

刘兆铭Lau Siu Ming的93岁生日落在13 日,刘兆铭精神奕奕,笑起来有一点慈祥老人的感觉,但原来他近年仍不时进出医院。刘兆铭在2020年拍剧集《叹息桥》后淡出幕前,不过他依然有参与文化艺术的活动,日前现身文化艺术界举行的国庆酒会,当然成为集邮象,刘兆铭大部分时间坐在轮椅,只有在合照期间撑着拐杖站起来,腰板尚算挺直,精神奕奕。刘兆铭称目前出入有家佣照顾,但他坦言怕别人关心。 舞蹈家出身的刘兆铭,年轻时飘洋过海到法国学跳舞,成为首位法国舞蹈界编舞的华人,其后华丽转身到演艺界发展,演绎无数经典角色,演艺成早已有光辉的一页,不过刘兆铭曾经因为太太张慧玲离世,一度意志消沉,拒绝再演戏。 刘兆铭Lau Siu Ming1931年10月13日出生于香港,原籍广东省鹤山,1979年,首次出演电影《蝶变》。1987年,出演《倩女幽魂》,片中饰演树妖姥姥 ,1990年,主演武侠电影《笑傲江湖》。 1994年,出演李国立执导的爱情剧《再见亦是老婆》,在剧中饰演董立光;同年出演刘家良执导,成龙、梅艳芳主演的动作片《醉拳II》,在剧中饰演Chiu;2006年,因在电影《鬼域》中饰演鬼叔而获得第11届香港金紫荆奖最佳男配角奖的提名 。2015年,参演动作电影《搏击迷城》。2018年,出演洪金泼执导的警匪剧《蚀日风暴》。“2018香港艺术发展奖”颁奖礼于5月31日举行,颁发七个类别共30个奖项予本地艺术工作者、团体等,当日,最高荣誉大奖“终身成就奖”授予刘兆铭。 Lau Siu Ming spent his 93rd birthday in the hospital Sunday (13th) is Lau Siu-ming's 93rd birthday. Lau Siu-ming is in high spirits and his smile looks like a kindly old man. However, it turns out that he has still been in and out of the hospital from time to time in recent years. Lau Siu-ming faded away from the scene after filming the TV series "Bridge of Sighs" in 2020. However, he still participates in cultural and artistic activities. He recently appeared at a National Day reception held by the cultural and art circles. Of course, he became a philatelic icon. Lau Siu-ming spent most of the time in a wheelchair. , I only stood up with crutches during the group photo, my back was quite straight and I was in good spirits. Liu Siu-ming said that he is currently being taken care of by domestic helpers when he goes out and about, but he admitted that he was afraid that others would care about him. Liu Siu-ming, who was born as a dancer, traveled across the ocean to France to learn dancing when he was young, and became the first Chinese to choreograph in the French dance industry. Later, he turned to the entertainment industry and performed countless classic roles. His acting career has already been glorious. However, Liu Siu-ming once became depressed due to the death of his wife Zhang Huiling and refused to act again. Lau Siu-ming, born in Hong Kong on October 13, 1931, originally from Heshan, Guangdong Province. In 1979, he made his first appearance in the movie "Butterfly". In 1987, he starred in "A Chinese Ghost Story", in which he played the role of Dryad Granny. In 1990, he starred in the martial arts film "Swordsman". In 1994, he starred in the romantic drama "Goodbye Wife" directed by Li Guoli, playing the role of Dong Liguang; in the same year, he starred in the action film "Drunken Master II" directed by Liu Jialiang, starring Jackie Chan and Anita Mui, and played Chiu in the play; in 2006, He was nominated for the Best Supporting Actor Award at the 11th Hong Kong Golden Bauhinia Awards for his role as Uncle Ghost in the movie "Ghostland". In 2015, he participated in the action movie "Fight in the City". In 2018, he starred in the police drama "Eclipse Storm" directed by Hong Jinpo. The "2018 Hong Kong Arts Development Awards" award ceremony was held on May 31. A total of 30 awards in seven categories were awarded to local art workers, groups, etc. On that day, the highest honor award, the "Lifetime Achievement Award" was awarded to Lau Siu-ming.

