

纵横粤剧界和影视界逾半个世纪的香港艺人“虾叔”关海山2006年9月病逝,出殡当日其两个前妻及新加坡妻子所生的子女和睦送行。没料到才事隔一个月,虾叔第二任和第三任妻子所生的四名子女,包括演“花和尚”走红的儿子关聪,竟与虾叔的遗孀曾娣容爆发争产纠纷,还准备对簿公堂。 据悉,关海山生前有四任妻子,元配没有生育,第二任妻子为他生下三名子女,第三任妻子生下一女,第四任妻子曾娣容为她生下一子关可维。虾叔第三任妻子所生的女儿关至萤,公开质疑虾嫂拿出的父亲的遗嘱。她说:“她(虾嫂)说我爸生前有立遗嘱,古董、名画、名酒、物业和存款,都是给她和儿子(可维),那就叫她拿出证据来!”与此同时,她更炮轰虾嫂连父亲的骨灰安放在哪里,都不让他们四兄弟姐妹知道,摆明是不让他们往后拜祭,别有居心。 据知,关海山生前除拥有窝打老道的物业外,还有锦花园、康乐园等物业以及约值60万港元的古董。四名子女对于这些遗产全部留给虾嫂及其儿子认为有欠公平,商议后决定入禀法庭追讨。 其实,虾嫂对亡夫立遗嘱之说前后矛盾,也是引发虾叔前妻四名子女齐声争产的原因之一。据香港媒体报道,虾嫂曾透露,虾叔生前没有立下遗嘱,只在口头上对他们母子二人说,遗产归他们所有。可是,后来虾嫂接受某周刊的访问时,突然又改口说,虾叔生前早已立下遗嘱,就是怕前妻的子女来跟他们母子“纠缠”。结果,这更加引来虾叔前妻四名子女的强烈不满。 Guan Haishan (关海山) (1925.10.23-2006.9.11), formerly known as Guan Mingjue, also known as Guan Ning, known as "Uncle Shrimp", Hong Kong senior actor, Cantonese opera veteran, native of Nanhai County, Guangdong, was born in Guangzhou, and followed his father since childhood Studying Cantonese opera, he joined the Xinsheng Opera Troupe led by Ren Jianhui and Bai Xuexian. Later, he entered the film and television industry, filmed movies, and participated in more than 300 movies and TV dramas. He joined Hong Kong TVB in 1976; in 1980, he participated in the movie "Project A" and played the role of Deputy Qi, the director of the land police. In the same year, he participated in the movie "Hot Detective"; The film won Best Supporting Actor at the 11th Hong Kong Film Awards and Best Supporting Actor at the 28th Taiwan Film Golden Horse Awards; Guan Haishan's roles are basically rich and powerful. In 1992, he starred in the Lunar New Year movie "Happy Family"; in 2000, he starred in the movie "Since He Came" directed by Wu Zhenyu; in the same year, he played Tan Zongzheng in the TV series "Jingcheng Jiaoyi"; ", playing Tang Xuelian. Representative works: "Journey of Life", "No Regrets in This Life", "Intolerance", "The Third Kind of Court", "Heaven and Earth Man". After suffering a stroke in 2001, he Left away, and his condition improved slightly. At the TVB Taiqing that year, he moved the performance award to Guan Haishan, but Guan Haishan was sitting in a wheelchair at the time, and it was difficult to say a word, which made people feel the ruthlessness of the years! Along the way, he quit the showbiz for more than 50 years until he became unwell at the age of 76. Although he played supporting roles all his life, he was deeply loved and recognized by the audience. Leave an indelible impression on everyone. The good guy in the show is wonderful. He married four wives in his life, and has four daughters and three sons. At around 4 am on September 11, 2006, his wife found her body stiff and lying in the residence. She was sent to Kwong Wah Hospital for emergency treatment. He was dead at 7 am at the age of 81.

