

一晃眼的时光,周海媚离开人间已经有 10 个月的时间。陈勋奇在重阳节前夕探望故友周海媚,可谓是用心良苦,也代表着昔日老友间的这一种情分。陈勋奇来到墓地探望周海媚,为故友献上鲜花,演唱《红尘情歌》落泪 72 岁的陈勋奇有情有义,分享自己前往北京墓园探望祭拜周海媚的视频,并且在周海媚的墓前献唱《红尘情歌》! 故人相见,令人落泪。陈勋奇双手合十,站在周海媚的墓前回忆昔日他们合作的点滴。 两人本该在北京家中相见,但世事难料。 72 岁的陈勋奇已经属于半退休的状态,想不到多年以后会以这种形式探望故友。陈勋奇说很怀念他们的《上海探戈》,《上海探戈》是陈勋奇执导的年代剧,当年由陈勋奇、周海媚、刘锡明等人出演。想起了以往的点滴记忆,令他很难忘记,仍旧想念周海媚。当年的周海媚,绝世美人,令人回忆满满。 镜头之中的陈勋奇瘦了好多,但精神状态不错,整个人略显悲伤。陈勋奇为代表的香港艺人,真的是有情有义,令人敬佩。能前往故友的墓园探望,情义难得。人越老越怀念过往。故人虽已离去,仍旧能保持诚心,保留属于海媚在心中的那一种思念,实属难得。陈勋奇的为人,就如他所创作的那些经典作曲一样,令人敬佩。 周海媚虽然已经离开,她也同样留下了令人无法忘怀的无数经典。虽然她长眠于天堂之中,但海媚姐不会寂寞。最完美的周芷若,大家心中永远的女神,永远活在大家的心中。她的墓地周围永远保持独有的一份热闹。对于她的思念,永远不会断。周海媚的家人也通过粉丝透露,非常感谢海媚的粉丝,她们的用心甚至远超家人,家人非常感谢大家。当年的港星真的是百花齐放,周海媚算是最靓的那一种,忘不了她。 回顾周海媚的一生,勇敢自信,没有遗憾只有不舍。 Zhou Haimei has been away from everyone for 10 months. Chen Xunqi visited his old friend Zhou Haimei on the eve of the Double Ninth Festival. It can be said that he has good intentions and represents the friendship between old friends in the past. Chen Xunqi came to the cemetery to visit Zhou Haimei, presented flowers to his old friend, and cried while singing "The Love Song of the Red Dust" 72-year-old Chen Xunqi shared a video of himself visiting a Beijing cemetery to pay homage to Zhou Haimei, and sang "The Love Song of the Red Dust" in front of Zhou Haimei's grave! Meeting old friends makes people cry. Chen Xunqi clasped his hands together and stood in front of Zhou Haimei's grave, recalling every detail of their cooperation in the past. The two were supposed to meet at home in Beijing, but things were unpredictable. 72-year-old Chen Xunqi is already semi-retired, and he never expected that he would visit his old friends in this way many years later. Chen Xunqi said that he misses their "Shanghai Tango" very much. "Shanghai Tango" is a period drama directed by Chen Xunqi and starred by Chen Xunqi, Zhou Haimei, Liu Ximing and others. Thinking of the past memories, it was difficult for him to forget, and he still missed Zhou Haimei. Zhou Haimei back then was a peerless beauty, full of memories. Chen Xunqi in the camera has lost a lot of weight, but is in good spirits and looks a little sad. Hong Kong artists represented by Chen Xunqi are really affectionate and admirable. Being able to visit an old friend's cemetery is a rare moment of friendship. The older we get, the more we miss the past. Although the old friend has passed away, it is really rare for him to still maintain his sincerity and retain the kind of longing for Hai Mei in his heart. Chen Xunqi's personality is as admirable as his classic compositions. Although Zhou Haimei has left, she has also left behind countless unforgettable classics. Although she sleeps in heaven, Sister Haimei will not be lonely. The most perfect Zhou Zhiruo, the eternal goddess in everyone's hearts, will always live in everyone's hearts. There will always be a unique liveliness around her grave. Our thoughts about her will never end. Zhou Haimei's family also revealed through their fans that they are very grateful to Haimei's fans. Their intentions are far more than those of her family. Her family is very grateful to everyone. Hong Kong stars back then were really blooming, and Zhou Haimei was considered the most beautiful one. We will never forget her. Looking back on Zhou Haimei's life, she was brave and confident, with no regrets but reluctance.

