
何俊轩Ho Chun Hin 转战内地成男一

自从2016年拍完《踩过界》导致自己的十字韧带断裂后,2017年离开TVB,并与太太一起移民到加拿大生活。不过他后来又决定到内地发展,最近他更相隔4年返港,他拍片比较香港和内地两地的差别。 何俊轩也提到难得回到香港探朋友,所以刻意送上手信,但由于手信过重,他自嘲恍如走难一样。他分享从广州南沙搭船到尖沙咀,只需要1小时20分钟左右便能够到达,方便又快捷。之后他亦趁着回港的机会坐巴士去到赤柱,期间更拿出多年没有使用过的八达通去付款。 在另外一个场景,就是内地的现场,何俊轩分享认为这次回到香港之后觉得街上人流极少,与以前差别很大,港人不愿留在香港消费,反而会选择过关去买食物。目前他在内地发展得相当不错,并接获内地电影《草根武状元传奇》的演出机会,他在电影中饰演男主角,而角色则是以剃头的造型呈现清代武状元「黄仁勇」。 何俊轩(Ho Chun Hin)1975年2月27日出生,原名何仲伟。何俊轩儿时曾以加入香港田径代表队为梦想,2001年受胞姐鼓励下投考第15期无线电视艺员训练班,毕业后加入无线电视,多年来曾参演逾四十部无线电视剧,但通常担演黑社会成员、警务人员或杀手等角色,又经常在大型节目中担任礼仪先生,护送嘉宾上台;闲时暗地里兼职大型活动保安以维持生计,基于无线电视合约订明一切台前幕后员工(连当义工)须得到部门主管批准,才可自行接洽其他工作。 2019年,他在社交网站发文支持警方于反对修订逃犯条例运动中的执法行动,且批评示威者作出“暴力的行为”,但同时指警察有可能违法,即使了解他们工作辛苦。2020年,他再透过微博发文,表示自己因撑警言论而被多年好友公开其住址,亦与家人政治立场不同令关系转差,遂于2019年10月开始一人往内地发展和定居,主要在广州从事服装模特儿、司仪等工作,何俊轩家里有10兄弟姐妹,其外甥是香港男子田径运动员邓亦峻。他跟圈外任职于国泰航空公司的 Christina Lau 于2010年11月结婚。 Ho Chun Hin was born on February 27, 1975, and his original name was He Zhongwei. When he was a child, Ho Chun Hin dreamed of joining the Hong Kong track and field team. In 2001, he was encouraged by his sister to apply for the 15th TVB Artist Training Course. After graduation, he joined TVB. Over the years, he has participated in more than 40 TVB TV series, but usually He plays the role of a gang member, police officer or killer, and often serves as an etiquette man in large-scale programs, escorting guests to the stage. In his spare time, he secretly works part-time as a security guard for large-scale events to make a living. Based on the TVB contract, he stipulates all front- and back-stage employees must obtain approval from the department supervisor before they can take on other jobs on their own. In 2019, he posted on social networking sites to support the police's law enforcement actions in the campaign against the amendment of the extradition bill, and criticized the "violent behavior" of the demonstrators, but at the same time pointed out that the police may break the law, even if they understand that they work hard. In 2020, he posted on Weibo again, saying that his address was disclosed by a friend of many years because of his comments in support of the police. His different political stances with his family also worsened the relationship, so he began to develop and settle in the mainland alone in October 2019. He mainly works as a fashion model and emcee in Guangzhou. Ho Chun Hin has 10 brothers and sisters in his family, and his nephew is Hong Kong male track and field athlete Deng Yijun. He married Christina Lau, who works for Cathay Pacific Airways, in November 2010.

