

周星驰御用配音石班瑜病逝享年66岁 9月18日,中国知名配音演员石班瑜惊传在中秋节当天去世的消息,享年66岁。噩耗传来,网友们纷纷悼念。 作为,石班瑜的声音堪称经典。从1989年开始,石班瑜在电影《赌侠》中担任周星驰的配音,之后他为周星驰多部作品配音,他的声音和周星驰的表演相得益彰,一同走进千家万户。 周星驰经典的表演,石班瑜恰到好处的配音,让一段段台词广为流传。《大话西游》中那段“曾经有一份真诚的爱情摆在我的面前,但我没有珍惜……”中,石班瑜将角色的真诚和一丝虚伪恰到好处融合在一起,再加上一点哭腔,让这句的经典台词印刻在大家脑海,时过多年仍然记忆犹新。 除了为周星驰配音,石班瑜还为梁朝伟、陈小春、张耀扬等人配过音,在《新白娘子传奇》中,石班瑜甚至为16个角色配音,职业素养与多变的声线掌控能力令人佩服。 据悉,石班瑜因突发心梗、呼吸骤停离世,一生曾为300多部经典作品配音,周星驰也发文缅怀。 Stephen Chow's dubbing actor Shi Banyu died of illness at the age of 66 On September 18, it was shockingly reported that Shi Banyu, a well-known Chinese voice actor, passed away on the Mid-Autumn Festival at the age of 66. When the bad news came, netizens expressed their condolences. As a result, Shi Banyu's voice can be called a classic. Beginning in 1989, Shi Banyu served as Stephen Chow's voice in the movie "The Gambler". After that, he dubbed Stephen Chow in many of his works. His voice complemented Stephen Chow's performance and entered thousands of households together. Stephen Chow's classic performance and Shi Banyu's perfect dubbing made the lines widely circulated. In the section "There was once a sincere love in front of me, but I didn't cherish it..." in "Westward Journey", Shi Banyu perfectly blended the character's sincerity and a hint of hypocrisy, and added a bit of crying, Let this classic line be engraved in everyone's mind, and it will still be fresh in our minds after many years. In addition to dubbing Stephen Chow, Shi Banyu has also dubbed for Tony Leung, Jordan Chan, Zhang Yaoyang and others. In "The Legend of White Snake", Shi Banyu even dubbed for 16 characters, showing his professionalism and versatile voice control ability. Admirable. It is reported that Shi Banyu passed away due to a sudden myocardial infarction and respiratory arrest. He dubbed more than 300 classic works in his life, and Stephen Chow also wrote in memory of him.

