

李玮玲的弟弟李显扬,星期三(10月9日)在脸书贴出讣告,宣布姐姐星期三早上在家中去世的消息。 李玮玲也是国务资政李显龙的妹妹。她2020年在脸书上公开病情,说她患上了症状类似帕金森综合征的进行性核上麻痹(progressive supranuclear palsy)。 她当时指出,这是相当严重的脑部疾病,李显扬去年3月曾透露,李玮玲“情况非常不好”。 在李光耀逝世不久,李家曾发生了一宗震惊各界的家庭纠纷,据当时外媒报道,对於妹妹李玮玲医生在脸书指李显龙为“建立王朝”滥用权力,在建国总理李光耀逝世仅满一周年时就举办追念活动,李显龙深表难过,并强调这些指控完全不属实。 李玮玲在评论中主要对于各界在李光耀逝世一周年后举办众多“英雄膜拜”式纪念活动,提出反对。在事件中李显扬是站在李玮玲的一边,大概是因为李显龙不想家丑被外扬,以影响他当时的政权,而尽力保持低调,因此该事件没有继续延烧直至李显龙辞谢新加坡总理;虽然如此,在外人看来,李光耀与李显扬的关系一直都为持恶劣的。就像李玮玲的逝世这件事,李显龙应该显示其对家人更关切! Lee Kuan Yew's daughter Lee Wei Ling passed away at the age of 69. Lee Wei Ling's brother Lee Hsien Yang posted an obituary on Facebook on Wednesday (October 9), announcing the news that his sister died at home on Wednesday morning. Lee Wei Ling is also the sister of Senior Minister Lee Hsien Loong. In 2020, she disclosed her illness on Facebook, saying that she suffered from progressive supranuclear palsy, which has symptoms similar to Parkinson's syndrome. She pointed out at the time that this was a very serious brain disease. Lee Hsien Yang revealed in March last year that Lee Wei Ling was "in very bad condition." Shortly after Lee Kuan Yew's death, the Lee family had a family dispute that shocked the world. According to foreign media reports at the time, Lee Hsien Loong was deeply saddened by his sister Dr. Lee Wei Ling's Facebook statement that Lee Hsien Loong abused power to "establish a dynasty" and held a memorial event only one year after the death of founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew. He emphasized that these accusations were completely untrue. In her comments, Lee Wei Ling mainly objected to the numerous "hero worship" commemorative activities held by various circles one year after Lee Kuan Yew's death. In the incident, Lee Hsien Yang stood on Lee Wei Ling's side, probably because Lee Hsien Loong did not want the family scandal to be exposed and affect his then-government, so he tried his best to keep a low profile, so the incident did not continue to burn until Lee Hsien Loong resigned as Singapore's Prime Minister; despite this, in the eyes of outsiders, the relationship between Lee Kuan Yew and Lee Hsien Yang has always been bad. Just like the death of Lee Wei Ling, Lee Hsien Loong's performance did not show the concern he should have for his family!

