
高妙思病逝 享年69岁

据报道,资深媒体人汪曼玲在Instagram发文,“今年因为很久不见,尝试通过WhatsApp联系她,却一直没有回应。她的同班同学聚会,她多次缺席。原来,她病重了,今天她的两个姐姐才通知大家她已经去世。” 1989年拍完《盖世豪侠》后,高妙思淡出娱乐圈,息影超过30年的她于去年8月才现身,不料却竟成了最后一次。 当日是圈中前辈苏淑萍的生日会,众多艺人如文雪儿、吕有慧、程可为、罗兰等齐聚一堂,连吴君如和佘诗曼的母亲也前来祝贺。 文雪儿在Instagram上晒出多张合照。有网民发现曾参演剧集《乘风破浪》的高妙思也在场。尽管她脸上带有岁月的痕迹,身形显得消瘦,但与年轻时的样子依然相似。 高妙思在采访中曾表示自己身体状况良好,完全没有三高问题。她透露有时睡眠质量欠佳导致体重下降,但早年已发现自己有干眼症。 高妙思是第一期TVB艺员训练班的学员,曾出演多部电视剧。其中与郑少秋合作的《楚留香》中的“李红袖”一角成为她的代表作。 90年代,高妙思选择息影,随丈夫移居欧洲,过着无孩子的生活,乐于享受二人世界。她曾分享,夫妻俩会根据天气决定去哪个国家定居一段时间,生活得相当惬意。 高妙思也提到,偶尔会去朋友经营的英国海外升学顾问公司帮忙,过上普通上班族的生活。她曾最长有六年未回港,近年因母亲的缘故以及疫情影响,大部分时间选择留在香港。 Gao Miaosi died of illness at the age of 69. According to reports, senior media person Wang Manling posted on Instagram, "Because I haven't seen her for a long time this year, I tried to contact her through WhatsApp, but there was no response. She was absent from her classmates' gatherings many times. It turned out that she was seriously ill, and today her sister to inform everyone that she had passed away.” After filming "The Greatest Hero" in 1989, Gao Miaosi retired from the entertainment industry. After more than 30 years of absence, she only appeared in August last year. Unexpectedly, it was her last time. That day was the birthday party of Su Shuping, a senior in the industry. Many artists such as Wen Xueer, Lu Youhui, Cheng Kewei, Luo Lan, etc. gathered together. Even the mothers of Sandra Ng and Charmaine Sheh also came to congratulate her.

