
中國藝人 樊志起Fan Zhiqi

樊志起Fan Zhiqi(1955年9月8日-2010年4月18日),出生于北京。中国内地男演员。樊志起从小就喜欢京剧,并且还学了京胡。只不过赶上了特殊时期,樊志起被许多艺术学校拒之门外,很长一段时间里他都过得浑浑噩噩。直到他看到了影视剧招募演员的公告,才感觉看到了希望。幸运的是,他被导演选上了,并且还得到导演的推荐,1983年主演电视剧《无名的花》,正式进入演艺圈。1989年,主演王扶林导演的古装剧《庄妃轶事》,次年凭借该剧中多尔衮一角获得第二届“东北风”杯最佳男配角奖。1991年,主演历史剧《满江红》,饰演民族英雄岳飞。1994年,由中国古典四大名著之一改编的电视剧《三国演义》,王扶林在筹拍该剧期间,对于“姜维”一角十分慎重,王扶林只想到了一个人能信任,那就是樊志起。 樊志起将一生都奉献给了演艺事业,却因为拍戏而忽略了自己的身体。在剧组拍戏的某一天,樊志起突然晕倒,虽然没多久就转醒,但事后他还是听妻子的建议,去到医院检查。不查不知道,一查吓一跳,他患上了肺癌晚期。得知病情后,樊志起并没有马上接受治疗,他记挂着还没有拍完的戏。早前,他就已经与尤小刚导演约定好剧组拍摄。 樊志起坚持履行诺言,可对于他而言,每一天的拍摄都是煎熬,他不得不每天吃很多次止疼片。当时,剧组没有人知道他的病情,包括尤小刚导演。等到剧拍完后,樊志起赶紧往家里赶,妻子一打开门,他就重重地倒在地上......2010年4月18日,樊志起因癌症在北京逝世。享年55岁 。樊志起去世半年后,消息才传出来。他演绎过很多精彩的角色,有精忠报国的“岳飞”,也有笑里藏刀的“许良年”......好的让人敬佩,坏的让人痛恨,观众的情绪都被他的演技牵动。 Fan Zhiqi (September 8, 1955 - April 18, 2010) was born in Beijing. Mainland Chinese actor. Fan Zhiqi has been fond of Peking Opera since he was a child, and also learned Peking Opera. It was just that during a special period, Fan Zhiqi was rejected by many art schools, and he lived in confusion for a long time. It wasn't until he saw the announcement of recruiting actors for film and television dramas that he felt hope. Fortunately, he was selected by the director and recommended by the director. In 1983, he starred in the TV series "The Nameless Flower" and officially entered the entertainment industry. In 1989, he starred in the costume drama "The Story of Concubine Zhuang" directed by Wang Fulin. The following year, he won the 2nd "Northeast Wind" Cup Best Supporting Actor Award for his role as Dorgon in the drama. In 1991, he starred in the historical drama "Man Jiang Hong" as the national hero Yue Fei. In 1994, Wang Fulin was very cautious about the role of "Jiang Wei" in the TV series "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" adapted from one of the four classic Chinese classics. During the filming period, Wang Fulin only thought of one person he could trust, and that was Fan Zhiqi. Fan Zhiqi devoted his life to his acting career, but neglected his body because of filming. One day while the crew was filming, Fan Zhiqi suddenly fainted. Although he woke up soon after, he followed his wife's advice and went to the hospital for a check-up. You wouldn’t know if you didn’t check, but when you checked, you were shocked to find that he had terminal lung cancer. After learning about his condition, Fan Zhiqi did not receive treatment immediately. He was thinking about the scenes that had not yet been filmed. Earlier, he had made an appointment with director You Xiaogang for filming. Fan Zhiqi insisted on fulfilling his promise, but for him, every day of filming was torture, and he had to take painkillers many times a day. At that time, no one on the crew knew about his condition, including director You Xiaogang. After the filming of the drama was completed, Fan Zhiqi hurried home. As soon as his wife opened the door, he fell heavily to the ground... On April 18, 2010, Fan Zhiqi died of cancer in Beijing. He died at the age of 55. The news came out half a year after Fan Zhiqi's death. He has played many wonderful roles, including "Yue Fei" who serves the country loyally, and "Xu Liangnian" who hides his knife in his smile... The good ones are admired, the bad ones are hated, and the audience's emotions are affected by his acting skills. 参演过的电视剧: 1983年,《无名的花》、 1989年,《庄妃轶事》、 1991年,主演历史剧《满江红》、 1994年,参演电视剧《三国演义》饰演姜维、 1994年,《昌晋源票号》、 1995年,主演的革命历史剧《黄齐生与王若飞》、2001年,主演现代情感剧《不惑之年》、 2002年,与巫刚等合作主演的现代剧《祥符春秋》、2004年,与刘德凯等合作主演的历史人物传记剧《台湾首任巡抚刘铭传》、 2005年,在历史传奇剧《争霸传奇》饰演伍子胥、2006年,与林心如等合作主演电视剧《大理公主》、2007年,参演年代剧《我们生活的年代》、 2007年,主演赵宝刚执导的红色年代剧《夜幕下的哈尔滨》,饰演爱国人士卢运启 、 2008年,与杨立新合作主演古装剧《漕运码头》、 同年 与颜丹晨合作主演文艺片《遥远的诺邓》、 2009年,主演谍战剧《内线》,饰演反派张弛。

