此他乐于演出,不讨厌被角色定型。至于演艺目标,张松枝希望可以做到与陶大宇一样同一水平的演员。其目标至今未曾改变。 张松枝于1990年代初期活跃至今,是一位服务无线电视逾10年的资深绿叶演员。他于2012年6月2日合约期满离开,转投香港电视网络。《造王者》是他在无线电视的告别作;入行多年其中一套代表作为《鉴证实录》中的警察细仔,与另外一位演员蒋克合演孪生兄弟。2013年因香港电视网络不获发牌导致旗下艺员没有工作及去向,他考虑转投扎铁或保险行业,暂时离开香港电视网络。就算无线电视欢迎他回巢,也坚决不会吃回头草;相反如果香港电视网络能获政府发放牌照,则坚决不会离巢。2013年12月自香港电视网络宣布发展流动电视后,他自荐回巢。2016年,因应韩国电视剧《太阳的后裔》热播及电影《尸杀列车》放映,他被指与两套作品的主角宋仲基及孔刘样貌相似,而成为网民讨论话题。在香港版《尸杀列车》的公投演员表上选为男主角。2020年,他在 ViuTV 剧集《二月廿九》里饰演“张辰”一角,表现再次受到注目;并首次获提名《第5届观众在民间电视大奖》“民选最佳男配角”最后五强。 Deon Cheung Chung Chi (born April 2, 1967) is a Hong Kong actor. He was a contract artist for TVB and Hong Kong TV Network. He is currently focusing on developing in the film industry and will perform on stage in the Mainland. Cheung Chung Chi's family had a strict upbringing, and his father worked in the Housing Department. He was studying during the day and helping the family at night by taking home some fire cow parts to assemble or making glue flowers at home. After graduating from high school, he worked in a factory for two years, refurbishing some Japanese screw machines. In addition, Cheung Chung Chi has also done silk screen printing, fur and other work. His acting career began in 1983 when he was 16 years old. Since then, he has been involved in shooting magazines such as "Youth", TV commercials and music videos (mainly Polygram's "Die Saint" series) while working full-time. The above-mentioned refurbishing of screw machines was his job before joining TVB. In the mid-1990s, TVB just established a new management department. Cheung Chung Chi signed a contract with a TV station to become an artist. Although the TV station actively invited him to join through an agency, he was not assigned any work in the first year after signing the contract. Soon, he was arranged to attend the seventh artist training class in 1994. After that, he turned into an ordinary artist and started filming TV series. At first, he mainly played the role of disciplined troops, until he played the role of "Shen Tianyou" in the TV series "Outlying Islands Police". Producer Liu Shiyu saw that Cheung Chung Chi's acting skills were good. So he was arranged to perform the role of "Glory Ancestor" in "Tea Is Hometown". Since then, he has often played roles such as the second-generation ancestor of a prominent family or royal family, a professional or businessman using illegal means. Among them, the playboy is the most familiar to the audience. In this regard, he does not resist being a villain. On the contrary, because these roles have room for fantasy in interpretation, he is happy to perform them and does not hate being stereotyped by the roles. As for his acting goals, Cheung Chung Chi hopes to become an actor of the same level as Tao Dayu. Its goals have remained unchanged to this day. Cheung Chung Chi has been active since the early 1990s and is a senior green leaf actor who has served TVB for more than 10 years. He left when his contract expired on June 2, 2012, and switched to the Hong Kong Television Network. "The Kingmaker" is his farewell film in TVB. After many years in the industry, one of his representative works is as a police officer in "Forensic Records", co-starring twin brothers with another actor Jiang Ke. In 2013, because the Hong Kong TV Network was not licensed, its artists had no jobs and no where to go. He considered switching to the ironwork or insurance industry and temporarily left the Hong Kong TV Network. Even if TVB welcomes him back to the nest, it will definitely not turn back; on the contrary, if the Hong Kong TV Network can obtain a license from the government, it will definitely not leave the nest. In December 2013, after Hong Kong Television Network announced the development of mobile TV, he volunteered to return home. In 2016, due to the popularity of the Korean TV series "Descendants of the Sun" and the screening of the movie "Train", he became a topic of discussion among netizens after being accused of being similar in appearance to the protagonists of the two works, Song Joong-ki and Gong Yoo. Selected as the leading actor in the Hong Kong version of "Killing Train" in the referendum casting list. In 2020, he played the role of "Zhang Chen" in the ViuTV drama "February 29", and his performance once again attracted attention; and was nominated for the first time in the final five of the "Publicly Selected Best Supporting Actor" at the "5th Audience on Folk TV Awards" powerful.

